 * Prints the author of a page
 * @param bool $fullname True if you want to get the full name if set, false if you want the login/screenname
 * @return string
function printPageAuthor($fullname = false)
    if (getNewsTitle()) {
        echo html_encode(getPageAuthor($fullname));
Beispiel #2

$u = 0;
while (next_news()) {
    $dt = strtotime(getNewsDate());
    $commentsAllowed = NewsUtil::commentsAllowed();
		<div class='news' index="<?php 
    echo $u;
    echo getNewsTitle();
    echo $_zp_current_zenpage_news->getTitleLink();
    echo printNewsTitle();
    echo $commentsAllowed ? 'true' : 'false';
Beispiel #3
} else {
    echo '>News';
echo '</a></li>';
			<div id="content">
if (is_NewsArticle()) {
    // Affichage d'une news particulière
				<div class="description">
					<div class="title">
    echo html_encode(getNewsTitle());
    if (function_exists('zenFBLike')) {
						<div class="date">
    echo gettext('Written by ') . getNewsAuthor() . gettext(' on ') . getNewsDate();
    if (getNewsCategories()) {
Beispiel #4
			<div class="news-preview">
				<div class="news-preview-title">
				<div class="news-preview-content">
    echo ThemeUtil::clean(getNewsContent(), FALSE, 120, FALSE);
    ThemeUtil::$script .= 'news.push({' . '	"titleLink": \'' . $_zp_current_zenpage_news->getTitleLink() . '\',' . '	"title": \'' . ThemeUtil::clean(getNewsTitle(), FALSE) . '\',' . '	"content": \'' . ThemeUtil::clean(getNewsContent()) . '\',' . '	"date": ' . zpFormattedDate("{day: %d, month:  '%b', year: %Y}", strtotime($_zp_current_zenpage_news->getDateTime())) . ', ' . '	"categories": \'' . ThemeUtil::clean(NewsUtil::printNewsCategories(',', false, false), FALSE) . '\', ' . '    "commentson": ' . (NewsUtil::commentsAllowed() ? "true" : "false") . "," . '	"commentCount": ' . $_zp_current_zenpage_news->getCommentCount() . '}); ';
ThemeUtil::$script .= $sel;

echo isset($prevNext['next']) ? $prevNext['next'] : "<div id='news-nav-next' class='proxy'></div>";
	<div id="page-filler" class="opa20">&nbsp;</div>


<div id="workaround-non-xml-comment-crap" style="display: none;"></div>
  * Prints the RDF trackback url information for external clients to autodiscover.
  * This code is invisible and within comments on the theme page.
  * For theme usage.
 function printTrackbackRDF()
     global $_zp_current_zenpage_news, $_zp_current_zenpage_page, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_image;
     // check if Zenpage is there...
     if (getOption('zp_plugin_zenpage')) {
         if (is_NewsArticle()) {
             $trackback = $this->getTrackbackURL($_zp_current_zenpage_news);
             $title = getNewsTitle();
             $permalink = $this->getPermalinkURL($_zp_current_zenpage_news, $host);
         if (is_Pages()) {
             $trackback = $this->getTrackbackURL($_zp_current_zenpage_page);
             $title = getPageTitle();
             $permalink = $this->getPermalinkURL($_zp_current_zenpage_page);
     if (in_context(ZP_ALBUM)) {
         $trackback = $this->getTrackbackURL($_zp_current_album);
         $title = getAlbumTitle();
         $permalink = $this->getPermalinkURL($_zp_current_album);
     if (in_context(ZP_IMAGE)) {
         $trackback = $this->getTrackbackURL($_zp_current_image);
         $title = getImageTitle();
         $permalink = $this->getPermalinkURL($_zp_current_image);
     echo $this->rdf_autodiscover("", $title, "", $permalink, $trackback, "");
 * Prints a RSS link
 * @param string $option type of RSS: "News" feed for all news articles
 * 																		"Category" for only the news articles of the category that is currently selected
 * 																		"NewsWithImages" for all news articles and latest images
 * 																		"Comments" for all news articles and pages
 * 																		"Comments-news" for comments of only the news article it is called from
 * 																		"Comments-page" for comments of only the page it is called from
 * 																		"Comments-all" for comments from all albums, images, news articels and pages
 * @param string $categorylink The specific category you want a RSS feed from (only 'Category' mode)
 * @param string $prev text to before before the link
 * @param string $linktext title of the link
 * @param string $next text to appear after the link
 * @param bool $printIcon print an RSS icon beside it? if true, the icon is zp-core/images/rss.png
 * @param string $class css class
 * @param string $lang optional to display a feed link for a specific language (currently works for latest images only). Enter the locale like "de_DE" (the locale must be installed on your Zenphoto to work of course). If empty the locale set in the admin option or the language selector (getOption('locale') is used.
function printZenpageRSSLink($option = 'News', $categorylink = '', $prev = '', $linktext = '', $next = '', $printIcon = true, $class = null, $lang = NULL)
    global $_zp_current_category;
    if ($printIcon) {
        $icon = ' <img src="' . FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/rss.png" alt="RSS Feed" />';
    } else {
        $icon = '';
    if (!is_null($class)) {
        $class = 'class="' . $class . '"';
    if (empty($lang)) {
        $lang = getOption("locale");
    if ($option == 'Category') {
        if (!is_null($categorylink)) {
            $categorylink = '&amp;category=' . sanitize($categorylink);
        } elseif (empty($categorylink) and !is_null($_zp_current_category)) {
            $categorylink = '&amp;category=' . $_zp_current_category->getTitlelink();
        } else {
            $categorylink = '';
    $linktext = html_encode($linktext);
    switch ($option) {
        case "News":
            if (getOption('RSS_articles')) {
                echo $prev . "<a {$class} href=\"" . WEBPATH . "/index.php?rss-news&amp;lang=" . $lang . "\" title=\"" . gettext("News RSS") . "\" rel=\"nofollow\">" . $linktext . "{$icon}</a>" . $next;
        case "Category":
            if (getOption('RSS_articles')) {
                echo $prev . "<a {$class} href=\"" . WEBPATH . "/index.php?rss-news&amp;lang=" . $lang . $categorylink . "\" title=\"" . gettext("News Category RSS") . "\" rel=\"nofollow\">" . $linktext . "{$icon}</a>" . $next;
        case "NewsWithImages":
            if (getOption('RSS_articles')) {
                echo $prev . "<a {$class} href=\"" . WEBPATH . "/index.php?rss-news&amp;withimages&amp;lang=" . $lang . "\" title=\"" . gettext("News and Gallery RSS") . "\"  rel=\"nofollow\">" . $linktext . "{$icon}</a>" . $next;
        case "Comments":
            if (getOption('RSS_article_comments')) {
                echo $prev . "<a {$class} href=\"" . WEBPATH . "/index.php?rss-comments&amp;type=zenpage&amp;lang=" . $lang . "\" title=\"" . gettext("Zenpage Comments RSS") . "\"  rel=\"nofollow\">" . $linktext . "{$icon}</a>" . $next;
        case "Comments-news":
            if (getOption('RSS_article_comments')) {
                echo $prev . "<a {$class} href=\"" . WEBPATH . "/index.php?rss-comments&amp;id=" . getNewsID() . "&amp;title=" . urlencode(getNewsTitle()) . "&amp;type=news&amp;lang=" . $lang . "\" title=\"" . gettext("News article comments RSS") . "\"  rel=\"nofollow\">" . $linktext . "{$icon}</a>" . $next;
        case "Comments-page":
            if (getOption('RSS_article_comments')) {
                echo $prev . "<a {$class} href=\"" . WEBPATH . "/index.php?rss-comments&amp;id=" . getPageID() . "&amp;title=" . urlencode(getPageTitle()) . "&amp;type=page&amp;lang=" . $lang . "\" title=\"" . gettext("Page Comments RSS") . "\"  rel=\"nofollow\">" . $linktext . "{$icon}</a>" . $next;
        case "Comments-all":
            if (getOption('RSS_article_comments')) {
                echo $prev . "<a {$class} href=\"" . WEBPATH . "/index.php?rss-comments&amp;type=allcomments&amp;lang=" . $lang . "\" title=\"" . gettext("Page Comments RSS") . "\"  rel=\"nofollow\">" . $linktext . "{$icon}</a>" . $next;