 * @internal revisions
 * 20100317 - added internalid - BUGID 3236
function getTestCaseSetFromIssueSimpleXMLObj($xmlObj)
    $itemSet = null;
    if (!$xmlObj) {
        return $itemSet;
    $l18n = init_labels(array('issue_issue' => null, 'issue_steps_to_reproduce' => null, 'issue_summary' => null, 'issue_target_version' => null, 'issue_description' => null, 'issue_additional_information' => null));
    $jdx = 0;
    $xmlIssue = $xmlObj->issue;
    $loops2do = sizeof($xmlIssue);
    $XMLDef['elements'] = array('string' => array('summary' => null, 'description' => null, 'additional_information' => null, 'steps_to_reproduce' => null, 'target_version' => null, 'id' => null));
    $itemSet = array();
    $nl = "<p>";
    for ($idx = 0; $idx < $loops2do; $idx++) {
        $dummy = getItemsFromSimpleXMLObj(array($xmlIssue[$idx]), $XMLDef);
        $dummy = $dummy[0];
        $isum = $l18n['issue_description'] . $nl . $dummy['description'];
        if (!is_null($dummy['steps_to_reproduce'])) {
            $isum .= $nl . $l18n['issue_steps_to_reproduce'] . $nl . $dummy['steps_to_reproduce'];
        if (!is_null($dummy['additional_information'])) {
            $isum .= $nl . $l18n['issue_additional_information'] . $nl . $dummy['additional_information'];
        $itemSet[$jdx++] = array('name' => $l18n['issue_issue'] . ':' . $dummy['id'] . ' - ' . $dummy['summary'], 'summary' => $isum, 'steps' => null, 'internalid' => null, 'externalid' => null, 'author_login' => null, 'preconditions' => null);
    return $itemSet;
function getFromMantisIssueSimpleXMLObj($xmlObj)
    $itemSet = null;
    if (!$xmlObj) {
        return $itemSet;
    $l18n = init_labels(array('issue_issue' => null, 'issue_steps_to_reproduce' => null, 'issue_summary' => null, 'issue_target_version' => null, 'issue_description' => null, 'issue_additional_information' => null));
    $jdx = 0;
    $xmlIssue = $xmlObj->issue;
    $loops2do = sizeof($xmlIssue);
    $XMLDef['elements'] = array('string' => array('summary' => null, 'description' => null, 'additional_information' => null, 'steps_to_reproduce' => null, 'target_version' => null, 'id' => null));
    $itemSet = array();
    $nl = "<p>";
    for ($idx = 0; $idx < $loops2do; $idx++) {
        $dummy = getItemsFromSimpleXMLObj(array($xmlIssue[$idx]), $XMLDef);
        $dummy = $dummy[0];
        $isum = $l18n['issue_description'] . $nl . $dummy['description'];
        if (!is_null($dummy['steps_to_reproduce'])) {
            $isum .= $nl . $l18n['issue_steps_to_reproduce'] . $nl . $dummy['steps_to_reproduce'];
        if (!is_null($dummy['additional_information'])) {
            $isum .= $nl . $l18n['issue_additional_information'] . $nl . $dummy['additional_information'];
        $itemSet[$jdx++] = array('docid' => 'Mantis Task ID:' . $dummy['id'], 'title' => $l18n['issue_issue'] . ':' . $dummy['id'] . ' - ' . $dummy['summary'], 'description' => $isum, 'node_order' => $idx, 'status' => '', 'type' => '', 'expected_coverage' => 1);
    return $itemSet;
function importTestSuitesFromSimpleXML(&$dbHandler, &$xml, $parentID, $tproject_id, $userID, $kwMap, $importIntoProject = 0, $duplicateLogic)
    static $tsuiteXML;
    static $tsuiteMgr;
    static $myself;
    static $callCounter = 0;
    static $cfSpec;
    static $doCF;
    $resultMap = array();
    if (is_null($tsuiteXML)) {
        $myself = __FUNCTION__;
        $tsuiteXML = array();
        $tsuiteXML['elements'] = array('string' => array("details" => null), 'integer' => array("node_order" => null));
        $tsuiteXML['attributes'] = array('string' => array("name" => 'trim'));
        $tsuiteMgr = new testsuite($dbHandler);
        $doCF = !is_null($cfSpec = $tsuiteMgr->get_linked_cfields_at_design(null, null, null, $tproject_id, 'name'));
    if ($xml->getName() == 'testsuite') {
        // getItemsFromSimpleXMLObj() first argument must be an array
        $dummy = getItemsFromSimpleXMLObj(array($xml), $tsuiteXML);
        $tsuite = current($dummy);
        $tsuiteID = $parentID;
        // hmmm, not clear
        if ($tsuite['name'] != "") {
            // Check if Test Suite with this name exists on this container
            // if yes -> update instead of create
            $info = $tsuiteMgr->get_by_name($tsuite['name'], $parentID);
            if (is_null($info)) {
                $ret = $tsuiteMgr->create($parentID, $tsuite['name'], $tsuite['details'], $tsuite['node_order']);
                $tsuite['id'] = $ret['id'];
            } else {
                $ret = $tsuiteMgr->update($tsuite['id'] = $info[0]['id'], $tsuite['name'], $tsuite['details'], null, $tsuite['node_order']);
            $tsuiteID = $tsuite['id'];
            // $tsuiteID is needed on more code pieces => DO NOT REMOVE
            if (!$tsuite['id']) {
                return null;
            if ($doCF) {
                $cf = getCustomFieldsFromSimpleXMLObj($xml->custom_fields->custom_field);
                if (!is_null($cf)) {
                    processTestSuiteCF($tsuiteMgr, $xml, $cfSpec, $cf, $tsuite, $tproject_id);
            if ($keywords = getKeywordsFromSimpleXMLObj($xml->keywords->keyword)) {
                $kwIDs = buildKeywordList($kwMap, $keywords);
                $tsuiteMgr->addKeywords($tsuite['id'], $kwIDs);
        } else {
            if ($importIntoProject) {
                $tsuiteID = intval($tproject_id);
        $childrenNodes = $xml->children();
        $loop2do = sizeof($childrenNodes);
        for ($idx = 0; $idx < $loop2do; $idx++) {
            $target = $childrenNodes[$idx];
            switch ($target->getName()) {
                case 'testcase':
                    // getTestCaseSetFromSimpleXMLObj() first argument must be an array
                    $tcData = getTestCaseSetFromSimpleXMLObj(array($target));
                    $resultMap = array_merge($resultMap, saveImportedTCData($dbHandler, $tcData, $tproject_id, $tsuiteID, $userID, $kwMap, $duplicateLogic));
                case 'testsuite':
                    $resultMap = array_merge($resultMap, $myself($dbHandler, $target, $tsuiteID, $tproject_id, $userID, $kwMap, $importIntoProject, $duplicateLogic));
                    // Important Development Notice
                    // Due to XML file structure, while looping
                    // we will find also this children:
                    // node_order,keywords,custom_fields,details
                    // It's processing to get and save values is done
                    // on other pieces of this code.
                    // Form a logical point of view seems the better
                    // to consider and process here testcase and testsuite as children.
    return $resultMap;
Beispiel #4
function importTestSuitesFromSimpleXML(&$dbHandler, &$xml, $parentID, $tproject_id, $userID, $kwMap, $importIntoProject = 0, $duplicateLogic)
    static $tsuiteXML;
    static $tsuiteMgr;
    static $myself;
    static $callCounter = 0;
    $resultMap = array();
    // $callCounter++;
    if (is_null($tsuiteXML)) {
        $tsuiteXML = array();
        $tsuiteXML['elements'] = array('string' => array("details"), 'integer' => array("node_order"));
        $tsuiteXML['attributes'] = array('string' => array("name"));
        $tsuiteMgr = new testsuite($dbHandler);
        $myself = __FUNCTION__;
    if ($xml->getName() == 'testsuite') {
        // getItemsFromSimpleXMLObj() first argument must be an array
        $dummy = getItemsFromSimpleXMLObj(array($xml), $tsuiteXML);
        $tsuite = current($dummy);
        $tsuiteID = $parentID;
        // hmmm, not clear
        if ($tsuite['name'] != "") {
            // Check if Test Suite with this name exists on this container
            // if yes -> update instead of create
            $info = $tsuiteMgr->get_by_name($tsuite['name'], $parentID);
            if (is_null($info)) {
                $ret = $tsuiteMgr->create($parentID, $tsuite['name'], $tsuite['details'], $tsuite['node_order']);
                $tsuiteID = $ret['id'];
            } else {
                $tsuiteID = $info[0]['id'];
                $ret = $tsuiteMgr->update($tsuiteID, $tsuite['name'], $tsuite['details'], null, $tsuite['node_order']);
            if (!$tsuiteID) {
                return null;
        } else {
            if ($importIntoProject) {
                $tsuiteID = $tproject_id;
        $childrenNodes = $xml->children();
        $loop2do = sizeof($childrenNodes);
        for ($idx = 0; $idx < $loop2do; $idx++) {
            $target = $childrenNodes[$idx];
            switch ($target->getName()) {
                case 'testcase':
                    // getTestCaseSetFromSimpleXMLObj() first argument must be an array
                    $tcData = getTestCaseSetFromSimpleXMLObj(array($target));
                    // 20100904 - francisco.mancardi@gruppotesi.com
                    // echo 'Going to work on Test Case INSIDE Test Suite:' . $tsuite['name'] . '<br>';
                    $resultMap = array_merge($resultMap, saveImportedTCData($dbHandler, $tcData, $tproject_id, $tsuiteID, $userID, $kwMap, $duplicateLogic));
                case 'testsuite':
                    $resultMap = array_merge($resultMap, $myself($dbHandler, $target, $tsuiteID, $tproject_id, $userID, $kwMap, $importIntoProject, $duplicateLogic));
                    // do not understand why we need to do this particular logic.
                    // Need to understand
                // do not understand why we need to do this particular logic.
                // Need to understand
                case 'details':
                    if (!$importIntoProject) {
                        $keywords = getKeywordsFromSimpleXMLObj($target->xpath("//keyword"));
                        if ($keywords) {
                            $kwIDs = buildKeywordList($kwMap, $keywords);
                            $tsuiteMgr->addKeywords($tsuiteID, $kwIDs);
    return $resultMap;
Beispiel #5
function importTestSuitesFromSimpleXML(&$dbHandler, &$xml, $parentID, $tproject_id, $userID, $kwMap, $importIntoProject = 0)
    static $tsuiteXML;
    static $tsuiteMgr;
    static $myself;
    static $callCounter = 0;
    $resultMap = array();
    // $callCounter++;
    if (is_null($tsuiteXML)) {
        $tsuiteXML = array();
        $tsuiteXML['elements'] = array('string' => array("details"), 'integer' => array("node_order"));
        $tsuiteXML['attributes'] = array('string' => array("name"));
        $tsuiteMgr = new testsuite($dbHandler);
        $myself = __FUNCTION__;
    if ($xml->getName() == 'testsuite') {
        // getItemsFromSimpleXMLObj() first argument must be an array
        $dummy = getItemsFromSimpleXMLObj(array($xml), $tsuiteXML);
        $tsuite = current($dummy);
        $tsuiteID = $parentID;
        if ($tsuite['name'] != "") {
            $ret = $tsuiteMgr->create($parentID, $tsuite['name'], $tsuite['details'], $tsuite['node_order']);
            $tsuiteID = $ret['id'];
            if (!$tsuiteID) {
                return null;
        } else {
            if ($importIntoProject) {
                $tsuiteID = $tproject_id;
        $childrenNodes = $xml->children();
        $loop2do = sizeof($childrenNodes);
        for ($idx = 0; $idx < $loop2do; $idx++) {
            $target = $childrenNodes[$idx];
            switch ($target->getName()) {
                case 'testcase':
                    // getTestCaseSetFromSimpleXMLObj() first argument must be an array
                    $tcData = getTestCaseSetFromSimpleXMLObj(array($target));
                    // TEST
                    $resultMap = array_merge($resultMap, saveImportedTCData($dbHandler, $tcData, $tproject_id, $tsuiteID, $userID, $kwMap));
                case 'testsuite':
                    $resultMap = array_merge($resultMap, $myself($dbHandler, $target, $tsuiteID, $tproject_id, $userID, $kwMap));
                    // do not understand why we need to do this particular logic.
                    // Need to understand
                // do not understand why we need to do this particular logic.
                // Need to understand
                case 'details':
                    if (!$importIntoProject) {
                        $keywords = getKeywordsFromSimpleXMLObj($target->xpath("//keyword"));
                        if ($keywords) {
                            $kwIDs = buildKeywordList($kwMap, $keywords);
                            $tsuiteMgr->addKeywords($tsuiteID, $kwIDs);
    return $resultMap;
function importExecutionFromXML(&$xmlTCExec)
    if (!$xmlTCExec) {
        return null;
    $execInfo = array();
    $execInfo['tcase_id'] = isset($xmlTCExec["id"]) ? (int) $xmlTCExec["id"] : 0;
    $execInfo['tcase_external_id'] = (string) $xmlTCExec["external_id"];
    // Developer Note - 20100328 - franciscom:
    // seems that no PHP error is generated when trying to access an undefined
    // property. Do not know if will not be better anyway to use property_exists()
    $execInfo['tcase_name'] = (string) $xmlTCExec->name;
    $execInfo['result'] = (string) trim($xmlTCExec->result);
    $execInfo['notes'] = (string) trim($xmlTCExec->notes);
    $execInfo['timestamp'] = (string) trim($xmlTCExec->timestamp);
    $execInfo['tester'] = (string) trim($xmlTCExec->tester);
    $execInfo['execution_type'] = intval((int) trim($xmlTCExec->execution_type));
    $execInfo['execution_duration'] = trim($xmlTCExec->execution_duration);
    $bugQty = count($xmlTCExec->bug_id);
    if (($bugQty = count($xmlTCExec->bug_id)) > 0) {
        foreach ($xmlTCExec->bug_id as $bug) {
            $execInfo['bug_id'][] = (string) $bug;
            // BUGID 3331
    $execInfo['steps'] = null;
    if (property_exists($xmlTCExec, 'steps') && property_exists($xmlTCExec->steps, 'step')) {
        $itemStructure['elements'] = array('integer' => array("step_number" => 'intval'), 'string' => array("result" => 'trim', "notes" => 'trim'));
        $execInfo['steps'] = getItemsFromSimpleXMLObj($xmlTCExec->steps->step, $itemStructure);
    $execInfo['custom_fields'] = null;
    if (property_exists($xmlTCExec, 'custom_fields') && property_exists($xmlTCExec->custom_fields, 'custom_field')) {
        $itemStructure['elements'] = array('string' => array("name" => 'trim', "value" => 'trim'));
        $execInfo['custom_fields'] = getItemsFromSimpleXMLObj($xmlTCExec->custom_fields->custom_field, $itemStructure);
    return $execInfo;