<div id="bigCalHeader">

<div id="providerPicker">
xl('Providers', 'e');
// ==============================
// FACILITY FILTERING (lemonsoftware)
$facilities = getFacilities();
if ($_SESSION['authorizeduser'] == 1) {
    $facilities = getFacilities();
} else {
    $facilities = getUserFacilities($_SESSION['authId']);
    // from users_facility
    if (count($facilities) == 1) {
        $_SESSION['pc_facility'] = key($facilities);
if (count($facilities) > 1) {
    echo "   <select name='pc_facility' id='pc_facility' class='view1' >\n";
    if (!$_SESSION['pc_facility']) {
        $selected = "selected='selected'";
    // echo "    <option value='0' $selected>"  .xl('All Facilities'). "</option>\n";
    if (!$GLOBALS['restrict_user_facility']) {
Beispiel #2
 * search events
function postcalendar_user_search()
    if (!(bool) PC_ACCESS_OVERVIEW) {
    $tpl = new pcSmarty();
    $k = formData("pc_keywords", "R");
    //from library/formdata.inc.php
    $k_andor = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_keywords_andor');
    $pc_category = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_category');
    $pc_facility = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_facility');
    $pc_topic = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_topic');
    $submit = pnVarCleanFromInput('submit');
    $event_dur_hours = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_dur_hours');
    $event_dur_minutes = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_dur_minutes');
    $start = pnVarCleanFromInput('start');
    $end = pnVarCleanFromInput('end');
    // get list of categories for the user to choose from
    $categories = postcalendar_userapi_getCategories();
    $cat_options = '';
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $selected = "";
        if ($pc_category == $category[id]) {
            $selected = " SELECTED ";
        //modified 8/09 by BM to allow translation if applicable
        $cat_options .= "<option value=\"{$category['id']}\" {$selected}>" . xl_appt_category($category[name]) . "</option>";
    $tpl->assign_by_ref('CATEGORY_OPTIONS', $cat_options);
    $tpl->assign('event_dur_hours', $event_dur_hours);
    $tpl->assign('event_dur_minutes', $event_dur_minutes);
    // create default start and end dates for the search form
    if (isset($start) && $start != "") {
        $tpl->assign('DATE_START', $start);
    } else {
        $tpl->assign('DATE_START', date("m/d/Y"));
    if (isset($end) && $end != "") {
        $tpl->assign('DATE_END', $end);
    } else {
        $tpl->assign('DATE_END', date("m/d/Y", strtotime("+7 Days", time())));
    // then override the setting if we have a value from the submitted form
    $ProviderID = pnVarCleanFromInput("provider_id");
    if (is_numeric($ProviderID)) {
        $tpl->assign('ProviderID', $ProviderID);
    } elseif ($ProviderID == "_ALL_") {
    } else {
        $tpl->assign('ProviderID', "");
    $provinfo = getProviderInfo();
    $tpl->assign('providers', $provinfo);
    // build a list of provider-options for the select box on the input form -- JRM
    $provider_options = "<option value='_ALL_' ";
    if ($ProviderID == "_ALL_") {
        $provider_options .= " SELECTED ";
    $provider_options .= ">" . xl('All Providers') . "</option>";
    foreach ($provinfo as $provider) {
        $selected = "";
        // if we don't have a ProviderID chosen, pick the first one from the
        // pc_username Session variable
        if ($ProviderID == "") {
            // that variable stores the 'username' and not the numeric 'id'
            if ($_SESSION['pc_username'][0] == $provider['username']) {
                $selected = " SELECTED ";
        } else {
            if ($ProviderID == $provider['id']) {
                $selected = " SELECTED ";
        $provider_options .= "<option value=\"" . $provider['id'] . "\" " . $selected . ">";
        $provider_options .= $provider['lname'] . ", " . $provider['fname'] . "</option>";
    $tpl->assign_by_ref('PROVIDER_OPTIONS', $provider_options);
    // build a list of facility options for the select box on the input form -- JRM
    $facilities = getFacilities();
    $fac_options = "<option value=''>" . xl('All Facilities') . "</option>";
    foreach ($facilities as $facility) {
        $selected = "";
        if ($facility['id'] == $pc_facility) {
            $selected = " SELECTED ";
        $fac_options .= "<option value=\"" . $facility['id'] . "\" " . $selected . ">";
        $fac_options .= $facility['name'] . "</option>";
    $tpl->assign_by_ref('FACILITY_OPTIONS', $fac_options);
    $PatientID = pnVarCleanFromInput("patient_id");
    // limit the number of results returned by getPatientPID
    // this helps to prevent the server from stalling on a request with
    // no PID and thousands of PIDs in the database -- JRM
    // the function getPatientPID($pid, $given, $orderby, $limit, $start) <-- defined in library/patient.inc
    $plistlimit = 500;
    if (is_numeric($PatientID)) {
        $tpl->assign('PatientList', getPatientPID(array('pid' => $PatientID, 'limit' => $plistlimit)));
    } else {
        $tpl->assign('PatientList', getPatientPID(array('limit' => $plistlimit)));
    $event_endday = pnVarCleanFromInput("event_endday");
    $event_endmonth = pnVarCleanFromInput("event_endmonth");
    $event_endyear = pnVarCleanFromInput("event_endyear");
    $event_startday = pnVarCleanFromInput("event_startday");
    $event_startmonth = pnVarCleanFromInput("event_startmonth");
    $event_startyear = pnVarCleanFromInput("event_startyear");
    if ($event_startday > $event_endday) {
        $event_endday = $event_startday;
    if ($event_startmonth > $event_endmonth) {
        $event_endmonth = $event_startmonth;
    if ($event_startyear > $event_endyear) {
        $event_endyear = $event_startyear;
    $tpl->assign('patient_id', $PatientID);
    $tpl->assign('provider_id', $ProviderID);
    $tpl->assign("event_category", pnVarCleanFromInput("event_category"));
    $tpl->assign("event_subject", pnVarCleanFromInput("event_subject"));
    $output = new pnHTML();
        $sel_data = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'buildDaySelect', array('pc_day' => $day, 'selected' => $event_startday));
        $formdata = $output->FormSelectMultiple('event_startday', $sel_data);
        $sel_data = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'buildMonthSelect', array('pc_month' => $month, 'selected' => $event_startmonth));
        $formdata .= $output->FormSelectMultiple('event_startmonth', $sel_data);
    } else {
        $sel_data = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'buildMonthSelect', array('pc_month' => $month, 'selected' => $event_startmonth));
        $formdata = $output->FormSelectMultiple('event_startmonth', $sel_data);
        $sel_data = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'buildDaySelect', array('pc_day' => $day, 'selected' => $event_startday));
        $formdata .= $output->FormSelectMultiple('event_startday', $sel_data);
    $sel_data = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'buildYearSelect', array('pc_year' => $year, 'selected' => $event_startyear));
    $formdata .= $output->FormSelectMultiple('event_startyear', $sel_data);
    $tpl->assign('SelectDateTimeStart', $formdata);
        $sel_data = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'buildDaySelect', array('pc_day' => $day, 'selected' => $event_endday));
        $formdata = $output->FormSelectMultiple('event_endday', $sel_data);
        $sel_data = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'buildMonthSelect', array('pc_month' => $month, 'selected' => $event_endmonth));
        $formdata .= $output->FormSelectMultiple('event_endmonth', $sel_data);
    } else {
        $sel_data = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'buildMonthSelect', array('pc_month' => $month, 'selected' => $event_endmonth));
        $formdata = $output->FormSelectMultiple('event_endmonth', $sel_data);
        $sel_data = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'buildDaySelect', array('pc_day' => $day, 'selected' => $event_endday));
        $formdata .= $output->FormSelectMultiple('event_endday', $sel_data);
    $sel_data = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'buildYearSelect', array('pc_year' => $year, 'selected' => $event_endyear));
    $formdata .= $output->FormSelectMultiple('event_endyear', $sel_data);
    $tpl->assign('SelectDateTimeEnd', $formdata);
    $output = null;
        $topics = postcalendar_userapi_getTopics();
        $top_options = '';
        foreach ($topics as $topic) {
            $top_options .= "<option value=\"{$topic['id']}\">{$topic['text']}</option>";
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('TOPIC_OPTIONS', $top_options);
    //  Find out what Template we're using
    $template_name = _SETTING_TEMPLATE;
    if (!isset($template_name)) {
        $template_name = 'default';
    //  Output the search form
    $tpl->assign('FORM_ACTION', pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'search'));
    //  Perform the search if we have data
    if (!empty($submit) && strtolower($submit) == "find first") {
        // not sure how we get here...
        $searchargs = array();
        $searchargs['start'] = pnVarCleanFromInput("event_startmonth") . "/" . pnVarCleanFromInput("event_startday") . "/" . pnVarCleanFromInput("event_startyear");
        $searchargs['end'] = pnVarCleanFromInput("event_endmonth") . "/" . pnVarCleanFromInput("event_endday") . "/" . pnVarCleanFromInput("event_endyear");
        $searchargs['provider_id'] = pnVarCleanFromInput("provider_id");
        $searchargs['faFlag'] = true;
        //echo "<br />";
        //set defaults to current week if empty
        if ($searchargs['start'] == "//") {
            $searchargs['start'] = date("m/d/Y");
        if ($searchargs['end'] == "//") {
            $searchargs['end'] = date("m/d/Y", strtotime("+7 Days", strtotime($searchargs['start'])));
        $eventsByDate =& postcalendar_userapi_pcGetEvents($searchargs);
        $found = findFirstAvailable($eventsByDate);
        $tpl->assign('available_times', $found);
        $tpl->assign('SEARCH_PERFORMED', true);
        $tpl->assign('A_EVENTS', $eventsByDate);
    if (!empty($submit) && strtolower($submit) == "listapps") {
        // not sure how we get here...
        $searchargs = array();
        $searchargs['start'] = date("m/d/Y");
        $searchargs['end'] = date("m/d/Y", strtotime("+1 year", strtotime($searchargs['start'])));
        $searchargs['patient_id'] = pnVarCleanFromInput("patient_id");
        $searchargs['listappsFlag'] = true;
        $sqlKeywords .= "(a.pc_pid = '" . pnVarCleanFromInput("patient_id") . "' )";
        $searchargs['s_keywords'] = $sqlKeywords;
        $eventsByDate =& postcalendar_userapi_pcGetEvents($searchargs);
        $tpl->assign('appointments', $eventsByDate);
        $tpl->assign('SEARCH_PERFORMED', true);
        $tpl->assign('A_EVENTS', $eventsByDate);
    } elseif (!empty($submit)) {
        // we get here by searching via the PostCalendar search
        $sqlKeywords = '';
        $keywords = explode(' ', $k);
        // build our search query
        foreach ($keywords as $word) {
            if (!empty($sqlKeywords)) {
                $sqlKeywords .= " {$k_andor} ";
            $sqlKeywords .= '(';
            $sqlKeywords .= "pd.lname LIKE '%{$word}%' OR ";
            $sqlKeywords .= "pd.fname LIKE '%{$word}%' OR ";
            $sqlKeywords .= "u.lname LIKE '%{$word}%' OR ";
            $sqlKeywords .= "u.fname LIKE '%{$word}%' OR ";
            $sqlKeywords .= "a.pc_title LIKE '%{$word}%' OR ";
            $sqlKeywords .= "a.pc_hometext LIKE '%{$word}%' OR ";
            $sqlKeywords .= "a.pc_location LIKE '%{$word}%'";
            $sqlKeywords .= ') ';
        if (!empty($pc_category)) {
            $s_category = "a.pc_catid = '{$pc_category}'";
        if (!empty($pc_topic)) {
            $s_topic = "a.pc_topic = '{$pc_topic}'";
        $searchargs = array();
        if (!empty($sqlKeywords)) {
            $searchargs['s_keywords'] = $sqlKeywords;
        if (!empty($s_category)) {
            $searchargs['s_category'] = $s_category;
        if (!empty($s_topic)) {
            $searchargs['s_topic'] = $s_topic;
        // some new search parameters introduced in the ajax_search form...  JRM March 2008
        // the ajax_search form has form parameters for 'start' and 'end' already built in
        // so use them if available
        $tmpDate = pnVarCleanFromInput("start");
        if (isset($tmpDate) && $tmpDate != "") {
            $searchargs['start'] = pnVarCleanFromInput("start");
        } else {
            $searchargs['start'] = "//";
        $tmpDate = pnVarCleanFromInput("end");
        if (isset($tmpDate) && $tmpDate != "") {
            $searchargs['end'] = pnVarCleanFromInput("end");
        } else {
            $searchargs['end'] = "//";
        // we can limit our search by provider -- JRM March 2008
        if (isset($ProviderID) && $ProviderID != "") {
            // && $ProviderID != "_ALL_") {
            $searchargs['provider_id'] = array();
            array_push($searchargs['provider_id'], $ProviderID);
        $eventsByDate =& postcalendar_userapi_pcGetEvents($searchargs);
        // we can limit our search by facility -- JRM March 2008
        if (isset($pc_facility) && $pc_facility != "") {
            $searchargs['pc_facility'] = $pc_facility;
        $tpl->assign('SEARCH_PERFORMED', true);
        $tpl->assign('A_EVENTS', $eventsByDate);
    $tpl->caching = false;
    $tpl->assign('STYLE', $GLOBALS['style']);
    $pageSetup =& pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'pageSetup');
    if (pnVarCleanFromInput("no_nav") == 1) {
        $return = $pageSetup . $tpl->fetch($template_name . '/user/findfirst.html');
    } elseif (pnVarCleanFromInput("no_nav") == 2) {
        $return = $pageSetup . $tpl->fetch($template_name . '/user/listapps.html');
    } else {
        $return = $pageSetup . $tpl->fetch($template_name . '/user/search.html');
    return $return;