/** * MW Hook used to redirect to page creation (pushfeed, pullfeed, changeset), * to forms or to push/pull action testing the action param * * @since 1.1 * * @param string $action * @param Article $article * * @return true */ public function onUnknownAction($action, Article $article) { global $wgOut, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath, $wgUser, $wgScriptExtension, $wgDSMWIP; $urlServer = 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath . "/index{$wgScriptExtension}"; $urlAjax = 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath; ///////// / pull form page//////// if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'addpullpage') { wfDebugLog('p2p', 'addPullPage '); $newtext = "Add a new site:\n\t<div id='dsmw' style=\"color:green;\"></div>\n\n\t{{#form:action=" . $urlServer . "?action=pullpage|method=POST|\n\t\tPushFeed Url: {{#input:type=button|value=Url test|onClick=\n\t\tvar url = document.getElementsByName('url')[0].value;\n\t\tif(url.indexOf('PushFeed')==-1){\n\t\t\talert('No valid PushFeed syntax, see example.');\n\t\t}else{\n\t\t\tvar urlTmp = url.substring( 0, url.indexOf( 'PushFeed' ) );\n\t\t\t//alert(urlTmp);\n\n\t\t\tvar pos1 = urlTmp.indexOf( 'index.php' );\n\t\t\t//alert( pos1 );\n\t\t\tvar pushUrl='';\n\t\t\tif( pos1 != -1 ){\n\t\t\t\tpushUrl = urlTmp.substring(0,pos1);\n\t\t\t\t//alert('if');\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tpushUrl = urlTmp;\n\t\t\t\t//alert('else');\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t//alert(pushUrl);\n\n\t\t\t//alert(pushUrl+'api.php?action=query&meta=patch&papatchId=1&format=xml');\n\t\t\tvar xhr_object = null;\n\n\t\t\tif( window.XMLHttpRequest ) { // Firefox\n\t\t\t\txhr_object = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\t\t\t}else if( window.ActiveXObject ) { // Internet Explorer\n\t\t\t\txhr_object = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\talert('Votre navigateur ne supporte pas les objets XMLHTTPRequest...');\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\txhr_object.open('GET', '" . $urlAjax . "/extensions/DSMW/files/ajax.php?url='+escape(pushUrl+'api.php?action=query&meta=patch&papatchId=1&format=xml'), true);\n\t\t\t} catch( e ) {\n\t\t\t\t//alert('There is no DSMW Server responding at this URL');\n\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('dsmw').innerHTML = 'There is no DSMW Server responding at this URL!';\n\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('dsmw').style.color = 'red';\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\txhr_object.onreadystatechange = function() {\n\n\t\t\tif( xhr_object.readyState == 4 ) {\n\t\t\t\tif( xhr_object.statusText=='OK' ){\n\t\t\t\t\tif( xhr_object.responseText == 'true' ){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//alert('URL valid, there is a DSMW Server responding');\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('dsmw').innerHTML = 'URL valid, there is a DSMW Server responding!';\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('dsmw').style.color = 'green';\n\t\t\t\t\t} else{ //alert('There is no DSMW Server responding at this URL');\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('dsmw').innerHTML = 'There is no DSMW Server responding at this URL!';\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('dsmw').style.color = 'red';\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t} else{\n\t\t\t\t\t//alert('There is no DSMW Server responding at this URL');\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('dsmw').innerHTML = 'There is no DSMW Server responding at this URL!';\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('dsmw').style.color = 'red';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\txhr_object.send(null);\n\t}\n\t}}<br> {{#input:type=text|name=url|size=50}} <b>e.g. http://server/path/index.php?title=PushFeed:PushName</b><br>\n\tPullFeed Name: <br> {{#input:type=text|name=pullname}}<br>\n\t{{#input:type=submit|value=ADD}}\n\t}}"; $article->doEdit($newtext, $summary = ""); $wgOut->redirect($article->getTitle()->getFullURL()); return false; } elseif (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'addpushpage') { wfDebugLog('p2p', 'addPushPage'); $specialAsk = $urlServer . '?title=Special:Ask'; $newtext = "Add a new pushfeed:\n\n\t{{#form:action=" . $urlServer . "?action=pushpage|method=POST|\n\tPushFeed Name: <br> {{#input:class=test|name=name|type=text|onKeyUp=test('{$urlServer}');}}<div style=\"display:inline; \" id=\"state\" ></div><br />\n\tRequest: {{#input:type=button|value=Test your query|title=click here to test your query results|onClick=\n\tvar query = document.getElementsByName('keyword')[0].value;\n\tvar query1 = encodeURI(query);\n\twindow.open('" . $specialAsk . "&q='+query1+'&eq=yes&p%5Bformat%5D=broadtable','querywindow','menubar=no, status=no, scrollbars=yes, menubar=no, width=1000, height=900');}}\n\t <br>{{#input:type=textarea|cols=30 | style=width:auto |rows=2|name=keyword}} <b>e.g. [[Category:city]][[locatedIn::France]]</b><br>\n\t{{#input:type=submit|value=ADD}}\n\t}}"; $article->doEdit($newtext, $summary = ""); $wgOut->redirect($article->getTitle()->getFullURL()); return false; } elseif (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'pushpage') { // $url = $_POST['url'];//pas url mais changesetId wfDebugLog('p2p', 'Create new push ' . $_POST['name'] . ' with ' . $_POST['keyword']); $name = $_POST['name']; $request = $_POST['keyword']; $stringReq = utils::encodeRequest($request); // avoid "semantic injection" :)) // addPushSite($url, $name, $request); $newtext = "\n[[Special:ArticleAdminPage|DSMW Admin functions]]\n\n==Features==\n[[name::PushFeed:" . $name . "| ]]\n'''Semantic query:''' [[hasSemanticQuery::" . $stringReq . "| ]]<nowiki>" . $request . "</nowiki>\n\n'''Pages concerned:'''\n{{#ask: " . $request . "}}\n[[deleted::false| ]]\n\n==Actions==\n\n{{#input:type=ajax|value=PUSH|onClick=pushpull('" . $urlServer . "','PushFeed:" . $name . "', 'onpush');}}\nThe \"PUSH\" action publishes the (unpublished) modifications of the articles listed above.\n\n== PUSH Progress : ==\n<div id=\"state\" ></div><br />\n"; wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> push page contains : ' . $newtext); $title = Title::newFromText($_POST['name'], PUSHFEED); $article = new Article($title); $edit = $article->doEdit($newtext, $summary = ""); $wgOut->redirect($title->getFullURL()); return false; } elseif (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'onpush') { /* In case we push directly from an article page */ if (isset($_POST['page']) && isset($_POST['request'])) { $articlename = Title::newFromText($_POST['name']); if (!$articlename->exists()) { $result = utils::createPushFeed($_POST['name'], $_POST['request']); utils::writeAndFlush("Create push <A HREF=" . 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath . "/index.php?title=" . $_POST['name'] . ">" . $_POST['name'] . "</a>"); if ($result == false) { throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': no Pushfeed created in utils:: createPushFeed: ' . 'name: ' . $_POST['name'] . ' request' . $_POST['request']); } } } wfDebugLog('p2p', 'push on '); $patches = array(); $tmpPatches = array(); if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $name1 = $_POST['name']; if (!is_array($name1)) { $name1 = array($name1); } foreach ($name1 as $push) { wfDebugLog('p2p', ' - ' . $push); } } else { $name1 = ''; } if ($name1 == '') { utils::writeAndFlush('<p><b>No pushfeed selected!</b></p>'); $title = Title::newFromText('Special:ArticleAdminPage'); $wgOut->redirect($title->getFullURL()); return false; } // $name = $name1[0]; utils::writeAndFlush('<p><b>Start push </b></p>'); foreach ($name1 as $name) { utils::writeAndFlush("<span style=\"margin-left:30px;\">begin push: <A HREF=" . 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath . "/index.php?title={$name}>" . $name . "</a></span> <br/>"); $patches = array(); // / / for each pushfeed name==> push wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> pushname ' . $name); // $name = $_GET['name'];//PushFeed name $request = getPushFeedRequest($name); // $previousCSID = getPreviousCSID($name); $previousCSID = getHasPushHead($name); if ($previousCSID == false) { $previousCSID = "none"; // $CSID = $name."_0"; } // else{ // $count = explode(" ", $previousCSID); // $cnt = $count[1] + 1; // $CSID = $name."_".$cnt; // } wfDebugLog('p2p', ' ->pushrequest ' . $request); wfDebugLog('p2p', ' ->pushHead : ' . $previousCSID); $CSID = utils::generateID(); // changesetID if ($request == false) { $outtext = '<p><b>No semantic request found!</b></p> <a href="' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '">back</a>'; $wgOut->addHTML($outtext); return false; } $pages = getRequestedPages($request); // ce sont des pages et non des patches foreach ($pages as $page) { wfDebugLog('p2p', ' ->requested page ' . $page); $page = str_replace('"', '', $page); $request1 = '[[Patch:+]][[onPage::' . $page . ']]'; $tmpPatches = utils::orderPatchByPrevious($page); if (!is_array($tmpPatches)) { throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': $tmpPatches is not an array'); } $patches = array_merge($patches, $tmpPatches); wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> ' . count($tmpPatches) . 'patchs were found for the page ' . $page); } wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> ' . count($patches) . ' patchs were found for the pushfeed ' . $name); $published = getPublishedPatches($name); $unpublished = array_diff($patches, $published); /* unpublished = patches-published */ wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> ' . count($published) . ' patchs were published for the pushfeed ' . $name . ' and ' . count($unpublished) . ' unpublished patchs'); if (empty($unpublished)) { wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> no unpublished patch'); utils::writeAndFlush("<span style=\"margin-left:60px;\">no unpublished patch</span><br/>"); // return false; //If there is no unpublished patch } else { utils::writeAndFlush("<span style=\"margin-left:60px;\">" . count($unpublished) . " unpublished patch</span><br/>"); $pos = strrpos($CSID, ":"); // NS removing if ($pos === false) { // not found... $articleName = $CSID; $CSID = "ChangeSet:" . $articleName; } else { $articleName = substr($CSID, 0, $pos + 1); $CSID = "ChangeSet:" . $articleName; } $newtext = "\n[[Special:ArticleAdminPage|DSMW Admin functions]]\n\n==Features==\n[[changeSetID::" . $CSID . "| ]]\n\n'''Date:''' " . date(DATE_RFC822) . "\n\n'''User:''' " . $wgUser->getName() . "\n\nThis ChangeSet is in : [[inPushFeed::" . $name . "]]<br>\n==Published patches==\n\n{| class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\" style=\"text-align:left; width:30%;\"\n|-\n!bgcolor=#c0e8f0 scope=col | Patch\n|-\n"; // wfDebugLog('p2p',' -> count unpublished patch '.count($unpublished)); foreach ($unpublished as $patch) { wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> unpublished patch ' . $patch); $newtext .= "|[[hasPatch::" . $patch . "]]\n\t|-\n\t"; } $newtext .= "\n\t|}"; $newtext .= "\n==Previous ChangeSet==\n[[previousChangeSet::" . $previousCSID . "]]\n"; $update = updatePushFeed($name, $CSID); if ($update == true) { // update the "hasPushHead" value successful $title = Title::newFromText($articleName, CHANGESET); $article = new Article($title); $article->doEdit($newtext, $summary = ""); } else { $outtext = '<p><b>PushFeed has not been updated!</b></p>'; $wgOut->addHTML($outtext); } } } // end foreach pushfeed list utils::writeAndFlush('<p><b>End push</b></p>'); $title = Title::newFromText('Special:ArticleAdminPage'); $wgOut->redirect($title->getFullURL()); return false; } elseif (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'pullpage') { // wfDebugLog('p2p','Create pull '.$_POST['pullname'].' with pushName '.$_POST['pushname'].' on '.$_POST['url']); // $url = rtrim($_POST['url'], "/"); //removes the final "/" if there is one $urlTmp = $_POST['url']; if (utils::isValidURL($urlTmp) == false) { // throws an exception if $url is invalid throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $urlTmp . ' seems not to be an url'); } $res = utils::parsePushURL($urlTmp); if ($res === false || empty($res)) { throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': URL format problem'); } $pushname = $res[0]; $url = $res[1]; // $pushname = $_POST['pushname']; $pullname = $_POST['pullname']; $newtext = "\n[[Special:ArticleAdminPage|DSMW Admin functions]]\n\n==Features==\n\n[[name::PullFeed:" . $pullname . "| ]]\n'''URL of the DSMW PushServer:''' [[pushFeedServer::" . $url . "]]<br>\n'''PushFeed name:''' [[pushFeedName::PushFeed:" . $pushname . "]]\n[[deleted::false| ]]\n\n==Actions==\n\n{{#input:type=ajax|value=PULL|onClick=pushpull('" . $urlServer . "','PullFeed:" . $pullname . "','onpull');}}\n\nThe \"PULL\" action gets the modifications published in the PushFeed of the PushFeedServer above.\n\n== PULL Progress : ==\n<div id=\"state\" ></div><br />\n"; $title = Title::newFromText($pullname, PULLFEED); $article = new Article($title); $article->doEdit($newtext, $summary = ""); $wgOut->redirect($title->getFullURL()); return false; } elseif (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'onpull') { if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $name1 = $_POST['name']; wfDebugLog('p2p', 'pull on '); if (!is_array($name1)) { $name1 = array($name1); } } else { $name1 = ''; } if ($name1 == '') { utils::writeAndFlush('<p><b>No pullfeed selected!</b></p> '); $title = Title::newFromText('Special:ArticleAdminPage'); $article = new Article($title); $article->doEdit('', $summary = ""); $wgOut->redirect($title->getFullURL()); return false; } // $name = $name1[0];//with NS utils::writeAndFlush('<p><b>Start pull</b></p>'); foreach ($name1 as $name) { // for each pullfeed name==> pull utils::writeAndFlush("<span style=\"margin-left:30px;\">begin pull: <A HREF=" . 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath . "/index.php?title={$name}>" . $name . "</a></span> <br/>"); wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> pull : ' . $name); // $previousCSID = getPreviousPulledCSID($name); // if($previousCSID==false) { // $previousCSID = "none"; // } $previousCSID = getHasPullHead($name); if ($previousCSID == false) { $previousCSID = "none"; } wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> pullHead : ' . $previousCSID); $relatedPushServer = getPushURL($name); if (is_null($relatedPushServer)) { throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': no relatedPushServer url'); } $namePush = getPushName($name); $namePush = str_replace(' ', '_', $namePush); wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> pushServer : ' . $relatedPushServer); wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> pushName : ' . $namePush); if (is_null($namePush)) { throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': no PushName'); } // split NS and name preg_match("/^(.+?)_*:_*(.*)\$/S", $namePush, $m); $nameWithoutNS = $m[2]; // $url = $relatedPushServer.'/api.php?action=query&meta=changeSet&cspushName='.$nameWithoutNS.'&cschangeSet='.$previousCSID.'&format=xml'; // $url = $relatedPushServer."/api{$wgScriptExtension}?action=query&meta=changeSet&cspushName=".$nameWithoutNS.'&cschangeSet='.$previousCSID.'&format=xml'; wfDebugLog('testlog', ' -> request ChangeSet : ' . $relatedPushServer . '/api.php?action=query&meta=changeSet&cspushName=' . $nameWithoutNS . '&cschangeSet=' . $previousCSID . '&format=xml'); $cs = utils::file_get_contents_curl(utils::lcfirst($relatedPushServer) . "/api.php?action=query&meta=changeSet&cspushName=" . $nameWithoutNS . '&cschangeSet=' . $previousCSID . '&format=xml'); /* test if it is a xml file. If not, the server is not reachable via the url * Then we try to reach it with the .php5 extension */ if (strpos($cs, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>") === false) { $cs = utils::file_get_contents_curl(utils::lcfirst($relatedPushServer) . "/api.php5?action=query&meta=changeSet&cspushName=" . $nameWithoutNS . '&cschangeSet=' . $previousCSID . '&format=xml'); } if (strpos($cs, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>") === false) { $cs = false; } if ($cs === false) { throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': Cannot connect to Push Server (ChangeSet API)'); } $cs = trim($cs); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML($cs); $changeSet = $dom->getElementsByTagName('changeSet'); $CSID = null; foreach ($changeSet as $cs) { if ($cs->hasAttribute("id")) { $CSID = $cs->getAttribute('id'); $csName = $CSID; } } wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> changeSet found ' . $CSID); while ($CSID != null) { // if(!utils::pageExist($CSID)) { $listPatch = null; $patchs = $dom->getElementsByTagName('patch'); foreach ($patchs as $p) { wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> patch ' . $p->firstChild->nodeValue); $listPatch[] = $p->firstChild->nodeValue; } // $CSID = substr($CSID,strlen('changeSet:')); utils::createChangeSetPull($CSID, $name, $previousCSID, $listPatch); integrate($CSID, $listPatch, $relatedPushServer, $csName); updatePullFeed($name, $CSID); // } $previousCSID = $CSID; wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> request ChangeSet : ' . $relatedPushServer . '/api.php?action=query&meta=changeSet&cspushName=' . $nameWithoutNS . '&cschangeSet=' . $previousCSID . '&format=xml'); $cs = utils::file_get_contents_curl(utils::lcfirst($relatedPushServer) . "/api.php?action=query&meta=changeSet&cspushName=" . $nameWithoutNS . '&cschangeSet=' . $previousCSID . '&format=xml'); /* test if it is a xml file. If not, the server is not reachable via the url * Then we try to reach it with the .php5 extension */ if (strpos($cs, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>") === false) { $cs = utils::file_get_contents_curl(utils::lcfirst($relatedPushServer) . "/api.php5?action=query&meta=changeSet&cspushName=" . $nameWithoutNS . '&cschangeSet=' . $previousCSID . '&format=xml'); } if (strpos($cs, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>") === false) { $cs = false; } if ($cs === false) { throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': Cannot connect to Push Server (ChangeSet API)'); } $cs = trim($cs); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML($cs); $changeSet = $dom->getElementsByTagName('changeSet'); $CSID = null; foreach ($changeSet as $cs) { if ($cs->hasAttribute("id")) { $CSID = $cs->getAttribute('id'); } } wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> changeSet found ' . $CSID); } if (is_null($csName)) { wfDebugLog('p2p', ' - redirect to Special:ArticleAdminPage'); utils::writeAndFlush("<span style=\"margin-left:60px;\">no new patch</span><br/>"); } else { wfDebugLog('p2p', ' - redirect to ChangeSet:' . $csName); } } // end foreach list pullfeed utils::writeAndFlush('<p><b>End pull</b></p>'); $title = Title::newFromText('Special:ArticleAdminPage'); $wgOut->redirect($title->getFullURL()); return false; } else { return true; } }
print getHomeURL(); ?> ">Home</a> | <a href="<?php print getGlobalHistoryURL(); ?> ">History</a> <?php if ($GIT_REMOTE != "") { ?> | <a href="<?php print getPullURL(); ?> ">pull</a> | <a href="<?php print getPushURL(); ?> ">push</a> <?php } ?> <?php if (getUser() != "") { ?> | Logged in as <?php print getUser(); } ?> </p> </div>
/** * Executed the user opens the DSMW administration special page * Calculates the PushFeed list and the pullfeed list (and everything that * is displayed on the psecial page * * @global <Object> $wgOut Output page instance * @global <String> $wgServerName * @global <String> $wgScriptPath * @return <bool> */ public function execute() { global $wgOut, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath, $wgScriptExtension, $wgUser; if (!$this->userCanExecute($wgUser)) { // If the user is not authorized, show an error. $this->displayRestrictionError(); return; } $url = 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath . "/index{$wgScriptExtension}"; $urlServer = 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath; // $wgOut->addHeadItem('script', ArticleAdminPage::javascript()); $script1 = '<SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function pushFeedDel(){ for (var i=0; i < document.getElementsByName("push[]").length; i++) { if (document.getElementsByName("push[]")[i].checked) { //alert(document.getElementsByName("push[]")[i].value); var feed = document.getElementsByName("push[]")[i].value; window.location.href = "' . $url . '/Special:ArticleAdminPage?FeedDel=true&feed="+feed; } } } function pullFeedDel(){ for (var i=0; i < document.getElementsByName("pull[]").length; i++) { if (document.getElementsByName("pull[]")[i].checked) { // alert(document.getElementsByName("pull[]")[i].value); var feed = document.getElementsByName("pull[]")[i].value; window.location.href = "' . $url . '/Special:ArticleAdminPage?FeedDel=true&feed="+feed; } } } function displayRemotePatch(test){ //alert(test); if(test==true){ window.location.href = "' . $url . '/Special:ArticleAdminPage?display=true"; }else{ window.location.href = "' . $url . '/Special:ArticleAdminPage"; } } </SCRIPT>'; $wgOut->addScript($script1); /// Special:ArticleAdminPage?FeedDel=true&feed=document.getElementsByName("push[]")[i].value if (isset($_GET['FeedDel'])) { $this->deleteFeed($_GET['feed']); } $wgOut->setPagetitle("DSMW Administration"); // Set the limit of rows returned $page_limit = 30; $i = 0; $db =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $style = ' style="border-bottom: 2px solid #000;"'; $tableStyle = ' style=" clear:both; float: left; margin-left: 40px; margin-top: 20px"'; $output = ""; ///////////// PULLFEEDS TABLE////////////////////////// $i = 0; $req = "[[PullFeed:+]][[deleted::false]]"; $pullFeeds = $this->getRequestedPages($req); $output .= ' <FORM name="formPull"> <table' . $tableStyle . ' > <a href="javascript:displayRemotePatch(true);">[Display]</a><a href="javascript:displayRemotePatch(false);">[Hide]</a> remote patches <tr bgcolor=#c0e8f0>'; if (isset($_GET['display'])) { $output .= ' <th colspan="5"' . $style . '>PULL: <a href=' . $url . '?title=administration_pull_site_addition&action=addpullpage>[Add]</a>'; } else { $output .= ' <th colspan="4"' . $style . '>PULL: <a href=' . $url . '?title=administration_pull_site_addition&action=addpullpage>[Add]</a>'; } if ($pullFeeds != false) { $output .= '<a href="javascript:pullFeedDel();">[Remove]</a> <input type="button" value="PULL" onClick="allpull(\'' . $url . '\');"></input></th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2" >Site</th> <th >Pages</th>'; if (isset($_GET['display'])) { $output .= ' <th>Remote <br>Patches</th>'; } $output .= ' <th >Local <br>Patches</th> </tr> '; foreach ($pullFeeds as $pullFeed) { $i = $i + 1; $pullFeed = str_replace(' ', '_', $pullFeed); // count the number of local page concerned by the current pullFeed $tabPage = utils::getPageConcernedByPull($pullFeed); // if connection failed if ($tabPage === false) { $pageConcerned = "-"; } else { $pageConcerned = count($tabPage); } if (isset($_GET['display'])) { // count the number of remote patch concerned by the current pullFeed $pushServer = getPushURL($pullFeed); $pushName = getPushName($pullFeed); $published = utils::getPublishedPatchs($pushServer, $pushName); // if connection failed if ($published === false) { $countRemotePatch = "-"; } else { $countRemotePatch = count($published); } } // count the number of local patch concerned by the current pullFeed $results = array(); $pulledCS = utils::getSemanticQuery('[[ChangeSet:+]][[inPullFeed::' . $pullFeed . ']]', '?hasPatch'); if ($pulledCS === false) { $countPulledPatch = "-"; } else { $count = $pulledCS->getCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $row = $pulledCS->getNext(); if ($row === false) { break; } $row = $row[1]; $col = $row->getContent(); // SMWResultArray object foreach ($col as $object) { // SMWDataValue object $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue(); $results[] = $wikiValue; } } $countPulledPatch = count($results); } $pullFeedLink = str_replace(' ', '_', $pullFeed); $output .= ' <tr> <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" id="' . $i . '" name="pull[]" value="' . $pullFeed . '" /></td> <td ><a href=' . $url . '?title=' . $pullFeedLink . '>' . $pullFeed . '</a></td> <td align="center" title="Number of locally concerned pages">[' . $pageConcerned . ']</td>'; if (isset($_GET['display'])) { $output .= ' <td align="center" title="Published patches">[' . $countRemotePatch . ']</td>'; } $output .= ' <td align="center" title="Local patches">[' . $countPulledPatch . ']</td> </tr>'; } } $output .= ' </table> </FORM>'; ///////////// PUSHFEEDS TABLE////////////////////////// $i = 0; $req = "[[PushFeed:+]][[deleted::false]]"; $pushFeeds = $this->getRequestedPages($req); $output .= ' <FORM name="formPush"> <table' . $tableStyle . ' > <tr bgcolor=#c0e8f0> <th colspan="6"' . $style . '>PUSH: <a href=' . $url . '?title=administration_push_site_addition&action=addpushpage>[Add]</a>'; if ($pushFeeds != false) { $output .= ' <a href="javascript:pushFeedDel();">[Remove]</a> <input type="button" value="PUSH" onClick="allpush(\'' . $url . '\');"></input></th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2" >Site</th> <th >Pages</th> <th>All patches</th> <th>Published <br>Patches</th> <th >Unpublished <br>Patches</th> </tr> '; foreach ($pushFeeds as $pushFeed) { $i = $i + 1; $pushName = str_replace(' ', '_', $pushFeed); // count the number of page concerned by the current pushFeed $request = getPushFeedRequest($pushName); $results1 = array(); $tabPage = utils::getSemanticQuery($request); // if connection failed if ($tabPage === false) { $countConcernedPage = "-"; $countPatchs = "-"; } else { $count = $tabPage->getCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $row = $tabPage->getNext(); if ($row === false) { break; } $row = $row[0]; $col = $row->getContent(); // SMWResultArray object foreach ($col as $object) { // SMWDataValue object $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue(); $results1[] = $wikiValue; } } $countConcernedPage = count($results1); // count the number of patchs from the page concerned $countPatchs = 0; foreach ($results1 as $page) { $results = array(); $patchs = utils::getSemanticQuery('[[Patch:+]][[onPage::' . $page . ']]', '?patchID'); $count = $patchs->getCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $row = $patchs->getNext(); if ($row === false) { break; } $row = $row[0]; $col = $row->getContent(); // SMWResultArray object foreach ($col as $object) { // SMWDataValue object $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue(); $results[] = $wikiValue; } } $countPatchs += count($results); } } // count the number of patchs published by the current pushFeed $published = utils::getPublishedPatchs($urlServer, $pushName); if ($published === false) { $countPublished = "-"; } else { $countPublished = count($published); } // count the number of patchs unpublished if ($results1 === false || $published === false) { $countUnpublished = "-"; } else { $countUnpublished = $countPatchs - $countPublished; } $pushFeedLink = str_replace(' ', '_', $pushFeed); $output .= ' <tr> <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" id="' . $i . '" name="push[]" value="' . $pushFeed . '" /></td> <td ><a href=' . $url . '?title=' . $pushFeedLink . '>' . $pushFeed . '</a></td> <td align="center" title="Number of concerned pages">[' . $countConcernedPage . ']</td> <td align="center" title="Sum of all the patches">[' . $countPatchs . ']</td> <td align="center" title="Published patches">[' . $countPublished . ']</td> <td align="center" title="Unpublished patches">[' . $countUnpublished . ']</td> </tr>'; } } $output .= ' </table> </FORM> <div id="pullstatus" style="display: none; width: 100%; clear: both;" > <a name="PULL_Progress_:" id="PULL_Progress_:"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline"> PULL Progress : </span></h2> <div id="statepull" ></div><br /> </div> <div id="pushstatus" style="display: none; width: 100%; clear: both;" > <a name="PUSH_Progress_:" id="PUSH_Progress_:"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline"> PUSH Progress : </span></h2> <div id="statepush" ></div><br /> </div> '; $wgOut->addHTML($output); return false; }
/** * $action=admin is generated when the administration tab is clicked * Calculates every that is displayed on this page (cf user manual) * * @global <Object> $wgOut output page instance * @global <Object> $wgCachePages * @global <String> $wgServerName * @global <String> $wgScriptPath * @param <String> $action * @param <Object> $article * @return <bool> */ function onUnknownAction($action, $article) { global $wgOut, $wgCachePages, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath, $wgScriptExtension; $urlServer = 'http://' . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath; $wgCachePages = false; //Verify that the action coming in is "admin" if ($action == "admin") { wfDebugLog('p2p', 'Admin page'); if ($article->mTitle->getNamespace() == 0) { $title = $article->mTitle->getText(); } else { $title = $article->mTitle->getNsText() . ':' . $article->mTitle->getText(); } wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> title : ' . $title); $wgOut->setPagetitle('DSMW on ' . $title); //part list of patch $patchs = utils::orderPatchByPrevious($title); $wgOut->addWikiText('[[Special:ArticleAdminPage|DSMW Admin functions]] ==Features=='); $output = '<div style="width:60%;height:40%;overflow:auto;"> <table style="border-bottom: 2px solid #000;"> <caption><b>List of patchs</b></caption>'; //color the remote patch of the current page foreach ($patchs as $patch) { wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> patchId : ' . $patch); if (!utils::isRemote($patch)) { wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> remote patch'); $output .= '<tr BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC"><td>' . wfTimestamp(TS_RFC2822, $article->getTimestamp()) . ' : </td>'; // $output .= '<tr><td BGCOLOR="#33CC00"><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?title='.$patch.'">'.$patch.'</a></td>'; } else { wfDebugLog('p2p', ' -> local patch'); $output .= '<tr><td>' . wfTimestamp(TS_RFC2822, $article->getTimestamp()) . ' : </td>'; //$output .= '<tr><td><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?title='.$patch.'">'.$patch.'</a></td>'; } //count the number of delete and insert operations into the patch $results = array(); $op = utils::getSemanticQuery('[[Patch:+]][[patchID::' . $patch . ']]', '?hasOperation'); $count = $op->getCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $row = $op->getNext(); if ($row === false) { break; } $row = $row[1]; $col = $row->getContent(); //SMWResultArray object foreach ($col as $object) { //SMWDataValue object $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue(); $results[] = $wikiValue; } } $countOp = utils::countOperation($results); //old code passed $op parameter $output .= '<td>' . $countOp['insert'] . ' insert, ' . $countOp['delete'] . ' delete</td>'; $output .= '<td>(<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?title=' . $patch . '">' . $patch . '</a>)</td></tr>'; /*$titlePatch = Title::newFromText( $patch,PATCH ); $article = new Article( $title );*/ } $output .= '</table></div>'; //list of push $pushs = array(); $res = utils::getSemanticQuery('[[ChangeSet:+]][[hasPatch::' . $patchs[0] . ']][[inPushFeed::+]]', '?inPushFeed'); $count = $res->getCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $row = $res->getNext(); if ($row === false) { break; } $row = $row[1]; $col = $row->getContent(); //SMWResultArray object foreach ($col as $object) { //SMWDataValue object $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue(); $pushs[] = $wikiValue; } } if (!empty($pushs)) { $output .= '<br><div style="width:60%;height:40%;overflow:auto;"><table style="border-bottom: 2px solid #000;"><caption><b>List of pushs</b></caption>'; foreach ($pushs as $push) { $pushName = $push; $output .= '<tr><td align="right" width="50%"><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?title=' . $pushName . '">' . $pushName . '</a> : </td>'; //count the number of published patchs by the current pushFeed for the current page $published = utils::getPublishedPatchs($urlServer, $pushName, $title); //$publishedInPush = utils::getSemanticRequest('http://'.$wgServerName.$wgScriptPath, '', $param); //count the number of unpublished patchs $unpublished = array_diff($patchs, $published); if (!is_null($unpublished) && count($unpublished) > 0) { $output .= '<td align="left" width="50%">' . count($unpublished) . ' unpublished patchs on ' . count($patchs) . ' </td></tr>'; } else { $output .= '<td align="left" width="50%"> all ' . $title . "'" . 'patchs are pushed </td></tr>'; } } $output .= '</table></div>'; } //end if empty $pushs //part list of pull $pulls = array(); $res = utils::getSemanticQuery('[[ChangeSet:+]][[hasPatch::' . $patchs[0] . ']][[inPullFeed::+]]', '?inPullFeed'); $count = $res->getCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $row = $res->getNext(); if ($row === false) { break; } $row = $row[1]; $col = $row->getContent(); //SMWResultArray object foreach ($col as $object) { //SMWDataValue object $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue(); $pulls[] = $wikiValue; } } if (!empty($pulls)) { $output .= '<br><div style="width:60%;height:40%;overflow:auto;"><table style="border-bottom: 2px solid #000;"><caption><b>List of pull</b></caption>'; foreach ($pulls as $pull) { $pullName = $pull; $pushServer = getPushURL($pullName); $pushName = getPushName($pullName); $output .= '<tr><td align="right" width="50%"><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?title=' . $pullName . '">' . $pullName . '</a> : </td>'; $pulledPatch = utils::getPulledPatches($pullName); $patchs = array(); foreach ($pulledPatch as $patch) { $onPage = array(); $res = utils::getSemanticQuery('[[Patch:+]][[patchID::' . $patch . ']]', '?onPage'); $count = $res->getCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $row = $res->getNext(); if ($row === false) { break; } $row = $row[1]; $col = $row->getContent(); //SMWResultArray object foreach ($col as $object) { //SMWDataValue object $wikiValue = $object->getWikiValue(); $onPage[] = $wikiValue; } } if ($onPage[0] == $title) { $patchs[] = $patch; } } $published = utils::getPublishedPatchs($pushServer, $pushName, $title); if (!is_null($published)) { $unpublished = array_diff($patchs, $published); $t = count($published); $t = count($patchs); $count = count($published) - count($patchs); $output .= '<td align="left" width="50%"> ' . $count . ' unpulled patchs </td></tr>'; } else { $output .= '<td align="left" width="50%"> up to date </td></tr>'; } } $output .= '</table></div>'; } //end if empty $pulls //part push page $url = "http://" . $wgServerName . $wgScriptPath . "/index{$wgScriptExtension}"; $output .= ' <h2>Actions</h2> <div><FORM name="formPush"> <table > <tr><td> <input type="button" value="PUSH" onClick="pushpage(\'' . $url . '\',\'' . $title . '\');"></input></td></tr></table></form></div> This [Push page : "' . $title . '"] action will create a PushFeed and publish the modifications of the "' . $title . '" article <div id="pushstatus" style="display: none; width: 100%; clear: both;" > <a name="PUSH_Progress_:" id="PUSH_Progress_:"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline"> PUSH Progress : </span></h2> <div id="statepush" ></div><br /> </div> '; $wgOut->addHTML($output); return false; } else { return true; } }