/** * @ describe the function AddCategory->getTag. */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); if ($value == null) { switch ($tag) { case 'Breadcrumb': $obj =& $application->getInstance('Breadcrumb'); $value = $obj->output(false); break; case 'ErrorIndex': $value = $this->_error_index; break; case 'Error': $value = $this->_error; break; } } return $value; }
function getTag($tag) { global $application; switch ($tag) { case 'ProductInfoLink': $cz_layouts = LayoutConfigurationManager::static_get_cz_layouts_list(); LayoutConfigurationManager::static_activate_cz_layout(array_shift(array_keys($cz_layouts))); $request = new CZRequest(); $request->setView('ProductInfo'); $request->setAction('SetCurrentProduct'); $request->setKey('prod_id', $this->POST["product_id"]); $request->setProductID($this->POST["product_id"]); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case "ErrorIndex": $value = $this->_error_index; break; case "Error": $value = $this->_error; break; default: $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); if ($value === NULL) { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Rate); } break; } return $value; }
/** * @ describe the function ManageOrders->. */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'CountByStatus0': $value = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderCount', 0); break; case 'CountByStatus1': $value = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderCount', 1); break; case 'CountByStatus2': $value = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderCount', 2); break; case 'CountByStatus3': $value = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderCount', 3); break; case 'SearchStatusSelector': $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); $status_array = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderStatusList'); if (isset($this->_filter['status_id']) && $this->_filter['status_id'] != "") { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['status_id']; } foreach ($status_array as $status) { $sel = 0; if (isset($this->_filter['order_statuses']) && is_array($this->_filter['order_statuses']) && isset($this->_filter['order_statuses'][$status['id']])) { $sel = 1; } $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $status['id'], 'name' => $status['name'], 'selected' => $sel); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-status-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchPaymentStatusSelector': $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); if (isset($this->_filter['payment_status_id']) && $this->_filter['payment_status_id'] != "") { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['payment_status_id']; } $status_array = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderPaymentStatusList'); foreach ($status_array as $status) { $sel = 0; if (isset($this->_filter['payment_statuses']) && is_array($this->_filter['payment_statuses']) && isset($this->_filter['payment_statuses'][$status['id']])) { $sel = 1; } $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $status['id'], 'name' => $status['name'], 'selected' => $sel); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-payment-status-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchFromDaySelector': $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['from_day']; $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { $num = sprintf("%02d", $i); $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $num, 'name' => $i); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-from-day-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchFromMonthSelector': $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['from_month']; $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $num = sprintf("%02d", $i); $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $num, 'name' => $this->MessageResources->getMessage("GENERAL_MONTH_" . $num)); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-from-month-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchFromYearSelector': $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['from_year']; $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); $curr_year_4digits = date('Y'); $start_year = (int) modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'VISUAL_INTERFACE', 'SEARCH_START_YEAR'); $offset_to = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'VISUAL_INTERFACE', 'SEARCH_YEAR_OFFSET'); for ($i = $start_year; $i <= $curr_year_4digits + $offset_to; $i++) { $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $i, 'name' => $i); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-from-year-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchToDaySelector': if (empty($this->_filter['to_day']) == false) { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['to_day']; } else { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = date("j"); } $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { $num = sprintf("%02d", $i); $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $num, 'name' => $i); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-to-day-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchToMonthSelector': if (empty($this->_filter['to_month']) == false) { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['to_month']; } else { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = date("m"); } $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $num = sprintf("%02d", $i); $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $num, 'name' => $this->MessageResources->getMessage("GENERAL_MONTH_" . $num)); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-to-month-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchToYearSelector': if (empty($this->_filter['to_year']) == false) { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['to_year']; } else { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = date("Y"); } $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); $curr_year_4digits = date('Y'); $start_year = (int) modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'VISUAL_INTERFACE', 'SEARCH_START_YEAR'); $offset_to = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'VISUAL_INTERFACE', 'SEARCH_YEAR_OFFSET'); for ($i = $start_year; $i <= $curr_year_4digits + $offset_to; $i++) { $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $i, 'name' => $i); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-to-year-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SimpleSelectorOption': $selected = $this->_simple_selector['selected']; $value = ""; foreach ($this->_simple_selector['options'] as $option) { $sel = $option['value'] == $selected ? " selected" : ""; $value .= "<OPTION value=\"" . $option['value'] . "\"" . $sel . ">" . $option['name'] . "</OPTION>\n"; } break; case 'SimpleCheckBoxGroup_Orders': $selected = $this->_simple_selector['selected']; $value = ""; $items_per_col = 2; // number of items per column $idx = 0; $flag = 0; foreach ($this->_simple_selector['options'] as $option) { if ($idx % $items_per_col == 0) { $value .= "<TR>\n"; $flag = 0; } $sel = ""; $highlight = ""; if ($option['selected'] == 1) { $sel = "checked"; if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == "date") { $highlight = "style='color: black;'"; } } $name = "order_" . preg_replace("/ /", "", $option['name']); $value .= "<TD {$highlight}><INPUT class='form-control input-inline input-sm' id='" . $name . "' name='order_status[" . $option['value'] . "]' type='checkbox' " . $sel . "> " . $option['name'] . "</TD>\n"; if ($idx % $items_per_col == 0 && $flag == 1) { $value .= "</TR>\n"; $flag = 0; } $flag = 1; $idx++; } break; case 'SimpleCheckBoxGroup_Payments': $selected = $this->_simple_selector['selected']; $value = ""; $items_per_col = 1; // number of items per column $idx = 0; $flag = 0; foreach ($this->_simple_selector['options'] as $option) { if ($idx % $items_per_col == 0) { $value .= "<TR>\n"; $flag = 0; } $sel = ""; $highlight = ""; if ($option['selected'] == 1) { $sel = "checked"; if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == "date") { $highlight = "color: black;"; } } $name = "payment_" . preg_replace("/ /", "", $option['name']); $value .= "<TD style='margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px;" . $highlight . "'><INPUT class='form-control input-inline input-sm' id='" . $name . "' name='payment_status[" . $option['value'] . "]' type='checkbox' " . $sel . "> " . $option['name'] . "</TD>\n"; if ($idx % $items_per_col == 0 && $flag == 1) { $value .= "</TR>\n"; $flag = 0; } $flag = 1; $idx++; } break; case 'ResultCount': $from = modApiFunc("Paginator", "getCurrentPaginatorOffset") + 1; $to = modApiFunc("Paginator", "getCurrentPaginatorOffset") + modApiFunc("Paginator", "getPaginatorRowsPerPage", "Checkout_Orders"); $total = modApiFunc("Paginator", "getCurrentPaginatorTotalRows"); if ($to > $total) { $to = $total; } if ($total <= modApiFunc("Paginator", "getPaginatorRowsPerPage", "Checkout_Orders")) { $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage(new ActionMessage(array("ORDERS_RESULTS_LESS_THEN_ROWS_PER_PAGE_FOUND", $total))); } else { $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage(new ActionMessage(array("ORDERS_RESULTS_MORE_THEN_ROWS_PER_PAGE_FOUND", $from, $to, $total))); } break; case 'ResultDateRange': $count = count($this->_orders); if ($count == 0) { $value = ""; break; } elseif ($count == 1) { $orderInfo = $this->_fetched_orders[$this->_orders[0]]; $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "SQL_date_format", $orderInfo['order_date']); break; } $first_in_list_order_info = $this->_fetched_orders[$this->_orders[0]]; $last_in_list_order_info = $this->_fetched_orders[$this->_orders[$count - 1]]; $value = $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "SQL_date_format", $last_in_list_order_info['order_date']) . " - " . modApiFunc("Localization", "SQL_date_format", $first_in_list_order_info['order_date']); break; case 'ResultAmount': if (count($this->_orders) == 0) { $value = 0; break; } $amount = 0; $all_orders_are_in_main_currency = true; $main_store_currency = modApiFunc("Localization", "getCurrencyCodeById", modApiFunc("Localization", "getMainStoreCurrency")); foreach ($this->_orders as $order_id) { // order_total main_store_currency . // order' , default ( . . // main_store_currency ). // default currency main_store_currency, // , . order_total // . $order_default_currency = modApiFunc("Localization", "getOrderMainCurrency", $order_id, $this->_fetched_orders[$order_id]['order_currencies_list']); $order_total_in_order_default_currency = $this->_fetched_orders[$order_id]['price_total'][$order_default_currency]['order_total']; if ($order_default_currency == $main_store_currency) { //var_dump($order); $amount += $order_total_in_order_default_currency; } else { $all_orders_are_in_main_currency = false; $total = modApiFunc('Currency_Converter', 'convert', $order_total_in_order_default_currency, $order_default_currency, $main_store_currency); $amount += $total; } } $main_store_currency_id = modApiFunc("Localization", "getMainStoreCurrency"); modApiFunc("Localization", "pushDisplayCurrency", $main_store_currency_id, $main_store_currency_id); $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", $amount); modApiFunc("Localization", "popDisplayCurrency"); if ($all_orders_are_in_main_currency == false) { $value = "~" . $value; } break; case 'ResultTaxTotal': break; case 'ResultFullTaxExempt': break; case 'ResultTaxTotalMinusFullTaxExempt': $tax_summary = $this->__getTaxSummary(); $value = $tax_summary[$tag]; break; case 'Items': $value = $this->getOrders(); break; case 'OrderStatusSelector': $value = '<select class="form-control input-sm input-small" name="status_id[' . $this->_order['IdInt'] . ']" onchange="onStatusChanged(' . $this->_order['IdInt'] . ')">'; if (!isset($this->OrderStatusList)) { $this->OrderStatusList = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderStatusList'); } foreach ($this->OrderStatusList as $status) { $value .= '<option value="' . $status['id'] . '" ' . ($status['id'] == $this->_order['StatusId'] ? " selected" : "") . '>' . $status['name'] . '</option>'; } $value .= '</select>'; break; case 'OrderIdLinkTitle': $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_RESULTS_ORDER_ID_LINK_TITLE'); break; case 'OrderCustomerNameLinkTitle': $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_RESULTS_ORDER_CUSTOMER_NAME_LINK_TITLE'); break; case 'OrderPaymentStatusSelector': $value = '<select class="form-control input-sm input-small" name="payment_status_id[' . $this->_order['IdInt'] . ']" onchange="onStatusChanged(' . $this->_order['IdInt'] . ')">\\n'; if (!isset($this->OrderPaymentStatusList)) { $this->OrderPaymentStatusList = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderPaymentStatusList'); } foreach ($this->OrderPaymentStatusList as $status) { $this->_payment_status = $status; $value .= '<option value="' . $status['id'] . '" ' . ($status['id'] == $this->_order['PaymentStatusId'] ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $status['name'] . '</option>'; } $value .= '</select>'; break; case 'SearchOrders': $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchBy': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'status') { $msg = ""; switch ($this->_filter['filter_status_id']) { case 0: $msg = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_SEARCH_ALL'); break; case 1: $msg = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_SEARCH_NEW_ORDERS'); break; case 2: $msg = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_SEARCH_IN_PROGRESS'); break; case 3: $msg = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_SEARCH_READY_TO_SHIP'); break; } $value = $msg; } elseif ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'date') { $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_SEARCH_FILTER'); } elseif ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'id') { $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_SEARCH_ORDER_ID'); } break; case 'SearchResults': if (count($this->_orders) == 0) { $value = modApiFunc('TmplFiller', 'fill', "checkout/orders/", "empty.tpl.html", array()); } else { $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "results.tpl.html", array()); } break; case 'HighLightAll': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'status' && $this->_filter['filter_status_id'] == 0) { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightNewOrders': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'status' && $this->_filter['filter_status_id'] == 1) { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightInProgress': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'status' && $this->_filter['filter_status_id'] == 2) { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightReadyToShip': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'status' && $this->_filter['filter_status_id'] == 3) { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightDate': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'date') { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightDateOrderStatus': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'date' && isset($this->_filter['order_statuses'])) { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightDateOrderPaymentStatus': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'date' && isset($this->_filter['payment_statuses'])) { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightOrderId': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'id') { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightAffiliateId': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'date' && !empty($this->_filter['affiliate_id'])) { $value = "style='color: blue;font-weight:bold;'"; } break; case 'SearchingOrderId': $value = ""; if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'id' && !empty($this->_filter['order_id'])) { $value = $this->_filter['order_id']; } break; case 'DeleteOrdersLink': $request = new Request(); $request->setView('DeleteOrders'); $request->setAction('SetOrdersForDeleteAction'); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'PaginatorLine': $obj =& $application->getInstance($tag); $value = $obj->output("Checkout_Orders", "Orders"); break; # PaginatorRows # PaginatorRows case 'PaginatorRows': $obj =& $application->getInstance($tag); $value = $obj->output("Checkout_Orders", 'Orders', 'PGNTR_ORD_ITEMS'); break; case 'ResultMessageRow': $value = $this->outputResultMessage(); break; case 'ResultMessage': $value = $this->_Template_Contents['ResultMessage']; break; case 'PackingSlipLink': $request = new Request(); $request->setView('OrderPackingSlip'); $request->setAction('SetCurrentOrder'); $request->setKey('order_id', $this->_order['IdInt']); // uncomment the following link to force printing // $request -> setKey('do_print', 'Y'); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'InvoiceLink': $request = new Request(); $request->setView('OrderInvoice'); $request->setAction('SetCurrentOrder'); $request->setKey('order_id', $this->_order['IdInt']); // uncomment the following link to force printing // $request -> setKey('do_print', 'Y'); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'AffiliateIDSearch': $v = isset($this->_filter['affiliate_id']) ? $this->_filter['affiliate_id'] : ""; $value = "<input type='text' name='affiliate_id' size='28' class='form-control form-filter input-sm' value='" . $v . "' />"; break; default: list($entity, $tag) = getTagName($tag); if ($entity == 'order') { if (_ml_strpos($tag, 'price') === 0) { $tag = _ml_strtolower(_ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen('price'))); if ($tag == 'total') { $value = $this->_order['Total']; if ($this->_order['TotalInMainStoreCurrency'] !== NULL) { $value = $this->_order['TotalInMainStoreCurrency'] . ' (' . $value . ')'; } } elseif ($tag == 'subtotal') { $value = $this->_order['Subtotal']; } else { if ($tag == 'taxes') { $full_tax_exempt_orders = $this->__getFullTaxExemptOrders(); $code = $this->_fetched_orders[$this->_order['IdInt']]["order_currencies_list"]["CURRENCY_TYPE_MAIN_STORE_CURRENCY"]["currency_code"]; $value = $this->_fetched_orders[$this->_order['IdInt']]["price_total"][$code]["order_tax_total"]; $crcy_id = modApiFunc("Localization", "getCurrencyIdByCode", $code); modApiFunc("Localization", "pushDisplayCurrency", $crcy_id, $crcy_id); $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", $value); $null_value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", "0.0000"); modApiFunc("Localization", "popDisplayCurrency"); if (array_key_exists($this->_order['IdInt'], $full_tax_exempt_orders)) { $value = $null_value . " (ex. {$value})"; } } else { $prices = getKeyIgnoreCase('price', $this->_order); $value = $prices[$tag]; } } } elseif (_ml_strpos($tag, 'customer') === 0) { $tag = _ml_strtolower(_ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen('customer'))); switch ($tag) { case 'name': $value = $this->_order['PersonName']; break; case 'id': $value = $this->_order['PersonId']; break; case 'infoname': $value = $this->_order['PersonInfoName']; break; } } else { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_order); } } break; } return $value; }
function getTag($tag) { return getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); }
function getSortLink($tag) { # THIS FUNCTION TEMPORARY DISABLED return getMsg('CTL', 'LINK_NAME_' . getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->__sort_tag_suffix)); list($curr_sort_field, $curr_sort_direction) = modApiFunc('CProductListFilter', 'getCurrentSortField'); $_sort_field = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->__sort_tag_suffix); if ($curr_sort_field == $_sort_field) { if ($curr_sort_direction == SORT_DIRECTION_ASC) { $_sort_direction = SORT_DIRECTION_DESC; $_template_name = "sort_link_asc.tpl.html"; } else { $_sort_direction = SORT_DIRECTION_ASC; $_template_name = "sort_link_desc.tpl.html"; } } else { $_sort_direction = SORT_DIRECTION_ASC; $_template_name = "sort_link.tpl.html"; } $_request = new Request(); $_request->setView('ProductList'); $_request->setAction('SetProductListSortField'); $_request->setKey('field', $_sort_field . ',' . $_sort_direction); $params = array('LINK_HREF' => $_request->getURL(), 'LINK_NAME' => getMsg('CTL', 'LINK_NAME_' . $_sort_field)); $value = modApiFunc('TmplFiller', 'fill', "catalog/prod_list/", $_template_name, $params); return $value; }
function getTag($tag) { global $application; switch ($tag) { case "ErrorIndex": $value = $this->_error_index; break; case "Error": $value = $this->_error; break; case 'ResultMessage': $value = $this->_Template_Contents['ResultMessage']; break; default: $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); if ($value === NULL) { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_CCType); } break; } return $value; }
/** * @param $tag name of the requested tag * @return value of the tag */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); return $value; }
function getTag($tag) { // overriding paginator line if ($tag == 'PaginatorLine') { return getPaginatorLine($this->_pagname, $this->_pagblock, modApiFunc('CProductListFilter', 'getCurrentCategoryId'), $this->product_id); } // overriding paginator dropdown if ($tag == 'PaginatorDropdown') { return getPaginatorDropdown($this->_pagname, $this->_pagblock, 'customer reviews'); } return getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); }
function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { default: $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); break; } return $value; }
/** * Returns the tag output, whose name is specified in $tag. */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = ""; if ($tag == "Error") { $value = $this->_error; } elseif ($tag == "ErrorIndex") { $value = $this->_error_index; } else { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); } return $value; }
/** * Processes tags in the templates for the given view. * * @return string tag value, if tag has been processed. NULL, otherwise. */ function getTag($tag) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $second_arg = @array_shift($args); $sort_direction = @$second_arg[0]; if ($sort_direction === SORT_DIRECTION_DESC) { $sort_direction = SORT_DIRECTION_DESC; } else { $sort_direction = SORT_DIRECTION_ASC; } global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'Local_LinkList': $value = $this->outputLinkList(); break; case 'Local_Href': $value = $this->_local_href_tag; break; case 'Local_Name': $value = $this->_local_name_tag; break; default: if (_ml_strpos($tag, $this->__href_tag_prefix) === 0) { $sort_field_key = _ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen($this->__href_tag_prefix)); $sort_field = getKeyIgnoreCase($sort_field_key, $this->__sort_field_list); $_request = new Request(); #$_request->setView('ProductList'); #$_request->setCategoryID($this->__current_category_id); $_request->setView(CURRENT_REQUEST_URL); $_request->setAction('SetProductListSortField'); $_request->setKey('field', $sort_field . ',' . $sort_direction); $value = $_request->getURL(); } } return $value; }
/** * Otputs the view. * * @ $request->setView ( '' ) - define the view name */ function outputGA() { global $application; $last_placed_order_id = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getLastPlacedOrderID"); if ($last_placed_order_id !== NULL) { $settings = TransactionTracking::getModulesSettings(); $GA_ACCOUNT_NUMBER = $settings[MODULE_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UID]['GA_ACCOUNT_NUMBER']; $container_template = TransactionTracking::getIncludedFileContents("google_analytics_container.tpl.html"); $item_template = TransactionTracking::getIncludedFileContents("google_analytics_item.tpl.html"); $orderInfo = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderInfo", $last_placed_order_id, modApiFunc("Localization", "whichCurrencySendOrderToPaymentShippingGatewayIn", $last_placed_order_id, GET_PAYMENT_MODULE_FROM_ORDER)); $ITEMS = ""; foreach ($orderInfo['Products'] as $product_info) { $handpicked_options = ""; for ($j = 0; $j < count($product_info['options']); $j++) { $handpicked_options .= $product_info['options'][$j]['option_name'] . ": " . $product_info['options'][$j]['option_value'] . ";"; } $handpicked_options = htmlspecialchars($handpicked_options); $SKU = getKeyIgnoreCase('SKU', $product_info['attr']); $SKU = $SKU['value']; $SalePrice = getKeyIgnoreCase('SalePrice', $product_info['attr']); $SalePrice = $SalePrice['value']; $item_data = array("ORDER_ID" => $last_placed_order_id, "SKU" => $SKU, "PRODUCT_NAME" => $product_info['name'], "CATEGORY" => $handpicked_options, "PRICE" => $SalePrice, "QUANTITY" => $product_info['qty']); $encoded_item_data = array(); foreach ($item_data as $key => $value) { $encoded_item_data[$key] = htmlspecialchars($value); } $ITEMS .= strtr($item_template, $encoded_item_data) . "\n"; } // CITY, STATE, COUNTRY - . Shipping - , // , Billing - . if (!empty($orderInfo['Shipping']['attr'])) { $person_info = $orderInfo['Shipping']['attr']; } else { $person_info = $orderInfo['Billing']['attr']; } $CITY = getKeyIgnoreCase("city", $person_info); $CITY = $CITY['value']; $STATE = getKeyIgnoreCase("state", $person_info); $STATE = $STATE['value']; $COUNTRY = getKeyIgnoreCase("country", $person_info); $COUNTRY = $COUNTRY['value']; $currency_id = modApiFunc("Localization", "whichCurrencySendOrderToPaymentShippingGatewayIn", $last_placed_order_id, GET_PAYMENT_MODULE_FROM_ORDER); $container_data = array("UA-XXXXX-1" => $GA_ACCOUNT_NUMBER, "ORDER_ID" => $last_placed_order_id, "AFFILIATION" => modApiFunc("Configuration", "getValue", SYSCONFIG_STORE_OWNER_NAME), "TOTAL" => modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "Total", $currency_id), "TAX" => $this->export_PRICE_N_A(modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "Tax", $currency_id)), "SHIPPING" => $this->export_PRICE_N_A(modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "TotalShippingAndHandlingCost", $currency_id)), "CITY" => $CITY, "STATE" => $STATE, "COUNTRY" => $COUNTRY); $encoded_container_data = array(); foreach ($container_data as $key => $value) { $encoded_container_data[$key] = htmlspecialchars($value); } $encoded_container_data["ITEMS"] = $ITEMS; $value = strtr($container_template, $encoded_container_data) . "\n"; return $value; } else { return ""; } }
function getTag($tag) { $res = null; if ($tag == 'MessagesList' || $tag == 'SelfUrl') { $res = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_templateContents); } else { $res = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_listTemplateContents); } return $res; }
function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'ListManageExtensionItems': $value = $this->outputExtDetailList(); if ($value == "") { $value = '<div style="font-weight:bold;padding: 44px;text-align: center;">' . getMsg('SYS', 'NO_EXT_INSTALLED_MSG') . '</div>'; } break; case 'StatusMessage': $value = $this->outputStatusMessage(); break; case 'UninstallMessage': $value = $this->outputUninstallMessage(); break; case 'SelectExtensionType': $value = $this->outputExtensionTypeFilterSelect(); break; case 'ReloadMarketPlace': $value = "configure-extensions.php?reload"; break; case 'ErrorMessage': $value = $this->outputErrorMessage(); break; case 'Local_ConfigureURL': $value = 'configure-extensions.php'; break; default: $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); break; } return $value; }
function getTag($tag) { $value = null; if ($tag == 'ErrorIndex') { $value = $this->_errorIndex; } else { if ($tag == 'Error') { $value = $this->_error; } else { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_templateContents); } } return $value; }
/** * @ describe the function ManageOrders->. */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'SearchCustomers': $application->registerAttributes(array('CustomersSearchByField', 'CustomersSearchByFieldValue', 'CustomersSearchByLetter')); $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/customers/", "search.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'CustomersSearchByLetter': $value = "<td style='vertical-align: bottom'><a href='customers.php?asc_action=CustomersSearchByLetter&letter='>" . $this->MessageResources->getMessage('CUSTOMERS_SEARCH_ALL') . "</a></td><td>"; for ($i = 65; $i <= 90; $i++) { $letter = _byte_chr($i); if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'letter' && !empty($this->_filter['letter'])) { if (_byte_chr($i + 32) == $this->_filter['letter']) { $letter = "<span class='required'>" . _byte_chr($i) . "</span>"; } } $value .= "<a href='customers.php?asc_action=CustomersSearchByLetter&letter=" . _byte_chr($i + 32) . "'><b>" . $letter . "</b></a> "; } $value .= "</td>"; break; case 'CustomersSearchByField': $value = "<OPTION value='name'>" . $this->MessageResources->getMessage("CUSTOMERS_SEARCH_BY_NAME") . "</OPTION>"; if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'field' && !empty($this->_filter['field_name']) && $this->_filter['field_name'] == 'Email') { $value .= "<OPTION value='Email' selected>" . $this->MessageResources->getMessage("CUSTOMERS_SEARCH_BY_EMAIL") . "</OPTION>"; } else { $value .= "<OPTION value='Email'>" . $this->MessageResources->getMessage("CUSTOMERS_SEARCH_BY_EMAIL") . "</OPTION>"; } break; case 'CustomersSearchByFieldValue': $value = ''; if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'field' && !empty($this->_filter['field_name']) && !empty($this->_filter['field_value'])) { $value = $this->_filter['field_value']; } break; case 'SearchResults': if (count($this->_customers) == 0) { $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/customers/", "empty.tpl.html", array()); } else { $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/customers/", "results.tpl.html", array()); } break; case 'Items': $value = $this->getCustomers(); break; case 'CustomerId': $value = getKeyIgnoreCase('Id', $this->_customer); break; case 'ResultCount': $from = modApiFunc("Paginator", "getCurrentPaginatorOffset") + 1; $to = modApiFunc("Paginator", "getCurrentPaginatorOffset") + modApiFunc("Paginator", "getPaginatorRowsPerPage", "Checkout_Customers"); $total = modApiFunc("Paginator", "getCurrentPaginatorTotalRows"); if ($to > $total) { $to = $total; } if ($total <= modApiFunc("Paginator", "getPaginatorRowsPerPage", "Checkout_Customers")) { $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage(new ActionMessage(array("CUSTOMERS_RESULTS_LESS_THEN_ROWS_PER_PAGE_FOUND", $total))); } else { $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage(new ActionMessage(array("CUSTOMERS_RESULTS_MORE_THEN_ROWS_PER_PAGE_FOUND", $from, $to, $total))); } break; case 'CustomerTotalOrders': $value = getKeyIgnoreCase('TotalOrders', $this->_customer); break; case 'CustomerTotalAmount': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", getKeyIgnoreCase('TotalAmount', $this->_customer)); break; case 'PaginatorLine': $obj =& $application->getInstance($tag); $value = $obj->output("Checkout_Customers", "Customers"); break; # PaginatorRows # PaginatorRows case 'PaginatorRows': $obj =& $application->getInstance($tag); $value = $obj->output("Checkout_Customers", 'Customers', 'PGNTR_CUST_ITEMS'); break; case 'CustomerRegStatus': $customerInfo = getKeyIgnoreCase('Customer', $this->_customer); $email = getKeyIgnoreCase('Email', $customerInfo['attr']); if (modApiFunc('Customer_Account', 'doesAccountExists', $email['value'])) { $value = 'reg'; } else { $value = 'not-reg'; } break; default: list($entity, $tag) = getTagName($tag); if ($entity == 'customer') { $customerInfo = getKeyIgnoreCase('Customer', $this->_customer); if (!($tagvalue = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $customerInfo['attr']))) { break; } $value = $tagvalue['value']; } break; } return $value; }
function getTag($tag) { global $application; switch ($tag) { case "ErrorIndex": $value = $this->_error_index; break; case "Error": $value = $this->_error; break; default: $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); break; } return $value; }
function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'HiddenArrayViewState': $value = $this->outputViewState(); break; case 'MessageBox': $value = $this->getMessageBox(); break; case 'Messages': $value = $this->__msg; break; case 'Errors': $value = ''; //$this->__msg; break; case 'CreditCardAttributesAction': loadCoreFile('html_form.php'); $HtmlForm1 = new HtmlForm(); $request = new Request(); $request->setView('CreditCardAttributes'); $request->setAction("UpdateCreditCardAttributes"); $request->setKey('cc_id', $this->cc_id); $form_action = $request->getURL(); $value = $HtmlForm1->genForm($form_action, "POST", "CreditCardAttributesForm"); break; case "CardName": $value = ''; if (isset($this->card['name'])) { $value = $this->card['name']; } break; case 'Items': $value = ''; foreach ($this->attr as $id => $a) { $value .= $this->outputItem($id); } break; default: $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); break; } return $value; }
/** * Processes tags in the templates for the given view. * * @return string tag value, if tag has been processed. NULL, otherwise. */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'Local_JSfuncProductFormSubmit': $value = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" . "function ProductFormSubmit_" . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . "()" . "{" . " document.forms['ProductForm_" . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . "'].submit();" . "};" . "</script>"; break; case 'Local_ProductStockWarnings': if (!modApiFunc('Session', 'is_set', 'StockDiscardedBy')) { $value = ''; } else { $stock_discarded_by = modApiFunc('Session', 'get', 'StockDiscardedBy'); modApiFunc('Session', 'un_set', 'StockDiscardedBy'); $value = $stock_discarded_by; //cz_getMsg($stock_discarded_by); } break; case 'Local_ProductFormStart': $value = '<form action="cart.php" name="ProductForm_' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '" id="ProductForm_' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="asc_action" value="AddToCart" /> <input type="hidden" name="prod_id" value="' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function ProductFormSubmit_' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '() { document.forms[\'ProductForm_' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '\'].submit(); }; </script>'; break; case 'Local_ProductFormEnd': $value = '</form>'; break; case 'Local_ProductAddToCart': $value = 'javascript: ProductFormSubmit_' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '();'; break; case 'ProductOptionsForm': $value = getOptionsChoice($this->_ProductInfo['ID']); break; case 'Local_FormQuantityFieldName': $value = 'quantity_in_cart'; break; case 'Local_ProductQuantityOptions': $qty_in_cart = modApiFunc("Cart", "getProductQuantity", $this->_ProductInfo['ID']); $value = modApiFunc("Cart", "getProductQuantityOptions", $qty_in_cart, $this->_ProductInfo['ID']); break; case 'RelatedProducts': $value = $this->_rp_output; // output break; default: list($entity, $tag) = getTagName($tag); if ($entity == 'product') { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_ProductInfo); } break; } return $value; }
/** * Processes tags in the templates for the given view. * * @return string tag value, if the tag is not processed. NULL otherwise. */ function getTag($tag) { $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'Items': $value = $this->outputCheckoutNavigationBarList(); break; default: list($entity, $tag) = getTagName($tag); if ($entity == 'step') { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Step_Info); } break; } return $value; }
function getTag($tag) { if (getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents) == null) { if (preg_match("/Product(.+)/", $tag, $matches)) { //return $this->currentSL_obj->getProductTagValue($matches[1]); } } else { return getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); } }
function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'Items': $value = $this->getModulesList(); break; case 'ShippingModulesList': $value = "Shipping Modules List"; break; /* case 'SubmitedCheckoutStoreBlocksListItemName': $value = "SubmitedCheckoutStoreBlocksList[shipping-method-list-input]"; break;*/ /* case 'SubmitedCheckoutStoreBlocksListItemName': $value = "SubmitedCheckoutStoreBlocksList[shipping-method-list-input]"; break;*/ case 'List_SelectedModules': $items = array(); $SelectedModules = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getSelectedModules", "shipping"); $new_selected_module_sort_order = 0; $modules = $this->getInstalledModulesListData(); foreach ($modules as $module) { $name = _ml_strtolower($module->name); $Shipping_group = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getShippingModuleGroup", $module); if ($Shipping_group != '') { $smInfo = modApiFunc($name, "getInfo"); //// INCORRECT method to get group name! Remove group name from id at all. //$groups_array = explode(',', $module->groups); if (array_key_exists($smInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'], $SelectedModules)) { $ShippingModulesGroupsInfo = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getShippingModulesGroupsInfo"); //If sort id is not defined then assign the highest possible sort id to this item: 0, -1, -2 ... $sort_id = empty($SelectedModules[$smInfo["GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID"]]["sort_order"]) ? $new_selected_module_sort_order-- : $SelectedModules[$smInfo["GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID"]]["sort_order"]; $items[$sort_id] = "<option value=\"" . $smInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'] . "\" id=\"" . $smInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'] . "\">" . prepareHTMLDisplay($smInfo["Name"]) . "</option>"; } } } //Sort items by sort id and implode them. ksort($items, SORT_NUMERIC); $value = implode("", $items); break; case 'HiddenSelectedModules': //Hidden field to store selected ("Selected Shipping Modules") select state $value = ""; $SelectedModules = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getSelectedModules", "shipping"); $new_selected_module_sort_order = 0; $modules = $this->getInstalledModulesListData(); foreach ($modules as $module) { $name = _ml_strtolower($module->name); $Shipping_group = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getShippingModuleGroup", $module); if ($Shipping_group != '') { $smInfo = modApiFunc($name, "getInfo"); //// INCORRECT method to get group name! Remove group name from id at all. //$groups_array = explode(',', $module->groups); if (array_key_exists($smInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'], $SelectedModules)) { $ShippingModulesGroupsInfo = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getShippingModulesGroupsInfo"); //If sort id is not defined then assign the highest possible sort id to this item: 0, -1, -2 ... $sort_id = empty($SelectedModules[$smInfo["GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID"]]["sort_order"]) ? $new_selected_module_sort_order-- : $SelectedModules[$smInfo["GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID"]]["sort_order"]; $value .= $value == "" ? $smInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'] : "," . $smInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID']; } } } break; case 'SaveSelectedShippingModulesListHref': //// $request = new Request(); //// $request->setView ('CheckoutShippingModulesList'); $value = $application->getPagenameByViewname("StoreSettingsPage", -1, -1, 'AdminZone'); //////: should set action? //// $request->setAction('SaveSelectedShippingModulesList'); //// $value = modApiFunc('application', 'href', $request); break; case 'HiddenFieldAction': loadCoreFile('html_form.php'); $HtmlForm = new HtmlForm(); $value = $HtmlForm->genHiddenField('asc_action', 'SaveSelectedShippingModulesList'); break; case 'HiddenArrayViewState': break; case 'getShippingModuleInfoItemsJS': $value = ""; $modules = $this->getInstalledModulesListData(); foreach ($modules as $module) { $name = _ml_strtolower($module->name); $pmInfo = modApiFunc($name, "getInfo"); $Shipping_group = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getShippingModuleGroup", $module); if ($Shipping_group != '') { $ShippingModulesGroupsInfo = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getShippingModulesGroupsInfo"); $value .= "case '" . $pmInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'] . "': switch(key){case 'ShippingModulesGroupID': value = '" . $Shipping_group . "'; break; case 'ShortName': value ='" . $pmInfo["Name"] . "'; break; case 'FullName': value ='" . $pmInfo["Name"] . "'; break;}; break;"; //e.g. ShippingModulesGroupID = OnlineCC // ShortName = Paypal // FullName = [Online CC]Paypal //Notice whitespace in "[Online CC]" } } break; case 'getShippingModuleGroupsItemsJS': $value = ""; $ShippingModulesGroupsInfo = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getShippingModulesGroupsInfo"); $bFirstItem = true; foreach ($ShippingModulesGroupsInfo as $ShippingModulesGroupInfo) { if ($bFirstItem) { $value .= "'" . $ShippingModulesGroupInfo['group_id'] . "'"; $bFirstItem = false; } else { $value .= ", '" . $ShippingModulesGroupInfo['group_id'] . "'"; } } break; case 'ShippingModulesLink': $request = new Request(); $request->setView(CURRENT_REQUEST_URL); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'ResultMessageRow': $value = $this->outputResultMessage(); break; case 'ResultMessage': $value = $this->_Template_Contents['ResultMessage']; break; default: $value = ""; $pos = _ml_strpos($tag, "_"); if ($pos != FALSE) { $prefix = _ml_substr($tag, 0, $pos); switch ($prefix) { case "ShippingModuleCheckGroupList": //Options for "Offline" "Online CC" "Online eCheck" and "Online Shipping" <select> control. $SelectedModules = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getSelectedModules", "shipping"); $group_name = _ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen($prefix) + 1); $modules = $this->getInstalledModulesListData(array($group_name)); $free_shipping_sm_guid = modApiFunc('Shipping_Module_Free_Shipping', 'getUID'); foreach ($modules as $module) { $name = _ml_strtolower($module->name); $pmInfo = modApiFunc($name, "getInfo"); if ($pmInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'] == $free_shipping_sm_guid) { continue; } $value .= "<ul id='isSelect' class='list-inline'><li style='list-style-type: none;'>"; if (array_key_exists($pmInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'], $SelectedModules)) { $value .= "<label id='module-name'><input type='checkbox' class='checkbox-inline' name='sel_shipping' value='" . $pmInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'] . "' id='chk_" . $pmInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'] . "' style='margin: 0px 0px 2px;' checked>" . prepareHTMLDisplay($pmInfo["Name"]) . "</label></li></ul>"; } else { $value .= "<label id='module-name'><input type='checkbox' class='checkbox-inline' name='sel_shipping' value='" . $pmInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'] . "' id='chk_" . $pmInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'] . "' style='margin: 0px 0px 2px;'>" . prepareHTMLDisplay($pmInfo["Name"]) . "</label></li></ul>"; } } break; case "ShippingModuleGroupList": //Options for "Offline" "Online CC" "Online eCheck" and "Online Shipping" <select> control. $SelectedModules = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getSelectedModules", "shipping"); $group_name = _ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen($prefix) + 1); $modules = $this->getInstalledModulesListData(array($group_name)); $free_shipping_sm_guid = modApiFunc('Shipping_Module_Free_Shipping', 'getUID'); foreach ($modules as $module) { $name = _ml_strtolower($module->name); $pmInfo = modApiFunc($name, "getInfo"); if ($pmInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'] == $free_shipping_sm_guid) { continue; } if (!array_key_exists($pmInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'], $SelectedModules)) { $value .= "<option value=\"" . $pmInfo['GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID'] . "\">" . prepareHTMLDisplay($pmInfo["Name"]) . "</option>"; } } break; case "HiddenAvailable": break; default: ////// can it be Current Module (Modules List Item) details? ////_fatal(__CLASS__ .'::'. __FUNCTION__. ': prefix = ' . $prefix); break; } } else { //Current Module (Modules List Item) details $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Current_Module); } break; } return $value; }
function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'LatestCoreVersion': $value = modApiFunc('Extension_Manager', 'getLatestCoreVer'); break; case 'Local_ErrorMessage': $value = $this->getLocal_ErrorMessage(); break; case 'Local_CoreUpgradeAction': $value = 'index.php?asc_action=GetCoreUpgradeFile'; break; case 'Local_StoreStatus': $value = "javascript:openURLinNewWindow('store_settings_general.php', 'General Settings');"; break; /*case 'Local_StoreOnline': $value = 'index.php?asc_action=UpdateGeneralSettings&store_online=1'; break; case 'Local_SuccessMessage': $value = $this->getLocal_SuccessMessage(); break;*/ /*case 'Local_StoreOnline': $value = 'index.php?asc_action=UpdateGeneralSettings&store_online=1'; break; case 'Local_SuccessMessage': $value = $this->getLocal_SuccessMessage(); break;*/ default: $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); break; } return $value; }
function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; $curr_id = modApiFunc("Localization", "getMainStoreCurrency"); switch ($tag) { case 'Local_Items': $value = $this->outputCartContent(); break; case 'Local_ProductOptionsSelected': $value = getOptionsCombination($this->_Cart_Item['Options'], 'Order', $this->order_mode_enabled); break; case 'Local_Subtotal': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "Subtotal", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_GlobalDiscount': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "SubtotalGlobalDiscount", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_PromoCodeDiscount': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "SubtotalPromoCodeDiscount", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_QuantityDiscount': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "QuantityDiscount", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_ShippingCost': case 'Local_TotalShippingAndHandlingCost': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "TotalShippingAndHandlingCost", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_FreeHandlingForOrdersOver': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "FreeHandlingForOrdersOver", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_PerItemShippingCostSum': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "PerItemShippingCostSum", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_ShippingMethodCost': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "ShippingMethodCost", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_FreeShippingForOrdersOver': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "FreeShippingForOrdersOver", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_MinimumShippingCost': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "MinimumShippingCost", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_PerOrderShippingFee': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "PerOrderShippingFee", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_TotalShippingCharge': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "TotalShippingCharge", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_ShippingMethodName': $shipping_module_id = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getChosenShippingModuleIdCZ"); if ($shipping_module_id === NULL) { // , return '---'; } $shipping_method_id = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getChosenShippingMethodIdCZ"); $shipping_module_info = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getShippingModuleInfo", $shipping_module_id); if ($shipping_module_info["GlobalUniqueShippingModuleID"] == "6F82BA03-C5B1-585B-CE2E-B8422A1A19F6") { $mRes =& $application->getInstance('MessageResources', "messages"); $value = $mRes->getMessage('ALL_SM_ARE_INACTIVE'); unset($mRes); } else { $ShippingMethodInfo = modApiFunc("Shipping_Cost_Calculator", "getCalculatedMethod", $shipping_module_info["APIClassName"], $shipping_method_id); $value = $ShippingMethodInfo['method_name']; } break; case 'Local_PerItemHandlingCostSum': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "PerItemHandlingCostSum", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_PerOrderHandlingFee': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "PerOrderHandlingFee", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_TotalHandlingCharge': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "TotalHandlingCharge", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_Taxes': $value = $this->outputTax(); break; case 'Local_Total': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "Total", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_GiftCertificatePrepaidAmount': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "TotalPrepaidByGC", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_TotalToPay': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "TotalToPay", $curr_id)); break; case 'Local_SwatchColorSelected': $colname = $this->_Cart_Item['Colorname']; $value = ""; if (!($colname == "")) { $value = "<div style='clear:both;float:left; padding-left: 10px;'>Chosen colors : </div><div style='font-weight:normal;float: left;'> {$colname}</div>"; } break; default: list($entity, $tag) = getTagName($tag); if ($entity == 'product' || $entity == 'unknown') { // " Subtotal", // . if (getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Cart_Item)) { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Cart_Item); } else { $value = isset($this->_Tax_Item) ? getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Tax_Item) : null; if ($value == null && $entity == 'product') { $po = new CProductInfo($this->_Cart_Item['ID']); if ($tag == "infolink" && $this->_Cart_Item['TypeID'] == GC_PRODUCT_TYPE_ID) { $request = new Request(); $request->setView("GiftCertificate"); return $request->getURL(); } $value = $po->getProductTagValue($tag); } } } break; } return $value; }
/** * @ AddManufacturer->getTag. */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); if ($value == null) { switch ($tag) { case 'ErrorIndex': $value = $this->_error_index; break; case 'Error': $value = $this->_error; break; } } return $value; }
function getTag($tag) { if ($tag == 'ProductInfoLink') { $cz_layouts = LayoutConfigurationManager::static_get_cz_layouts_list(); LayoutConfigurationManager::static_activate_cz_layout(array_shift(array_keys($cz_layouts))); $request = new CZRequest(); $request->setView('ProductInfo'); $request->setAction('SetCurrentProduct'); $request->setKey('prod_id', $this->product_id); $request->setProductID($this->product_id); return $request->getURL(); } return getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); }
/** * Processes local tags */ function getTag($tag) { if ($tag == 'PaginatorLine') { return $this->outputPaginatorLine(); } if ($tag == 'PaginatorRows') { return $this->outputPaginatorRows(); } return getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); }
function getTag($tag) { switch ($tag) { case 'MessageBox': return $this->getMessageBox(); case 'Messages': return $this->__msg; case 'Errors': return $this->__msg; } return getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_Template_Contents); }
/** * @ describe the function OrderInfo->. */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'CustomerInfo': $value = $this->getCustomerInfo(); break; case 'BillingInfo': $value = $this->getBillingInfo(); break; case 'ShippingInfo': $value = $this->getShippingInfo(); break; case 'CreditCardInfo': $value = $this->getCreditCardInfo(); break; case 'Orders': $value = $this->getOrders(); break; case 'LastOrderId': $value = $this->_customer['ID']; break; case 'CHECKOUT_ORDER_INFO_REMOVE_ENCRYPTED_PERSON_INFO_MSG': case 'CHECKOUT_ORDER_INFO_REMOVE_ENCRYPTED_PERSON_INFO_CONFIRM_MSG': $value = $this->_msg[$tag]; break; default: list($entity, $tag) = getTagName($tag); if ($entity == 'group') { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_group); } elseif ($entity == 'attribute') { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_attr); } elseif ($entity == 'order') { if (_ml_strpos($tag, 'price') === 0) { $tag = _ml_strtolower(_ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen('price'))); if ($tag == 'total') { $value = $this->_order['Total']; } elseif ($tag == 'subtotal') { $value = $this->_order['Subtotal']; } else { $prices = getKeyIgnoreCase('price', $this->_order); $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $prices); } } elseif (_ml_strpos($tag, 'customer') === 0) { $tag = _ml_strtolower(_ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen('customer'))); $customer = getKeyIgnoreCase('customer', $this->_order); $value = $customer['attr'][$tag]['value']; } else { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_order); } } break; } return $value; }
function includeViewFileOnce($viewName) { global $zone; if ($zone == 'CustomerZone') { if (isset($this->czViewList[$viewName])) { $this->includeFile($this->czViewList[$viewName]); } } else { if (getKeyIgnoreCase($viewName, $this->azViewList) !== null) { $this->includeFile(getKeyIgnoreCase($viewName, $this->azViewList)); } } }