Beispiel #1
if (isset($_FILES['file'])) {
    $uploadsCount = count($_FILES['file']['name']);
    if ($uploadsCount > 0) {
        $errors = array();
        $messages = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $uploadsCount; $i++) {
            if ($_FILES["file"]["error"][$i] > 0) {
                $errors[] = i18n_r('ERROR_UPLOAD');
            } else {
                //set variables
                $count = '1';
                $file_base = clean_img_name(to7bit($_FILES["file"]["name"][$i]));
                $file_loc = $path . $file_base;
                //prevent overwriting
                if (!isset($_POST['fileoverwrite']) && file_exists($file_loc)) {
                    list($file_base, $filecount) = getNextFileName($path, $file_base);
                    $file_loc = $path . $file_base;
                //validate file
                if (validate_safe_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"][$i], $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i])) {
                    move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"][$i], $file_loc);
                    // generate thumbnail
                    genStdThumb($subFolder, $file_base);
                    $messages[] = i18n_r('FILE_SUCCESS_MSG');
                    if (requestIsAjax()) {
                        header("HTTP/1.0 200");
                } else {
Beispiel #2
 * create a page xml obj
 * @since 3.4
 * @param  str      $title     title of page
 * @param  str      $url       optional, url slug of page, if null title is used
 * @param  array   	$data      optional, array of data fields for page
 * @param  boolean 	$overwrite optional, overwrite exisitng slugs, if false auto increments slug id
 * @return obj                 xml object of page
function createPageXml($title, $url = null, $data = array(), $overwrite = false)
    global $reservedSlugs;
    $fields = array('title', 'titlelong', 'summary', 'url', 'author', 'template', 'parent', 'menu', 'menuStatus', 'menuOrder', 'private', 'meta', 'metad', 'metarNoIndex', 'metarNoFollow', 'metarNoArchive', 'content');
    // setup url, falls back to title if not set
    if (!isset($url)) {
        $url = $title;
    $url = prepareSlug($url);
    // prepare slug, clean it, translit, truncate
    $title = truncate($title, GSTITLEMAX);
    // truncate long titles
    // If overwrite is false do not use existing slugs, get next incremental slug, eg. "slug-count"
    if (!$overwrite && (file_exists(GSDATAPAGESPATH . $url . ".xml") || in_array($url, $reservedSlugs))) {
        list($newfilename, $count) = getNextFileName(GSDATAPAGESPATH, $url . '.xml');
        $url = $url . '-' . $count;
        // die($url.' '.$newfilename.' '.$count);
    // store url and title in data, if passed in param they are ignored
    $data['url'] = $url;
    $data['title'] = $title;
    // create new xml
    $xml = new SimpleXMLExtended('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><item></item>');
    $xml->addChild('pubDate', date('r'));
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        $node = $xml->addChild($field);
        if (isset($data[$field])) {
        // saving all cdata for some reason
    // debugLog(__FUNCTION__ . ': page created with slug of ' . $xml->url);
    return $xml;
 * Clone a page
 * Automatically names page id to next incremental copy eg. "slug-n"
 * Clone title becomes "title [copy]""
 * @param  str $id page id to clone
 * @return mixed   returns new url on succcess, bool false on failure
function clone_page($id)
    list($cloneurl, $count) = getNextFileName(GSDATAPAGESPATH, $id . '.xml');
    // get page and resave with new slug and title
    $newxml = getPageXML($id);
    $newurl = getFileName($cloneurl);
    $newxml->url = getFileName($cloneurl);
    $newxml->title = $newxml->title . ' [' . sprintf(i18n_r('COPY_N', i18n_r('COPY')), $count) . ']';
    $newxml->pubDate = date('r');
    $status = XMLsave($newxml, GSDATAPAGESPATH . $cloneurl);
    if ($status) {
        return $newurl;
    return false;