function locate($ip = null) { global $_SERVER; if (is_null($ip)) { $ip = getIP(); } $host = str_replace('{IP}', $ip, $this->host); $host = str_replace('{CURRENCY}', $this->currency, $host); $data = array(); $response = $this->fetch($host); $data = unserialize($response); //set the geoPlugin vars $this->ip = $ip; $this->city = array_key_exists('geoplugin_city', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_city'] : 'N/A'; $this->region = array_key_exists('geoplugin_region', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_region'] : 'N/A'; $this->regionCode = array_key_exists('geoplugin_regionCode', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_regionCode'] : 'N/A'; $this->areaCode = array_key_exists('geoplugin_areaCode', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_areaCode'] : 'N/A'; $this->dmaCode = array_key_exists('geoplugin_dmaCode', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_dmaCode'] : 'N/A'; $this->countryCode = array_key_exists('geoplugin_countryCode', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_countryCode'] : 'N/A'; $this->countryName = array_key_exists('geoplugin_countryName', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_countryName'] : 'N/A'; $this->continentCode = array_key_exists('geoplugin_continentCode', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_continentCode'] : 'N/A'; $this->latitude = array_key_exists('geoplugin_latitude', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_latitude'] : 'N/A'; $this->longitude = array_key_exists('geoplugin_longitude', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_longitude'] : 'N/A'; $this->currencyCode = array_key_exists('geoplugin_currencyCode', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_currencyCode'] : 'N/A'; $this->currencySymbol = array_key_exists('geoplugin_currencySymbol', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_currencySymbol'] : 'N/A'; $this->currencyConverter = array_key_exists('geoplugin_currencyConverter', $data) ? $data['geoplugin_currencyConverter'] : 'N/A'; }
function isAllowedIP() { if (in_array(getIP(), _get("allowIP"))) { return true; } return false; }
/** * [login description] * @return [type] [description] */ function login() { $name = $_REQUEST["name"]; $password = $_REQUEST["password"]; global $mysql, $prefix; $password = md5($prefix . $password); $user = $mysql->DBGetOneRow("`user`", "*", "`name` = '{$name}' and `isDeleted` = 'false' "); if ($user["name"] == $name && $user["password"] == $password) { $sessionId = session_id(); $userName = $user["name"]; $_SESSION["name"] = $userName; $_SESSION["realname"] = $user["realname"]; $_SESSION["password"] = $user["password"]; $_SESSION["level"] = $user["level"]; $_SESSION["phone"] = $user["phone"]; $_SESSION["mail"] = $user["mail"]; $ip = getIP(); $userAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; //update $mysql->DBUpdate('online_user', array('lastUpdateTime' => 'now()', 'offlineTime' => 'now()'), "`userName` = '?' and `offlineTime` is null ", array($userName)); $obj = array('userName' => $name, 'onlineTime' => 'now()', 'sessionId' => $sessionId, 'lastUpdateTime' => 'now()', 'ip' => $ip, 'userAgent' => $userAgent); $mysql->DBInsertAsArray("`online_user`", $obj); return array('status' => 'successful', 'errMsg' => '', 'token' => $sessionId); } throw new Exception('用户或密码不正确!'); }
function getOnlineUsers() { global $Load; $Db = $Load->core("Db"); $date = time(); $time = 10; $time = $date - $time * 60; $IP = getIP(); $user = SESSION("ZanUser"); $Db->deleteBySQL("Start_Date < {$time}", "users_online_anonymous"); $Db->deleteBySQL("Start_Date < {$time}", "users_online"); if ($user) { $users = $Db->findBy("User", $user, "users_online"); if (!$users) { $Db->insert("users_online", array("User" => $user, "Start_Date" => $date)); } else { $Db->updateBySQL("users_online", "Start_Date = '{$date}' WHERE User = '******'"); } } else { $users = $Db->findBy("IP", $IP, "users_online_anonymous"); if (!$users) { $Db->insert("users_online_anonymous", array("IP" => $IP, "Start_Date" => $date)); } else { $Db->updateBySQL("users_online", "Start_Date = '{$date}' WHERE IP = '{$IP}'"); } } }
function checkLogin() { global $db; $m_name = be("post", "m_name"); $m_name = chkSql($m_name, true); $m_password = be("post", "m_password"); $m_password = chkSql($m_password, true); $m_password = md5($m_password); $m_check = be("post", "m_check"); if (isN($m_name) || isN($m_password) || isN($m_check)) { alertUrl("请输入您的用户名或密码!", "?action=login"); } $row = $db->getRow("SELECT * FROM {pre}manager WHERE m_name='" . $m_name . "' AND m_password = '******' AND m_status=1"); if ($row && $m_check == app_safecode) { sCookie("adminid", $row["m_id"]); sCookie("adminname", $row["m_name"]); sCookie("adminlevels", $row["m_levels"]); $randnum = md5(rand(1, 99999999)); sCookie("admincheck", md5($randnum . $row["m_name"] . $row["m_id"])); $db->Update("{pre}manager", array("m_logintime", "m_loginip", "m_random"), array(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), getIP(), $randnum), " m_id=" . $row["m_id"]); echo "<script>top.location.href='index.php';</script>"; } else { alertUrl("您输入的用户名和密码不正确或者您不是系统管理员!", "?action=login"); } }
public static function load() { global $app; //IP判断===================================== $onlineip = getIP(); $ipCity = new IpLocation(INCLUDE_DIR . 'ipdata/QQWry.Dat'); $uCity = $ipCity->getlocation($onlineip); try { if (strcmp(trim($uCity['country']), '北京市') != 0) { throw new Exception('对不起您的IP不符合要求'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $app->error($e->getMessage(), SITE_URL); } //=========================================== if (isset($_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY]) && isset($_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY]['username'])) { if (isset($_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY]['record'])) { $user = $_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY]['record']; } else { $user = new User('username', $_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY]['username']); } } else { if (isset($_COOKIE[self::COOKIE_KEY])) { $user = self::checkCookie($_COOKIE[self::COOKIE_KEY]); } else { return false; } } if (!$user) { return self::logout(); } self::setInfos($user); return true; }
function logUserAction() { $command = "--"; if (isset($_POST['command'])) { $command = strtolower($_POST['command']); } if ($command == 'user_login' || $command == 'user_logout' || $command == 'new_comment' || $command == 'rate_comment' || $command == 'register_new_user' || $command == 'update_page_rating' || $command == 'add_tag' || $command == 'rate_tag' || $command == 'delete_tag' || $command == 'get_pages_with_tag' || $command == 'follow_contact' || $command == 'unfollow_contact' || $command == 'add_link' || $command == 'rate_link') { $IP = getIP(); $user_id = -1; if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; } else { if (isset($_POST['user_name'])) { $user_name = $_POST['user_name']; $query = "SELECT id FROM User WHERE name = '" . $user_name . "'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) { $result_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $user_id = $result_row['id']; } } } $country = IPtoCountry($IP); $query = "INSERT INTO ActivityLog (user_id, command, ip, country_code2) VALUE ('{$user_id}', '{$command}', '{$IP}', '{$country}')"; $result = mysql_query($query); } }
public function __construct() { global $canonical; $this->pageNum = $canonical->currentPage; $this->comList = array(); $this->aID = $this->listBlocked = false; $this->totalCom = 0; $this->myIP = getIP(); }
public function isBlockedIp($zoneID) { $ip = getIP(); $cacheKey = "BlockIP_{$zoneID}_{$ip}"; if (RedisHelper::hExist($cacheKey, 1)) { return true; } return false; }
function get_user($where) { $sql = $this->table($this->table)->where($where)->limit(1)->create_query(); $row = $this->query($sql)->fetchrow(); if (count($row) > 0) { $id = $row[0]['user_id']; $dt = array('user_lastlogin' => date("Y-m-d H:i:d"), 'user_lastloginip' => getIP()); $update = $this->update($this->table, $dt, 'user_id = ' . $id); } return $row; }
public function tools($param) { $tid = $param['tid']; $ttype = $param['ttype']; $title = $param['title']; $contents = $param['contents']; $old_data = $param['old_data']; $nickname = $_SESSION[$this->config->item('rbac_auth_key')]["INFO"]["nickname"]; $sql = "INSERT INTO system_tools_log (tid,ttype,title,contents,auser,aip,old_data)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES('{$tid}','{$ttype}','{$title}','{$contents}','{$nickname}','" . getIP() . "','{$old_data}')\n\t\t\t\t"; $this->db->query($sql); }
function ExceedGuests() { // ENTER MYSQL AND INSERT IP AND RANDOM ID IN TABLE // THEN SEND TO QUEUE LIST $IP = getIP(); $insert = "INSERT INTO QueueList({$IP}), VALUES (?)"; if ($connection->query($insert) === TRUE) { // successful } else { echo "Error"; } }
public function actionInstall() { $languages = get_all_langs(); $language = isset($_GET['l']) && in_array($_GET['l'], $languages) ? $_GET['l'] : 'en'; $installed = FALSE; $tips = array(); if (!file_exists(CONFIGFILE)) { // Check the configuration file permissions $tips[] = t('CONFIG_FILE_NOTEXISTS', array('{config_file}' => CONFIGFILE), $language); } elseif (!is_writable(CONFIGFILE)) { $tips[] = t('CONFIG_FILE_NOTWRITABLE', array('{config_file}' => CONFIGFILE), $language); } if (!is_writable(APPROOT . '/data/')) { $tips[] = t('DATADIR_NOT_WRITABLE', array(), $language); } if (isset($_POST['dbtype'])) { if (!empty($_POST['adminname']) && !empty($_POST['adminpass']) && !empty($_POST['dbtype']) && !empty($_POST['dbusername']) && !empty($_POST['dbname']) && !empty($_POST['dbhost']) && strlen(trim($_POST['adminname'])) > 2) { $adminname = maple_quotes($_POST['adminname']); $adminpass = maple_quotes($_POST['adminpass']); $dbname = maple_quotes($_POST['dbname']); $tbprefix = $_POST['tbprefix']; $url = $_POST['dbtype'] . '://' . $_POST['dbusername'] . ':' . $_POST['dbpwd'] . '@' . $_POST['dbhost'] . '/' . $_POST['dbname']; #$db=YDB::factory($url); $formError = ''; try { $db = YDB::factory($url); } catch (Exception $e) { $formError = $e->getMessage(); } } else { $formError = t('FILL_NOT_COMPLETE', array(), $language); } if (!$formError) { $url_string = "<?php\n\$db_url = '{$url}';\n\$db_prefix = '{$tbprefix}';\n?>"; file_put_contents(CONFIGFILE, $url_string); $sql_file = APPROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_POST['dbtype'] . '.sql'; $sql_array = file($sql_file); $translate = array('{time}' => time(), '{ip}' => getIP(), '{admin}' => $adminname, '{adminpass}' => $adminpass, '{lang}' => $language, '<' => $tbprefix, '>' => ''); foreach ($sql_array as $sql) { $_sql = html_entity_decode(strtr(trim($sql), $translate), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $db->query($_sql); } $installed = TRUE; $_SESSION['admin'] = $_POST['adminname']; } } if (file_exists(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/install.php')) { include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/install.php'; } else { die('Access denied!'); } }
/** * Checks whether the requesting ip is a known dilps system and is allowed access to this system * * @return boolean */ function interdilpsRequestorAllowed() { global $config; require_once "{$config['includepath']}"; global $db, $db_prefix; $ip = getIP(); $allowed = false; $sql = "select access from {$db_prefix}interdilps_hosts where ip = " . $db->qstr($ip) . " and access > 0"; if ($access = $db->GetOne($sql)) { $allowed = true; } return $allowed; }
/** * 文件日志 * Enter description here ... * @param unknown_type $content * @param unknown_type $file * @param unknown_type $rank */ public static function FileLog($content, $file = NULL, $rank = 0) { $filename = date("Y-m-d"); $file ? $file = AppDir . "/Runtime/Log/" . $file . ".log" : ($file = AppDir . "/Runtime/Log/" . $filename . ".log"); try { if ($f = fopen($file, "a+")) { $content = "服务器时间:[" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "] 等级:" . $rank . " 日志内容如下:\r\n" . $content . " \r\n网址来源:http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . " 来源IP:" . getIP() . "\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; return fwrite($f, $content); } else { return false; } } catch (Exception $es) { throw $es->getMessage(); } }
/** * 表单提交 */ public function post() { //$this->load->helper('curl'); $_SESSION['token'] = session_id(); $ret = 0; $msg = ''; $this->db->trans_start(); try { $name = isset($_REQUEST['name']) ? trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['name'])) : null; $tel = isset($_REQUEST['tel']) ? trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['tel'])) : null; $address = isset($_REQUEST['address']) ? trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['address'])) : null; $type = isset($_REQUEST['type']) ? trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['type'])) : null; if (empty($name)) { $ret = 1001; $msg = 'name 不能为空~'; } elseif (empty($tel)) { $ret = 1002; $msg = 'tel 不能为空~'; } elseif (empty($address)) { $ret = 1003; $msg = 'address 不能为空~'; } elseif (empty($type)) { $ret = 1004; $msg = 'type 不能为空~'; } else { $data = array('name' => $name, 'tel' => $tel, 'address' => $address, 'type' => $type, 'create_ip' => getIP(), 'create_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->db->insert('love2015_user', $data); } /* $this->db->where('phone', $phone); $count = $this->db->count_all_results('t_user'); if($count < 0){ $ret = 1001; $msg = '该手机号码已经被申领'; } else{ } */ } catch (Exception $e) { $ret = 2000; $msg = $e->getMessage(); } $this->db->trans_complete(); $result = array('ret' => $ret, 'msg' => $msg); $this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode($result)); }
function add_writing($id, &$writing, $user_id) { try { $ip = getIP(); if (!isset($user_id)) { $user_id = "NULL"; } date_default_timezone_set('PRC'); $sql = "INSERT INTO\r\n `tomoe_writing`\t(\r\n `char_id`,\r\n `writing`,\r\n `user_id`,\r\n `ip`,\r\n `add_date`)\r\n VALUES(\r\n '" . $id . "',\r\n \t'" . json_encode($writing) . "',\r\n \t" . $user_id . ",\r\n '" . $ip . "',\r\n \t'" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "');"; $result = $this->db->insert($sql); if ($result == 0) { throw new Exception("无法添加数据"); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } }
function guardarAccion($email, $accion) { if (isset($_SESSION["codSesion"])) { $cod = $_SESSION["codSesion"]; usuarioEstaOnline(); } else { $cod = NULL; $email = NULL; } date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Madrid"); $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $ip = getIP(); $sql = "INSERT INTO Acciones (cod_conexion,email,accion,time,ip) VALUES ('{$cod}','{$email}','{$accion}','{$date}','{$ip}')"; $link = Conectar(); $link->query($sql); $link->close(); }
function verifyLogin() { global $configArray; if (isset($_GET['logout'])) { unset($_SESSION['userId']); unset($_SESSION['username']); unset($_SESSION['userPassword']); unset($_SESSION['userEmail']); unset($_SESSION['userType']); } if (isset($_POST['login'])) { $email = $_POST['email']; $pass = $_POST['pass']; $loginSql = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t\tFROM conturi_admin c \n\t\t\t\tWHERE = '" . $email . "' AND c.parola = '" . $pass . "' AND c.activ = '1' LIMIT 1"; $_USER = getQueryInArray($loginSql, $configArray['dbcnx']); //print_r('<!-- qwerty '.$loginSql.' -->'); $isUser = false; if (!count($_USER)) { $isUser = false; } else { $isUser = true; } if ($isUser) { $insertIntoLog = "INSERT INTO log SET ip = '" . mySqlEscape(getIP()) . "', " . " data = '" . mySqlEscape(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) . "', " . " query = '" . mySqlEscape($loginSql) . "', " . " id_conturi = '" . mySqlEscape($_USER[0]['id']) . "', " . " obs ='AUTENTIFICARE ADMINISTRATOR' "; @mysql_query($insertIntoLog); $_SESSION['userId'] = intval($_USER[0]['id']); //cont_admin ID //$_SESSION['userId'] = intval($_USER[0]['user_id']); //conturi ID $_SESSION['username'] = ucwords(strtolower($_USER[0]['nume'])) . ' ' . ucwords(strtolower($_USER[0]['prenume'])); $_SESSION['userEmail'] = $_USER[0]['email']; $_SESSION['userType'] = $_USER[0]['cont_tip']; $_SESSION['userPassword'] = $pass; } //endif isUser if (isset($_POST['backurl'])) { redirect($_POST['backurl']); } } //endif $_POST['login'] if (!isset($_SESSION['userId']) && (!stristr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'index.php') && !stristr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'forgot_pass.php'))) { redirect('index.php?msg=1&url=' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } }
public static function login($login, $pw) { global $mysql; $query = "SELECT password FROM peq_admin WHERE login=\"{$login}\""; $result = $mysql->query_assoc($query); if ($result == '') { $_SESSION['error'] = 1; logSQL("Invalid login attempt. Bad username from IP: '" . getIP() . "'. Username: '******' Password: '******'."); return; } extract($result); if ($password == md5($pw)) { $_SESSION['login'] = $login; $_SESSION['password'] = md5($pw); } else { $_SESSION['error'] = 1; logSQL("Invalid login attempt. Bad password from IP: '" . getIP() . "'. Username: '******' Password: '******'."); } }
function log_mail($sender, $recipient, $subject, $body, $header = "") { // build header $header = "From: " . $sender . "\r\n"; $header .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . '\\r\\n'; $status = date("l F j, Y h:i:s a") . "\r\n"; $status .= "IP: " . getIP() . "\r\n"; $status .= "From: {$sender}\r\n"; $status .= "To: {$recipient}\r\n"; $status .= "Subject: {$subject}\r\n"; $result = mail($recipient, $subject, $body, $header); if ($result == true) { $status .= "Message sent successfully\r\n\r\n"; } else { $status .= "Error sending message\r\n\r\n"; } $fp = fopen("sendmail.log", "a"); $write = fputs($fp, $status); fclose($fp); return $result; }
function createBox($serviceName, $serverName, $customName) { include './functions/dbconnect.php'; $sql = 'select * from servers'; $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo " Name: " . $row["server_custom_name"] . " | " . getIP($row["server_name"]) . ""; echo "Response time (ms): " . pingServer($row["server_name"]); } } else { echo 'There are not data to display for this query.'; } echo "<div class='box'>\n<h2>{$customName} | "; getIP($serverName); echo "</h2>\n\t<hr>\n\t<span class='pingbox'>\n\t<h3>Ping</h3>"; pingServer($serverName); echo "</span>\n\t<span class='servicebox'>\n\t<h3>Service Status</h3>\n\t"; serviceStatus($serviceName, $serverName); echo "</span>\n</div>"; }
function make_log_file() { // log文件名 $filename = 'mylogs.txt'; // 去除rc-ajax评论以及cron机制访问记录 if (strstr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "rc-ajax") == false && strstr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "wp-cron.php") == false) { $word .= date('mdHis', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + 3600 * 8) . " "; //访问页面 $word .= $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . " "; //协议 $word .= $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . " "; //方法,POST OR GET $word .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . " "; //$word .= $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] . " "; //获得浏览器信息 $word .= getbrowser() . " "; //传递参数 $word .= "[" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "] "; //跳转地址 $word .= $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . " "; //获取IP $word .= getIP() . " "; $word .= "\n"; $day = date('md', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + 3600 * 8); if (getIP() != "") { if (file_exists($filename)) { $fh = fopen($filename, "r"); $data = fread($fh, 10); if (substr($data, 0, 4) == $day) { $fh = fopen($filename, "a"); } else { $fh = fopen($filename, "w"); } //w fwrite($fh, $word); fclose($fh); } } } }
private function write_log() { $this->load->model('log_model'); $this->load->helper('ip'); $first_segment = $this->uri->segment(1); $second_segment = $this->uri->segment(2); $third_segment = $this->uri->segment(3); $arr = array(); $arr['cm'] = ''; if ($first_segment == 'Backend') { $arr['cm'] = $second_segment . '@' . $third_segment; } else { $arr['cm'] = $first_segment . '@' . $second_segment; } $arr['ip'] = ip2long(getIP()); $arr['opera_time'] = time(); $admin = $this->session->userdata('admin'); $arr['user'] = $admin['username']; if (!empty($arr['user'])) { $this->log_model->insert($arr); } }
function saveData($sType) { if (@$_SESSION['yzm'] == '') { Eerr('提示', '验证码失效'); } //if instr("|"& getFormFieldList() &"|","|yzm|") then if (@$_SESSION['yzm'] != @$_POST['yzm']) { Eerr('提示', '验证码错误'); } @($_SESSION['yzm'] = ''); //清空验证码 //保存文章评论 if ($sType == 'articlecomment') { autoSavePostData('', 'tablecomment', 'tablename||ArticleDetail,adddatetime|now,itemid||' . @$_REQUEST['itemid'] . ',adddatetime,ip||' . getIP()); aspEcho('提示', '评论提交成功,等待管理员审核'); } else { if ($sType == 'feedback') { if (@$_POST['guestname'] == '') { Eerr('提示', '姓名为空'); } autoSavePostData('', 'feedback', 'isthrough|numb|0,adddatetime|now,ip||' . getIP() . ',columnid||' . @$_GET['columnid']); aspEcho('提示', '反馈提交成功,等待管理员审核'); } else { if ($sType == 'guestbook') { if (@$_POST['guestname'] == '') { Eerr('提示', '姓名为空'); } autoSavePostData('', 'guestbook', 'isthrough|numb|0,adddatetime|now,ip||' . getIP() . ',columnid||' . @$_GET['columnid']); aspEcho('提示', '留言提交成功,等待管理员审核'); } else { if ($sType == 'articledetail') { autoSavePostData('', 'articledetail', 'title|bodycontent,adddatetime|now,ip||' . getIP()); aspEcho('提示', '文章提交成功'); } } } } die; }
function regExplore($email, $name, $password) { //已写入动态 if (!$this->emailIsExist($email)) { if (!$this->nameIsExist($name)) { date_default_timezone_set("Etc/GMT+8"); $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); //禁用prepared statements的仿真效果 $userFolder = "user/default/"; $nowTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $userIp = getIP(); $sql = "INSERT INTO `basicprofile`(`email`, `name`, `password`, `location`, `sex`, `intro`, `detailIntro`, `face`, `background`,`backgroundBlur`, `emailVerified`, `place`, `nowPlace`,`sharingNum`, `ip`, `regTime`, `lastLoginTime`) \n\t\t\t\tVALUES (?,?,SHA1(?),'China','futa','explore','explore',?,?,?,0,'China','China',0,?,?,?)"; $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); if ($stmt != false) { $exeres = $stmt->execute(array($email, $name, $password, $userFolder . "photo.jpg", $userFolder . "background.jpg", $userFolder . "backgroundBlur.jpg", $userIp, $nowTime, $nowTime)); if ($exeres) { $sql_dynamic = "INSERT INTO `dynamic`(`uid`, `dynamic`) VALUES (" . $this->pdo->lastInsertId() . ",'注册了Explore')"; $rowAffectedNum = $this->pdo->exec($sql_dynamic); if ($rowAffectedNum != 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { print_r($stmt->errorInfo()); return false; } } else { return false; } } else { return -1; //名字重复 } } else { return -2; /*邮箱重复*/ } }
function CheckSessions() { global $lang, $game_config, $ugamela_root_path, $phpEx; includeLang('cookies'); include $ugamela_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx; $UserRow = array(); if ($_SESSION[USER_SESSION]) { $UserRow = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = " . $_SESSION[USER_SESSION][id], 'users', true); // USER FOUND? if (!$UserRow) { message($lang['cookies']['Error2']); } // CHECK PASS $Hash = md5($UserRow["password"] . "--" . $dbsettings["secretword"]); if ($Hash !== $_SESSION[USER_SESSION][password]) { message($lang['cookies']['Error3']); } // ONLY 1 IP :D if ($UserRow['user_lastip'] != $_SESSION[USER_SESSION][ip]) { message($lang['cookies']['Error1']); } $Qry = "UPDATE {{table}} SET "; $Qry .= "`onlinetime` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), "; $Qry .= "`user_lastip` = '" . getIP() . "', "; $Qry .= "`user_agent` = '" . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "'"; $Qry .= " WHERE `id` = " . $_SESSION[USER_SESSION][id] . " LIMIT 1;"; doquery($Qry, 'users'); if ($IsUserChecked == false) { $IsUserChecked = true; } else { $IsUserChecked = true; } } unset($dbsettings); $Return['state'] = $IsUserChecked; $Return['record'] = $UserRow; return $Return; }
/** * db 处理统一接口 */ public function execute($sql = '', $type = 's') { $res['status'] = 1; $dbRes = false; switch ($type) { //select case 's': $dbRes = mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql); $data = $this->fetch_all_result($dbRes, 1); $res['data'] = $data[0]; break; //insert //insert case 'i': $dbRes = mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql); $res['id'] = mysqli_insert_id($this->conn); break; //update //update case 'u': $dbRes = mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql); break; //delete //delete case 'd': $dbRes = mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql); break; default: # code... break; } if ($dbRes == true) { $res['status'] = 0; } Doo::logger()->info('time:' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . "\tip:" . getIP() . "\tsql:" . $sql . "\t" . var_export($res['status'], true), 'DB'); return $res; }
{ $ip = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; if (PHP_OS == 'WINNT') { $ip = getHostByName(getHostName()); } if (PHP_OS == 'Linux') { $command = "/sbin/ifconfig"; exec($command, $output); // var_dump($output); $pattern = '/inet addr:?([^ ]+)/'; $ip = array(); foreach ($output as $key => $subject) { $result = preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $subpattern); if ($result == 1) { if ($subpattern[1][0] != "") { $ip = $subpattern[1][0]; } } //var_dump($subpattern); } } return $ip; } echo getIP(); echo get_client_ip(); ?> </body> </html>
foreach ($banned as $key => $val) { if (preg_match("^{$val}", $ip_adr)) { $bool = true; break; } } if (empty($ip_adr) or $bool or !cek_ip($ip_adr)) { $ip_adr = @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $ip_adr; }