Beispiel #1
     * Prints html meta data to be used in the <head> section of a page
    static function getHTMLMetaData()
        global $_zp_gallery, $_zp_galley_page, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_image, $_zp_current_zenpage_news, $_zp_current_zenpage_page, $_zp_gallery_page, $_zp_current_category, $_zp_authority, $_zp_conf_vars, $_myFavorites, $htmlmetatags_need_cache, $_zp_page;
        zp_register_filter('image_processor_uri', 'htmlmetatags::ipURI');
        $host = sanitize("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
        $url = $host . getRequestURI();
        // Convert locale shorttag to allowed html meta format
        $locale = str_replace("_", "-", getUserLocale());
        $canonicalurl = '';
        // generate page title, get date
        $pagetitle = "";
        // for gallery index setup below switch
        $date = strftime(DATE_FORMAT);
        // if we don't have a item date use current date
        $desc = getBareGalleryDesc();
        $thumb = '';
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_sitelogo')) {
            $thumb = getOption('htmlmeta_sitelogo');
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') || getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard')) {
            $ogimage_width = getOption('htmlmeta_ogimage_width');
            $ogimage_height = getOption('htmlmeta_ogimage_height');
            if (empty($ogimage_width)) {
                $ogimage_width = 1280;
            if (empty($ogimage_height)) {
                $ogimage_height = 900;
        $type = 'article';
        switch ($_zp_gallery_page) {
            case 'index.php':
                $desc = getBareGalleryDesc();
                //$canonicalurl = $host . getGalleryIndexURL();
                $canonicalurl = $host . getPageNumURL($_zp_page);
                $type = 'website';
            case 'album.php':
                $pagetitle = getBareAlbumTitle() . " - ";
                $date = getAlbumDate();
                $desc = getBareAlbumDesc();
                $canonicalurl = $host . getPageNumURL($_zp_page);
                if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') || getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard')) {
                    $thumbimg = $_zp_current_album->getAlbumThumbImage();
                    getMaxSpaceContainer($ogimage_width, $ogimage_height, $thumbimg, false);
                    $thumb = $host . html_encode(pathurlencode($thumbimg->getCustomImage(NULL, $ogimage_width, $ogimage_height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, NULL)));
            case 'image.php':
                $pagetitle = getBareImageTitle() . " (" . getBareAlbumTitle() . ") - ";
                $date = getImageDate();
                $desc = getBareImageDesc();
                $canonicalurl = $host . getImageURL();
                if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') || getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard')) {
                    $thumb = $host . html_encode(pathurlencode(getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace($ogimage_width, $ogimage_height)));
            case 'news.php':
                if (function_exists("is_NewsArticle")) {
                    if (is_NewsArticle()) {
                        $pagetitle = getBareNewsTitle() . " - ";
                        $date = getNewsDate();
                        $desc = trim(getBare(getNewsContent()));
                        $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_zenpage_news->getLink();
                    } else {
                        if (is_NewsCategory()) {
                            $pagetitle = $_zp_current_category->getTitlelink() . " - ";
                            $date = strftime(DATE_FORMAT);
                            $desc = trim(getBare($_zp_current_category->getDesc()));
                            $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_category->getLink();
                            $type = 'category';
                        } else {
                            $pagetitle = gettext('News') . " - ";
                            $desc = '';
                            $canonicalurl = $host . getNewsIndexURL();
                            $type = 'website';
                    if ($_zp_page != 1) {
                        $canonicalurl .= '/' . $_zp_page;
            case 'pages.php':
                $pagetitle = getBarePageTitle() . " - ";
                $date = getPageDate();
                $desc = trim(getBare(getPageContent()));
                $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_zenpage_page->getLink();
                // for all other possible static custom pages
                $custompage = stripSuffix($_zp_gallery_page);
                $standard = array('contact' => gettext('Contact'), 'register' => gettext('Register'), 'search' => gettext('Search'), 'archive' => gettext('Archive view'), 'password' => gettext('Password required'));
                if (is_object($_myFavorites)) {
                    $standard['favorites'] = gettext('My favorites');
                if (array_key_exists($custompage, $standard)) {
                    $pagetitle = $standard[$custompage] . " - ";
                } else {
                    $pagetitle = $custompage . " - ";
                $desc = '';
                $canonicalurl = $host . getCustomPageURL($custompage);
                if ($_zp_page != 1) {
                    $canonicalurl .= '/' . $_zp_page;
        // shorten desc to the allowed 200 characters if necesssary.
        $desc = html_encode(trim(substr(getBare($desc), 0, 160)));
        $pagetitle = $pagetitle . getBareGalleryTitle();
        // get master admin
        $admin = $_zp_authority->getMasterUser();
        $author = $admin->getName();
        $meta = '';
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_http-equiv-cache-control')) {
            $meta .= '<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_cache_control") . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_http-equiv-pragma')) {
            $meta .= '<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_pragma") . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-keywords')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="keywords" content="' . htmlmetatags::getMetaKeywords() . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-description')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="description" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-page-topic')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="page-topic" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-robots')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="robots" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_robots") . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-publisher')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="publisher" content="' . FULLWEBPATH . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-creator')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="creator" content="' . FULLWEBPATH . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-author')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="author" content="' . $author . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-copyright')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="copyright" content=" (c) ' . FULLWEBPATH . ' - ' . $author . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-rights')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="rights" content="' . $author . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-generator')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="generator" content="Zenphoto ' . ZENPHOTO_VERSION . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-revisit-after')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="revisit-after" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_revisit_after") . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-expires')) {
            $expires = getOption("htmlmeta_expires");
            if ($expires == (int) $expires) {
                $expires = preg_replace('|\\s\\-\\d+|', '', date('r', time() + $expires)) . ' GMT';
            $meta .= '<meta name="expires" content="' . $expires . '">' . "\n";
        // OpenGraph meta
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-title')) {
            $meta .= '<meta property="og:title" content="' . $pagetitle . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') && !empty($thumb)) {
            $meta .= '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $thumb . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-description')) {
            $meta .= '<meta property="og:description" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-url')) {
            $meta .= '<meta property="og:url" content="' . html_encode($url) . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-type')) {
            $meta .= '<meta property="og:type" content="' . $type . '">' . "\n";
        // Social network extras
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-pinterest')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin">' . "\n";
        // dissalow users to pin images on Pinterest
        // Twitter card
        $twittername = getOption('htmlmeta_twittername');
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard') || !empty($twittername)) {
            $meta .= '<meta property="twitter:creator" content="' . $twittername . '">' . "\n";
            $meta .= '<meta property="twitter:site" content="' . $twittername . '">' . "\n";
            $meta .= '<meta property="twitter:card" content="summary">' . "\n";
            $meta .= '<meta property="twitter:title" content="' . $pagetitle . '">' . "\n";
            $meta .= '<meta property="twitter:description" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
            if (!empty($thumb)) {
                $meta .= '<meta property="twitter:image" content="' . $thumb . '">' . "\n";
        // Canonical url
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_canonical-url')) {
            $meta .= '<link rel="canonical" href="' . $canonicalurl . '">' . "\n";
            if (METATAG_LOCALE_TYPE) {
                $langs = generateLanguageList();
                if (count($langs) != 1) {
                    foreach ($langs as $text => $lang) {
                        $langcheck = zpFunctions::getLanguageText($lang, '-');
                        //	for hreflang we need en-US
                        if ($langcheck != $locale) {
                            switch (METATAG_LOCALE_TYPE) {
                                case 1:
                                    $altlink = seo_locale::localePath(true, $lang);
                                case 2:
                                    $altlink = dynamic_locale::fullHostPath($lang);
                            switch ($_zp_gallery_page) {
                                case 'index.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/';
                                case 'gallery.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . _PAGE_ . '/gallery';
                                case 'album.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . html_encode($_zp_current_album->name) . '/';
                                case 'image.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . html_encode($_zp_current_album->name) . '/' . html_encode($_zp_current_image->filename) . IM_SUFFIX;
                                case 'news.php':
                                    if (function_exists("is_NewsArticle")) {
                                        if (is_NewsArticle()) {
                                            $altlink .= '/' . _NEWS_ . '/' . html_encode($_zp_current_zenpage_news->getTitlelink());
                                        } else {
                                            if (is_NewsCategory()) {
                                                $altlink .= '/' . _NEWS_ . '/' . html_encode($_zp_current_category->getTitlelink());
                                            } else {
                                                $altlink .= '/' . _NEWS_;
                                case 'pages.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . _PAGES_ . '/' . html_encode($_zp_current_zenpage_page->getTitlelink());
                                case 'archive.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . _ARCHIVE_;
                                case 'search.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . _SEARCH_ . '/';
                                case 'contact.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . _CONTACT_ . '/';
                                    // for all other possible none standard custom pages
                                    $altlink .= '/' . _PAGE_ . '/' . html_encode($pagetitle);
                            // switch
                            //append page number if needed
                            switch ($_zp_gallery_page) {
                                case 'index.php':
                                case 'album.php':
                                    if ($_zp_page != 1) {
                                        $altlink .= _PAGE_ . '/' . $_zp_page . '/';
                                case 'gallery.php':
                                case 'news.php':
                                    if ($_zp_page != 1) {
                                        $altlink .= '/' . $_zp_page;
                            $meta .= '<link rel="alternate" hreflang="' . $langcheck . '" href="' . $altlink . '">' . "\n";
                        // if lang
                    // foreach
                // if count
            // if option
        // if canonical
        if (!empty($htmlmetatags_need_cache)) {
            $meta .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
            $meta .= 'var caches = ["' . implode('","', $htmlmetatags_need_cache) . '"];' . "\n";
            $meta .= '
					window.onload = function() {
						var index,value;
						for (index in caches) {
								value = caches[index];
									cache: false,
									type: "GET",
									url: value
            $meta .= '</script>' . "\n";
        zp_remove_filter('image_processor_uri', 'htmlmetatags::ipURI');
        echo $meta;
Beispiel #2
    static function getShow($heading, $speedctl, $albumobj, $imageobj, $width, $height, $crop, $shuffle, $linkslides, $controls, $returnpath, $imagenumber)
        global $_zp_gallery, $_zp_gallery_page;
        setOption('slideshow_' . $_zp_gallery->getCurrentTheme() . '_' . stripSuffix($_zp_gallery_page), 1);
        if (!$albumobj->isMyItem(LIST_RIGHTS) && !checkAlbumPassword($albumobj)) {
            return '<div class="errorbox" id="message"><h2>' . gettext('This album is password protected!') . '</h2></div>';
        $slideshow = '';
        $numberofimages = $albumobj->getNumImages();
        // setting the image size
        if ($width) {
            $wrapperwidth = $width;
        } else {
            $width = $wrapperwidth = getOption("slideshow_width");
        if ($height) {
            $wrapperheight = $height;
        } else {
            $height = $wrapperheight = getOption("slideshow_height");
        if ($numberofimages == 0) {
            return '<div class="errorbox" id="message"><h2>' . gettext('No images for the slideshow!') . '</h2></div>';
        $option = getOption("slideshow_mode");
        // jQuery Cycle slideshow config
        // get slideshow data
        $showdesc = getOption("slideshow_showdesc");
        // slideshow display section
        $validtypes = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'mov', '3gp');
        $slideshow .= '
				<script type="text/javascript">
				// <!-- <![CDATA[
				$(function() {
				var ThisGallery = "' . html_encode($albumobj->getTitle()) . '";
				var ImageList = new Array();
				var TitleList = new Array();
				var DescList = new Array();
				var ImageNameList = new Array();
				var DynTime=(' . (int) getOption("slideshow_timeout") . ');
        $images = $albumobj->getImages(0);
        if ($shuffle) {
        for ($imgnr = 0, $cntr = 0, $idx = $imagenumber; $imgnr < $numberofimages; $imgnr++, $idx++) {
            if (is_array($images[$idx])) {
                $filename = $images[$idx]['filename'];
                $album = newAlbum($images[$idx]['folder']);
                $image = newImage($album, $filename);
            } else {
                $filename = $images[$idx];
                $image = newImage($albumobj, $filename);
            $ext = slideshow::is_valid($filename, $validtypes);
            if ($ext) {
                if ($crop) {
                    $img = $image->getCustomImage(NULL, $width, $height, $width, $height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                } else {
                    $maxwidth = $width;
                    $maxheight = $height;
                    getMaxSpaceContainer($maxwidth, $maxheight, $image);
                    $img = $image->getCustomImage(NULL, $maxwidth, $maxheight, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                $slideshow .= 'ImageList[' . $cntr . '] = "' . $img . '";' . "\n";
                $slideshow .= 'TitleList[' . $cntr . '] = "' . js_encode($image->getTitle()) . '";' . "\n";
                if ($showdesc) {
                    $desc = $image->getDesc();
                    $desc = str_replace("\r\n", '<br />', $desc);
                    $desc = str_replace("\r", '<br />', $desc);
                    $slideshow .= 'DescList[' . $cntr . '] = "' . js_encode($desc) . '";' . "\n";
                } else {
                    $slideshow .= 'DescList[' . $cntr . '] = "";' . "\n";
                if ($idx == $numberofimages - 1) {
                    $idx = -1;
                $slideshow .= 'ImageNameList[' . $cntr . '] = "' . urlencode($filename) . '";' . "\n";
        $slideshow .= "\n";
        $numberofimages = $cntr;
        $slideshow .= '
				var countOffset = ' . $imagenumber . ';
				var totalSlideCount = ' . $numberofimages . ';
				var currentslide = 2;
				function onBefore(curr, next, opts) {
				if (opts.timeout != DynTime) {
				opts.timeout = DynTime;
		if (!opts.addSlide)
		var currentImageNum = currentslide;
		if (currentImageNum == totalSlideCount) {
		opts.addSlide = null;
		var relativeSlot = (currentslide + countOffset) % totalSlideCount;
		if (relativeSlot == 0) {relativeSlot = totalSlideCount;}
		var htmlblock = "<span class=\\"slideimage\\"><h4><strong>" + ThisGallery + ":</strong> ";
		htmlblock += TitleList[currentImageNum]  + " (" + relativeSlot + "/" + totalSlideCount + ")</h4>";
        if ($linkslides) {
            if (MOD_REWRITE) {
                $slideshow .= 'htmlblock += "<a href=\\"' . pathurlencode($albumobj->name) . '/"+ImageNameList[currentImageNum]+"' . getOption('mod_rewrite_image_suffix') . '\\">";';
            } else {
                $slideshow .= 'htmlblock += "<a href=\\"index.php?album=' . pathurlencode($albumobj->name) . '&image="+ImageNameList[currentImageNum]+"\\">";';
        $slideshow .= ' htmlblock += "<img src=\\"" + ImageList[currentImageNum] + "\\"/>";';
        if ($linkslides) {
            $slideshow .= ' htmlblock += "</a>";';
        $slideshow .= 'htmlblock += "<p class=\\"imgdesc\\">" + DescList[currentImageNum] + "</p></span>";';
        $slideshow .= 'opts.addSlide(htmlblock);';
        $slideshow .= '}';
        $slideshow .= '
				function onAfter(curr, next, opts){
        if (!$albumobj->isMyItem(LIST_RIGHTS)) {
            $slideshow .= '
					//Only register at hit count the first time the image is viewed.
					if ($(next).attr("viewed") != 1) {
					$.get("' . FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/slideshow/slideshow-counter.php?album=' . pathurlencode($albumobj->name) . '&img="+ImageNameList[opts.currSlide]);
					$(next).attr("viewed", 1 );
        $slideshow .= '}';
        $slideshow .= '
				fx:     "' . getOption("slideshow_effect") . '",
				speed:   "' . getOption("slideshow_speed") . '",
				timeout: DynTime,
				next:   "#next",
				prev:   "#prev",
				cleartype: 1,
				before: onBefore,
				after: onAfter

		$("#speed").change(function () {
		DynTime = this.value;
		return false;

		$("#pause").click(function() { $("#slides").cycle("pause"); return false; });
		$("#play").click(function() { $("#slides").cycle("resume"); return false; });

		});	// Documentready()
		// ]]> -->
		<div id="slideshow" style="height:' . ($wrapperheight + 40) . 'px; width:' . $wrapperwidth . 'px;">
        // 7/21/08dp
        if ($speedctl) {
            $slideshow .= '<div id="speedcontrol">';
            // just to keep it away from controls for sake of this demo
            $minto = getOption("slideshow_speed");
            while ($minto % 500 != 0) {
                $minto += 100;
                if ($minto > 10000) {
                // emergency bailout!
            $dflttimeout = (int) getOption("slideshow_timeout");
            /* don't let min timeout = speed */
            $thistimeout = $minto == getOption("slideshow_speed") ? $minto + 250 : $minto;
            $slideshow .= 'Select Speed: <select id="speed" name="speed">';
            while ($thistimeout <= 60000) {
                // "around" 1 minute :)
                $slideshow .= "<option value={$thistimeout} " . ($thistimeout == $dflttimeout ? " selected='selected'>" : ">") . round($thistimeout / 1000, 1) . " sec</option>";
                /* put back timeout to even increments of .5 */
                if ($thistimeout % 500 != 0) {
                    $thistimeout -= 250;
                $thistimeout += $thistimeout < 1000 ? 500 : ($thistimeout < 10000 ? 1000 : 5000);
            $slideshow .= '</select> </div>';
        if ($controls) {
            $slideshow .= '
					<div id="controls">
					<a href="#" id="prev" title="' . gettext("Previous") . '"></a>
					<a href="' . html_encode($returnpath) . '" id="stop" title="' . gettext("Stop and return to album or image page") . '"></a>
					<a href="#" id="pause" title="' . gettext("Pause (to stop the slideshow without returning)") . '"></a>
					<a href="#" id="play" title="' . gettext("Play") . '"></a>
					<a href="#" id="next" title="' . gettext("Next") . '"></a>
        $slideshow .= '
				<div id="slides" class="pics">
        if ($cntr > 1) {
            $cntr = 1;
        for ($imgnr = 0, $idx = $imagenumber; $imgnr <= $cntr; $idx++) {
            if ($idx >= $numberofimages) {
                $idx = 0;
            if (is_array($images[$idx])) {
                $folder = $images[$idx]['folder'];
                $dalbum = newAlbum($folder);
                $filename = $images[$idx]['filename'];
                $image = newImage($dalbum, $filename);
                $imagepath = FULLWEBPATH . ALBUM_FOLDER_EMPTY . $folder . "/" . $filename;
            } else {
                $folder = $albumobj->name;
                $filename = $images[$idx];
                //$filename = $animage;
                $image = newImage($albumobj, $filename);
                $imagepath = FULLWEBPATH . ALBUM_FOLDER_EMPTY . $folder . "/" . $filename;
            $ext = slideshow::is_valid($filename, $validtypes);
            if ($ext) {
                $slideshow .= '<span class="slideimage"><h4><strong>' . $albumobj->getTitle() . gettext(":") . '</strong> ' . $image->getTitle() . ' (' . ($idx + 1) . '/' . $numberofimages . ')</h4>';
                if ($ext == "3gp") {
                    $slideshow .= '</a>
							<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="352" height="304" codebase="">
							<param name="src" value="' . pathurlencode(internalToFilesystem($imagepath)) . '"/>
							<param name="autoplay" value="false" />
							<param name="type" value="video/quicktime" />
							<param name="controller" value="true" />
							<embed src="' . pathurlencode(internalToFilesystem($imagepath)) . '" width="352" height="304" autoplay="false" controller"true" type="video/quicktime"
							pluginspage="" cache="true"></embed>
                } elseif ($ext == "mov") {
                    $slideshow .= '</a>
							<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="640" height="496" codebase="">
							<param name="src" value="' . pathurlencode(internalToFilesystem($imagepath)) . '"/>
							<param name="autoplay" value="false" />
							<param name="type" value="video/quicktime" />
							<param name="controller" value="true" />
							<embed src="' . pathurlencode(internalToFilesystem($imagepath)) . '" width="640" height="496" autoplay="false" controller"true" type="video/quicktime"
							pluginspage="" cache="true"></embed>
                } else {
                    if ($linkslides) {
                        $slideshow .= '<a href="' . html_encode($image->getLink()) . '">';
                    if ($crop) {
                        $img = $image->getCustomImage(NULL, $width, $height, $width, $height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                    } else {
                        $maxwidth = $width;
                        $maxheight = $height;
                        getMaxSpaceContainer($maxwidth, $maxheight, $image);
                        $img = $image->getCustomImage(NULL, $maxwidth, $maxheight, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                    $slideshow .= '<img src="' . html_encode(pathurlencode($img)) . '" alt="" />';
                    if ($linkslides) {
                        $slideshow .= '</a>';
                if ($showdesc) {
                    $desc = $image->getDesc();
                    $desc = str_replace("\r\n", '<br />', $desc);
                    $desc = str_replace("\r", '<br />', $desc);
                    $slideshow .= '<p class="imgdesc">' . $desc . '</p>';
                $slideshow .= '</span>';
        $slideshow .= '
        return $slideshow;
Beispiel #3
  * Helper function to print the individual slides
  * @param obj $albumobj Album object
  * @param obj $imgobj Current slide obj
  * @param int $width Slide image width
  * @param int $height Slide image height
  * @param int $cropw Slide image crop width
  * @param int $croph Slide image crop height
  * @param bool $linkslides True or false if the slides should be linked to their image page.
  *                          Note: In carousel mode this means full image links as here slides are always linked to the image page.
  * @param bool $crop True or false to crop the image
  * @param bool $carousel if the slideshow is a carousel so we can enable full image linking (only images allowed!)
 static function getSlide($albumobj, $imgobj, $width, $height, $cropw, $croph, $linkslides, $crop = false, $carousel = false)
     global $_zp_current_image;
     if ($crop) {
         $imageurl = $imgobj->getCustomImage(NULL, $width, $height, $cropw, $croph, NULL, NULL, true, NULL);
     } else {
         $maxwidth = $width;
         $maxheight = $height;
         getMaxSpaceContainer($maxwidth, $maxheight, $imgobj);
         $imageurl = $imgobj->getCustomImage(NULL, $maxwidth, $maxheight, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
     $slidecontent = '<div class="slide">' . "\n";
     // no space in carousels for titles!
     if (!$carousel) {
         $slidecontent .= '<h4>' . html_encode($albumobj->getTitle()) . ': ' . html_Encode($imgobj->getTitle()) . '</h4>' . "\n";
     if ($carousel) {
         // on the carousel this means fullimage as they are always linked anyway
         if ($linkslides) {
             $url = pathurlencode($imgobj->getFullImageURL());
         } else {
             $url = pathurlencode($imgobj->getLink());
         $slidecontent .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . "\n";
     } else {
         if (!$carousel && $linkslides) {
             $slidecontent .= '<a href="' . pathurlencode($imgobj->getLink()) . '">' . "\n";
     $active = '';
     if ($carousel && !is_null($_zp_current_image)) {
         if ($_zp_current_image->filename == $imgobj->filename) {
             $active = ' class="activeslide"';
         } else {
             $active = '';
     $slidecontent .= '<img src="' . pathurlencode($imageurl) . '" alt=""' . $active . '>' . "\n";
     if ($linkslides || $carousel) {
         $slidecontent .= '</a>' . "\n";
     // no space in carousels for this!
     if (getOption("cycle-slideshow_showdesc") && !$carousel) {
         $slidecontent .= '<div class="slide_desc">' . html_encodeTagged($imgobj->getDesc()) . '</div>' . "\n";
     $slidecontent .= '</div>' . "\n";
     return $slidecontent;
 * Print normal video or un-cropped within the given height and width dimensions. Use for sized images or thumbnails in an album.
 * Note: a class of 'not_visible' or 'password_protected' will be added as appropriate
 * @param string $alt Alt text for the url
 * @param int $width width
 * @param int $height height
 * @param string $class Optional style class
 * @param string $id Optional style id
function printCustomSizedImageMaxSpace($alt, $width, $height, $class = NULL, $id = NULL, $thumb = false)
    global $_zp_current_image;
    if (is_null($_zp_current_image)) {
    getMaxSpaceContainer($width, $height, $_zp_current_image, $thumb);
    printCustomSizedImage($alt, NULL, $width, $height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $class, $id, $thumb);
     * Print the JS configuration of flowplayer
     * @param string $moviepath the direct path of a movie (within the slideshow), if empty (within albums)
     * the zenphoto function getUnprotectedImageURL() is used
     * @param string $imagetitle the filename of the movie
     * 	 */
    function getPlayerConfig($moviepath = '', $imagetitle = '', $count = '', $width = NULL, $height = NULL)
        global $_zp_current_image;
        $playerwidth = getOption('flow_player3_width');
        $playerheight = getOption('flow_player3_height');
        if (empty($moviepath)) {
            $moviepath = getUnprotectedImageURL();
            $ext = strtolower(strrchr(getUnprotectedImageURL(), "."));
        } else {
            $moviepath = $moviepath;
            $ext = strtolower(strrchr($moviepath, "."));
        if (!empty($count)) {
            $count = "-" . $count;
        $imgextensions = array(".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".png");
        $videoThumbImg = '';
        if (is_null($_zp_current_image)) {
            $albumfolder = $moviepath;
            $filename = $imagetitle;
            $videoThumb = '';
        } else {
            $album = $_zp_current_image->getAlbum();
            $albumfolder = $album->name;
            $filename = $_zp_current_image->filename;
            $splashimagerwidth = $playerwidth;
            $splashimageheight = $playerheight;
            getMaxSpaceContainer($splashimagerwidth, $splashimageheight, $_zp_current_image, true);
            $videoThumb = $_zp_current_image->getCustomImage(null, $splashimagerwidth, $splashimageheight, null, null, null, null, true);
            if (getOption('flow_player3_splashimage')) {
                $videoThumbImg = '<img src="' . pathurlencode($videoThumb) . '" alt="" />';
        if (getOption("flow_player3_autoplay") == 1) {
            $autoplay = "true";
        } else {
            $autoplay = "false";
        if ($ext == ".mp3") {
            if (getOption('flow_player3_mp3coverimage')) {
                if (is_null($height)) {
                    $height = $playerheight;
            } else {
                if (is_null($height)) {
                    $height = FLOW_PLAYER_MP3_HEIGHT;
                $videoThumbImg = '';
                $videoThumb = '';
            $allowfullscreen = 'false';
        } else {
            if (is_null($height)) {
                $height = $playerheight;
            $allowfullscreen = 'true';
        if (is_null($width)) {
            $width = $this->getVideoWidth();
        if (is_null($width)) {
            $width = $playerwidth;
        // inline css is kind of ugly but since we need to style dynamically there is no other way
        $curdir = getcwd();
        chdir(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/flowplayer3');
        $filelist = safe_glob('flowplayer-*.swf');
        $swf = array_shift($filelist);
        $filelist = safe_glob('*.swf');
        $audio = array_shift($filelist);
        $filelist = safe_glob('flowplayer.controls-*.swf');
        $controls = array_shift($filelist);
        $playerconfig = '
		<span id="player' . $count . '" class="flowplayer" style="display:block; width: ' . $width . 'px; height: ' . $height . 'px">
		' . $videoThumbImg . '
		<script type="text/javascript">
		// <!-- <![CDATA[
		flowplayer("player' . $count . '","' . WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/flowplayer3/' . $swf . '", {
		plugins: {
			audio: {
				url: "' . $audio . '"
			controls: {
				url: "' . $controls . '",
				backgroundColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsbackgroundcolor') . '",
				backgroundGradient: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsbackgroundcolorgradient') . '",
				autoHide: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsautohide') . '",
				timeColor:"' . getOption('flow_player3_controlstimecolor') . '",
				durationColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsdurationcolor') . '",
				progressColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsprogresscolor') . '",
				progressGradient: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsprogressgradient') . '",
				bufferColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsbuffercolor') . '",
				bufferGradient:	 "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsbuffergradient') . '",
				sliderColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsslidercolor') . '",
				sliderGradient: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsslidergradient') . '",
				buttonColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsbuttoncolor') . '",
				buttonOverColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsbuttonovercolor') . '",
				fullscreen : ' . $allowfullscreen . '
		canvas: {
			backgroundColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_backgroundcolor') . '",
			backgroundGradient: "' . getOption('flow_player3_backgroundcolorgradient') . '"
        $playerconfigadd = 'clip:
				url:"' . pathurlencode($moviepath) . '",
				autoPlay: ' . $autoplay . ',
				autoBuffering: ' . $autoplay . ',
				scaling: "' . getOption('flow_player3_scaling') . '"';
        if ($ext == ".mp3" && getOption('flow_player3_mp3coverimage')) {
            $playerconfigadd .= ',
				coverImage: {
					url:"' . urlencode($videoThumb) . '",
					scaling: "' . getOption('flow_player3_scaling') . '"
        $playerconfigadd .= '
		// ]]> -->
        $playerconfig = $playerconfig . $playerconfigadd;
        return $playerconfig;
  * Prints html meta data to be used in the <head> section of a page
 static function getHTMLMetaData()
     global $_zp_gallery, $_zp_page, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_image, $_zp_current_search, $_zp_current_article, $_zp_current_page, $_zp_gallery_page, $_zp_current_category, $_zp_authority, $_zp_conf_vars, $_myFavorites;
     $host = sanitize("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
     $url = $host . getRequestURI();
     // Convert locale shorttag to allowed html meta format
     $locale_ = getUserLocale();
     $locale = zpFunctions::getLanguageText($locale_, '-');
     $canonicalurl = '';
     // generate page title, get date
     $pagetitle = "";
     // for gallery index setup below switch
     $date = strftime(DATE_FORMAT);
     // if we don't have a item date use current date
     $desc = getBareGalleryDesc();
     $thumb = '';
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_sitelogo')) {
         $thumb = getOption('htmlmeta_sitelogo');
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') || getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard')) {
         $ogimage_width = getOption('htmlmeta_ogimage_width');
         $ogimage_height = getOption('htmlmeta_ogimage_height');
         if (empty($ogimage_width)) {
             $ogimage_width = 1280;
         if (empty($ogimage_height)) {
             $ogimage_height = 900;
         $twittercard_type = 'summary';
     $type = 'article';
     switch ($_zp_gallery_page) {
         case 'index.php':
             $desc = getBareGalleryDesc();
             $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_gallery->getLink($_zp_page);
             $type = 'website';
         case 'album.php':
         case 'favorites.php':
             $pagetitle = getBareAlbumTitle() . " - ";
             $date = getAlbumDate();
             $desc = getBareAlbumDesc();
             $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_album->getLink($_zp_page);
             if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') || getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard')) {
                 $thumbimg = $_zp_current_album->getAlbumThumbImage();
                 getMaxSpaceContainer($ogimage_width, $ogimage_height, $thumbimg, false);
                 $thumb = $host . html_encode(pathurlencode($thumbimg->getCustomImage(NULL, $ogimage_width, $ogimage_height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, NULL)));
                 $twittercard_type = 'summary_large_image';
         case 'image.php':
             $pagetitle = getBareImageTitle() . " (" . getBareAlbumTitle() . ") - ";
             $date = getImageDate();
             $desc = getBareImageDesc();
             $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_image->getLink();
             if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') || getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard')) {
                 $thumb = $host . html_encode(pathurlencode(getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace($ogimage_width, $ogimage_height)));
                 $twittercard_type = 'summary_large_image';
         case 'news.php':
             if (function_exists("is_NewsArticle")) {
                 if (is_NewsArticle()) {
                     $pagetitle = getBareNewsTitle() . " - ";
                     $date = getNewsDate();
                     $desc = trim(getBare(getNewsContent()));
                     $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_article->getLink();
                 } else {
                     if (is_NewsCategory()) {
                         $pagetitle = $_zp_current_category->getTitlelink() . " - ";
                         $date = strftime(DATE_FORMAT);
                         $desc = trim(getBare($_zp_current_category->getDesc()));
                         $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_category->getLink($_zp_page);
                         $type = 'category';
                     } else {
                         $pagetitle = gettext('News') . " - ";
                         $desc = '';
                         $canonicalurl = $host . getNewsPathNav($_zp_page);
                         $type = 'website';
         case 'pages.php':
             $pagetitle = getBarePageTitle() . " - ";
             $date = getPageDate();
             $desc = trim(getBare(getPageContent()));
             $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_page->getLink();
             // for all other possible static custom pages
             $custompage = stripSuffix($_zp_gallery_page);
             $standard = array('contact' => gettext('Contact'), 'register' => gettext('Register'), 'search' => gettext('Search'), 'archive' => gettext('Archive view'), 'password' => gettext('Password required'));
             if (is_object($_myFavorites)) {
                 $standard['favorites'] = gettext('My favorites');
             if (array_key_exists($custompage, $standard)) {
                 $pagetitle = $standard[$custompage] . " - ";
             } else {
                 $pagetitle = $custompage . " - ";
             $desc = '';
             $canonicalurl = $host . getCustomPageURL($custompage);
     // shorten desc to the allowed 200 characters if necesssary.
     $desc = html_encode(trim(substr(getBare($desc), 0, 160)));
     $pagetitle = $pagetitle . getBareGalleryTitle();
     // get master admin
     $admin = $_zp_authority->getMasterUser();
     $author = $admin->getName();
     $meta = '';
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_http-equiv-cache-control')) {
         $meta .= '<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_cache_control") . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_http-equiv-pragma')) {
         $meta .= '<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_pragma") . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-keywords')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="keywords" content="' . htmlmetatags::getMetaKeywords() . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-description')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="description" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-page-topic')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="page-topic" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-robots')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="robots" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_robots") . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-publisher')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="publisher" content="' . FULLWEBPATH . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-creator')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="creator" content="' . FULLWEBPATH . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-author')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="author" content="' . $author . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-copyright')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="copyright" content=" (c) ' . FULLWEBPATH . ' - ' . $author . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-rights')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="rights" content="' . $author . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-generator')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="generator" content="ZenPhoto20 ' . ZENPHOTO_VERSION . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-revisit-after')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="revisit-after" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_revisit_after") . ' days">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-expires')) {
         $expires = getOption("htmlmeta_expires");
         if ($expires == (int) $expires) {
             $expires = preg_replace('|\\s\\-\\d+|', '', date('r', time() + $expires)) . ' GMT';
         $meta .= '<meta name="expires" content="' . $expires . '">' . "\n";
     // OpenGraph meta
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_opengraph')) {
         $meta .= '<meta property="og:title" content="' . $pagetitle . '">' . "\n";
         if (!empty($thumb)) {
             $meta .= '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $thumb . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta property="og:description" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta property="og:url" content="' . html_encode($url) . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta property="og:type" content="' . $type . '">' . "\n";
     // Social network extras
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-pinterest')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin">' . "\n";
     // dissalow users to pin images on Pinterest
     // Twitter card
     $twittername = getOption('htmlmeta_twittername');
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard') || !empty($twittername)) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="twitter:creator" content="' . $twittername . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta name="twitter:site" content="' . $twittername . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta name="twitter:card" content="' . $twittercard_type . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta name="twitter:title" content="' . $pagetitle . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta name="twitter:description" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
         if (!empty($thumb)) {
             $meta .= '<meta name="twitter:image" content="' . $thumb . '">' . "\n";
     // Canonical url
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_canonical-url')) {
         $meta .= '<link rel="canonical" href="' . $canonicalurl . '">' . "\n";
         if (METATAG_LOCALE_TYPE) {
             $langs = generateLanguageList();
             if (count($langs) != 1) {
                 if (METATAG_LOCALE_TYPE == 1) {
                     $locallink = seo_locale::localePath(false, $locale_);
                 } else {
                     $locallink = '';
                 foreach ($langs as $text => $lang) {
                     $langcheck = zpFunctions::getLanguageText($lang, '-');
                     //	for hreflang we need en-US
                     if ($langcheck != $locale) {
                         if (METATAG_LOCALE_TYPE == 1) {
                             $altlink = seo_locale::localePath(true, $lang);
                         } else {
                             $altlink = dynamic_locale::fullHostPath($lang);
                         switch ($_zp_gallery_page) {
                             case 'index.php':
                                 $altlink .= str_replace($locallink, '', $_zp_gallery->getLink($_zp_page));
                             case 'album.php':
                             case 'favorites.php':
                                 $altlink .= str_replace($locallink, '', $_zp_current_album->getLink($_zp_page));
                             case 'image.php':
                                 $altlink .= str_replace($locallink, '', $_zp_current_image->getLink());
                             case 'news.php':
                                 if (function_exists("is_NewsArticle")) {
                                     if (is_NewsArticle()) {
                                         $altlink .= str_replace($locallink, '', $_zp_current_article->getLink());
                                     } else {
                                         if (is_NewsCategory()) {
                                             $altlink .= str_replace($locallink, '', $_zp_current_category->getLink($_zp_page));
                                         } else {
                                             $altlink .= getNewsPathNav($_zp_page);
                             case 'pages.php':
                                 $altlink .= str_replace($locallink, '', $_zp_current_page->getLink());
                             case 'archive.php':
                                 $altlink .= getCustomPageURL('archive');
                             case 'search.php':
                                 $searchwords = $_zp_current_search->codifySearchString();
                                 $searchdate = $_zp_current_search->getSearchDate();
                                 $searchfields = $_zp_current_search->getSearchFields(true);
                                 $searchpagepath = getSearchURL($searchwords, $searchdate, $searchfields, $_zp_page, array('albums' => $_zp_current_search->getAlbumList()));
                                 $altlink .= $searchpagepath;
                             case 'contact.php':
                                 $altlink .= getCustomPageURL('contact');
                                 // for all other possible none standard custom pages
                                 $altlink .= getCustomPageURL($pagetitle);
                         // switch
                         $meta .= '<link rel="alternate" hreflang="' . $langcheck . '" href="' . html_encode($altlink) . '">' . "\n";
                     // if lang
                 // foreach
             // if count
         // if option
     // if canonical
     echo $meta;
Beispiel #7
function loadAlbum($album)
    global $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_image, $_zp_gallery, $custom, $enabled;
    $subalbums = $album->getAlbums();
    $started = false;
    $tcount = $count = 0;
    foreach ($subalbums as $folder) {
        $subalbum = newAlbum($folder);
        if (!$subalbum->isDynamic()) {
            $tcount = $tcount + loadAlbum($subalbum);
    $theme = $_zp_gallery->getCurrentTheme();
    $id = 0;
    $parent = getUrAlbum($album);
    $albumtheme = $parent->getAlbumTheme();
    if (!empty($albumtheme)) {
        $theme = $albumtheme;
        $id = $parent->getID();
    loadLocalOptions($id, $theme);
    $_zp_current_album = $album;
    if ($album->getNumImages() > 0) {
        echo "<br />" . $album->name . ' ';
        while (next_image(true)) {
            if (isImagePhoto($_zp_current_image)) {
                $countit = 0;
                if (in_array('*', $enabled)) {
                    $uri = getFullImageURL(NULL, 'Protected view');
                    if (strpos($uri, 'full-image.php?') !== false) {
                        if (!($count + $countit)) {
                            echo "{ ";
                        } else {
                            echo ' | ';
                        $countit = 1;
						<a href="<?php 
                        echo html_encode($uri);
                        echo '<img src="' . html_encode(pathurlencode($uri)) . '" height="30" width="30" alt="X" />' . "\n";
                foreach ($custom as $key => $cacheimage) {
                    if (in_array($key, $enabled)) {
                        $size = isset($cacheimage['image_size']) ? $cacheimage['image_size'] : NULL;
                        $width = isset($cacheimage['image_width']) ? $cacheimage['image_width'] : NULL;
                        $height = isset($cacheimage['image_height']) ? $cacheimage['image_height'] : NULL;
                        $thumbstandin = isset($cacheimage['thumb']) ? $cacheimage['thumb'] : NULL;
                        if ($special = $thumbstandin === true) {
                            list($special, $cw, $ch, $cx, $cy) = $_zp_current_image->getThumbCropping($size, $width, $height);
                        if (!$special) {
                            $cw = isset($cacheimage['crop_width']) ? $cacheimage['crop_width'] : NULL;
                            $ch = isset($cacheimage['crop_height']) ? $cacheimage['crop_height'] : NULL;
                            $cx = isset($cacheimage['crop_x']) ? $cacheimage['crop_x'] : NULL;
                            $cy = isset($cacheimage['crop_y']) ? $cacheimage['crop_y'] : NULL;
                        $effects = isset($cacheimage['gray']) ? $cacheimage['gray'] : NULL;
                        if (isset($cacheimage['wmk'])) {
                            $passedWM = $cacheimage['wmk'];
                        } else {
                            if ($thumbstandin) {
                                $passedWM = getWatermarkParam($_zp_current_image, WATERMARK_THUMB);
                            } else {
                                $passedWM = getWatermarkParam($_zp_current_image, WATERMARK_IMAGE);
                        if (isset($cacheimage['maxspace'])) {
                            getMaxSpaceContainer($width, $height, $_zp_current_image, $thumbstandin);
                        $args = array($size, $width, $height, $cw, $ch, $cx, $cy, NULL, $thumbstandin, NULL, $thumbstandin, $passedWM, NULL, $effects);
                        $args = getImageParameters($args, $album->name);
                        $uri = getImageURI($args, $album->name, $_zp_current_image->filename, $_zp_current_image->filemtime);
                        if (strpos($uri, 'i.php?') !== false) {
                            if (!($count + $countit)) {
                                echo "{ ";
                            } else {
                                echo ' | ';
                            $countit = 1;
							<a href="<?php 
                            echo html_encode($uri);
                            if ($thumbstandin) {
                                echo '<img src="' . html_encode(pathurlencode($uri)) . '" height="15" width="15" alt="x" />' . "\n";
                            } else {
                                echo '<img src="' . html_encode(pathurlencode($uri)) . '" height="20" width="20" alt="X" />' . "\n";
                $count = $count + $countit;
        if ($count) {
            echo '
						} ';
        printf(ngettext('[%u image]', '[%u images]', $count), $count);
        echo "<br />\n";
    return $count + $tcount;
  * Prints the thumbnails
 function printThumbs()
     global $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_image, $_zp_current_search, $_zp_gallery;
     echo "<div id='pagedthumbsimages'>";
     $thumbs = $this->getThumbs();
     //$thcount = count($thumbs); echo "thcount:".$thcount;
     $number = 0;
     foreach ($thumbs as $image) {
         if ($image->id === getImageID()) {
             $css = " id='pagedthumbsnav-active' ";
         } else {
             $css = "";
         echo "<a {$css} href=\"" . html_encode($image->getImageLink()) . "\" title=\"" . strip_tags($image->getTitle()) . "\">";
         if ($this->crop) {
             $html = "<img src='" . html_encode($image->getCustomImage(null, $this->width, $this->height, $this->width, $this->height, null, null, true)) . "' alt=\"" . strip_tags($image->getTitle()) . "\" width='" . $this->width . "' height='" . $this->height . "' />";
         } else {
             $maxwidth = $this->width;
             // needed because otherwise getMaxSpaceContainer will use the values of the first image for all others, too
             $maxheight = $this->height;
             getMaxSpaceContainer($maxwidth, $maxheight, $image, true);
             $html = "<img src=\"" . html_encode($image->getCustomImage(NULL, $maxwidth, $maxheight, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, true)) . "\" alt=\"" . strip_tags($image->getTitle()) . "\" />";
         echo zp_apply_filter('custom_image_html', $html, true);
         echo "</a>\n";
     if ($this->placeholders) {
         if ($number != $this->imagesperpage) {
             $placeholdernr = $this->imagesperpage - $number;
             for ($nr2 = 1; $nr2 <= $placeholdernr; $nr2++) {
                 echo "<span class=\"placeholder\" style=\"width:" . $this->width . "px;height:" . $this->height . "px\"></span>";
     echo "</div>";
 * Show the content of an media album with .flv/.mp4/.mp3 movie/audio files only as a playlist or as separate players with Flowplayer 3
 * Important: The Flowplayer 3 plugin needs to be activated to use this plugin. This plugin shares all settings with this plugin, too.
 * You can either show a 'one player window' playlist or show all items as separate players paginated. See the examples below.
 * (set in the settings for thumbs per page) on one page (like on a audio or podcast blog).
 * There are two usage modes:
 * a) 'playlist'
 * The playlist is meant to replace the 'next_image()' loop on a theme's album.php.
 * It can be used with a special 'album theme' that can be assigned to media albums with with .flv/.mp4/.mp3s, although Flowplayer 3 also supports images
 * Replace the entire 'next_image()' loop on album.php with this:
 * <?php flowplayerPlaylist("playlist"); ?>
 * This produces the following html:
 * <div class="wrapper">
 * <a class="up" title="Up"></a>
 * <div class="playlist">
 * <div class="clips">
 * <!-- single playlist entry as an "template" -->
 * <a href="${url}">${title}</a>
 * </div>
 * </div>
 * <a class="down" title="Down"></a>
 * </div>
 * </div>
 * This is styled by the css file 'playlist.css" that is located within the 'zp-core/plugins/flowplayer3_playlist/flowplayer3_playlist.css' by default.
 * Alternatively you can style it specifically for your theme. Just place a css file named "flowplayer3_playlist.css" in your theme's folder.
 * b) 'players'
 * This displays each audio/movie file as a separate player on album.php.
 * If there is no videothumb image for an mp3 file existing only the player control bar is shown.
 * Modify the 'next_image()' loop on album.php like this:
 * <?php
 * while (next_image()):
 * flowplayerPlaylist("players");
 * endwhile;
 * ?>
 * Of course you can add further functions to b) like printImageTitle() etc., too.
 * @param string $option The mode to use "players", "playlist" or "playlist-mp3". "playlist-mp3" is the same as "playlist" except that only the controlbar is shown (if you are too lazy for custom video thumbs and don't like the empty screen)
 * @param string $albumfolder For "playlist" mode only: To show a playlist of an specific album directly on another page (for example on index.php). Note: Currently it is not possible to have several playlists on one page
function flowplayerPlaylist($option = "playlist", $albumfolder = "")
    global $_zp_current_image, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_flash_player;
    $curdir = getcwd();
    chdir(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/flowplayer3');
    $filelist = safe_glob('flowplayer-*.swf');
    $swf = array_shift($filelist);
    $filelist = safe_glob('*.swf');
    $audio = array_shift($filelist);
    $filelist = safe_glob('flowplayer.controls-*.swf');
    $controls = array_shift($filelist);
    $playlistwidth = getOption('flow_player3_playlistwidth');
    $playlistheight = getOption('flow_player3_playlistheight');
    switch ($option) {
        case 'playlist':
        case 'playlist-mp3':
            $splashimage = getOption('flow_player3_playlistsplashimage');
            if ($option == 'playlist-mp3') {
                $playlistheight = FLOW_PLAYER_MP3_HEIGHT;
                $splashimage = 'none';
            if (empty($albumfolder)) {
                $albumname = $_zp_current_album->name;
            } else {
                $albumname = $albumfolder;
            $album = new Album(new Gallery(), $albumname);
            if (getOption("flow_player3_playlistautoplay") == 1) {
                $autoplay = 'true';
            } else {
                $autoplay = 'false';
            $playlist = $album->getImages();
            // slash image fetching
            $videoobj = new Video($album, $playlist[0]);
            $albumfolder = $album->name;
            $splashimagerwidth = $playlistwidth;
            $splashimageheight = $playlistheight;
            $videoThumbImg = '';
            if ($splashimage != 'none') {
                switch ($splashimage) {
                    case 'albumthumb':
                        $albumthumbobj = $album->getAlbumThumbImage();
                        getMaxSpaceContainer($splashimagerwidth, $splashimageheight, $albumthumbobj, true);
                        $albumthumb = $albumthumbobj->getCustomImage(null, $splashimagerwidth, $splashimageheight, null, null, null, null, true);
                        $videoThumbImg = '<img src="' . pathurlencode($albumthumb) . '" alt="" />';
                    case 'firstentry':
                        getMaxSpaceContainer($splashimagerwidth, $splashimageheight, $videoobj, true);
                        $videoThumb = $videoobj->getCustomImage(null, $splashimagerwidth, $splashimageheight, null, null, null, null, true);
                        $videoThumbImg = '<img src="' . pathurlencode($videoThumb) . '" alt="" />';
            if ($album->getNumImages() != 0) {
                if (getOption('flow_player3_playlistnumbered')) {
                    $liststyle = 'ol';
                } else {
                    $liststyle = 'div';
                echo '<div class="flowplayer3_playlistwrapper">
			<a id="player' . $album->get('id') . '" class="flowplayer3_playlist" style="display:block; width: ' . $playlistwidth . 'px; height: ' . $playlistheight . 'px;">
			' . $videoThumbImg . '
			<script type="text/javascript">
			// <!-- <![CDATA[
			$(function() {

				items:"' . $liststyle . '.clips' . $album->get('id') . '",
				mousewheel: true
			flowplayer("player' . $album->get('id') . '","' . WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/flowplayer3/' . $swf . '", {
			plugins: {
				audio: {
					url: "' . $audio . '"
				controls: {
					url: "' . $controls . '",
					backgroundColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsbackgroundcolor') . '",
					autoHide: "' . getOption('flow_player3_playlistautohide') . '",
					timeColor:"' . getOption('flow_player3_controlstimecolor') . '",
					durationColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsdurationcolor') . '",
					progressColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsprogresscolor') . '",
					progressGradient: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsprogressgradient') . '",
					bufferColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsbuffercolor') . '",
					bufferGradient:	 "' . getOption('fflow_player3_controlsbuffergradient') . '",
					sliderColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsslidercolor') . '",
					sliderGradient: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsslidergradient') . '",
					buttonColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsbuttoncolor') . '",
					buttonOverColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_controlsbuttonovercolor') . '",
					scaling: "' . getOption('flow_player3_scaling') . '",
					playlist: true
			canvas: {
				backgroundColor: "' . getOption('flow_player3_backgroundcolor') . '",
				backgroundGradient: "' . getOption('flow_player3_backgroundcolorgradient') . '"
                $list = '';
                foreach ($playlist as $item) {
                    $image = newImage($album, $item);
                    $coverimagerwidth = getOption('flow_player3_playlistwidth');
                    $coverimageheight = getOption('flow_player3_playlistheight');
                    getMaxSpaceContainer($coverimagerwidth, $coverimageheight, $image, true);
                    $cover = $image->getCustomImage(null, $coverimagerwidth, $coverimageheight, null, null, null, null, true);
                    $ext = strtolower(strrchr($item, "."));
                    if ($ext == ".flv" || $ext == ".mp3" || $ext == ".mp4") {
                        $list .= '{
					url:"' . ALBUM_FOLDER_WEBPATH . $album->name . '/' . $item . '",
					autoPlay: ' . $autoplay . ',
					title: "' . $image->getTitle() . ' <small>(' . $ext . ')</small>",
					autoBuffering: ' . $autoplay . ',
					coverImage: {
						url: "' . urlencode($cover) . '",
						scaling: "fit"
                    // if ext end
                // foreach end
                echo 'playlist: [' . substr($list, 0, -1) . ']
			flowplayer("player' . $album->get('id') . '").playlist("' . $liststyle . '.clips' . $album->get('id') . ':first", {loop:true});
			// ]]> -->
		<div class="wrapper">
					<a class="up" title="Up"></a>

			<div class="playlist playlist<?php 
                echo $album->get('id');
                echo $liststyle;
 class="clips clips<?php 
                echo $album->get('id');
					<!-- single playlist entry as an "template" -->
                if ($liststyle == 'ol') {
 <li> <?php 
					<a href="${url}">${title}</a>
                if ($liststyle == 'ol') {
 </li> <?php 
                echo $liststyle;
		<a class="down" title="Down"></a>
</div><!-- flowplayer3_playlist wrapper end -->
            // check if there are images end
        case 'players':
            $_zp_flash_player->printPlayerConfig('', '', imageNumber());
    // switch end