// Disable Keys of actual table (after page-refresh: again!) // to speed up restoring // but only if the table should be restored and if it already exists $existingTables = $dbo->getTables($config['db_actual']); $actualTable = $restore['actual_table']; if (in_array($actualTable, $existingTables)) { if ($restore['tables_to_restore']) { if (in_array($actualTable, $restore['tables_to_restore'])) { Sql::disableKeys($dbo, $restore['actual_table']); } } elseif ($actualTable > '' && $actualTable != 'unbekannt') { Sql::disableKeys($dbo, $restore['actual_table']); } } while ($commandsFound < $restore['speed'] && $timeElapsed < $restore['max_zeit'] && !$restore['fileEOF'] && !$restore['EOB']) { $sqlCommand = getQueryFromFile(); $commandsFound++; if ($sqlCommand > '') { //$log->write(Log::PHP, $sqlCommand); try { $res = $dbo->query($sqlCommand, MsdDbFactory::SIMPLE); // get nr of affected rows $command = strtoupper(substr($sqlCommand, 0, 7)); if ($command == 'INSERT ' || $command == 'REPLACE') { $rowsAffected = $dbo->getAffectedRows(); $restore['records_inserted'] += $rowsAffected; if (!isset($restore['records_inserted_table'][$restore['actual_table']])) { $restore['records_inserted_table'][$restore['actual_table']] = 0; } $restore['records_inserted_table'][$restore['actual_table']] += $rowsAffected; }
$restore['page_refreshs'] = 0; $restore['table_ready'] = 0; $restore['errors'] = 0; $restore['notices'] = 0; $restore['actual_fieldcount'] = 0; $restore['records_inserted'] = 0; $restore['records_inserted_table'] = array(); $restore['extended_inserts'] = 0; $restore['extended_insert_flag'] = -1; $restore['last_parser_status'] = 0; $restore['EOB'] = false; $restore['fileEOF'] = false; $restore['tables_to_restore'] = false; // restore complete file do { $query = getQueryFromFile(false); if (!is_array($query)) { $queries[] = $query; } else { // error in Query $error[] = $query[1]; break; } } while (!$restore['fileEOF']); // close and remove temp file after the job is done fclose($restore['filehandle']); @unlink($config['paths']['backup'] . $fileName); if (isset($_POST['tablecombo']) && $_POST['tablecombo'] > '') { $sql['sql_statements'] = $_POST['tablecombo']; $tablename = extractTablenameFromSQL($sql['sql_statements']); }