function pdfGen($group_name, $mode = NULL, $start_date, $end_date, $stats, $l, $title, $path_www)
    global $centreon_path;
    // create new PDF document
    $pdf = new MYPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
    // set document information
    $pdf->SetCreator("PDF Reports Module");
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    $pdfTitle = $title . " " . $group_name;
    //$pdfTitle = "Rapport de supervision du hostgroup ".$group_name;
    //$pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial');
    //$pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
    // define default header data
    $header = $title . " " . $group_name;
    //$header = "Rapport de supervision du hostgroup ".$group_name;
    //$ip = $_SERVER['HOSTNAME'];
    $startDate = date("d/m/Y", $start_date);
    $time = time();
    $endDate = date("d/m/Y", $time);
    $string = _("From") . " " . strftime("%A", $start_date) . " " . $startDate . " " . _("to") . " " . strftime("%A", $time) . " " . $endDate . "\n";
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    // ---------------------------------------------------------
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    $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 12);
    // add a page
    //Column titles
    $header = array('Status', 'Time', 'Total Time', 'Mean Time', 'Alert');
    // Pie chart Generation
    $piechart_img = pieGen($stats, $mode);
    //Data loading
    $data = $pdf->LoadData($stats);
    // print colored table
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        // Hostgroup
        $pdf->ColoredTable($header, $data, $piechart_img, $path_www);
    } else {
        if ($mode == "sgs") {
            // Servicegroup
            $pdf->ServicesColoredTable($header, $data, $piechart_img, $path_www);
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    //génération d'un nom de pdf
    $endDay = date("d", $time);
    $endYear = date("Y", $time);
    $endMonth = date("m", $time);
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    $pdfFileName = $pdfDirName . $endYear . "-" . $endMonth . "-" . $endDay . "_" . $group_name . ".pdf";
    if (!is_dir($pdfDirName)) {
    //Close and output PDF document
    $pdf->Output($pdfFileName, 'F');
    return $pdfFileName;
        // Generate servicegroup reports
        if (isset($services) && count($services) > 0) {
            foreach ($services['report_sg'] as $sg_id) {
                $sg_stats = array();
                $sg_stats = getLogInDbForServicesGroup($sg_id, $start_date, $end_date, $reportingTimePeriod);
                //tableau contenant la liste des pdf générés
                $Allfiles[] = pdfGen(getMyServiceGroupName($sg_id), 'sgs', $start_date, $end_date, $sg_stats, $l, $reportinfo["report_title"], "");
                //$Allfiles[] = pdfGen( getMyServiceGroupName($sg_id), 'sgs', $start_date, $end_date, $sg_stats, $l, getGeneralOptInfo("pdfreports_report_header_logo") , $reportinfo["report_title"]  );
        $emails = getReportContactEmail($report_id);
        //print_r( $emails );
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        foreach ($Allfiles as $file) {
            $files[basename($file)]["url"] = $file;
        mailer(getGeneralOptInfo("pdfreports_report_author"), getGeneralOptInfo("pdfreports_email_sender"), $emails, $reportinfo['subject'], $reportinfo['mail_body'], getGeneralOptInfo("pdfreports_smtp_server_address"), $files, $reportinfo['name']);
        $files = null;
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        $emails = null;
        $services = null;
        $hosts = null;
} catch (Exception $e) {
function RunNowReportInDB($report_id = null, $report_arr = array())
    if (!$report_id && !count($report_arr)) {
    global $pearDB, $oreon;
    $hosts = array();
    $reportinfo = array();
    $hosts = getHostReport($report_id);
    $reportinfo = getReportInfo($report_id);
    $services = getServiceGroupReport($report_id);
    $dates = getPeriodToReportFork($reportinfo['period']);
    $start_date = $dates[0];
    $end_date = $dates[1];
    $reportingTimePeriod = getreportingTimePeriod();
    if (isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) {
        $nb_folders = count(explode("/", $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']));
        $path_www = "/" . implode("/", array_fill(0, intval($nb_folders) - 1, '..'));
        //echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "  " . intval($nb_folders) -1 . "  " .  $path_www . "<br />";
    if (isset($hosts) && count($hosts) > 0) {
        foreach ($hosts['report_hgs'] as $hgs_id) {
            $stats = array();
            $stats = getLogInDbForHostGroup($hgs_id, $start_date, $end_date, $reportingTimePeriod);
            $Allfiles[] = pdfGen($report_id, getMyHostGroupName($hgs_id), 'hgs', $start_date, $end_date, $stats, "", $reportinfo["report_title"], $path_www);
            // "/../.."
    if (isset($services) && count($services) > 0) {
        foreach ($services['report_sg'] as $sg_id) {
            $sg_stats = array();
            $sg_stats = getLogInDbForServicesGroup($sg_id, $start_date, $end_date, $reportingTimePeriod);
            $Allfiles[] = pdfGen($report_id, getMyServiceGroupName($sg_id), 'sgs', $start_date, $end_date, $sg_stats, $l, $reportinfo["report_title"], $path_www);
    $emails = getReportContactEmail($report_id);
    $files = array();
    foreach ($Allfiles as $file) {
        $files[basename($file)]["url"] = $file;
    mailer(getGeneralOptInfo("pdfreports_report_author"), getGeneralOptInfo("pdfreports_email_sender"), $emails, $reportinfo['subject'], $reportinfo['mail_body'], getGeneralOptInfo("pdfreports_smtp_server_address"), $files, $reportinfo['name']);
    $files = null;
    $Allfiles = null;
    $emails = null;
    $services = null;
    $hosts = null;
     $oreon = new Oreon($user);
 require_once $centreonClasspath . '/centreonACL.class.php';
  *	Main
 global $pearDB, $pearDBndo, $pearDBO, $oreon;
 $reports = array();
 $reports = getActiveReports($period_arg);
 $reportsFiles = array();
 foreach ($reports as $report_id => $name) {
     $reportinfo = array();
     $reportinfo = getReportInfo($report_id);
     $is_not_an_report = array(".", "..", "README", "readme", "LICENCE", "licence");
     $is_a_valid_report = array('pdf');
     $pdfDirName = getGeneralOptInfo("pdfreports_path_gen") . $reportinfo['report_id'] . "/";
     if (!($dh = @opendir($pdfDirName))) {
         // error_log("WARNING: can't open directory '".$rep."'",0);
     while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
         if ($filename == "." || $filename == "..") {
         if (in_array($filename, $is_not_an_report)) {
         $pinfo = pathinfo($filename);
         if (isset($pinfo["extension"]) && isset($is_a_valid_report[$pinfo["extension"]])) {