Beispiel #1
				</div><!-- /.nav -->
			</div><!-- /.header-inner clearfix -->
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<div class="main">

$result = mysql_query("select account_id, funder_id  from conversation_track where conversation_track_token='{$key}' ") or die("mysql error @ line # 13");
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$account_id = $row[0];
$funder_id = $row[1];
list($first_name, $last_name, $username) = getAccountDetails($account_id);
list($funder_name, $funder_email) = getFunderDetails($funder_id);
$entrepreneur_name = "{$first_name} {$last_name}";
function getAccountDetails($account_id)
    $result = mysql_query("select account_name_first,account_name_last, account_username from account where account_id ='{$account_id}'") or die("mysql error@ getAccountDetails");
    $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
    $first_name = $row[0];
    $last_name = $row[1];
    $username = $row[2];
    return array($first_name, $last_name, $username);
function getFunderDetails($account_funder_id)
    $result = mysql_query("select account_funder_name,account_funder_email from account_funder where account_funder_id='{$account_funder_id}'") or die("mysql error@ finding customer @ line getFullName");
    $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
    $fullName = $row[0];
Beispiel #2
$table_element_content = "";
## Here we are going to do all that stuff!!!
$gotDateDiff = 0;
$result = mysql_query("select fund_amount, disburse_status, application_fee, funding_details_id, fund_disbursed_datetime from fund_disbursed where element_id='{$eID}' AND account_id = '{$aID}' ORDER BY fund_disbursed_datetime") or die("mysql error @ 72");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
    $fund_amount = number_format(round($row[0] / 100), 2);
    $disburse_status = $row[1];
    $application_fee = $row[2];
    $funding_details_id = $row[3];
    $fund_disbursed_datetime = $row[4];
    if (!$gotDateDiff && $disburse_status == 'authorized') {
        $gotDateDiff = 1;
        $dateDiff = 0;
        $dateDiff = round((strtotime("now") - strtotime($fund_disbursed_datetime)) / 86400);
    list($funder_id, $funding_details_status) = getFunderDetails($funding_details_id);
    list($funder_name, $email) = getFullName($funder_id);
    $pledge_status = "Deleted";
    if ($funding_details_status) {
        $pledge_status = "Active";
    $table_element_content .= "\n  <tr>\n    <td>{$funder_name}</td>\n    <td align=center>USD {$fund_amount}</td>\n    <td align=center>{$fund_disbursed_datetime}</td>\n    <td align=center>{$disburse_status}</td>\n    <td align=center>{$pledge_status}</td>\n  </tr>   \n   ";
$funding_count = getFundingDetailsCount($aID, $eID);
$stripeConnectToken = getStripeConnectToken($aID);
$stripeUserobj = json_decode($stripeConnectToken);
$stripeUserID = $stripeUserobj->{'stripe_user_id'};
$dateDiff = $dateDiff * 1;
$funding_count = $funding_count * 1;
$table_header = "<table width='400px' border=1 cellpadding=10 BORDERCOLOR=\"009900\">";
if ($dateDiff) {