            $cdetail = 1;
            if ($_REQUEST['cinput'] != '') {
                // range no. data
                $qy = 'select a.* 
						from v_pendataan a
						left join penetapan_pr_content b on b.pendataan_id=a.pendataan_id
						where b.pendataan_id is null and a.jenis_pungutan=\'OFFICE\' and a.pendataan_no between ' . quote_smart($_REQUEST['no_data_awal']) . ' and ' . quote_smart($_REQUEST['no_data_akhir']) . ' order by a.pendataan_no ';
                $result = gcms_query($qy);
                while ($rs = gcms_fetch_object($result)) {
                    if ($_REQUEST['cnomor'] == '') {
                        // tdk duplikasi
                        //echo 'Tdk Duplikasi, Range'."\n";
                        list($day, $month, $year) = explode('/', $_REQUEST['tgl_penetapan']);
                        $ID_HEADER = $fbird->setGenerator('GEN_PENETAPAN_PR');
                        $no_kohir = getNoKohir();
                        $exception = array();
                        $other_request = array('penetapan_pr_id' => $ID_HEADER, 'no_penetapan' => $no_kohir, 'thn_penetapan' => $year, 'nominal_penetapan' => $rs->nominal);
                        $a = $fbird->FBInsert('penetapan_pr', $other_request, $exception);
                    $exception = array('penetapan_pr_content_id');
                    $other_request = array('penetapan_pr_id' => $ID_HEADER, 'pendataan_id' => $rs->pendataan_id, 'nominal' => $rs->nominal, 'jenis_pendataan' => $rs->jenis_pendataan, 'jenis_pungutan' => $rs->jenis_pungutan);
                    $b = $fbird->FBInsert('penetapan_pr_content', $other_request, $exception);
                    if (!$b) {
                        $cdetail = 0;
Beispiel #2

include "./../../../config.php";
include "./../../../lib.php";
$nomax = getNoKohir();
echo sprintf('%05d', $nomax);

include 'config.php';
include 'global.php';
$expath = "." . str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace(realpath("."), "", dirname(__FILE__))) . "/";
if ($_REQUEST['sender'] == 'get_tgl_setor') {
    $tempo = b_fetch('select jatem_bayar from ref_jatuh_tempo');
    $tgl_setor = getExpired($_REQUEST['tgl'], $tempo);
    echo $tgl_setor;
} elseif ($_REQUEST['sender'] == 'set_nomor') {
    $no_kohir = getNoKohir($_REQUEST['tgl']);
    echo sprintf('%05d', $no_kohir);
} elseif ($_REQUEST['sender'] == 'pilih_kohir') {
    $ID = 'penetapan_pr_';
    $crudColumns = array('id' => 'penetapan_pr_id', 'nomor' => 'no_penetapan', 'tgl' => 'tgl_penetapan', 'setor' => 'tgl_setor', 'nominal' => 'nama');
    $crudTableName = 'penetapan_pr';
    include $expath . 'handler_pilih_kohir.php';
} elseif ($_REQUEST['sender'] == 'pilih_spt') {
    $ID = 'penetapan_pr_';
    $crudColumns = array('id' => 'penetapan_pr_id', 'nomor' => 'no_penetapan', 'tgl' => 'tgl_penetapan', 'setor' => 'tgl_setor', 'nominal' => 'nama');
    $crudTableName = 'penetapan_pr';
    include $expath . 'handler_pilih_no_pendataan.php';
} elseif ($_REQUEST['sender'] == 'daftar') {
    $crudColumns = array('id' => 'penetapan_pr_id', 'no_kohir' => 'no_penetapan', 'tgl_kohir' => 'tgl_penetapan', 'tgl_setor' => 'tgl_setor', 'nominal' => 'nominal', 'pendataan_no' => 'pendataan_no', 'periode_awal' => 'periode_awal', 'periode_akhir' => 'periode_akhir', 'jenis' => 'jenis');
    include $expath . 'handler_daftar_kohir.php';
} elseif ($_REQUEST['sender'] == 'default') {
    $crudColumns = array('pendataan_id' => 'pendataan_id', 'pendataan_no' => 'pendataan_no', 'tgl_entry' => 'tgl_entry', 'npwp' => 'npwp', 'nama' => 'nama', 'jenis_pendataan' => 'jenis_pendataan', 'jenis_pungutan' => 'jenis_pungutan', 'jenis_pendaftaran' => 'jenis_pendaftaran', 'spt_no' => 'spt_no', 'spt_tgl' => 'spt_tgl', 'nominal' => 'nominal');
    $ID = 'pendataan_';
    $crudTableName = 'v_pendataan';
    include $expath . 'handler_penetapan_pr.php';
	<div id="tabs">
			<li><a href="#tabs-1">Input</a></li>
			<li><a href="#tabs-2">Data</a></li>
		<div id="tabs-1">
			<div style='padding:5px;'>
				<legend>FORM PENETAPAN</legend>
						<div class="form_master">
							<fieldset class="form_frame">
								<!--<div><label>Duplikasi Nomor</label><input type='checkbox' name='cnomor' id='cnomor' checked /></div>-->
								<div><label>No. Penetapan</label><input type="text" name="nomor_reg" id='nomor_reg' size='10' value="<?php 
echo sprintf('%05d', getNoKohir());
" readonly/></div>
								<div><label>Tgl. Penetapan<b class="wajib">*</b></label><input type="text" name="tgl_penetapan" title='Tgl. Penetapan' id="tgl_penetapan" value='<?php 
echo date('d/m/Y');
' onchange="" size="10"/></div>
								<div><label>Tgl. Batas Setor<b class="wajib">*</b></label><input type="text" name="tgl_setor" title='Tgl. Batas Setor' id="tgl_setor" value='<?php 
echo getExpired(date('d/m/Y'), b_fetch('select jatem_bayar from ref_jatuh_tempo'));
' onchange="" size="10"/></div>
								<!--<div><label>Jenis Penetapan</label><select name='jenis_penetapan' id='jenis_penetapan'><?php 
echo getKeteranganSPT();
								<div><label>No. Pendataan<input type='checkbox' name='cinput' id='cinput' ></label><input type='text' name='no_data_awal' id='no_data_awal' size='5' readonly /> S/D <input type='text' name='no_data_akhir' id='no_data_akhir' size='5' readonly /></div>