public function sayfaisle($gelen) { $dummy = ''; while ($item = explode('[[ekle((', $gelen, 2)) { if (count($item) < 2) { $dummy .= $item[0]; break; } $dummy .= $item[0]; $item = explode('))]]', $item[1], 2); $dummy .= file_get_contents(getDir('index.php') . "yonetim/sablon/" . $item[0]); $gelen = $item[1]; } $gelen = $dummy; while ($item = explode('[[', $gelen, 2)) { if (count($item) < 2) { echo $item[0]; break; } echo $item[0]; $item = explode(']]', $item[1], 2); $gelen = $item[1]; $this->calistir($item[0]); } }
function listFile(&$result, $path) { if (!getDir($link, $path)) { return false; } while (($entry = readdir($link)) !== false) { if ($entry == "." || $entry == "..") { continue; } if (is_dir($path . '/' . $entry)) { // recherche des fichiers dans le sous-dossier suivant listFile($result, $path . '/' . $entry); } else { if (is_file($path . '/' . $entry)) { if (preg_match('/.*\\.avi$/', $entry)) { $result[] = array($path . '/', $entry); } } continue; } } if (empty($result)) { return false; } return true; }
public function listen(Dispatcher $events) { $events->listen(RegisterLocales::class, function (RegisterLocales $event) { function getDir($dir) { $dirArray[] = NULL; if (false != ($handle = opendir($dir))) { $i = 0; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !strpos($file, ".")) { $dirArray[$i] = $file; $i++; } } closedir($handle); } return $dirArray; } $extensions_enabled = app('Flarum\\Core\\Settings\\SettingsRepository')->get('extensions_enabled'); $localePath = __DIR__ . '/../locale/'; $arr = json_decode($extensions_enabled, true); if ($key = array_search('i18n', $arr)) { unset($arr[$key]); } foreach (getDir($localePath) as $v) { $coreYml = $localePath . $v . '/core.yml'; $array = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/languagecodes.yml')); if (file_exists($coreYml)) { preg_match('/\\/locale\\/(.*?)\\//i', $coreYml, $languagecodes); $languagecodes = $languagecodes[1]; $languagename = $array[$languagecodes]; $event->manager->addLocale($languagecodes, $languagename); $event->manager->addJsFile($languagecodes, $localePath . $languagecodes . '/core.js'); $event->manager->addConfig($languagecodes, $localePath . $languagecodes . '/core.php'); $event->addTranslations($languagecodes, $localePath . $languagecodes . '/core.yml'); foreach ($arr as $extensions) { $localeYml = $localePath . $languagecodes . '/' . $extensions . '.yml'; $enYml = getcwd() . '/extensions/' . $extensions . '/locale/en.yml'; if (file_exists($localeYml)) { $event->addTranslations($languagecodes, $localeYml); } else { if (file_exists($enYml)) { $event->addTranslations($languagecodes, $enYml); } } } } } }); }
function getDir($dir) { $fileArr = array(); $dp = opendir($dir); while (($file = readdir($dp)) != false) { if ($file != "." and $file != ".." and $file != "") { if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) { $fileArr = array_merge($fileArr, getDir($dir . "/" . $file)); $fileArr[] = $dir . "/" . $file; } } } closedir($dp); return $fileArr; }
public function set() { if ($_SESSION["wadmin"] && in_array(1, $this->group_json)) { $result = R("Api/Api/getsetting"); $this->assign("info", $result); $themedir = getDir("./Application/Tpl/App"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($themedir); $i++) { $theme[$i] = simplexml_load_file("./Application/Tpl/App" . $themedir[$i] . "/config.xml"); if (isset($theme[$i])) { $theme[$i]->dir = $themedir[$i]; } } $this->assign("theme", $theme); $this->assign("settheme", $result["theme"]); $payresult = R("Api/Api/getalipay"); $this->assign("alipay", $payresult); $buyday = 0; if (file_exists('./Public/Conf/buyday.php')) { require './Public/Conf/buyday.php'; } $this->assign("buyday", $buyday); $result = M("Admin")->select(); $group_des = array(); $group_des[1] = '商城设置'; $group_des[2] = '商品分类'; $group_des[3] = '商品管理'; $group_des[4] = '订单管理'; $group_des[5] = '用户管理'; $group_des[6] = '微信管理'; $group_des[7] = '提现管理'; foreach ($result as $key => $info) { if (file_exists("./Public/Conf/group_" . $info["username"] . ".php")) { require "./Public/Conf/group_" . $info["username"] . ".php"; $group_json = json_decode($group_json); } else { $group_json = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); } $group = ''; foreach ($group_json as $json_info) { $group .= $group_des[$json_info] . '|'; } $result[$key]['group'] = $group; } $this->assign("result", $result); $this->display(); } }
function getAllFile($dir = '') { def($dir, './'); $output = array(); foreach (getDir("dir: {$dir}, is_file:1, full:1") as $key => $val) { if (preg_match("/(addon|file|sfile|image)\$/i", $val)) { continue; } if (is_dir($val)) { $output = array_merge($output, getAllFile($val)); } else { if (preg_match("/\\.(js|css|php|html|mini)\$/i", basename($val))) { $output[] = $val; } } } return $output; }
public function set() { if ($_SESSION["wadmin"]) { $result = R("Api/Api/getsetting"); $this->assign("info", $result); $themedir = getDir("./Application/Tpl/App"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($themedir); $i++) { $theme[$i] = simplexml_load_file("./Application/Tpl/App" . $themedir[$i] . "/config.xml"); if (isset($theme[$i])) { $theme[$i]->dir = $themedir[$i]; } } $this->assign("theme", $theme); $this->assign("settheme", $result["theme"]); $payresult = R("Api/Api/getalipay"); $this->assign("alipay", $payresult); $this->display(); } }
function getDir($path, $filter, $recursive, &$result, $ignore) { foreach (glob($path . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $dir) { if ($dir == '.' | $dir == '..' | ignored($dir, $ignore)) { continue; } foreach (glob($dir . '/' . $filter) as $file) { if (ignored($file, $ignore)) { continue; } $f[] = slash(str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '/', $file), false); } if (count($f) > 0) { $result[] = array('DIR' => slash(str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '/', $dir)), 'FILES' => $f); } if ($recursive) { if (getDir($dir, $filter, $recursive, $result, $ignore) === false) { return false; } } } return true; }
function makeWeatherSidebar() { global $forecast_api; global $weather_lat; global $weather_long; $forecastExcludes = '?exclude=flags'; // Take a look at to configure your weather information. $currentForecast = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $forecast_api . '/' . $weather_lat . ',' . $weather_long . $forecastExcludes)); $currentSummary = $currentForecast->currently->summary; $currentSummaryIcon = $currentForecast->currently->icon; $currentTemp = round($currentForecast->currently->temperature); $currentWindSpeed = round($currentForecast->currently->windSpeed); if ($currentWindSpeed > 0) { $currentWindBearing = $currentForecast->currently->windBearing; } $minutelySummary = $currentForecast->minutely->summary; $hourlySummary = $currentForecast->hourly->summary; $sunriseTime = $currentForecast->daily->data[0]->sunriseTime; $sunsetTime = $currentForecast->daily->data[0]->sunsetTime; if ($sunriseTime > time()) { $rises = 'Rises'; } else { $rises = 'Rose'; } if ($sunsetTime > time()) { $sets = 'Sets'; } else { $sets = 'Set'; } // If there are alerts, make the alerts variables if (isset($currentForecast->alerts)) { $alertTitle = $currentForecast->alerts[0]->title; $alertExpires = $currentForecast->alerts[0]->expires; $alertDescription = $currentForecast->alerts[0]->description; $alertUri = $currentForecast->alerts[0]->uri; } // Make the array for weather icons $weatherIcons = ['clear-day' => 'B', 'clear-night' => 'C', 'rain' => 'R', 'snow' => 'W', 'sleet' => 'X', 'wind' => 'F', 'fog' => 'L', 'cloudy' => 'N', 'partly-cloudy-day' => 'H', 'partly-cloudy-night' => 'I']; $weatherIcon = $weatherIcons[$currentSummaryIcon]; // If there is a severe weather warning, display it //if (isset($currentForecast->alerts)) { // echo '<div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissable">'; // echo '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">×</button>'; // echo '<strong><a href="'.$alertUri.'" class="alert-link">'.$alertTitle.'</a></strong>'; // echo '</div>'; //} echo '<ul class="list-inline" style="margin-bottom:-20px">'; echo '<li><h1 data-icon="' . $weatherIcon . '" style="font-size:500%;margin:0px -10px 20px -5px"></h1></li>'; echo '<li><ul class="list-unstyled">'; echo '<li><h1 class="exoregular" style="margin:0px">' . $currentTemp . '°</h1></li>'; echo '<li><h4 class="exoregular" style="margin:0px;padding-right:10px;width:80px">' . $currentSummary . '</h4></li>'; echo '</ul></li>'; echo '</ul>'; if ($currentWindSpeed > 0) { $direction = getDir($currentWindBearing); echo '<h4 class="exoextralight" style="margin-top:0px">Wind: ' . $currentWindSpeed . ' mph from the ' . $direction . '</h4>'; } else { echo '<h4 class="exoextralight" style="margin-top:0px">Wind: Calm</h4>'; } echo '<h4 class="exoregular">Next Hour</h4>'; echo '<h5 class="exoextralight" style="margin-top:10px">' . $minutelySummary . '</h5>'; echo '<h4 class="exoregular">Next 24 Hours</h4>'; echo '<h5 class="exoextralight" style="margin-top:10px">' . $hourlySummary . '</h5>'; echo '<h4 class="exoregular">The Sun</h4>'; echo '<h5 class="exoextralight" style="margin-top:10px">' . $rises . ' at ' . date('g:i A', $sunriseTime) . '</h5>'; echo '<h5 class="exoextralight" style="margin-top:10px">' . $sets . ' at ' . date('g:i A', $sunsetTime) . '</h5>'; echo '<p class="text-right no-link-color" style="margin-bottom:-10px"><small><a href="' . $weather_lat . ',' . $weather_long . '"></a></small></p> '; }
$mp3file->getid3($filename); echo "<tr>"; // album tag echo "<p><td><b>{$mp3file->album}</b></td>\n"; // title tag echo "<td><a href=" . $rootMP3URL . "/" . htmlentities(str_replace(" ", "%20", $filename)) . ">" . str_replace("_", " ", $mp3file->title) . "</a></td>\n"; // composer tag echo "<p><td><b>{$mp3file->artist}</b></td>\n"; echo "<td><i>" . date("r", $filedate) . "</i></td>\n"; echo "<td><i>" . filesize($filename) . " (bytes)</i></td>\n"; echo "<p><td>{$mp3file->mime_type}</td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; $maxFeed--; } print "</table>\n"; $dirArray = getDir(".", $sftypes); // Get a list of the current directory while (list($filename, $filedate) = each($dirArray) and $maxFeed > 0) { echo "<p> </p>\n"; } echo "<p> </p>\n"; echo "<p> </p>\n"; // Functions and Classes function stripJunk($text) { // Strip non-text characters for ($c = 0; $c < strlen($text); $c++) { if (ord($text[$c]) >= 32 and ord($text[$c]) <= 122) { $outText .= $text[$c]; } }
// create a photoset? print 'Create a photoset [y/N] '; if ('y' == substr(trim(fgets(STDIN)), 0, 1)) { $setName = basename($dir); print "Photos will be added to a new photoset named '{$setName}'.\n\n"; } else { $setName = null; print "No photoset will be created.\n\n"; } return $setName; } $api = getApi(); // the idea of this regular expression is that the camera file name // starts with 3 or 4 characters, followed by 4 or 5 digits. if i've // renamed it it would have a space, underscore or hyphen (that we'll // ignore) and then any number of characters before ending with a period // and then 3 character file extension. $pattern = '/\\S{3,4}\\d{4,5}[ _-]?(.*)\\.\\S{3}/'; // the idea of this one is a two digit number, _ or - and then // the name.jpg #$pattern = '/\d{1,2}[ _-]?(.*)\.\S{3}/'; $dir = getDir(); // ... let the user know what we've figured out $user = new Phlickr_AuthedUser($api); $userName = $user->getName(); print "Uploading all the photos in '{$dir}' to {$userName}'s stream\n\n"; $batcher = new CommandlineBatchUploader($dir, $pattern, getSetName($dir)); $uploader = new Phlickr_Uploader($api); $uploader->setTags(getTags()); $uploader->uploadBatch($batcher, new Phlickr_TextUi_UploaderListener()); exit(0);
require_once 'Library/Parsedown/Parsedown.php'; /* ------------------------------------- 以下 为正式代码 --------------------------------------- */ if (isLogin()) { // 已登陆 // 接收参数 $class = htmlspecialchars($_GET['class']); $file = htmlspecialchars($_GET['file']); /* 获取目录数据 */ if ($class) { $menus = getFile(__API__ . '/' . $class); if ($menus) { asort($menus); } $menus = $menus ?: $menus; } else { $directory = getDir(__API__); $menus = array(); if ($directory) { asort($directory); foreach ($directory as $k => $v) { $file = getFile(__API__ . '/' . $v); $menus[$k]['num'] = count($file); $menus[$k]['name'] = $v; } } else { $menus = $directory; } } /* 读取解析文档内容 */ if ($file) { $file_name = __API__ . '/' . $class . '/' . $file;
<?php require_once 'core/intit.php'; $link = new Link(); $db = DBContent::connect(); $allContent = $db->get('content'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html dir="<?php getDir(); ?> "> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="author" content=""> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title><?php __('multilingual php library'); ?> </title> <link href="assets/css/bootstrap.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="assets/css/heroic-features.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="assets/css/sweet-alert.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> <!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// -->
function compile(url){\$.get('/index.php?r='+url, function (r){ \$('#main').append('<p>compile <a href="/web/'+url+'.html">web/'+url+'.html</a>,success</p>') })} for (index in data){ compile(data[index]) } </script> </body> </html> EOF; } if ($router == VIEW_LIST) { $files = getDir(PATH_VIEWS, 'html'); $data = []; foreach ($files as $f) { $data[] = substr($f, 0, strpos($f, ".html")); } $data = json_encode($data); echo html($data); } else { $file = PATH_VIEWS . $router . ".html"; if (is_file($file)) { extract(loadConfig($file)); ob_start(); include $file; $content = template(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); $content = preg_replace("/---[\\d\\D]*?---/", '', $content, 1);
function delete($setup) { //Get the image ID $id = htmlentities($setup['imageId']); //Check the file extension to make sure that it's valid checkExtension($id); //Get the directory to get the images from $dir = getDir($setup); //Make sure that it is actually a directory checkImageDirectoryExists($dir); //Check to make sure that the image actually exists if (imageExists($dir . '/' . $id)) { //Delete the file unlink($dir . '/' . $id); echo json_encode(['success' => true, 'message' => 'Image successfully deleted.']); exit; } else { echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'That image could not be found.']); exit; } }
case 'delfile': unlink(FLGR_FILES . '/' . $_POST['name']); break; case 'upload': if (isset($_FILES["file"]["error"])) { // Create picture link if ($_FILES['file']['error'] != 4) { // Save move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], FLGR_FILES . '/' . $_FILES['file']['name']); //chmod($path.'/'.$_FILES["file"]["name"], 0777); } else { echo 'error upload'; } } else { echo 'interface error'; } break; } } // GET $tpl = new KTemplate(FLGR_CMS_TEMPLATES . '/files.htm'); $aFiles = getDir(FLGR_FILES); foreach ($aFiles as $v) { $tplFiles = $tpl->fetchBlock('Files'); $tplFiles->assign('filename', $v); $tpl->assign('Files', $tplFiles); $tplFiles->reset(); } // OUT $_t->assign('BreadCrumbs', $BreadCrumbs->getBreadCrumbs()); $_t->assign('content', $tpl);
$dirArray[$i] = $file; $i++; } } //关闭句柄 closedir($handle); } return $dirArray; } function getFile($dir) { $fileArray[] = NULL; if (false != ($handle = opendir($dir))) { $i = 0; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { //去掉"“.”、“..”以及带“.xxx”后缀的文件 if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && strpos($file, ".")) { $fileArray[$i] = "./imageroot/current/" . $file; if ($i == 100) { break; } $i++; } } //关闭句柄 closedir($handle); } return $fileArray; } var_dump(getDir("../")); var_dump(getFile("../"));
} else { $error = "Fehler: Unbekannte Quelle angegeben<br>"; echo create_footer("{$error}"); exit(0); } } } if (!file_exists($dirSource)) { $error = "Das Verzeichnis {$dirSource} ist nicht vorhanden oder kein Zugriff möglich<br>"; echo create_footer("{$error}"); exit(0); } echo "<br>Lese das Verzeichnis {$dirSource} ein!<br>"; $_SESSION[$target] = array(); $studentnr = 1; getDir($dirSource, "MAINDIRECTORY", $target); //Sort DATA function compare_picfile($a, $b) { return strcmp(strtolower($a["picfile"]), strtolower($b["picfile"])); } uasort($_SESSION[$target], "compare_picfile"); $_SESSION[$target . "_size"] = sizeof($_SESSION[$target]); echo "<br>Gefundene Einträge: " . $_SESSION[$target . "_size"] . "<br>"; //preecho($_SESSION[$target]["sortbygeb"]); echo "<br><a href='matching_index.php'> Zurück </a><br>"; $body = "<br>IP:" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "<br>"; echo create_footer("{$body}"); ?>
print "</channel>\n</rss>\n"; exit; } // Determine running mode to generate each podcast/ item listing if ($remoteMedia) { //$remoteMedia = 1, new as of version .09i // Get override text names and dates files pointing to remote media $dirArray = getDir($overrideFolder, $overrideFileType); // sort the array by override bubDate or filedate if non $dirArray = sortByPubdate($dirArray); // Create the individual items/podcast tags remoteMedia($dirArray, $maxFeeds, $delim1, $sftypes, $overrideFileType, $aItemsEmpty, $rootMP3URL, $ownerEmailTAG, $timeAdjstMinus, $timeAdjstPlus, $keywordTAG, $imageItemTAG, $linkTAG, $enclosurePrefix, $imageUrlTAG, $imageTitleTAG); } else { //$remoteMedia = 0, same logic as older version and ver i // process local media and any overrides $dirArray = getDir($mediaDir, $sftypes); // sort the array by override pubDate or filedate if non $dirArray = nonRemotesortByPubdate($dirArray, $delim1, $sftypes, $overrideFolder, $overrideFileType); // Create the individual items/podcast tags nonRemoteMedia($dirArray, $maxFeeds, $delim1, $sftypes, $overrideFileType, $aItemsEmpty, $rootMP3URL, $ownerEmailTAG, $timeAdjstMinus, $timeAdjstPlus, $keywordTAG, $imageItemTAG, $linkTAG, $overrideFolder, $imageUrlTAG, $imageTitleTAG); } // end remote or not // channel close / rss close print "</channel>\n</rss>\n"; /* * Functions and Classes */ // patch for dates returned with 1 digit day of month with leading space function fixDate($filedate) { if (strPos($filedate, ' ') !== FALSE) {
include 'closeDB.php'; } function insertFile($filePath) { include 'openDB.php'; $key = hash('sha256', $filePath); $user = $_SESSION['user']; $insert = $db->prepare("insert into files (file, key, users) values ('{$filePath}', '{$key}', '{$user}')"); $insert->execute(); include 'closeDB.php'; } session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['user']) && isset($_POST['dir'])) { include 'config.php'; include 'auth.php'; $uploadDir = getDir($_POST['dir']); if (!auth('dir', $_SESSION['user'], $uploadDir)) { header('Location: /logout.php'); } $errors = array(); $file_name = $_FILES['uploadFile']['name']; $file_size = $_FILES['uploadFile']['size']; $file_tmp = $_FILES['uploadFile']['tmp_name']; $file_type = $_FILES['uploadFile']['type']; if ($file_size > $maxUploadSize) { $errors[] = "File is too large"; } if (empty($errors) == true) { move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $uploadDir . $file_name); insertFile($uploadDir . $file_name); }
** */ include "yonetim/inc/sistem/functions.php"; if ($_POST['yorum']) { $mid = current($db->query("SELECT id FROM makaleler WHERE url = '{$_REQUEST['url']}'")->fetch_row()); if ($mid) { $db->query("INSERT INTO yorumlar (mid, yorum, isim, eposta, web) VALUES(\n {$mid},\n '" . sql_filtre(htmlspecialchars(s_addslashes($_POST['yorum']))) . "',\n '" . sql_filtre(htmlspecialchars(s_addslashes($_POST['isim']))) . "',\n '" . sql_filtre(htmlspecialchars(s_addslashes($_POST['eposta']))) . "',\n '" . sql_filtre(htmlspecialchars(s_addslashes($_POST['web']))) . "'\n )"); } header('location: ' . $site->sb['anadizin'] . $_REQUEST['url'] . '.html'); return; } if ($_REQUEST['url']) { $site->makale($_REQUEST['url']); $dosya = getDir('index.php') . "yonetim/sablon/" . $site->url['sablon']; } else { $dosya = getDir('index.php') . "yonetim/sablon/" . $anasayfasablon; } /* Log tutalım ileride lazım olur... */ $log_sayfa = 'anasayfa'; if ($_GET['ara']) { $log_sayfa = 'arama'; $log_terim = $_GET['ara']; } if ($_GET['etiket']) { $log_sayfa = 'etiket'; $log_terim = $_GET['etiket']; } $log_mid = $site->url['id']; if ($log_mid) { $log_sayfa = 'makale'; $log_terim = '';
function getAppDir() { $script = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]; return getDir($script); }
function makeBody() { // The main body, contains either a file list or an edit form. $str = ""; if (empty($_REQUEST['act'])) { // No action set - we show a list of files. $files = getFileList(getDir()); if (!is_array($files)) { // List couldn't be fetched. Throw error. redirect("status=dirfail"); } else { // Show list of files in a table. $str .= "<table id='filelist'>"; $str .= "<thead><tr><th colspan=\"3\">File list</th>"; $str .= "</tr></thead>"; $str .= "<tbody>"; if (count($files) <= 0) { $str .= "<tr><td colspan='3' class='error'>Directory is empty.</td></tr>"; } else { $i = 0; $previous = $files[0]['type']; foreach ($files as $c) { if ($c['writeable']) { $class = "show writeable "; } else { $class = ""; } if ($c['edit']) { $class .= " edit "; } else { $class .= ""; } if ($i % 2 != 0) { $odd = "odd"; } else { $odd = ""; } if ($previous != $c['type']) { // Insert seperator. $odd .= " seperator "; } $previous = $c['type']; $str .= "<tr class='{$c['type']} {$odd}'>"; if ($c['writeable'] && DISABLEFILEACTIONS == FALSE) { $str .= "<td class='details'><span class='{$class}'>◊</span><span class='hide' style='display:none;'>◊</span></td>"; } else { $str .= "<td class='details'> </td>"; } if ($c['type'] == "file") { $str .= "<td class='name'><a href=\"" . getDir() . "/{$c['name']}\">{$c['name']}</a></td><td class='size'>" . niceFileSize($c['size']); } else { $str .= "<td class='name'>" . makeLink($c['name'], "dir={$_REQUEST['dir']}/{$c['name']}", "Show files in this directory") . "</td><td class='size'>{$c['size']} files"; } // $str .= "</td><td>".date(DATEFORMAT, $c['modified'])."</td></tr>"; $str .= "</td></tr>"; $i++; } } $str .= "</tbody><tfoot><tr><td colspan=\"3\">" . count($files) . " files and folders</td></tr></tfoot>"; $str .= "</table>"; } } elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == "edit") { $_REQUEST['file'] = trim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['file'])); $str = "<h2>Edit file: {$_REQUEST['file']}</h2>"; // Check that file exists and that it's writeable. if (is_writeable(getDir() . "/" . $_REQUEST['file'])) { // Check that filetype is editable. if (checkforedit($_REQUEST['file'])) { // Get file contents. $filecontent = implode("", file(getDir() . "/{$_REQUEST["file"]}")); $filecontent = htmlentities($filecontent); if (CONVERTTABS == TRUE) { $filecontent = str_replace("\t", " ", $filecontent); } // Make form. $str .= '<form id="edit" action="' . getSelf() . '" method="post"> <div> <textarea cols="76" rows="20" name="filecontent">' . $filecontent . '</textarea> </div> <div> <input type="hidden" name="file" value="' . $_REQUEST['file'] . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="' . $_REQUEST['dir'] . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="savefile" /> <input type="submit" value="Save file" name="submit" /> <input type="submit" value="Cancel" name="submit" /> <input type="checkbox" name="convertspaces" id="convertspaces" checked="checked" /> <label for="convertspaces">Convert spaces to tabs</label> </div> </form>'; } else { $str .= '<p class="error">Cannot edit file. This file type is not editable.</p>'; } } else { $str .= '<p class="error">Cannot edit file. It either does not exist or is not writeable.</p>'; } } return $str; }
<?php if (!$_SESSION['user']['id'] && end(explode('/', $_SERVER['URL'])) != 'login.php') { header('location: login.php'); } if ($_POST && $_GET['sayfa']) { include getDir() . 'ilk/' . $_GET['sayfa'] . '.php'; }
<?php session_start(); error_reporting(0); if (file_exists(getDir() . 'vtbilgi.php')) { include 'vtbilgi.php'; } else { header('location: yonetim/kur.php'); return; } $slashkullan = TRUE; $db = new mysqli($vt_bilgi['sunucu'], $vt_bilgi['kullanici'], $vt_bilgi['sifre'], $vt_bilgi['isim']) or die("Baglanilamadi"); $rs = $db->query("SELECT * FROM sitebilgi" . ($_SESSION['sid'] ? " WHERE id = " . $_SESSION['sid'] : "") . " ORDER BY aktif DESC, id LIMIT 1"); $sb = $rs->fetch_assoc(); $_SESSION['sid'] = $sb['id']; $anasayfasablon = 'index' . (!$sb['aktif'] ? '-yapimasamasinda' : '') . '.html'; $satirsayi = 15; // Yönetim Panelinde Liste Sayfalarında Sayfa Başına Kayıt Sayısı date_default_timezone_set($sb['zamandilimi']);
function getDir($dir, $dirname, $target) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $directory = opendir($dir); while ($file = readdir($directory)) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "small") { if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$file}")) { getDir("{$dir}/{$file}", $file, $target); } else { if (imagetype($file) != "UNKNOWN" && $dirname != "small" && $dirname != "MAINDIRECTORY") { $createTime = filemtime("{$dir}/{$file}"); filename2student($dirname, $file, $target, $createTime); } } } } closedir($directory); } }
} header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); $error = ""; //Prüfen ob maximal Alter übertragen wurde $imgDateNewer = null; if (isset($_POST["imgdate"])) { if (strlen($_POST["imgdate"]) >= 6) { $date_tmp = explode(".", $_POST["imgdate"]); if (sizeof($date_tmp == 3)) { $imgDateNewer = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_tmp[1], $date_tmp[0], $date_tmp[2]); } } } //Daten der Schüler einlesen ob_start(); getDir("../" . $_SESSION["settings"]["images_matching_lisa"], "MAINDIRECTORY", "lisa"); $student_data = lisaDirToStudentData($_SESSION["lisa"], $_SESSION["settings"]["images_matching_lisa"]); ob_end_clean(); function lisaDirToStudentData(&$dirData, $imgbasepath) { $student_data = array(); if (is_array($dirData)) { foreach ($dirData as $data) { $student = array(); $student["createTime"] = isset($data["createTime"]) ? $data["createTime"] : ""; $student["given_name"] = isset($data["givenname"]) ? $data["givenname"] : ""; $student["last_name"] = isset($data["lastname"]) ? $data["lastname"] : ""; $student["birthday"] = (isset($data["birthday_year"]) and isset($data["birthday_month"]) and isset($data["birthday_day"])) ? $data["birthday_day"] . "." . $data["birthday_month"] . "." . $data["birthday_year"] : ""; $student["class"] = isset($data["class"]) ? $data["class"] : ""; $student["pic_small"] = isset($data["picfile"]) ? $imgbasepath . $data["picfile"] : ""; $student["pic_big"] = isset($data["picfile"]) ? $imgbasepath . $data["picfile"] : "";
} ?> </ul> </div><!-- fin contenu --> </nav> <div class="container"> <div class="col-sm-3"> <div id="arborescence"> <ul> <li class="racine"><a href="cours.php"><img alt="racine" src="themes/original/images/repertoire.png" />racine</a></li> <?php foreach (getDir(BASE) as $element) { ?> <li> <a href="cours.php?p=<?php echo rawurlencode(BASE . "/" . $element['nom']); ?> "> <img alt="repertoire" src="themes/original/images/repertoire.png" /> <span <?php echo rawurlencode(BASE . "/" . $element['nom']) == rawurlencode($repertoire_courant) ? 'style="font-weight:bold"' : ''; ?> title="<?php echo normalizeString($element['nom']); ?> "><?php echo shortenString(normalizeString($element['nom']), 18);
} HTML_TreeNode::HTML_TreeNode($options, $events); } } $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); $filename = ''; if (isset($_GET) && isset($_GET['fileName'])) { $filename = $_GET['fileName']; } $filename = realpath($filename); $pd = substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN' ? '\\' : '/'; $test = $pd == '/' ? '/' : 'C:\\'; if (empty($filename) || $filename == $test) { $filename = $pd == '/' ? '/' : 'C:\\'; $node = false; getDir($filename, $node); } else { flush(); // if ($pd != '/') $pd = $pd.$pd; $anode = false; switchDirTree($filename, $anode); // recurseDir($filename,$anode); $node = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "Click to view " . addslashes($filename), 'link' => "", 'icon' => 'branchtop.gif')); $node->addItem($anode); } $menu->addItem($node); if ('@WEB-DIR@' != '@' . 'WEB-DIR@') { $DHTMLmenu =& new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($menu, array('images' => '../HTML_TreeMenu-1.1.2/images')); } else { $DHTMLmenu =& new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($menu, array('images' => str_replace('/docbuilder/file_dialog.php', '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/HTML_TreeMenu-1.1.2/images')); }
/** * 管理备份数据 * * @return array */ public function dbmanages() { $this->display('Dbmanage/dbmanages.html', array("dblist" => array_filter(getDir(DBBACKUP_PATH)))); }