Beispiel #1
function getGoogleTotal($url)
    $googleResult = getDoc($url);
    $iniPos = strpos($googleResult, "Results <b>");
    $endPos = strpos($googleResult, " for <b>");
    $totalInfo = substr($googleResult, $iniPos, $endPos - $iniPos);
    preg_match_all("/<b>([0-9,]+)<\\/b>/", $totalInfo, $totalPeaces);
    $total = $totalPeaces[1][2];
    if ($total == "") {
        $total = 0;
    return $total;
Beispiel #2
function getGoogleTotal($url)
    $googleResult = getDoc($url);
    if (preg_match('/scholar\\./', $url)) {
        $iniPos = strpos($googleResult, "Results <b>");
        $endPos = strpos($googleResult, " for <b>");
        $totalInfo = substr($googleResult, $iniPos, 200);
        preg_match_all("/<b>([0-9,]+)<\\/b>/", $totalInfo, $totalPeaces);
        $total = $totalPeaces[1][2];
    } else {
        $iniPos = strpos($googleResult, "About ");
        $endPos = strpos($googleResult, " results (");
        $totalInfo = substr($googleResult, $iniPos, 200);
        preg_match_all("/[0-9,]+/", $totalInfo, $totalPeaces);
        $total = $totalPeaces[0][0];
    if ($total == "") {
        $total = 0;
    return $total;
function getVocabulary($parentElement) {
  $vocElements = $parentElement->xpath('xs:complexType/xs:simpleContent/xs:extension/xs:attribute/xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:enumeration');
  if ($vocElements)
    //get/display xs:complexType[1]/xs:simpleContent[1]/xs:extension[1]/xs:attribute[1]->name
    $att = $parentElement->xpath('xs:complexType/xs:simpleContent/xs:extension/xs:attribute');
    $vocabName = (string)$att[0]['name'];
    $html = "\n<div class=" . '"vocab"' . ">\n<h2>$vocabName</h2>\n<dl>\n";

    //for each enumeration
    foreach ($vocElements as $vocElement)
      //get/display the value attribute
      $value = (string)$vocElement['value'];
      //get/display the documentation node
      $doc = getDoc($vocElement,'xs:annotation/xs:documentation');
      $html .= "  <dt>$value</dt>\n";
      $html .= ($doc) ? "    <dd>$doc</dd>\n" : '';
    } //end for each enumeration
    $html .= "</dl>\n</div>\n";
  } //end if $vocab

  return $html;
Beispiel #4
    $startpos = strpos($haystack, $startpostext);
    $endpostext = $endsection;
    $endposlen = strlen($endpostext);
    $endpos = strpos($haystack, $endpostext, $startpos);
    return substr($haystack, $startpos + $startposlen, $endpos - ($startpos + $startposlen));
$page = $_REQUEST["page"];
$id = $checked['id'];
$lang = $checked['lang'];
$action = $_POST["action"];
$xml = $localPath["xml"] . $checked["id"] . ".xml";
$xmlSave = 'xml/' . $checked['lang'] . '/' . $checked["id"] . ".xml";
$admPath = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'htmlarea.php'));
if (file_exists($xml)) {
    $xml = getDoc($xml);
    if (strpos($xml, '<content>') > 0) {
        $startTag = "<content>";
        $endTag = "</content>";
        // retira marcas CDATA
        $xml = str_replace(array('<![CDATA[', ']]>'), '', $xml);
        $textarea = trim(stripFromText($xml, $startTag, $endTag));
        $textarea = html_entity_decode($textarea);
    } else {
        $textarea = "";
$messageArray = array("es" => array("title" => "Administración: Biblioteca Virtual en Salud", "available" => "Disponible", "unavailable" => "Indisponible", "exit" => "Salir", "save" => "Graba"), "pt" => array("title" => "Administração: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde", "available" => "Disponível", "unavailable" => "Indisponível", "exit" => "Sai", "save" => "Grava"), "en" => array("title" => "Administration: Virtual Health Library", "available" => "Available", "unavailable" => "Unavailable", "exit" => "Exit", "save" => "Save"));
$message = $messageArray[$lang];
Beispiel #5
function search($word)
    global $conn;
    $tab_returned = array();
    $sql = "SELECT id_doc, MAX(poids) FROM `doc_mot`,`mot` WHERE mot.mot ='" . $word . "' AND mot.id_mot=doc_mot.id_mot GROUP BY id_doc";
    //echo $sql;
    $result = $conn->query($sql);
    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
        while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
            $tab_id_doc[] = $row['id_doc'];
        $tab_add = array();
        foreach ($tab_id_doc as $id_doc) {
            $tab_add[] = getDoc($id_doc);
        return $tab_add;
    } else {
        return false;
Beispiel #6
    $startposlen = strlen($startpostext);
    $startpos = strpos($haystack, $startpostext);
    $endpostext = $endsection;
    $endposlen = strlen($endpostext);
    $endpos = strpos($haystack, $endpostext, $startpos);
    return substr($haystack, $startpos + $startposlen, $endpos - ($startpos + $startposlen));
$id = $_REQUEST["id"];
$page = $_REQUEST["page"];
$xmlSave = $def['DATABASE_PATH'] . "xml/" . $checked['lang'] . "/" . $id . ".xml";
if ($id == "" || $lang == "") {
    die("error: missing parameter id or lang");
if (file_exists($xmlSave)) {
    $xml = getDoc($xmlSave);
    if (strpos($xml, '<url>') > 0) {
        // retira marcas CDATA
        $buffer = trim(stripFromText($xml, "<url>", "</url>"));
    } else {
        $buffer = "";
} else {
    $buffer = "";
$messageArray = array("es" => array("title" => "Administración: Biblioteca Virtual en Salud", "available" => "Disponible", "unavailable" => "Indisponible", "exit" => "Salir", "save" => "Graba", "url" => "Localizacion del servicio ", "service" => "Servicio "), "pt" => array("title" => "Administração: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde", "available" => "Disponível", "unavailable" => "Indisponível", "exit" => "Sai", "save" => "Grava", "url" => "Localização do serviço ", "service" => "Serviço "), "en" => array("title" => "Administration: Virtual Health Library", "available" => "Available", "unavailable" => "Unavailable", "exit" => "Exit", "save" => "Save", "url" => "Service link", "service" => "Service "));
$message = $messageArray[$lang];
    <title>BVS-Site Admin</title>
function cText($node, $value)
    $node2 = getDoc()->createTextNode($value);
    return $node;

$DirNameLocal = dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
include_once $DirNameLocal . "./include.php";
include_once $DirNameLocal . "./common.php";
$query = trim($_REQUEST['query']);
$query = str_replace(" ", "+", $query);
$query = replace_accents($query) . "*";
$serviceUrl = "" . $query . "&lang=" . $checked["lang"];
$serviceResponse = getDoc($serviceUrl);
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo $serviceResponse;

Beispiel #9
    case "deletepersonne":
    case "updatepersonne":
    case "getpersonne":
    case "auth":
    case "document":
    case "coords":
function createScore($data)
    global $conn;
    $sql = "INSERT INTO scores (id_doc, id_perso, distance, maj)\n\tVALUES (" . $data["id_doc"] . ", " . $data["id_perso"] . ", " . $data["distance"] . ",NOW())";
    //echo $sql;
    if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
        echo "New record created successfully";
    } else {
Beispiel #10
        $options = $select->getElementsByTagName('option');
        foreach ($options as $option) {
            $faculties[] = $option->nodeValue;
    if ($select->getAttribute('name') === 'wantbuilding') {
        $options = $select->getElementsByTagName('option');
        foreach ($options as $option) {
            $buildings[] = $option->nodeValue;
// For each of the faculties, the printer details are listed on the page as
// hidden inputs.
foreach ($faculties as $faculty) {
    $data = array('wantfaculty' => $faculty);
    $page = getDoc($istUrl, $data);
    // As of April 13th, 2013, each printer is a separate form on the page.
    parsePrinterListPage($page, $printers, $faculty);
// Do the same for buildings.
foreach ($buildings as $building) {
    $data = array('wantbuilding' => $building);
    $page = getDoc($istUrl, $data);
    // As of April 13th, 2013, each printer is a separate form on the page.
    parsePrinterListPage($page, $printers);
fwrite(STDOUT, 'printer,ad,server,comment,driver,room,faculty' . "\n");
foreach ($printers as $printer) {
    fputcsv(STDOUT, $printer);
Beispiel #11
if ($network != "") {
    echo "&gt;" . $network;
                <div id="portal">
                    <div class="content">
if ($network != "") {
    echo $network;
} else {
    echo $texts["network"];
$bvsNetList = getDoc($bvsNetUrl);
if ($bvsNetList == "[open failure]") {
    echo "<img src='/image/common/alert.gif'>" . $texts[""];
} else {
    echo utf8_encode($bvsNetList);
	function filterHTML($codeContent)
		global $state;
		// Array holds information about the current state of parsing 
		// e.g. the current tag, the last tag, etc.
		$state = array();
		// Clear the document in case function is called several times on one page

		// set up state defaults
		setState('abort_filtering', false); // used to abort filtering on encountering an unsupported tag
		setState('current_tag', "");		// the current tag being processed
		setState('in_list', false);			// whether the parser is currently inside a list (<ul> or <ol> etc...)
		setState('is_ordered_list', false);	// whether the current list being parsed is an <ol> (for preservation)
		setState('last_tag', "");			// the last tag that was processed
		setState('css', "");				// keeps track of css styles to add to the next p tag (used to grab textformat attributes)
		setState('empty', true);			// keeps track of whether an element is empty
		setState('depth', 0);				// keeps track of the depth of the current node
		setState('style_depth', 0);			// keeps track of the depth of the current styling node (used to remove redundant styles)
		setState('last_style_depth', 0);	// keeps track of the depth of the current styling node (used to remove redundant styles)
		setState('last_depth', 0);			// keeps track of the last depth processed
		setState('last_font', "");			// keeps track of the last font family (used to avoid redundant styles)
		setState('last_size', "");			// keeps track of the last font size  (used to avoid redundant styles)
		setState('last_color', "");			// keeps track of the last foreground color (used to avoid redundant styles)

		// URL-Decode the incoming content (obedit will url-encode it before sending.)
		$codeContent = urldecode($codeContent);
		// Initialize the XML parser and set element handler functions
		$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
		xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true);
		xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
		xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement");
		xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData");
		// Wrap the obedit document in XML to prevent validation errors 
		// from the XML parser (this extra stuff is ignored by the filter and won't show up in the output)
		$xml_data = "<?xml version='1.0'?><parserdocument>".$codeContent."</parserdocument>";
		// Do the parsing. See the handler functions above.
		$filterResult = @xml_parse($xml_parser, $xml_data, true);
		// If the document is invalidly formed or not valid obedit-generated HTML (e.g. hand-coded), 
		// then spit out the originally submitted HTML (but still perform unicode conversion) 
		if (!$filterResult || filterWasAborted())
			// If we're here, the document is a valid RTE document and was successfully parsed and filtered.
			// Now we just have to check if the document ended with a list, and if so, 
			// close the list off with the appropriate </ul> or </ol> to wrap things up.
			if (isInsideList()) 
				if (isOrderedList()) add2Doc("\n</ol>");
				else add2Doc("\n</ul>");
		// Free up memory
		// Return the final HTML document
		return getDoc();
Beispiel #13


	<h1>obedit output preview</h1>
	<h2>obHTML (HTML submitted from obedit)</h2>
	<div class="obHTML"><? echo htmlspecialchars(str_replace(">",">",urldecode($_POST['content']))); ?></div>

	<h2>XHTML (filtered obHTML)</h2>
	<div class="finalHTML"><? echo trim(htmlspecialchars(getDoc())); //preg_replace("#^(\n|\r\n|\n\r|\r)#", "", ); ?></div>


	// Output the filtered HTML.
	echo $filteredHTML;

	else	// No text was submitted. Show a submission form instead (ONLY for debugging - remove this for real usage!)
        $returnvalue .= "</div>";
    // $returnvalue = "<[CDATA[ " . $returnvalue ." ]]>";
    return $returnvalue;
$xmlstr = scrapePage($feedurl);
$xmlstr = preg_replace('/<rss version="2.0">/', '<rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="">', $xmlstr);
// $xmlstr = preg_replace( '/<channel>/', '<channel xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" // xsi:schemaLocation="file:///feed_scraper.xsd">' ,$xmlstr);
$output = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
$lessonurls = array();
foreach ($output->channel->item as $element) {
    $title = $element->title;
    $lessonurls[] = (string) $element->description[0];
    // echo preg_replace(array('/Future Quest Island - /','/Future Quest Island/'), '',"$title") . "<br />" . $element->description . "<br /><br />";
$xmlObj = getDoc();
$nsNode = $xmlObj->channel;
$i = 0;
foreach ($nsNode->item as $lowlev) {
    if ($lowlev !== null) {
        $contentfield = $lowlev->addChild('content:encoded', outputScrape($lessonurls[$i]), "");
        $i = $i + 1;
$xmloutput = $xmlObj->asxml();
function getDoc()
    global $feedurl;
    global $xmlstr;
    return new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
Beispiel #15
		<div class="container">		
if (file_exists($fileXml)) {
				<div class="confirm">
    echo $messages["exist"];
					<div align="center">
						<input type="button" value="confirmar" onclick="javascript:document.formPage.submit();" class="submit"/>
						<input type="button" value="cancelar"  onclick="javascript:window.close();" class="submit"/>
				<div class="middle">
					<div class="secondColumn">	
    if (file_exists($fileHtml)) {
        print getDoc($fileHtml);

    $t->pass('->insert() fails if category callback returns a non-scalar');
$h->set('categories', array('Forum', '%stringable_object%'));
$doc = getDoc($lucene, $indexer->getModelGuid());
$t->is($doc->sfl_category, 'Forum Strings!', '->insert() configures categories correctly with a object-returning callback');
$t->is($doc->sfl_categories_cache, serialize(array('Forum', 'Strings!')), '->insert() configures categories cache correctly with a object-returning callback');
$t->is($lucene->getCategoriesHarness()->getCategory('Forum')->getCount(), 1, '->insert() updated category database count for first category with object-returning callback');
$t->is($lucene->getCategoriesHarness()->getCategory('Strings!')->getCount(), 1, '->insert() updated category database count for second category with object-returning callback');
$doc = getDoc($lucene, $indexer->getModelGuid());
$t->ok(!in_array('sfl_category', $doc->getDocument()->getFieldNames()), '->insert() does not create a category key without categories');
$t->ok(!in_array('sfl_category', $doc->getDocument()->getFieldNames()), '->insert() does not create a category cache key without categories');
$t->diag('testing ->delete()');
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
$lucene->setParameter('delete_lock', true);
$t->is($lucene->numDocs(), 5, '->delete() does nothing if parameter "delete_lock" is set');
$lucene->setParameter('delete_lock', false);
$t->is($lucene->numDocs(), 0, '->delete() deletes all matching documents in the index');