$return_action = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['return_action']);
} else {
    $return_action = 'ListProfiles';
//Retreiving the vtiger_tabs permission array
$tab_perr_result = $adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_profile2tab where profileid=?", array($profileid));
$act_perr_result = $adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_profile2standardpermissions where profileid=?", array($profileid));
$act_utility_result = $adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_profile2utility where profileid=?", array($profileid));
$num_tab_per = $adb->num_rows($tab_perr_result);
$num_act_per = $adb->num_rows($act_perr_result);
$num_act_util_per = $adb->num_rows($act_utility_result);
//Updating vtiger_profile2global permissons vtiger_table
$view_all_req = $_REQUEST['view_all'];
$view_all = getPermissionValue($view_all_req);
$edit_all_req = $_REQUEST['edit_all'];
$edit_all = getPermissionValue($edit_all_req);
$update_query = "update  vtiger_profile2globalpermissions set globalactionpermission=? where globalactionid=1 and profileid=?";
$adb->pquery($update_query, array($view_all, $profileid));
$update_query = "update  vtiger_profile2globalpermissions set globalactionpermission=? where globalactionid=2 and profileid=?";
$adb->pquery($update_query, array($edit_all, $profileid));
//profile2tab permissions
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tab_per; $i++) {
    $tab_id = $adb->query_result($tab_perr_result, $i, "tabid");
    $request_var = $tab_id . '_tab';
    if ($tab_id != 3 && $tab_id != 16) {
        $permission = $_REQUEST[$request_var];
        if ($permission == 'on') {
            $permission_value = 0;
        } else {
            $permission_value = 1;
Beispiel #2
require_once 'inc_security.php';
// khai báo biến
$left_control = '';
$right_control = '';
$footer_control = '';
$left_column = '';
$right_column = '';
$context_menu = '';
$cus_name = '';
$left_column_title = 'danh sách hóa đơn bán hàng';
$right_column_title = 'danh sách hóa đơn nhập hàng';
$setting_column = '';
$add_btn = 0;
$edit_btn = 0;
$trash_btn = getPermissionValue('trash');
$list_quantity = array();
// phần hiển thị khi mới truy cập vào trang hóa đơn
$left_control .= '<span class="info control-btn deactivate control-detail"><i class="fa fa-list-alt"></i> Chi tiết</span>';
$left_control .= list_admin_control_button($add_btn, $edit_btn, $trash_btn, 1);
// lấy ra tổng số hóa đơn bán trong bảng thùng rác (trash)
$sql = new db_query("SELECT * FROM trash WHERE tra_table = 'bill_in'");
$count = mysqli_num_rows($sql->result);
$left_control .= '<div class="control-table-listing top_right_control">
    <span class="control-btn deactivate control-bill-in"><i class="fa fa-print"></i> In HĐ</span>
    <span class="control-btn"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> Cài đặt</span>
    <span class="control-btn control-list-trash"><i class="fa fa-recycle"></i> Thùng rác (' . $count . ')</span>
$list = new dataGrid($id_field_i, 3000);
$list->add($id_field_i, 'Số HĐ', 'string', 1);
Beispiel #3
        <li data-cat="trash">
            <label class="section_name"><b><i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw"></i> Thùng rác (<?php 
echo $trash_count;
$left_column = ob_get_contents();
//Khối bên phải, hiển thị list user tương ứng
$right_control = list_admin_control_button($add_btn, $edit_btn, $trash_btn, 1);
//thêm các control khác
//control nhập hàng, yêu cầu quyền mới cho hiển thị
if (getPermissionValue('NHAP_HANG')) {
    $right_control .= '<div class="pull-left">
            <span class="control-btn" onclick="importProduct()"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> Nhập hàng</span>
//list kho hàng
$list_stores = array();
foreach (category_type('stores') as $store) {
    $list_stores[$store['cat_id']] = $store['cat_name'];
#Bắt đầu với datagrid
$list = new dataGrid($id_field, 3000, '#listing-product');
$list->add('pro_id', 'Mã hàng', 'string', 0, 1);
$list->add('pro_code', 'Mã có sẵn', 'string', 0, 1);
$list->add('pro_name', 'Tên hàng', 'string', 1, 1);
$list->add('pro_unit_id', 'Đơn vị tính');
Beispiel #4
$db_query = new db_query('SELECT *
                          FROM sections
                          LEFT JOIN service_desks ON sec_service_desk = sed_id
                          WHERE sed_agency_id = ' . $age_id);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($db_query->result)) {
    //select ra các bàn trong section này
    $db_desk = new db_query('SELECT * FROM desks WHERE des_sec_id = ' . $row['sec_id']);
    while ($row_desk = mysqli_fetch_assoc($db_desk->result)) {
        $row_desk['full_name'] = $row['sec_name'] . ' - ' . $row_desk['des_name'];
        //Nếu bàn này có trong list active thì thêm active vào
        $row_desk['active'] = in_array($row_desk['des_id'], $desk_active_id);
        $row['list_desk'][] = $row_desk;
    $row['count'] = isset($row['list_desk']) ? count($row['list_desk']) : 0;
    $list_desk[] = $row;
$rainTpl = new RainTPL();
add_more_css('css/custom.css', $load_header);
add_more_css('css/custom.css', $load_header, 'print');
$rainTpl->assign('load_header', $load_header);
$rainTpl->assign('module_name', $module_name);
$rainTpl->assign('error_msg', print_error_msg($bg_errorMsg));
$rainTpl->assign('permission_print_order', getPermissionValue('IN_CHE_BIEN'));
$rainTpl->assign('pay_type_cash', PAY_TYPE_CASH);
$rainTpl->assign('pay_type_card', PAY_TYPE_CARD);
$rainTpl->assign('listing_menu', $listing_menu);
$rainTpl->assign('restaurant_info', $restaurant_info);
$rainTpl->assign('list_desk', $list_desk);
$rainTpl->assign('list_menu_json', json_encode($list_category_menu));