function _getTableheadMonthAsHTMLWithJavascript() { $params = $this->_getGetParamsAsArray(); // Optimierungsbedarf: Die $this->_translator->getMessage wird 11Mal!!! umsonst aufgerufen $current_time = localtime(); $month = getLongMonthName($current_time[4]); $html = ' <tr>' . LF; #$html .= ' <td class="infoborderyear" style="vertical-align:bottom;">'.LF; #// jQuery #//$html .= ' <select style="width: 10em; font-size:10pt;" name="presentation_mode" size="1" onChange="javascript:document.indexform.submit()">'.LF; #$html .= ' <select style="width: 10em; font-size:10pt;" name="presentation_mode" size="1" id="submit_form">'.LF; #// jQuery #$html .= ' <option value="2"'; #if ($this->_presentation_mode == '2'){ # $html .= ' selected="selected"'; #} #$html .= '>'.$this->_translator->getMessage('DATE_MONTH_PRESENTATION').'</option>'.LF; #$html .= ' <option value="1"'; #if ($this->_presentation_mode != '2'){ # $html .= ' selected="selected"'; #} #$html .= '>'.$this->_translator->getMessage('DATE_WEEK_PRESENTATION').'</option>'.LF; #$html .= ' </select>'.LF; $html .= '</td>' . LF; $html .= '<td colspan="3" class="infoborderweek" style="vertical-align:bottom; text-align:left; white-space:nowrap;">' . LF; #$html .= $this->_getWeekList(); #$html .= ' '; $html .= $this->_getMonthListWithJavascript(); #$html .= ' '; #$html .= $this->_getYearList(); $html .= '<noscript><input type="submit" style="font-size:10pt; width:2em;" name="room_change" value="' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_GO_BUTTON2') . '"/></noscript>' . LF; $html .= '</td>' . LF; $html .= ' </tr>' . LF; return $html; }
function asHTML() { $html = ''; $session = $this->_environment->getSession(); if (!empty($session)) { $session_id = $session->getSessionID(); } else { $session_id = ''; } if (!$this->_blank_page) { // Link Row if ($this->_with_navigation_links and !$this->_shown_as_printable) { $html .= $this->_getLinkRowAsHTML(); } else { $html .= $this->_getBlankLinkRowAsHTML(); } $width = 'width:100%;'; //not used $html .= '<div style="padding:0px; margin:0px;">' . LF; $html .= '<div class="content">' . LF; // Full Screen Views $first = true; $html .= '<div class="content_fader">'; $show_agb_again = false; $current_user = $this->_environment->getCurrentUserItem(); $current_context = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem(); if ($current_user->isUser() and !$current_user->isRoot() and $current_context->withAGB()) { $user_agb_date = $current_user->getAGBAcceptanceDate(); $context_agb_date = $current_context->getAGBChangeDate(); if ($user_agb_date < $context_agb_date) { $show_agb_again = true; } } unset($current_user); $html .= LF . '<div id="main">' . LF; $html .= $this->_getPluginInfosForBeforeContentAsHTML(); if ($show_agb_again) { $html .= ' '; } if (!empty($this->_views)) { foreach ($this->_views as $view) { if ($first) { $first = false; $html .= $view->asHTML(); } else { $html .= $view->asHTML(); } } } if ($this->_environment->getCurrentModule() != 'home' or isset($view->_title) or $show_agb_again) { $html .= '</div>'; } // Left views if (!empty($this->_views_right)) { if ($this->_environment->getCurrentModule() == 'home') { $context_item = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem(); $title_string = ''; $desc_string = ''; $size_string = ''; $mod_string = ''; $config_text = ''; $html .= '<div style="clear:both;">' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '<div id="commsy_panels" style="width:100%;">' . LF; $html .= '<div style="float:right; width:28%; padding-top:5px; padding-left:0px; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;">' . LF; $html .= '<div style="width:250px;">' . 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LF; unset($list_infos); unset($view); } $first = true; $count = 1; $home_right_conf = $context_item->getHomeRightConf(); $right_boxes_config_array = array(); if (!empty($home_right_conf)) { $home_right_conf_array = explode(',', $home_right_conf); foreach ($home_right_conf_array as $box_conf) { $box_conf_array = explode('_', $box_conf); $right_boxes_config_array[$box_conf_array[0]] = $box_conf_array[1]; } } $append = ''; foreach ($this->_views_right as $view) { $view_name = $view->getViewName(); if ($view_name != 'actions' and $view_name != 'activity' and $view_name != 'usageinfos' and $view_name != 'preferences' and $view_name != 'search' and $view_name != 'homeextratools' and ($view_name != 'netnavigation' or $context_item->withRubric(CS_GROUP_TYPE) or $context_item->withRubric(CS_TOPIC_TYPE) or $context_item->withRubric(CS_INSTITUTION_TYPE))) { $html .= '<div class="commsy_panel" style="margin-bottom:1px;">' . LF; $html .= $view->asHTML(); $title_string .= $append . '"' . $view->getViewTitle() . '"'; $desc_string .= $append . '" "'; $mod_string .= $append . '" "'; if ($view_name == 'buzzwords') { $buzzword_manager = $this->_environment->getLabelManager(); $buzzword_manager->resetLimits(); $buzzword_manager->setContextLimit($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID()); $buzzword_manager->setTypeLimit('buzzword'); $size = count($buzzword_manager->getIds()); unset($buzzword_manager); $size_string .= $append . '"' . $size . '"'; } elseif ($view_name == 'tags') { $tag_manager = $this->_environment->getTagManager(); $tag_manager->setContextLimit($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID()); $tag_manager->select(); $size = $tag_manager->getCountAll(); unset($tag_manager); $size_string .= $append . '"' . $size . '"'; } else { $size_string .= $append . '"10"'; } if ($view_name == 'buzzwords' and $context_item->isBuzzwordShowExpanded() or $view_name == 'tags' and $context_item->isTagsShowExpanded() or $view_name == 'netnavigation' and $context_item->isNetnavigationShowExpanded()) { $config_text .= $append . 'true'; } else { $config_text .= $append . 'false'; } $html .= '</div>'; } elseif ($view_name == 'activity') { $html .= '<div style="margin-bottom:1px;">' . LF; $html .= $view->asHTML(); $html .= '</div>'; } elseif ($view_name == 'usageinfos') { $html .= '<div style="margin-bottom:10px;">' . LF; $html .= $view->asHTML(); $html .= '</div>'; } if ($view_name == 'buzzwords' or $view_name == 'tags' or $view_name == 'netnavigation') { $append = ','; } } $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $current_browser = mb_strtolower($this->_environment->getCurrentBrowser(), 'UTF-8'); $current_browser_version = $this->_environment->getCurrentBrowserVersion(); if ($current_browser == 'msie' and (strstr($current_browser_version, '5.') or strstr($current_browser_version, '6.'))) { $width = ' width:100%; padding-right:10px;'; } else { $width = ''; } $html .= '<div class="content_display_width" style="' . $width . 'padding-top:5px; vertical-align:bottom;">' . LF; $conf = $context_item->getHomeConf(); if (!empty($conf)) { $rubrics = explode(',', $conf); } else { $rubrics = array(); } foreach ($rubrics as $rubric) { $rubric_array = explode('_', $rubric); if ($rubric_array[1] != 'none' and $rubric_array[1] != 'nodisplay') { if ($rubric_array[1] == 'short') { if (empty($config_text)) { $config_text .= 'true'; } else { $config_text .= ',true'; } } else { if (empty($config_text)) { $config_text .= 'false'; } else { $config_text .= ',false'; } } } } foreach ($this->_views_left as $view) { if (!$this->_environment->inPrivateRoom()) { if ($view->getViewName() != $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_INFORMATION_INDEX')) { $html .= '<div class="commsy_panel" style="margin-bottom:20px; border:0px solid black;">' . LF; } else { $html .= '<div id="commsy_no_panel" style="margin-bottom:20px; border:0px solid black;">' . LF; } $desc = $view->_getDescriptionAsHTML(); $noscript_title = $view->getViewTitle(); if ($view instanceof cs_user_short_view or $view instanceof cs_user_tiny_view) { $image_text = 'user'; } elseif ($view instanceof cs_announcement_short_view or $view instanceof cs_announcement_tiny_view) { $image_text = 'announcement'; } elseif ($view instanceof cs_project_short_view or $view instanceof cs_project_tiny_view) { $image_text = 'room'; } elseif ($view instanceof cs_date_short_view or $view instanceof cs_date_tiny_view) { $image_text = 'date'; } elseif ($view instanceof cs_group_short_view or $view instanceof cs_group_tiny_view) { $image_text = 'group'; } elseif ($view instanceof cs_institution_short_view or $view instanceof cs_institution_tiny_view) { $image_text = 'group'; } elseif ($view instanceof cs_todo_short_view or $view instanceof cs_todo_tiny_view) { $image_text = 'todo'; } elseif ($view instanceof cs_topic_short_view or $view instanceof cs_topic_tiny_view) { $image_text = 'topic'; } elseif ($view instanceof cs_institution_short_view or $view instanceof cs_institution_tiny_view) { $image_text = 'institution'; } elseif ($view instanceof cs_discussion_short_view or $view instanceof cs_discussion_tiny_view) { $image_text = 'discussion'; } else { $image_text = 'material'; } $mod = $image_text; if ($this->_environment->getCurrentBrowser() == 'MSIE' && mb_substr($this->_environment->getCurrentBrowserVersion(), 0, 1) == '6') { $image = '<img src="images/commsyicons_msie6/16x16/' . $image_text . '.gif" style="padding-top:2px; float:left;"/>'; } else { $image = '<img src="images/commsyicons/16x16/' . $image_text . '.png" style="padding-top:2px; float:left;"/>'; } $title = addslashes($image . ' ' . $view->getViewTitle()); if ($view->getViewName() != $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_INFORMATION_INDEX')) { $item_list = $view->getList(); $size = 10; if (isset($item_list)) { $size = $item_list->getCount(); } if (empty($size)) { $size = 10; } if (!empty($size) and ($view instanceof cs_user_short_view or $view instanceof cs_topic_short_view or $view instanceof cs_institution_short_view or $view instanceof cs_group_short_view)) { $size = round($size / 3, 0); } if (empty($title_string)) { $title_string .= '"' . $title . '"'; $desc_string .= '"' . $desc . '"'; $size_string .= '"' . $size . '"'; $mod_string .= '"' . $mod . '"'; } else { $title_string .= ',"' . $title . '"'; $desc_string .= ',"' . $desc . '"'; $size_string .= ',"' . $size . '"'; $mod_string .= ',"' . $mod . '"'; } } // jQuery //$html .= '<div>'; $html .= '<div id="homeheader">'; // jQuery $html .= '<noscript>'; $html .= '<div class="homeheader">' . $noscript_title . ' ' . $desc . '</div>'; $html .= '</noscript>'; } else { if ($view->getViewName() == $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_INFORMATION_INDEX')) { $html .= '<div id="commsy_no_panel" style="margin-bottom:20px; border:0px solid black;">' . LF; } } $html .= $view->asHTML(); if (!$this->_environment->inPrivateRoom()) { $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; } else { if ($view->getViewName() == $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_INFORMATION_INDEX')) { $html .= '</div>' . LF; } } $last_view = $view; } $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div style="clear:both;">' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; # $html .= '</form>'."\n"; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . LF; /*******************************/ /* TBD: Die Werte des dritten Arrays setzen, falls die Veränderungen*/ /* gespeichert werden sollen Array("pane1","pane1",...)*/ /*******************************/ $title_string = str_replace('</', '&COMMSYDHTMLTAG&', $title_string); if ($this->_with_modifying_actions) { $modify = 1; $html .= 'var new_action_message="' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_NEW_ITEM') . '";' . LF; if (!$session->issetValue('cookie') or $session->getValue('cookie') == '0') { $html .= 'var session_id = "' . $session->getSessionID() . '";' . LF; } else { $html .= 'var session_id = false;' . LF; } // Test auf Gemeinschaftsraum if ($context_item->isCommunityRoom()) { $html .= 'var is_community_room = true;' . LF; } else { $html .= 'var is_community_room = false;' . LF; } } else { $modify = 0; $html .= 'var new_action_message="' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_NO_ACTION_NEW', $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_NEW_ITEM')) . '";' . LF; } $html .= 'initCommSyPanels(Array(' . $title_string . '),Array(' . $desc_string . '),Array(' . $config_text . '),Array(),Array(' . $size_string . '),Array(' . $mod_string . '),' . $this->_environment->getCurrentContextID() . ',' . $modify . ');' . LF; $html .= '</script>' . LF; } else { $html .= '<table style="width:100%; padding-top:0px;" summary="Layout">' . LF; $html .= '<tr>' . LF; $html .= '<td class="leftviews">' . LF; $html .= '<div class="infoborder" style="margin-top:1px; padding-bottom:10px;"></div>' . LF; foreach ($this->_views_left as $view) { $html .= $view->asHTML(); $last_view = $view; } $html .= '</td>' . LF; $html .= '<td class="rightviews">' . LF; $html .= '<div class="infoborder" style="margin-top:1px; padding-bottom:10px;"></div>' . LF; $first = true; foreach ($this->_views_right as $view) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $html .= '<br/>' . LF; } $html .= $view->asHTML(); $last_view = $view; } unset($first); $html .= '</td>' . LF; $html .= '</tr>' . LF; $html .= '</table>' . LF; } } else { $new_private_room = $this->_environment->inConfigArray('c_use_new_private_room', $this->_environment->getCurrentContextID()); if ($new_private_room) { $html .= '<div style="clear:both"/></div>' . LF; } } $html .= '<div class="top_of_page">' . LF; $html .= '<div style="float:right; padding-right:0px;">' . LF; $date = date("Y-m-d"); $date_array = explode('-', $date); $current_time = localtime(); $month = getLongMonthName($current_time[4]); $year = $current_time[5] + 1900; $language = $this->_environment->getSelectedLanguage(); if ($language != 'en') { $text = $date_array[2] . '. ' . $month . ' ' . $date_array[0]; } else { $text = $date_array[2] . ' ' . $month . ' ' . $date_array[0]; } $text .= ', '; if (mb_strlen($current_time[1]) == 1) { $current_time[1] = '0' . $current_time[1]; } $text .= $current_time[2] . ':' . $current_time[1]; $html .= '<span>' . $text . '</span>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '<div class="footer">' . LF; $html .= '<a href="#top">' . '<img src="images/browse_left2.gif" alt="<" border="0"/></a> <a href="#top">' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_TOP_OF_PAGE') . '</a>'; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; /* if ($this->_with_navigation_links and !$this->_shown_as_printable) { $html .= $this->_getBlankLinkRowAsHTML(true); } else { $html .= $this->_getBlankLinkRowAsHTML(); }*/ $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; if ($this->_with_delete_box) { $html .= $this->getDeleteBoxAsHTML(); } if (isset($_GET['show_profile']) and $_GET['show_profile'] == 'yes') { $html .= $this->getProfileBoxAsHTML(); } if (isset($_GET['show_copies']) and $_GET['show_copies'] == 'yes') { $html .= $this->getCopyBoxAsHTML(); } if (isset($_GET['attach_view']) and $_GET['attach_view'] == 'yes' and isset($_GET['attach_type']) and !empty($_GET['attach_type']) and $_GET['attach_type'] == 'buzzword' or isset($_POST['right_box_option']) and isOption($_POST['right_box_option'], $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_BUZZWORD_NEW_ATTACH')) and !isset($_POST['return_attach_buzzword_list']) or !empty($_POST['option']) and isOption($_POST['option'], $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_BUZZWORD_ADD'))) { $html .= $this->getBuzzwordBoxAsHTML(); } if (isset($_GET['attach_view']) and $_GET['attach_view'] == 'yes' and isset($_GET['attach_type']) and !empty($_GET['attach_type']) and $_GET['attach_type'] == 'tag' or isset($_POST['right_box_option']) and isOption($_POST['right_box_option'], $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_TAG_NEW_ATTACH')) and !isset($_POST['return_attach_tag_list'])) { $html .= $this->getTagBoxAsHTML(); } if (isset($_GET['attach_view']) and $_GET['attach_view'] == 'yes' and isset($_GET['attach_type']) and !empty($_GET['attach_type']) and $_GET['attach_type'] == 'item' or isset($_POST['right_box_option']) and (isOption($_POST['right_box_option'], $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_ITEM_NEW_ATTACH')) or isOption($_POST['right_box_option'], $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_GROUP_ATTACH')) or isOption($_POST['right_box_option'], $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_INSTITUTION_ATTACH'))) and !isset($_POST['return_attach_tag_list'])) { $html .= $this->getItemListBoxAsHTML(); } if (!empty($this->_views_overlay)) { foreach ($this->_views_overlay as $view) { $html .= $this->_getOverlayBoxAsHTML($view); } } $html .= $this->_getPluginInfosForAfterContentAsHTML(); if ($this->_environment->getCurrentModule() == 'agb' and $this->_environment->getCurrentFunction() == 'index') { $html .= '<div id="ie_footer" class="commsy_footer" style="width: 550px;">' . LF; } else { $html .= '<div id="ie_footer" class="commsy_footer">' . LF; } $html .= '<div class="footer" style="float:right; text-align:right; padding-left:20px; padding-right:12px; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:10px; ">' . LF; $email_to_moderators = ''; $current_user = $this->_environment->getCurrentUserItem(); $current_context = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem(); if ($current_context->showMail2ModeratorLink()) { $email_to_moderators = ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), 'mail', 'to_moderator', '', $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_MAIL_TO_MODERATOR')); } // service link if ($current_context->withAGB() and $this->_with_agb_link) { $desc_link = ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), 'agb', 'index', '', $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_AGB_CONFIRMATION_LINK_INPUT'), '', 'agb', '', '', ' onclick=", target, \'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=yes, width=600, height=400\');"'); } else { $desc_link = ''; } if ($current_context->showServiceLink() and $current_user->isUser() and !$this->_environment->inPrivateRoom() and !($this->_environment->getCurrentModule() == 'agb' and $this->_environment->getCurrentFunction() == 'index')) { // exernal link: BEGIN // Hierarchy of service-email: Set email, test if portal tier has one, then server tier $service_link_ext = $current_context->getServiceLinkExternal(); if ($service_link_ext == '') { $portal_item = $this->_environment->getCurrentPortalItem(); if (isset($portal_item) and !empty($portal_item)) { $service_link_ext = $portal_item->getServiceLinkExternal(); } unset($portal_item); } if ($service_link_ext == '') { $server_item = $this->_environment->getServerItem(); $service_link_ext = $server_item->getServiceLinkExternal(); } if (!empty($service_link_ext)) { if (strstr($service_link_ext, '%')) { $text_convert = $this->_environment->getTextConverter(); $service_link_ext = $text_convert->convertPercent($service_link_ext, false, true); } $email_to_service = '<a href="' . $service_link_ext . '" title="' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_MAIL_TO_SERVICE2_LINK_TITLE') . '" target="_blank">' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_MAIL_TO_SERVICE2') . '</a>'; } else { // exernal link: END $server_item = $this->_environment->getServerItem(); $link = ''; //Hierarchy of service-email: Set email, test if portal tier has one, then server tier $service_email = $current_context->getServiceEmail(); if ($service_email == '') { $portal_item = $this->_environment->getCurrentPortalItem(); if (isset($portal_item) and !empty($portal_item)) { $service_email = $portal_item->getServiceEmail(); } unset($portal_item); } if ($service_email == '') { $service_email = $server_item->getServiceEmail(); } if ($service_email == '') { $service_email = 'NONE'; } $ip = 'unknown'; if (!empty($_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"])) { $ip = $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])) { $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; } $email_to_service = '<form action="' . $link . '" method="post" name="service" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">' . LF; $email_to_service .= '<input type="hidden" name="server_name" value="' . $this->_text_as_html_short($server_item->getTitle()) . '"/>' . LF; $email_to_service .= '<input type="hidden" name="server_ip" value="' . $this->_text_as_html_short($ip) . '"/>' . LF; $email_to_service .= '<input type="hidden" name="context_id" value="' . $this->_text_as_html_short($current_context->getItemID()) . '"/>' . LF; $email_to_service .= '<input type="hidden" name="context_name" value="' . $this->_text_as_html_short($current_context->getTitle()) . '"/>' . LF; $email_to_service .= '<input type="hidden" name="context_type" value="' . $this->_text_as_html_short($current_context->getType()) . '"/>' . LF; $email_to_service .= '<input type="hidden" name="user_name" value="' . $this->_text_as_html_short($current_user->getFullname()) . '"/>' . LF; $email_to_service .= '<input type="hidden" name="user_email" value="' . $this->_text_as_html_short($current_user->getEmail()) . '"/>' . LF; $email_to_service .= '<input type="hidden" name="service_email" value="' . $this->_text_as_html_short($service_email) . '"/>' . LF; #$email_to_service .= $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_MAIL_TO_SERVICE').' <input type="image" src="images/servicelink.jpg" alt="Link to CommSyService" style="vertical-align:text-bottom;" />'.LF; // jQuery //$email_to_service .= '<a href="javascript:document.service.submit();" title="'.$this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_MAIL_TO_SERVICE2_LINK_TITLE').'">'.$this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_MAIL_TO_SERVICE2').'</a>'.LF; $email_to_service .= '<a href="#" id="submit_form" title="' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_MAIL_TO_SERVICE2_LINK_TITLE') . '">' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_MAIL_TO_SERVICE2') . '</a>' . LF; // jQuery $email_to_service .= '</form>' . LF; } $html .= '<table style="margin:0px; padding:0px; border-collapse: collapse; border:0px solid black;" summary="Layout">' . LF; $html .= ' <tr>' . LF; $html .= ' <td style="margin:0px; padding:0px; font-size:8pt; vertical-align:text-bottom;">' . LF; if ($email_to_moderators != '') { $html .= $email_to_moderators . ' - '; } $html .= ' </td>' . LF; if (!empty($desc_link)) { $html .= ' <td style="margin:0px; padding:0px; font-size:8pt; vertical-align:text-bottom;">' . LF; $html .= $desc_link . ' - '; $html .= ' </td>' . LF; } if (!empty($email_to_service)) { $html .= ' <td style="margin:0px; padding:0px; font-size:8pt; vertical-align:text-bottom;">' . LF; $html .= $email_to_service; $html .= ' </td>' . LF; } $html .= ' </tr>' . LF; $html .= '</table>' . LF; } elseif (!$this->_environment->inPrivateRoom() and !($this->_environment->getCurrentModule() == 'agb' and $this->_environment->getCurrentFunction() == 'index')) { $html .= '<table style="margin:0px; padding:0px; border-collapse: collapse; border:0px solid black;" summary="Layout">' . LF; $html .= ' <tr>' . LF; $html .= ' <td style="margin:0px; padding:0px; font-size:8pt; vertical-align:text-bottom;">' . LF; $html .= $email_to_moderators; $html .= '</td>' . LF; if (!empty($desc_link)) { $html .= ' <td style="margin:0px; padding:0px; font-size:8pt; vertical-align:text-bottom;">' . LF; $html .= ' - ' . $desc_link; $html .= ' </td>' . LF; } $html .= ' </tr>' . LF; $html .= '</table>' . LF; } $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '<div style="padding-top:5px; padding-left:10px;">' . LF; $html .= $this->_getSystemInfoAsHTML(); $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; unset($current_user); unset($current_context); unset($server_item); $html .= $this->_getFooterAsHTML(); $html .= '</body>' . LF; $html .= '</html>' . LF; } return $html; }
function getLongMonthNameFromInt($int) { return getLongMonthName($int - 1); }
/** * process basic template information */ private function processBaseTemplate() { $current_user = $this->_environment->getCurrentUser(); $own_room_item = $current_user->getOwnRoom(); $portal_user = $current_user->getRelatedPortalUserItem(); $portal_item = $this->_environment->getCurrentPortalItem(); $current_context = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem(); $translator = $this->_environment->getTranslationObject(); $portal_user_item = $current_user->getRelatedPortalUserItem(); if ($portal_user_item) { $this->assign('environment', 'user_language', $portal_user_item->getLanguage()); } $count_new_accounts = 0; if ($current_user->isModerator()) { // user count $manager = $this->_environment->getUserManager(); $manager->resetLimits(); $manager->setContextLimit($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID()); $manager->setStatusLimit(1); $manager->select(); $user = $manager->get(); $count_new_accounts = 0; if ($user->getCount() > 0) { $count_new_accounts = $user->getCount(); } // // tasks // $manager = $this->_environment->getTaskManager(); // $manager->resetLimits(); // $manager->setContextLimit($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID()); // $manager->setStatusLimit('REQUEST'); // $manager->select(); // $tasks = $manager->get(); // $task = $tasks->getFirst(); // $count_new_accounts = 0; // while($task){ // $mode = $task->getTitle(); // $task = $tasks->getNext(); // if ($mode == 'TASK_USER_REQUEST'){ // $count_new_accounts ++; // } // } } global $c_jsmath_enable; global $c_jsmath_url; if (!isset($c_jsmath_enable)) { $c_jsmath_enable = false; } if (!isset($c_jsmath_url)) { $c_jsmath_url = ''; } global $c_js_mode; global $c_commsy_url_path; global $c_commsy_domain; $url_path = ''; if ($c_commsy_url_path != '') { $url_path = $c_commsy_url_path . '/'; if (!(strpos($url_path, '/') === 0)) { $url_path = '/' . $c_commsy_url_path; } } else { $url_path = '/'; } $this->assign('basic', 'commsy_path', $c_commsy_domain . $url_path); $this->assign('basic', 'tpl_path', $c_commsy_domain . $url_path . $this->_tpl_path); $this->assign('environment', 'cid', $this->_environment->getCurrentContextID()); $this->assign('environment', 'pid', $this->_environment->getCurrentPortalID()); $this->assign('environment', 'current_user_id', $this->_environment->getCurrentUserID()); $this->assign('environment', 'function', $this->_environment->getCurrentFunction()); $this->assign('environment', 'module', $this->_environment->getCurrentModule()); $this->assign('environment', 'module_name', $translator->getMessage(strtoupper($this->_environment->getCurrentModule())) . '_INDEX'); $this->assign('environment', 'params', $this->_environment->getCurrentParameterString()); $this->assign('environment', 'params_array', $this->_environment->getCurrentParameterArray()); $this->assign('environment', 'username', $current_user->getFullName()); $this->assign('environment', 'user_item_id', $current_user->getItemID()); $this->assign('environment', 'user_picture', $current_user->getPicture()); $this->assign('environment', 'room_type_commnunity', $current_context->isCommunityRoom()); $this->assign('environment', 'room_type_group', $current_context->isGroupRoom()); $this->assign('environment', 'is_guest', $current_user->isReallyGuest()); $this->assign('environment', 'is_read_only', $current_user->isOnlyReadUser()); $this->assign('environment', 'is_moderator', $current_user->isModerator()); $this->assign('translation', 'act_month_long', getLongMonthName(date("n") - 1)); $this->assign('environment', 'lang', $this->_environment->getSelectedLanguage()); $this->assign('environment', 'logo', $current_context->getLogoFileName()); $this->assign('environment', 'room_title', $current_context->getTitle()); $this->assign('environment', 'portal_title', $portal_item->getTitle()); $this->assign('environment', 'show_room_title', $current_context->showTitle()); $this->assign('environment', 'language', $current_context->getLanguage()); $this->assign('environment', 'count_copies', $this->getUtils()->getCopyCount()); $this->assign('environment', 'show_moderator_link', $current_context->showMail2ModeratorLink()); $this->assign('environment', 'show_service_link', $portal_item->showServiceLink()); $this->assign('environment', 'service_link', $this->_getServiceMailLink()); $this->assign('environment', 'c_jsmath_enable', $c_jsmath_enable); $this->assign('environment', 'c_jsmath_url', $c_jsmath_url); $this->assign('environment', 'c_js_mode', isset($c_js_mode) && $c_js_mode === "layer" ? $c_js_mode : "source"); $this->assign('environment', 'count_new_accounts', $count_new_accounts); $this->assign('environment', 'post', $_POST); $this->assign('environment', 'get', $_GET); include_once 'functions/misc_functions.php'; $this->assign('environment', 'commsy_version', getCommSyVersion()); $c_version_addon = $this->_environment->getConfiguration('c_version_addon'); if (!empty($c_version_addon)) { $this->assign('environment', 'commsy_version_addon', $c_version_addon); } // archive $this->assign('environment', 'archive_mode', $this->_environment->isArchiveMode()); // archive // browser $current_browser = mb_strtolower($this->_environment->getCurrentBrowser(), 'UTF-8'); $current_browser_version = $this->_environment->getCurrentBrowserVersion(); $IE8 = false; if ($current_browser == 'msie' && strstr($current_browser_version, '8.')) { $IE8 = true; } $this->assign("environment", "IE8", $IE8); $ownRoomItem = $current_user->getOwnRoom(); if ($ownRoomItem) { $this->assign("own", "id", $ownRoomItem->getItemId()); $this->assign("own", "with_activating", $ownRoomItem->withActivatingContent()); } $this->assign('environment', 'use_problems', $this->getUseProblems()); if (isset($own_room_item) and !$this->_environment->isArchiveMode()) { $this->assign('cs_bar', 'show_widgets', $own_room_item->getCSBarShowWidgets()); $this->assign('cs_bar', 'show_calendar', $own_room_item->getCSBarShowCalendar()); $this->assign('cs_bar', 'show_stack', $own_room_item->getCSBarShowStack()); $this->assign('cs_bar', 'show_portfolio', $own_room_item->getCSBarShowPortfolio()); $this->assign('cs_bar', 'addon_information', $this->getAddonInformation()); if ($own_room_item->showCSBarConnection()) { $this->assign('cs_bar', 'show_connection', $own_room_item->getCSBarShowConnection()); } else { $this->assign('cs_bar', 'show_connection', false); } } else { $this->assign('cs_bar', 'show_widgets', false); $this->assign('cs_bar', 'show_calendar', false); $this->assign('cs_bar', 'show_stack', false); $this->assign('cs_bar', 'show_portfolio', false); $this->assign('cs_bar', 'show_connection', false); } $this->assign('cs_bar', 'show_limesurvey', !($this->_environment->inPortal() || $this->_environment->inServer()) && $current_context->isLimeSurveyActive() && $portal_item->isLimeSurveyActive() && $portal_item->withLimeSurveyFunctions()); // to javascript $to_javascript = array(); $to_javascript['template']['tpl_path'] = $this->_tpl_path; $to_javascript['environment']['lang'] = $this->_environment->getSelectedLanguage(); $to_javascript['environment']['single_entry_point'] = $this->_environment->getConfiguration('c_single_entry_point'); $to_javascript['environment']['max_upload_size'] = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem()->getMaxUploadSizeInBytes(); $to_javascript['environment']['portal_link_status'] = $portal_item->getProjectRoomLinkStatus(); // optional | mandatory $to_javascript['environment']['isPortal'] = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem()->isPortal(); // escape ' and replace it with \x27 $to_javascript['environment']['user_name'] = str_replace("'", '\\x27', $current_user->getFullName()); $current_portal_user = $this->_environment->getPortalUserItem(); // password expires soon alert if (!empty($current_portal_user) and $current_portal_user->getPasswordExpireDate() > getCurrentDateTimeInMySQL()) { $start_date = new DateTime(getCurrentDateTimeInMySQL()); $since_start = $start_date->diff(new DateTime($current_portal_user->getPasswordExpireDate())); $days = $since_start->days; if ($days == 0) { $days = 1; } $days_before_expiring_sendmail = $portal_item->getDaysBeforeExpiringPasswordSendMail(); if (isset($days_before_expiring_sendmail) and $days <= $days_before_expiring_sendmail) { $to_javascript["translations"]["password_expire_soon_alert"] = $translator->getMessage("COMMON_PASSWORD_EXPIRE_ALERT", $days); $to_javascript['environment']['password_expire_soon'] = true; } else { if (!isset($days_before_expiring_sendmail) and $days <= 14) { $to_javascript["translations"]["password_expire_soon_alert"] = $translator->getMessage("COMMON_PASSWORD_EXPIRE_ALERT", $days); $to_javascript['environment']['password_expire_soon'] = true; } } } else { $to_javascript['environment']['password_expire_soon'] = false; } // locking $checkLocking = $this->_environment->getConfiguration('c_item_locking'); $checkLocking = $checkLocking ? $checkLocking : false; $to_javascript["environment"]["item_locking"] = $checkLocking; // single categorie selection $singleCatSelection = $this->_environment->getConfiguration('c_single_cat_selection'); $singleCatSelection = $singleCatSelection ? $singleCatSelection : false; $to_javascript["environment"]["single_cat_selection"] = $singleCatSelection; $to_javascript['i18n']['COMMON_NEW_BLOCK'] = $translator->getMessage('COMMON_NEW_BLOCK'); $to_javascript['i18n']['COMMON_SAVE_BUTTON'] = $translator->getMessage('COMMON_SAVE_BUTTON'); $to_javascript['security']['token'] = getToken(); $to_javascript['autosave']['mode'] = 0; $to_javascript['autosave']['limit'] = 0; global $c_media_integration; if ($c_media_integration) { $to_javascript['c_media_integration'] = true; // check for rights for mdo $current_context_item = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem(); if ($current_context_item->isProjectRoom()) { // does this project room has any community room? $community_list = $current_context_item->getCommunityList(); if ($community_list->isNotEmpty()) { // check for community rooms activated the mdo feature $community = $community_list->getFirst(); while ($community) { $mdo_active = $community->getMDOActive(); if (!empty($mdo_active) && $mdo_active != '-1') { $to_javascript['mdo_active'] = true; break; } $community = $community_list->getNext(); } } } } else { $to_javascript['c_media_integration'] = false; } if ($ownRoomItem) { $to_javascript['own']['id'] = $ownRoomItem->getItemId(); $to_javascript['ownRoom']['id'] = $ownRoomItem->getItemId(); $to_javascript['ownRoom']['withPortfolio'] = $own_room_item->getCSBarShowPortfolio(); } // translations - should be managed elsewhere soon $to_javascript["translations"]["common_hide"] = $translator->getMessage("COMMON_HIDE"); $to_javascript["translations"]["common_show"] = $translator->getMessage("COMMON_SHOW"); $current_user = $this->_environment->getCurrentUserItem(); $auth_source_manager = $this->_environment->getAuthSourceManager(); $auth_source_item = $auth_source_manager->getItem($current_user->getAuthSource()); if (isset($auth_source_item)) { $show_tooltip = true; // password if ($auth_source_item->getPasswordLength() > 0) { $to_javascript["password"]["length"] = $translator->getMessage('PASSWORD_INFO2_LENGTH', $auth_source_item->getPasswordLength()); } else { $show_tooltip = false; } if ($auth_source_item->getPasswordSecureBigchar() == 1) { $to_javascript["password"]["big"] = $translator->getMessage('PASSWORD_INFO2_BIG'); } else { $show_tooltip = false; } if ($auth_source_item->getPasswordSecureSmallchar() == 1) { $to_javascript["password"]["small"] = $translator->getMessage('PASSWORD_INFO2_SMALL'); } else { $show_tooltip = false; } if ($auth_source_item->getPasswordSecureNumber() == 1) { $to_javascript["password"]["special"] = $translator->getMessage('PASSWORD_INFO2_SPECIAL'); } else { $show_tooltip = false; } if ($auth_source_item->getPasswordSecureSpecialchar() == 1) { $to_javascript["password"]["number"] = $translator->getMessage('PASSWORD_INFO2_NUMBER'); } else { $show_tooltip = false; } } else { $show_tooltip = false; } if ($show_tooltip) { $to_javascript["password"]["tooltip"] = 1; } else { $to_javascript["password"]["tooltip"] = 0; } if ($this->_environment->getCurrentFunction() == 'detail' and $this->_environment->getCurrentModule() == 'group') { $params = $this->_environment->getCurrentParameterArray(); $group_manager = $this->_environment->getGroupManager(); $group_item = $group_manager->getItem($params['iid']); if ($group_item->isGroupRoomActivated()) { $to_javascript['dev']['room_id'] = $group_item->getGroupRoomItemID(); } } // dev global $c_indexed_search; global $c_xhr_error_reporting; $this->assign('environment', 'with_indexed_search', isset($c_indexed_search) && $c_indexed_search === true ? true : false); $to_javascript['dev']['indexed_search'] = isset($c_indexed_search) && $c_indexed_search === true ? true : false; $to_javascript['dev']['xhr_error_reporting'] = isset($c_xhr_error_reporting) && !empty($c_xhr_error_reporting) ? true : false; if (isset($portal_user) && $portal_user->isAutoSaveOn()) { global $c_autosave_mode; global $c_autosave_limit; if (isset($c_autosave_mode) && isset($c_autosave_limit)) { $to_javascript['autosave']['mode'] = $c_autosave_mode; $to_javascript['autosave']['limit'] = $c_autosave_limit; } } // limesurvey if (!($this->_environment->inPortal() || $this->_environment->inServer()) && $current_context->isLimeSurveyActive() && $portal_item->isLimeSurveyActive() && $portal_item->withLimeSurveyFunctions()) { $rpcPathParsed = parse_url($portal_item->getLimeSurveyJsonRpcUrl()); $matches = array(); preg_match('/(.*)\\/index.php/', $rpcPathParsed['path'], $matches); $subPath = ''; if (isset($matches[1])) { $subPath = $matches[1]; } $to_javascript["limesurvey"]["newSurveyPath"] = $rpcPathParsed['scheme'] . "://" . $rpcPathParsed['host'] . $subPath . "/index.php/admin/survey/sa/index"; $to_javascript["limesurvey"]["adminPath"] = $rpcPathParsed['scheme'] . "://" . $rpcPathParsed['host'] . $subPath . "/index.php/admin/"; $to_javascript["limesurvey"]["roomName"] = $current_context = $current_context->getTitle(); } // mixin javascript variables if (is_array($this->_toJSMixin)) { $to_javascript = array_merge($to_javascript, $this->_toJSMixin); } $this->assign('javascript', 'variables_as_json', json_encode($to_javascript)); $this->assign("javascript", "locale", $this->_environment->getSelectedLanguage()); // version global $c_debug; if (isset($c_debug) && $c_debug === true) { $this->assign("javascript", "version", uniqid("", true)); } else { if (file_exists("version")) { $versionFromFile = trim(file_get_contents("version")); /* * It is very important to replace " " whitespaces, otherwhise dojo shows some odd behaviour * resulting in adding y11n body classes(high contrast css) */ $this->assign("javascript", "version", str_replace(" ", "_", $versionFromFile)); } else { $this->assign("javascript", "version", "unset"); } } // plugins $info_before_body_ends = LF . ' <!-- PLUGINS BEGIN -->' . LF; include_once 'functions/misc_functions.php'; $info_before_body_ends .= plugin_hook_output_all('getInfosForBeforeBodyEndAsHTML', array(), LF, false) . LF; $info_before_body_ends .= ' <!-- PLUGINS END -->' . LF . LF; $this->assign('basic', 'html_before_body_ends', $info_before_body_ends); }