public function drawRarity($canvas, $rarity, $set, $right, $middle, $height, $width, $whiteBorder, $fallback = true) { $image = null; if ($whiteBorder) { foreach ($this->setDB->getAbbrevs($set) as $abbrev) { list($image, $srcWidth, $srcHeight) = getPNG('images/preEighth/rarity/' . $abbrev . '_' . $rarity . '.png'); if ($image) { break; } list($image, $srcWidth, $srcHeight) = getGIF('images/preEighth/rarity/' . $abbrev . '_' . $rarity . '.gif'); if ($image) { break; } } } if (!$image && $fallback) { foreach ($this->setDB->getAbbrevs($set) as $abbrev) { list($image, $srcWidth, $srcHeight) = getPNG('images/eighth/rarity/' . $abbrev . '_' . $rarity . '.png'); if ($image) { break; } list($image, $srcWidth, $srcHeight) = getGIF('images/eighth/rarity/' . $abbrev . '_' . $rarity . '.gif'); if ($image) { break; } } } if ($image) { $destWidth = $srcWidth; $destHeight = $srcHeight; // Resize height, keeping width in proportion. if ($srcHeight > $height) { $destWidth = $height * ($srcWidth / $srcHeight); $destHeight = $height; } if ($width && $destWidth > $width) { $destWidth = $width; $destHeight = $width * ($srcHeight / $srcWidth); } imagecopyresampled($canvas, $image, $right - $destWidth, $middle - $destHeight / 2, 0, 0, $destWidth, $destHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); imagedestroy($image); $rarityLeft = $right - $destWidth - 5; } else { $rarityLeft = $right; } return $rarityLeft; }
public function render() { global $config; echo $this->card . '...'; $card = $this->card; $settings = $this->getSettings(); $frameDir = $this->getFrameDir($card->title, $card->set, $settings); $costColors = Card::getCostColors($card->cost); $useMulticolorFrame = strlen($costColors) > 1 && strpos($settings['card.multicolor.frames'], strval(strlen($costColors))) !== false || $card->isDualManaCost() && (strpos($settings['card.multicolor.frames'], strval(strlen($costColors))) !== false || strlen($costColors) == 2); switch ($frameDir) { case "timeshifted": $useMulticolorFrame = false; break; case "transform-day": $useMulticolorFrame = false; $pts = explode("|", $card->pt); $card->pt = $pts[0]; break; case "transform-night": $useMulticolorFrame = false; break; } $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor(736, 1050); // Art image. if ($card->isEldrazi() && $card->isArtefact()) { $this->drawArt($canvas, $card->artFileName, 0, 0, 1050, 736, !$config['art.keep.aspect.ratio']); } else { $this->drawArt($canvas, $card->artFileName, $settings[''], $settings['art.left'], $settings['art.bottom'], $settings['art.right'], !$config['art.keep.aspect.ratio']); } echo '.'; // Background image, border image, and grey title/type image. $borderImage = null; $greyTitleAndTypeOverlay = null; if ($card->isLand()) { // Land frame. $landColors = @$this->writer->titleToLandColors[strtolower($card->title)]; if ($settings['']) { switch (strtolower($card->title)) { case 'flooded strand': $landColors = 'WU'; break; case 'bloodstained mire': $landColors = 'BR'; break; case 'wooded foothills': $landColors = 'RG'; break; case 'polluted delta': $landColors = 'UB'; break; case 'windswept heath': $landColors = 'GW'; break; case 'flood plain': $landColors = 'WU'; break; case 'rocky tar pit': $landColors = 'BR'; break; case 'mountain valley': $landColors = 'RG'; break; case 'bad river': $landColors = 'UB'; break; case 'grasslands': $landColors = 'GW'; break; } } switch (strtolower($card->title)) { case 'arid mesa': $landColors = 'RW'; break; case 'marsh flats': $landColors = 'WB'; break; case 'misty rainforest': $landColors = 'GU'; break; case 'scalding tarn': $landColors = 'UR'; break; case 'verdant catacombs': $landColors = 'BG'; break; } if (!$landColors) { error('Land color missing for card: ' . $card->title); } if (strlen($landColors) > 1) { $useMulticolorLandFrame = strpos($settings[''], strval(strlen($landColors))) !== false; if (!$useMulticolorLandFrame) { $landColors = 'A'; } } $bgImage = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/land/{$landColors}.png"); if (!$bgImage) { error("Background image not found for land color \"{$landColors}\": " . $card->title); } // Grey title/type image. if (strlen($landColors) >= 2 && $settings['card.multicolor.grey.title.and.type']) { $greyTitleAndTypeOverlay = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/cards/C-overlay.png"); if (!$greyTitleAndTypeOverlay) { error('Image not found: C-overlay.png'); } } // Green title/type image if (strtolower($card->title) == 'murmuring bosk') { $greyTitleAndTypeOverlay = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/cards/G-overlay.png"); if (!$greyTitleAndTypeOverlay) { error('Image not found: G-overlay.png'); } } } else { if ($card->isEldrazi() && $card->isArtefact()) { $bgImage = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/cards/Eldrazi.png"); } else { if ($card->isArtefact()) { $bgImage = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/cards/Art.png"); if (strpos($settings['card.artifact.color'], strval(strlen($costColors))) !== false) { if (strlen($costColors) >= 2) { $useMulticolorFrame = false; $borderImage = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/borders/{$costColors}.png"); } else { $useMulticolorFrame = false; $borderImage = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/borders/{$card->color}.png"); } } else { if (strlen($costColors) >= 2 || $card->color == 'Gld') { $useMulticolorFrame = false; $borderImage = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/borders/Gld.png"); } } } else { if ($useMulticolorFrame) { // Multicolor frame. $bgImage = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/cards/{$costColors}.png"); if (!$bgImage) { error("Background image not found for color: {$costColors}"); } // Grey title/type image. if ($settings['card.multicolor.grey.title.and.type']) { $greyTitleAndTypeOverlay = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/cards/C-overlay.png"); if (!$greyTitleAndTypeOverlay) { error('Image not found: C-overlay.png'); } } } else { // Mono color frame. $bgImage = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/cards/" . $card->color . '.png'); if (!$bgImage) { error('Background image not found for color "' . $card->color . '" in frame dir: ' . $frameDir); } // Border image. if (strlen($costColors) == 2 && $settings['card.multicolor.dual.borders']) { $borderImage = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/borders/{$costColors}.png"); } } } } } imagecopy($canvas, $bgImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 736, 1050); imagedestroy($bgImage); if ($borderImage) { imagecopy($canvas, $borderImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 736, 1050); imagedestroy($borderImage); } if ($greyTitleAndTypeOverlay) { imagecopy($canvas, $greyTitleAndTypeOverlay, 0, 0, 0, 0, 736, 1050); imagedestroy($greyTitleAndTypeOverlay); } // Power / toughness. if ($card->pt) { if ($card->isEldrazi() && $card->isArtefact()) { $image = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/pt/B.png"); } else { if ($useMulticolorFrame) { $image = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/pt/" . substr($costColors, -1, 1) . '.png'); } else { $image = @imagecreatefrompng("images/eighth/{$frameDir}/pt/" . $card->color . '.png'); } } if (!$image) { error("Power/toughness image not found for color: {$card->color}"); } imagecopy($canvas, $image, 0, 1050 - 162, 0, 0, 736, 162); imagedestroy($image); $this->drawText($canvas, $settings[''], $settings[''], $settings['pt.width'], $card->pt, $this->font('pt')); } //Transform P/T if ($frameDir == "transform-day" && isset($pts[1])) { $this->drawText($canvas, $settings[''], $settings[''], $settings['pt.transform.width'], $pts[1], $this->font('pt.transform')); } // Casting cost. $costLeft = $this->drawCastingCost($canvas, $card->getCostSymbols(), $card->isDualManaCost() ? $settings[''] : $settings[''], $settings['cost.right'], $settings['cost.size'], true); echo '.'; // Set and rarity. if (!$card->isBasicLand() || $settings['']) { $rarityLeft = $this->drawRarity($canvas, $card->rarity, $card->set, $settings['rarity.right'], $settings[''], $settings['rarity.height'], $settings['rarity.width'], false); } else { $rarityLeft = $settings['rarity.right']; } // Card title. $this->drawText($canvas, $settings['title.x'], $settings['title.y'], $costLeft - $settings['title.x'], $card->getDisplayTitle(), $this->font('title')); echo '.'; // Type. if ($indicator = $this->getIndicator($card->title)) { $image = @imagecreatefrompng("images/symbols/indicators/" . $indicator . '.png'); imagecopyresampled($canvas, $image, $settings['indicator.x'], $settings['indicator.y'], 0, 0, $settings['indicator.size'], $settings['indicator.size'], 300, 300); imagedestroy($image); $typex = $settings['type.indicator.x']; } else { $typex = $frameDir == "transform-night" && $card->isArtefact() ? $settings[''] : $settings['type.x']; } $this->drawText($canvas, $typex, $settings['type.y'], $rarityLeft - $settings['type.x'], $card->type, $this->font('type')); // Guild sign. if ($card->set == "DIS" || $card->set == "GP" || $card->set == "GPT" || $card->set == "RAV" || $card->set == "RV") { if ($guild = $this->getGuild($card->title)) { list($image, $width, $height) = getPNG("images/eighth/guilds/{$guild}.png", "Guild image not found for: {$guild}"); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 373 - $width / 2, 652, 0, 0, $width, $height); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 373 - $width / 2, 652, 0, 0, $width, $height); // Too much alpha, need to apply twice. imagedestroy($image); } } // Phyrexia/Mirran sign. if ($card->set == "SOM" || $card->set == "MBS" || $card->set == "NPH") { if ($phyrexia = $this->getPhyrexia($card->title)) { list($image, $width, $height) = getPNG("images/eighth/phyrexia/{$phyrexia}.png", "Phyrexia/Mirran image not found for: {$phyrexia}"); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 373 - $width / 2, 652, 0, 0, $width, $height); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 373 - $width / 2, 652, 0, 0, $width, $height); // Too much alpha, need to apply twice. imagedestroy($image); } } // Promo overlay if ($card->promo && !$card->isBasicLand()) { list($image, $width, $height) = getPNG('images/promo/' . $card->promo . '.png', 'Promo overlay image not found for: ' . $card->promo); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 359 - $width / 2, 680, 0, 0, $width, $height); imagedestroy($image); } if ($card->isBasicLand() || $card->isLand() && $card->legal == '' && $card->flavor == '') { // Basic land symbol instead of legal text. list($image, $width, $height) = getPNG("images/symbols/land/{$landColors}.png", "Basic land image not found for: images/symbols/land/{$landColors}.png"); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 373 - $width / 2, 660, 0, 0, $width, $height); imagedestroy($image); } else { if ($card->isLand() && strlen($landColors) == 2 && !$card->legal) { // Dual land symbol instead of legal text. if ($settings[''] == 1) { // Single hybrid symbol. list($image, $width, $height) = getPNG("images/symbols/land/{$landColors}.png", "Dual symbol image not found for: {$landColors}"); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 368 - $width / 2, 680, 0, 0, $width, $height); imagedestroy($image); } else { if ($settings[''] == 2) { // One of each basic symbol. $landColor = substr($landColors, 0, 1); list($image, $width, $height) = getPNG("images/symbols/land/{$landColor}.png", 'Basic land image not found for: ' . $card->title); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 217 - $width / 2, 660, 0, 0, $width, $height); imagedestroy($image); $landColor = substr($landColors, 1, 2); list($image, $width, $height) = getPNG("images/symbols/land/{$landColor}.png", 'Basic land image not found for: ' . $card->title); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 519 - $width / 2, 660, 0, 0, $width, $height); imagedestroy($image); } } } else { // Legal and flavor text. if (strlen($card->legal) < 40 && strpos($card->legal, "\n") === FALSE && $card->flavor == '') { $this->drawText($canvas, ($settings['text.right'] + $settings['text.left']) / 2, ($settings[''] + $settings['text.bottom']) / 2, null, $card->legal, $this->font('text', 'centerY:true centerX:true')); } else { $heightAdjust = $card->pt ? $settings[''] : 0; $this->drawLegalAndFlavorText($canvas, $settings[''], $settings['text.left'], $settings['text.bottom'], $settings['text.right'], $card->legal, $card->flavor, $this->font('text'), $heightAdjust); } } } // Artist and copyright. // The artist color is white if the frame behind it is black. $footerColor = '0,0,0'; if ($card->isLand()) { $footerColor = '255,255,255'; } else { if (($costColors == 'B' || $card->color == 'B') && !$card->isArtefact()) { $footerColor = '255,255,255'; } else { if ($card->isEldrazi() && $card->isArtefact()) { $footerColor = '255,255,255'; } else { if ($useMulticolorFrame) { // Only multicolor frames with a bottom left color of black should use a white footer. if (strlen($costColors) <= 2 && substr($costColors, 0, 1) == 'B' || strlen($costColors) >= 3 && substr($costColors, 2, 1) == 'B') { $footerColor = '255,255,255'; } } } } } if ($card->artist) { if ($settings['card.artist.gears']) { $artistSymbol = '{gear}'; } else { $artistSymbol = '{brush}'; } $this->drawText($canvas, $settings['artist.x'], $settings['artist.y'], null, $artistSymbol . $card->artist, $this->font('artist', 'color:' . $footerColor)); } if ($card->copyright) { $this->drawText($canvas, $settings['copyright.x'], $settings['copyright.y'], null, $card->copyright, $this->font('copyright', 'color:' . $footerColor)); } echo "\n"; return $canvas; }
public function render () { global $config; echo $this->card . '...'; $card = $this->card; $settings = $this->getSettings(); $costColors = Card::getCostColors($card->cost); $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor(736, 1050); // Art image. $this->drawArt($canvas, $card->artFileName, $settings[''], $settings['art.left'], $settings['art.bottom'], $settings['art.right'], !$config['art.keep.aspect.ratio']); echo '.'; // Background image. if ($card->isLand()) { // Land frame. $landColors = @$this->writer->titleToLandColors[strtolower($card->title)]; $notBasicFrame = ''; if ($settings['']) { switch (strtolower($card->title)) { case 'flooded strand': $landColors = 'WU'; break; case 'bloodstained mire': $landColors = 'BR'; break; case 'wooded foothills': $landColors = 'RG'; break; case 'polluted delta': $landColors = 'UB'; break; case 'windswept heath': $landColors = 'GW'; break; case 'flood plain': $landColors = 'WU'; break; case 'rocky tar pit': $landColors = 'BR'; break; case 'mountain valley': $landColors = 'RG'; break; case 'bad river': $landColors = 'UB'; break; case 'grasslands': $landColors = 'GW'; break; } } if (!$landColors) error('Land color missing for card: ' . $card->title); if (strlen($landColors) > 1) { $useMulticolorLandFrame = strpos($settings[''], strval(strlen($landColors))) !== false; if (strlen($landColors) > 2 || !$useMulticolorLandFrame) $landColors = 'A'; } else if(!$card->isBasicLand() && $landColors != 'A' && $landColors != 'C') $notBasicFrame = 'C'; $bgImage = @imagecreatefrompng("images/preEighth/land/$notBasicFrame$landColors.png"); if (!$bgImage) error("Background image not found for land color \"$notBasicFrame$landColors\": " . $card->title); } else { // Mono color frame. $bgImage = @imagecreatefrompng('images/preEighth/cards/' . $card->color . '.png'); if (!$bgImage) error('Background image not found for mono color: ' . $card->color); } imagecopy($canvas, $bgImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 736, 1050); // Power / toughness. if ($card->pt) $this->drawText($canvas, $settings[''], $settings[''], $settings['pt.width'], $card->pt, $this->font('pt')); // Casting cost. $costLeft = $this->drawCastingCost($canvas, $card->getCostSymbols(), $settings[''], $settings['cost.right'], $settings['cost.size']); echo '.'; // Set and rarity. if (!$card->isBasicLand() || $settings['']) { $rarityMiddle = $settings['']; if ($card->isLand()) $rarityMiddle += 2; // Rarity on pre8th lands is slightly lower. $rarityLeft = $this->drawRarity($canvas, $card->rarity, $card->set, $settings['rarity.right'], $rarityMiddle, $settings['rarity.height'], $settings['rarity.width'], true, $settings['card.rarity.fallback']); } else $rarityLeft = $settings['rarity.right']; // Tombstone sign. if ($settings['card.tombstone']) { if (strpos($card->legal, 'Flashback') !=false || strpos($card->type, 'Incarnation') !=false || $card->title == 'Riftstone Portal' || $card->title == 'Ichorid') { list($image, $width, $height) = getPNG('images/preEighth/tombstone.png', 'Tombstone image not found.'); imagecopy($canvas, $image, $settings["tombstone.left"], $settings[""], 0, 0, $width, $height); } } // Card title. $this->drawText($canvas, $settings['title.x'], $settings['title.y'], $costLeft - $settings['title.x'], $card->getDisplayTitle(false), $this->font('title')); echo '.'; // Type. $typeBaseline = $settings['type.y']; if ($card->isLand()) $typeBaseline += 2; // Type on pre8th lands is slightly lower. $this->drawText($canvas, $settings['type.x'], $typeBaseline, $rarityLeft - $settings['type.x'], $card->type, $this->font('type')); if ($card->isBasicLand()) { // Basic land symbol instead of legal text. list($image, $width, $height) = getPNG("images/symbols/land/$landColors.png", "Basic land image not found for: images/symbols/land/$landColors.png"); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 373 - ($width / 2), 640, 0, 0, $width, $height); } else if ($card->isLand() && strlen($landColors) == 2 && !$card->legal) { // Dual land symbol instead of legal text. if ($settings[''] == 1) { // Single hybrid symbol. list($image, $width, $height) = getPNG("images/symbols/land/$landColors.png", "Dual symbol image not found for: $landColors"); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 368 - ($width / 2), 667, 0, 0, $width, $height); } else if ($settings[''] == 2) { // One of each basic symbol. $landColor = substr($landColors, 0, 1); list($image, $width, $height) = getPNG("images/symbols/land/$landColor.png", 'Basic land image not found for: ' . $card->title); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 217 - ($width / 2), 640, 0, 0, $width, $height); $landColor = substr($landColors, 1, 2); list($image, $width, $height) = getPNG("images/symbols/land/$landColor.png", 'Basic land image not found for: ' . $card->title); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 519 - ($width / 2), 640, 0, 0, $width, $height); } } else { // Legal and flavor text. $this->drawLegalAndFlavorText($canvas, $settings[''], $settings['text.left'], $settings['text.bottom'], $settings['text.right'], $card->legal, $card->flavor, $this->font('text')); } // Artist and copyright. if ($card->artist) $this->drawText($canvas, $settings['artist.x'], $settings['artist.y'], null, 'Illus. ' . $card->artist, $this->font('artist')); if ($card->copyright) { $copyrightColor = '255,255,255'; if ($card->color == 'W') $copyrightColor = '0,0,0'; $this->drawText($canvas, $settings['copyright.x'], $settings['copyright.y'], null, $card->copyright, $this->font('copyright', 'color:' . $copyrightColor)); } echo "\n"; return $canvas; }
public function drawSymbol ($canvas, $top, $left, $height, $symbol, $shadow, $fixedSize = false, $color = '0,0,0') { global $config; if ($color != '255,255,255') $color = '0,0,0'; $scale = true; $yOffset = 0; //only used when $scale == true if ($symbol == '*') { $symbol = "star_$color"; $shadow = null; } if ($symbol == '+') { $symbol = "plus_$color"; $shadow = null; } if ($symbol == '-') { $symbol = "minus_$color"; $shadow = null; } if ($symbol == 'brush') { $symbol = "brush_$color"; $shadow = null; $scale = false; $yOffset = $height/4; } if ($symbol == 'gear') { $symbol = "gear_$color"; $shadow = null; $scale = false; } // If a dual symbol or always using larger symbols, use a larger symbol. if ((!is_numeric($symbol) && strlen($symbol) == 2) || ($config['card.larger.regular.symbols'] && !$fixedSize)) { $top -= $height * 0.25 / 2; // Move symbol up half the height increase. $height *= 1.25; } if(preg_match('/(\d|X|Y|Z)(W|U|R|G|B)/i', $symbol, $matches)) { list($sliceImage, $srcWidth, $srcHeight) = getPNG("images/symbols/$matches[1]_.png", "Symbol image not found: $matches[1]_"); switch($matches[2]) { case 'W': case 'U': $prefix = 'G'; break; case 'R': case 'G': $prefix = 'B'; break; case 'B': $prefix = 'U'; break; } list($image, $srcWidth, $srcHeight) = getPNG("images/symbols/$prefix$matches[2].png", "Symbol image not found: $prefix$matches[1]"); imagecopy($image, $sliceImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); } else list($image, $srcWidth, $srcHeight) = getPNG("images/symbols/$symbol.png", "Symbol image not found: $symbol"); $width = $height * ($srcWidth / $srcHeight); if ($canvas) { if ($shadow) { $shadowImage = @imagecreatefrompng('images/symbols/shadow.png'); if (!$shadowImage) error('Symbol shadow image not found.'); imagecopyresampled($canvas, $shadowImage, $left - 2, $top + 2, 0, 0, $width + 2, $width + 2, 134, 134); } if($scale) imagecopyresampled($canvas, $image, $left, $top, 0, 0, $width, $height, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); else imagecopy($canvas, $image, $left, $top+$yOffset, 0, 0, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); } if ($scale) return array($width, $left); else return array($srcWidth, $left); }
public function drawSymbol($canvas, $top, $left, $height, $symbol, $shadow, $fixedSize = false, $color = '0,0,0') { global $config; if ($color != '255,255,255') { $color = '0,0,0'; } $scale = true; $yOffset = 0; //only used when $scale == true if ($symbol == '*') { $symbol = "star_{$color}"; $shadow = null; } if ($symbol == '+') { $symbol = "plus_{$color}"; $shadow = null; } if ($symbol == '-') { $symbol = "minus_{$color}"; $shadow = null; } if ($symbol == 'brush') { $symbol = "brush_{$color}"; $shadow = null; $scale = false; $yOffset = $height / 3; } if ($symbol == 'gear') { $symbol = "gear_{$color}"; $shadow = null; $scale = false; } // If a dual symbol or always using larger symbols, use a larger symbol. if (!is_numeric($symbol) && strlen($symbol) == 2 || $config['card.larger.regular.symbols'] && !$fixedSize) { $top -= $height * 0.25 / 2; // Move symbol up half the height increase. $height *= 1.25; } if (preg_match('/(\\d|X|Y|Z)(W|U|R|G|B)/i', $symbol, $matches)) { list($sliceImage, $srcWidth, $srcHeight) = getPNG("images/symbols/{$matches['1']}_.png", "Symbol image not found: {$matches['1']}_"); switch ($matches[2]) { case 'W': case 'U': $prefix = 'G'; break; case 'R': case 'G': $prefix = 'B'; break; case 'B': $prefix = 'U'; break; } list($image, $srcWidth, $srcHeight) = getPNG("images/symbols/{$prefix}{$matches['2']}.png", "Symbol image not found: {$prefix}{$matches['1']}"); imagecopy($image, $sliceImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); imagedestroy($sliceImage); } else { if ($symbol == 'T' && $this instanceof PreEighthRenderer && $config['card.old.tap.symbol']) { $symbol .= "_pre"; } list($image, $srcWidth, $srcHeight) = getPNG("images/symbols/{$symbol}.png", "Symbol image not found: {$symbol}"); } $width = $height * ($srcWidth / $srcHeight); if ($canvas) { if ($shadow) { $shadowImage = @imagecreatefrompng('images/symbols/shadow.png'); if (!$shadowImage) { error('Symbol shadow image not found.'); } imagecopyresampled($canvas, $shadowImage, $left - 2, $top + 2, 0, 0, $width + 2, $width + 2, 134, 134); imagedestroy($shadowImage); } if ($scale) { imagecopyresampled($canvas, $image, $left, $top, 0, 0, $width, $height, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); } else { imagecopy($canvas, $image, $left, $top + $yOffset, 0, 0, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); } imagedestroy($image); } if ($scale) { return array($width, $left); } else { return array($srcWidth, $left); } }