Beispiel #1
require './../functions.php';
require './functions.php';
require './../top.php';
$ids = $_POST['ids'];
$rejectIds = $_POST['rejectIds'];
$rejectReasonsText = $_POST['rejectReasonText'];
$rejectReasonsSelect = $_POST['rejectReasonSelect'];
$approveDefault = "<p>Select players to approve.</p>";
$approveMsg = $approveDefault;
$logToday = "log_" . date("Y-m-d") . ".txt";
$logYesterday = "log_" . date("Y-m-d", time() - 60 * 60 * 24) . ".txt";
$boxTitle = 'Approve Players - <a target="_new" href="/log/join/' . $logToday . '">Today\'s log</a> - <a target="_new" href="/log/' . $logYesterday . '">Yesterday\'s log</a>';

echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Approve Players", "");

if (!$isAdminFull) {
    echo "<p>Access denied.</p>";
} else {

if (sizeof($rejectReasonsSelect) > 0) {
  $approveMsg = "";

  for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rejectReasonsSelect); $i++) {
    $id = $ids[$i];
    $rejectId = $rejectIds[$i];
    $rejectReasonText = $rejectReasonsText[$i];
Beispiel #2
    <option value="">(all players)</option>
    <option value=""></option>
echo getPlayersOptionsAllIdSelected($selectId);
    &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="Submit" class="width100" name="submit2" value="Show" /></form>
echo getOuterBoxBottom();

echo getOuterBoxTop($left, $right);
<table width="95%"><tr><td>
if (isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode'] == 'inactive') {
	$inactiveMode = true;
} else {
	$inactiveMode = false;

if ($inactiveMode) {
	$whereClause = "WHERE type = 'I'";
	$statusLinks[] = array('playerStatus.php?mode=inactive&amp;limit=no', 'show_all_inactive', 'show all inactive');
	$statusLinks[] = array('playerStatus.php', 'show_warnings_bans', 'show warnings and bans');
	if (isset($_GET['limit'])) {
		$limit = "";		
Beispiel #3

// this displays a form to edit a game.
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$page = "editGame";
require './../variables.php';
require './../variablesdb.php';
require './../functions.php';
require './../top.php';
$back = "<p><a href='javascript:history.back()'>go back</a></p>";
$index = "<p><a href='index.php'>go to index</a></p>";
$msg = "";
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Edit Game", "");

if (!$isAdminFull) {
    echo "<p>Access denied.</p>";
} else {

	if (!empty($_GET['submit'])) {
		$winnergoals = $_POST['winnergoals'];
		if (empty($winnergoals) && $winnergoals != '0') {
			$msg .= '<p>Error: Winner Goals empty.</p>';
		$losergoals = $_POST['losergoals'];
		if (empty($losergoals) && $losergoals != '0') {
			$msg .= '<p>Error: Loser Goals empty.</p>';

$page = "recalculatePointsForProfiles";
require '../../variables.php';
require '../../variablesdb.php';
require_once '../functions.php';
require_once './../../functions.php';
require '../../top.php';
$log = new KLogger('/var/www/yoursite/http/log/runonce/', KLogger::INFO);
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Recalculate Points For Profiles", "");

$sql = "SELECT * FROM six_profiles where id=591 ORDER BY Id ASC";
$resultX = mysql_query($sql);
while ($profile = mysql_fetch_array($resultX)) {
  $profileId = $profile['id'];
  $log->logInfo('RecalculatePointsForProfile='.RecalculatePointsForProfile($profile['id'], $profile['disconnects'], $profile['points'], $profile['rating']));

echo getOuterBoxBottom();

require ('../../bottom.php');
Beispiel #5

require '../variables.php';
require '../variablesdb.php';
require '../functions.php';
require '../top.php';
$page = "leagues";
$subpage = "leagues";

echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> All Leagues", "");
<table width="70%"><tr><td>
<? $columnsArray = array('Id', '', 'Name', 'Winner', 'Year', 'Status'); ?>
echo getRankBoxTop("Leagues", $columnsArray);

$sql = "SELECT wlm.*, wa.profileImage, FROM weblm_leagues_meta wlm ".
  "LEFT JOIN weblm_awards wa ON wa.leagueId=wlm.leagueId ".
  "LEFT JOIN weblm_players wp ON wp.player_id=wa.playerId ".
  "ORDER BY wlm.leagueId DESC";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
  $leagueLink = '<a href="/leagues/league.php?id='.$row['leagueId'].'">'.$row['leagueName'].'</a>';
  if ($row['isActive'] <> 1) {
    $status = '<span class="grey-small">finished</span>';
  } else {
    $status = '<span class="darkgrey-small">ongoing</span>';

$page = "encrytPasswords";
require '../../variables.php';
require '../../variablesdb.php';
require_once '../functions.php';
require_once './../../functions.php';
require '../../top.php';
$log = new KLogger('/var/www/yoursite/http/log/encrypt/', KLogger::INFO);
$startId = $_GET['id'];
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Encrypt Passwords", "");

$sql = "SELECT player_id, name FROM `weblm_players` where convert(pwd using 'utf8') like 'xxx%'"; 
$res = mysql_query($sql);
echo "<p>".$sql."</p>";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
  $id = $row['player_id'];
  $name = $row['name'];
  $length = 10;

  $randomString = substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, $length);
  $pwHash = password_hash($randomString, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
  $msg = "<p>id=".$id." randomString=".$randomString." name=".$name."</p>";
  $sql = "UPDATE weblm_players set pwd='".$pwHash."' WHERE player_id=".$id;
Beispiel #7

// the rules and information page
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$page = "sitemap";
require 'variables.php';
require 'variablesdb.php';
require 'functions.php';
require 'top.php';
list($pageinfo1, $pageinfo2, $pageinfo3, $pageinfo4, $pageinfo5, $pageinfo6, $pageinfo7, $pageinfo8, $pageinfo9, $pageinfo10, $pageinfo11, $pageinfo12, $pageinfo13, $pageinfo14) = explode("*", $menuorder);
$pageinfos = explode("*", $menuorder);

echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . getRaquo() . " Sitemap", "");
<p style="padding: 5px 3px 5px 0;">If you forgot where a certain page is or the dynamic menu isn't working for you, this table shows all main and sub menu items. Click the page name 
		to go to the page.</p>
<table border="1" style="width:800px; border-collapse:collapse;">
$count = 0;
$tdstyle = 'style="vertical-align:top; border-collapse:collapse; border:1px solid #AAAAAA;  padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px"';
if (!empty($cookie_name) && $cookie_name != 'null') {
	$subs = getSubNavArrayForPage('profile', $cookie_name);
	echo '<td nowrap colspan="4" width="800" '.$tdstyle.'><p><b><a href="/profile.php?name='.$cookie_name.'">My Profile</a></b>'.
		'&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="grey-small">(only when logged in or by clicking other players name)</span></p><p>';
	foreach ($subs as $sub) {
		$urlFormatted = str_replace($playerDummy, "?name=".$cookie_name, $sub[0]);
Beispiel #8


	<td colspan="3">
    $isSixserver = stristr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "sixserver");
    $title_left = GetBottomLine($isSixserver);
		$title_right = $leaguename.' powered by <a href="">evo-league</a>';
echo getOuterBoxTop($title_left, $title_right);
		<table id="bottom" class="layouttable">
		<tr class="row_bottom">
		<b>Last online</b> -
$ago = time() - 60 * 60 * 12;
$sql = "SELECT user, accesstime, ip FROM weblm_log_access WHERE user <>'' AND user <>'Ike' ORDER BY id DESC limit 0,50";
$accessPlayers = array();
$ips = array();
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$bottomLine = "";
while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) && count($accessPlayers) < 8) {
    $user = $row['user'];
    $ip = $row['ip'];
Beispiel #9
require '../functions.php';
require '../variables.php';
require '../variablesdb.php';
require '../top.php';
if (empty($_GET['nosound'])) {
    $otherversion = '<a href="chat.php?nosound=true">Turn sound off</a>';
} else {
    $otherversion = '<a href="chat.php">Turn sound on</a>';
if (!empty($_GET['channel'])) {
    $channel = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['channel']);
} else {
    $channel = $leaguename;
$chatNick = getChatNick();
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Chat", $otherversion);

<p>This chat applet connects you to the IRC channel #<?php 
echo $channel;
 on <a href="" target="_new">Quakenet</a>.</p>
<p>Not working for you? Select one of the other chat methods from the Chat menu above.</p>

<applet code=IRCApplet.class archive="irc.jar,pixx.jar" width="640" height="400">
    <param name="CABINETS" value=",,">
<param name="nick" value="<?php 
echo $chatNick;

$page = "setSixMatchesNumParticipants";
require '../../variables.php';
require '../../variablesdb.php';
require_once '../functions.php';
require_once './../../functions.php';
require '../../top.php';
$log = new KLogger('/var/www/yoursite/http/log/runonce/', KLogger::INFO);
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Fix NumParticipants", "");

$sql = "SELECT id FROM six_matches WHERE numParticipants=0 ORDER BY Id ASC";
$resultX = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultX)) {
  $matchId = $row[0];
  $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM six_matches_played where match_id=$matchId";
  $log->logInfo('matchId='.$matchId.' sql='.$sql);
  $rescount = mysql_query($sql);
  $count = mysql_fetch_array($rescount)[0];
  $sql = "UPDATE six_matches SET numParticipants=$count, played_on=played_on WHERE id=$matchId";
  $log->logInfo('matchId='.$matchId.' sql='.$sql);

echo getOuterBoxBottom();

// this page allows users to upload tournament schedule images, it's not linked from anywhere!
// the players that are allowed to upload images are defined in weblm_tournaments.uploaders (comma-seperated)
// they need to be logged in to access this page.
// the images are written to the /Cup folder with the name defined in weblm_tournaments.imageFilename,
// make sure web users have write access to your /Cup and /pictures folders!
$page = "uploadTournamentImage";
require '../variables.php';
require '../variablesdb.php';
require '../functions.php';
require '../top.php';

echo getOuterBoxTop("Cup Images Upload", "");
<table width="50%">
$back = '<p><a href="javascript:history.back()">go back</a></p>';
$contact = "<p>Please contact me at " . $adminmail . " or in the forum if the problem persists." . $back;
if (!$isAdminFull && !$isModFull) {
    echo "<p>Access denied.</p>";
} else {
    if (!empty($_POST['imageSlot'])) {
        $imageSlot = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['imageSlot']);
        if (stristr($imageSlot, '#')) {
            // slot image
            $slots = explode('#', $imageSlot);
Beispiel #12
      <img src="<? echo $imgpath ?>" />
echo getBoxBottom();
   <? } ?>
   else {
   	echo getOuterBoxTop("error", "");
   	echo "<p>The player <b>$name</b> could not be found in the database.</p>";

echo getOuterBoxBottom();



function GetAwards($player_id, $name) {
Beispiel #13

// running this will disable accounts for players that have not played a single game in the last 12 weeks.
// if mail sending is properly configured, the admin will receive a notification email.
// an equal file is in the /cron folder which can be used to run this file automatically every day
// if you can set up a cronjob on your server.
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$page = "pruneUnused";
require './../variables.php';
require './../variablesdb.php';
require_once '../functions.php';
require_once './functions.php';
require './../top.php';
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Prune Unused", "");
if (!$isAdminFull) {
  echo "<p>Access denied.</p>";
} else {

  $disableSpan = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 15; // 15 weeks

  $playersquery = "select distinct winner from $gamestable ".
  "where (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - date < $disableSpan) "."UNION ".
  "select distinct loser from $gamestable ".
  "where (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - date < $disableSpan)";

  $result = mysql_query($playersquery);

  $played_array = array ();
Beispiel #14
        $filter = "";
if (!empty($_GET['ago'])) {
    $ago = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['ago']);
} else {
    if (!empty($_POST['ago'])) {
        $ago = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ago']);
    } else {
        $ago = 1;

echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . getRaquo() . " Chatlog", "");

$timespanAgo = 60*60*24*$ago;
$dateString = date('Y_n_j', time()-$timespanAgo);

echo "<p>/var/log/sixserver/sixserver.log.".$dateString."</p>";
EchoFile("/var/log/sixserver/sixserver.log.".$dateString, $filter);
echo "<p>/var/log/sixserver/sixserver.log</p>";
EchoFile("/var/log/sixserver/sixserver.log", $filter);

echo getOuterBoxBottom();
Beispiel #15

// displays the form to post news

$page = "post";

require ('./../../variables.php');
require ('./../../variablesdb.php');
require ('./../../functions.php');
require ('./../functions.php');
require ('./../../top.php');

<?= getOuterBoxTop($leaguename. " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Post News", "") ?>

if (!$isAdminFull) {
    echo "<p>Access denied.</p>";
} else {
	if (isset ($_GET['submit'])) {
		$submit = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['submit']);
	} else {
		$submit = 0;
	if ($submit) {
		if (!empty ($_POST['date'])) {
			$date = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['date']);
		} else {
			$date = date('d/m/Y');
Beispiel #16

header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$page = "newSeason";
require './../variables.php';
require './../variablesdb.php';
require './../functions.php';
require './../top.php';
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> FixSixHistory", "");
if (!$isAdminFull) {
  echo "<p>Access denied.</p>";
} else {
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM six_profiles ORDER BY points DESC";
  $result = mysql_query($sql);
  $checkSeason = 3;
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $id = $row['id'];
    $w = GetSixserverWinsForSeason($id, $checkSeason);
    $l = GetSixserverLossesForSeason($id, $checkSeason);
    $d = GetSixserverDrawsForSeason($id, $checkSeason);
    $w2 = GetSixserverWinsHistoryForSeason($id, $checkSeason);
    $l2 = GetSixserverLossesHistoryForSeason($id, $checkSeason);
    $d2 = GetSixserverDrawsHistoryForSeason($id, $checkSeason);
    if (($w>0 && $w2>0 && $w<>$w2) || ($d>0 && $d2>0 && $d<>$d2) || ($l>0 && $l2>0 && $l<>$l2)) {

header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$page = "getMailAddresses";
require './../variables.php';
require './../variablesdb.php';
require_once '../functions.php';
require_once './functions.php';
require './../top.php';
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Get mail addresses", "");

if (!$isAdminFull) {
  echo "<p>Access denied.</p>";
} else {

	$sql = "SELECT mail, name, player_id, msn from $playerstable  ".
		"where player_id order by player_id asc";
	$result = mysql_query($sql);
	$i = 1;
	$block = 200;
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$name = $row['name'];
		$mail = $row['mail'];
		if (!isValidEmailAddress($mail)) {
			$mail = $row['msn'];
		if (!isValidEmailAddress($mail)) {
			// echo "<p>Invalid mail address for [$player_id] $name: $mail</p>";
Beispiel #18

$page = "populateGoals";
require '../../variables.php';
require '../../variablesdb.php';
require_once '../functions.php';
require_once './../../functions.php';
require_once './../../files/functions.php';
require '../../top.php';
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Populate New", "");

$goalsDir = "./../../files/goals/";
$thumbsDir = "./../../files/goals/thumbnails/";

$filesList = getAllFiles($goalsDir);

$filesListRev = array ();

foreach ($filesList as $fileArray) {
	if (!is_dir($fileArray[0])) {
		$filesListRev[] = array (

$fullList = $filesListRev;
Beispiel #19
	$whereclause = str_replace("and ".$not_deleted, "", $whereclause);
	$whereclause = str_replace("WHERE ".$not_deleted, "", $whereclause);
	if (substr($whereclause,1,3) == 'AND') {
		$whereclause = "WHERE".substr($whereclause,4);

	$sql="SELECT * FROM $gamestable $whereclause ORDER BY $sortby LIMIT $startplayed, $finishplayed";

	$result = mysql_query($sql);
	$num = mysql_num_rows($result);
	$cur = 1;

	<?= getOuterBoxTop($navLine, $navRight) ?>
	<table width="100%" style="padding-bottom:5px">
	<tr><td><p><?= $msgRes ?></p></td></tr></table>
<? if ($yo > 0 || $yo_deleted > 0) { ?>
	<? $columnsArray = array('Id', 'Season', 'Game', 'Date', 'Pt+', 'Winner', 'WT', 'Result', 'LT', 'Loser', 'Pt-', 'Comment'); ?>
	<?= getRankBoxTop("Games", $columnsArray); ?>
	while ($num >= $cur) {
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $gameid = $row["game_id"];
    $winner = $row["winner"];
    $winner2 = $row["winner2"];
    $loser = $row["loser"];
    $loser2 = $row["loser2"];
    $winnerresult = $row["winnerresult"];
Beispiel #20

// displays the game reporting page if the user is logged in.
// the actual point calculation and database update is done in /functions.php#ReportGame
$page = "reportMini";
require '../variables.php';
require '../variablesdb.php';
require '../functions.php';
require '../top.php';
$back = "<p><a href='javascript:history.back()'>Go back</a></p>";

echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Report Mini Tournament", "");
<table class="layouttable">
  <tr><td style="width:60%;horizontal-align:right;">

if (!$isAdminFull && !$isModFull) {
	echo "<p>Access denied.</p>";
} else {
	if (!empty($_GET["submit"])) {
		$playerName = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["playerName"]);
		$forumLink = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["forumLink"]);
		if (empty($playerName)) {
			echo doParagraph("Please enter the winner name.".$back);
		} else if (empty($forumLink)) {
			echo doParagraph("Please enter the link to the tournament thread.".$back);
		} else {
Beispiel #21

header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$page = "checkPoints";
require './../variables.php';
require './../variablesdb.php';
require './../functions.php';
require './../top.php';

echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Check Points", "");


if (!$isAdminFull) {
  echo "<p>Access denied.</p>";
} else {

	$sql = "Select name, ra2pes5 from $playerstable WHERE pes5games > 0 order by ra2pes5 desc";
	$result = mysql_query($sql);
	while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$name = $row['name'];
		$ra2pes5  = $row['ra2pes5'];
		$sql1 = "SELECT sum( winpoints ) as winpts FROM $gamestable ".
		"WHERE (winner LIKE '$name' OR winner2 LIKE '$name') AND deleted = 'no' AND teamLadder=0 AND season = '$season'";		
		$result1 = mysql_query($sql1);
		$row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
		$winpts = $row1['winpts'];
Beispiel #22

header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$page = "index";
require '../variables.php';
require '../variablesdb.php';
require '../functions.php';
require '../top.php';
$type = "";
if (!empty($_GET['type'])) {
    $type = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['type']);
    // pt2
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Sixserver Points Distribution", "");
<p>This is the current Sixserver points distribution grid. Draws are counted as half a win.</p>

  $i = 0;
  echo '<table style="border-collapse:collapse;">';
  while ($i <= 200) {
    echo "<tr>";
    $j = 0;
    while ($j <= 200) {
      if ($type == "pt2") {
        $pt = getSixserverPoints2($j,0,$i);
      } else {
        $pt = getSixserverPoints($j,0,$i);
      echo "<td style=\"border:1px solid #AAAAAA; padding: 3x 3px 3px 3px;white-space:nowrap;border-collapse:collapse;\">Wins: $j<br>Losses: $i<br>Points: <b>".$pt."</b></td>";
Beispiel #23

header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$page = "players";
$subpage = "streaks";
require '../variables.php';
require '../variablesdb.php';
require '../functions.php';
require '../top.php';
$boxImg = "8.jpg";
$boxAlign = "left bottom";
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name']);
echo getOuterBoxTop($subNavText . getRaquo() . getSubNavigation($subpage, $name), "");

$sql = "select name from $playerstable where name = '$name'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

if (empty($name)) {
	echo "<p>No player specified!</p>";        
} else if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
	echo "<p>The player <b>$name</b> could not be found in the database.</p>";
} else {
	$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
	$name = $row['name'];
<table width="100%">
Beispiel #24

header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$page = "sendMassMail";
require './../variables.php';
require './../variablesdb.php';
require_once '../functions.php';
require_once './functions.php';
require './../top.php';
$msgs = "";
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Send Mass Mail", "");

$posted = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['posted']);
$addresses = "";

if (!$isAdminFull) {
    echo "<p>Access denied.</p>";
} else {
	if (!empty ($posted)) {

		$mailText = stripslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mailText']));
		$plainText = stripslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['plainText']));
		$mailSubject = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mailSubject']);
		$mailType = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mailType']);
		$limit1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['limit1']);
		$limit2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['limit2']);
Beispiel #25

$page = "renameImages";
require '../../variables.php';
require '../../variablesdb.php';
require_once '../functions.php';
require_once './../../functions.php';
require_once '../../files/functions.php';
require '../../top.php';
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Rename Videos", "");

$imagesDir = "./../../files/images/";
$thumbsDir = "./../../files/images/thumbnails/";

$filesList = getAllFiles($imagesDir);

$filesListRev = array ();
foreach ($filesList as $fileArray) {
	$modified = $fileArray[1];
	$filesListRev[] = array (

$fullList = $filesListRev;

Beispiel #26
// requiring to send an email to sign up can be toggled with the $signupEmailRequired-switch in variables.php
$page = "join";
$subpage = "";



$logJoin = new KLogger('/var/www/yoursite/http/log/join/', KLogger::INFO);	


<?= getOuterBoxTop($leaguename. " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Join League", "") ?>


$na = "n/a";
$checked = "checked='checked'";
$back = "<p><a href='javascript:history.back()'>go back</a></p>";
$alias = "";
$uploadSpeed = "";
$downloadSpeed = "";
$message = "";
$ip = Get_ip();
$blacklist = false;
$sid = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['sid']);

// if (date('w') <> 0) {
Beispiel #27

// this will display a form to remove a news entry
$page = "view";
require './../../variables.php';
require './../../variablesdb.php';
require './../../functions.php';
require './../../top.php';
echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> Player Status", "");
$index = "<p><a href='view.php'>news index</a></p>";
if (!$isAdminFull) {
    echo "<p>Access denied.</p>";
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['submit'])) {
        $submit = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['submit']);
    } else {
        $submit = 0;
    if ($submit == 1) {
        if (!empty($_POST['edit'])) {
            $edit = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['edit']);
        } else {
            $edit = '1';
        $sql = "DELETE FROM {$newstable} WHERE news_id = '{$edit}'";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        echo "<p>News entry {$edit} deleted</p>" . $index;
    } else {
        if (!empty($_GET['edit'])) {
            $edit = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['edit']);
        } else {
Beispiel #28

$page = "index";
$subpage = "disconnects";
require '../variables.php';
require '../variablesdb.php';
require '../functions.php';
require '../top.php';
$left = $subNavText . getRaquo() . getSubNavigation($subpage, null);
$sql = "SELECT season FROM six_stats";
$sixSeason = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql))[0];
echo getOuterBoxTop($left, "");
<table width="750"><tr><td>
  $columnTitlesArray = array ('', 'Name', 'DC last week', 'DC last month', 'DC total', 'Games total', 'DC %');
  $boxTitle = "Sixserver Disconnects";
echo getRankBoxTop($boxTitle, $columnTitlesArray);

    $users = array();
    $warningsIds = GetActiveWarningsIds();
    $bansIds = GetActiveBansIds();

    $sql = "SELECT sms.dc, sms.minutes, sms.scoreHome, sms.scoreAway, sms.season, ".
      "sp1.user_id AS userIdHome, sp2.user_id AS userIdAway, ".
      "UNIX_TIMESTAMP( sms.updated ) AS updatedTS ".
$seasonSel = "";

$sql = "SELECT season FROM six_stats";
$row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
$sixSeason = $row[0];
$seasonLadder = 0;
if (isset($_POST['seasonLadder'])) {
  $seasonLadder = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['seasonLadder']);
} elseif (isset($_GET['seasonLadder'])) {
  $seasonLadder = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['seasonLadder']);
} else {
  $seasonLadder = $sixSeason-1;

<?= getOuterBoxTop($subNavText.getRaquo().getSubNavigation($subpage, null), "") ?>
<table width="80%">
<table class="formtable"><tr><td nowrap>
<form method="post" action="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>">
<select class="width250" name="seasonLadder">
	<option value="">[Select Season]</option>
	<?= $seperator ?>

$sql= "SELECT * from six_seasons WHERE season < $sixSeason ORDER BY season DESC";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
	$beginDate = $row['begindate'];
  $endDate = $row['enddate'];
  $seasonCurrent = $row['season'];
Beispiel #30
// when you start a new season, add a new row in the weblm_seasons table for correct display of
// season start/end dates.
// you cannot properly remove games from old seasons, so check if all games are ok before starting a
// new season!
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$page = "newSeason";
require './../variables.php';
require './../variablesdb.php';
require './functions.php';
require './../functions.php';
require './../top.php';

echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>&raquo;</span> New Season", "");


if (!$isAdminFull) {
    echo "<p>Access denied.</p>";
} else {

	if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'start') {
    $msg = StartLadderSeason();
    $log->logInfo('StartLadderSeason: '.$msg);
    echo $msg;
  // Sixserver