  * If period isn't archived, then it assign var state, var archiveSubPeriod,
  * and each subperiod values in subPeriodValues array 
  * If period is already archived, true
  * @return bool 
 function isArchived()
     $r = query("SELECT idarchives \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . T_ARCHIVES . "\n\t\t\t \t\tWHERE idsite = " . $this->site->getId() . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND date1 = '" . $this->date->get() . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND date2 = '" . $this->date2->get() . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND period = " . $this->periodType . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND done <> " . DB_ARCHIVES_FAIL);
     // not archived
     if (mysql_num_rows($r) == 0) {
         // if YEAR, we use Months for processing
         if ($this->periodType === DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_YEAR) {
             $this->archiveSubPeriod = new ArchiveMonth($this->site);
             $a_subPeriod = getDayOfMonthBetween($this->date->get(), $this->date2->get());
         } else {
             $this->archiveSubPeriod = new ArchiveDay($this->site);
             $a_subPeriod = getDaysBetween($this->date->get(), $this->date2->get());
             printDebug("Not archive... launch computation for ");
         foreach ($a_subPeriod as $subPeriod) {
             // printDebug("<br>avant set date : ".$this->archiveSubPeriod->date->get());
             //printDebug("<br>apres set date : devrait etre $subPeriod et est ".$this->archiveSubPeriod->date->get());
             // if any of the days in period is temp, then the whole period is set to temp
             if ($this->archiveSubPeriod->state === DB_ARCHIVES_TEMP) {
                 $this->state = DB_ARCHIVES_TEMP;
             // store in ->subPeriodValues[] days to compute and select * for each day
             $l = $this->archiveSubPeriod->getArchived();
             // if subperiod is the day, stocke KEY = DATE
             // else if period, stock KEY = IDARCHIVES
             // needed for computing nb_uniq_vis
             if ($this->periodType === DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_YEAR) {
                 $key = $l['idarchives'];
             } else {
                 $key = $subPeriod;
             $this->subPeriodValues[$key] = $l;
         //printDebug("OK we have all datas<br>");
         return false;
     } else {
         printDebug("<u>Period known ! Don't archive</u><br>");
         $l = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
         $this->idArchives = $l['idarchives'];
         return true;
 *  end QF rules
function getTemplateArrayMonth($o_minDay, $o_request)
    $dateAsked = new Date($o_request->getDate());
    $todayDate = getDateFromTimestamp(time());
    if ($o_request->getPeriod() == DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_YEAR) {
        $minYear = $o_minDay->getYear();
        while ($minYear <= date("Y")) {
            $return[$minYear . "-07-14"] = $minYear++;
            // french 14 juillet ! :)
        $selected = $dateAsked->getYear() . "-07-14";
    } else {
        $a_months = getDayOfMonthBetween($o_minDay->get(), $todayDate);
        $selected = $todayDate;
        foreach ($a_months as $date) {
            $o_date = new Date($date);
            if ($o_date->getMonth() == $dateAsked->getMonth() && $o_date->getYear() == $dateAsked->getYear()) {
                $selected = $date;
            $return[$date] = getDateDisplay(5, $o_date);
    return array($return, $selected);
 function getLastArchives($n, $boolOnlyGetPeriodNMinus = 0, $dateTextType = DATE_NORMAL, $o_site = false)
     $date = new Date($this->archive->date->get());
     if ($o_site) {
         $o_siteToUse = $o_site;
     } else {
         $o_siteToUse = $this->archive->site;
     $toArchive = array();
     switch ($this->archive->periodType) {
             $ts = $date->getTimestamp() + 86400;
             while (sizeof($toArchive) < $n) {
                 $toArchive[] = getDateFromTimestamp($ts -= 86400);
             $typeDateDisplay = 2;
             $typeDateDisplayGraph = 8;
             $typeDateDisplayGraphLongAxis = 13;
             // only take N - x, only for page views comparisons
             if ($boolOnlyGetPeriodNMinus === 1) {
                 $date0 = $toArchive[0];
                 $date1 = $toArchive[7];
                 $date2 = $toArchive[14];
                 $toArchive[] = $date0;
                 $toArchive[] = $date1;
                 $toArchive[] = $date2;
                 $typeDateDisplay = 7;
                 //print("date1 $date1 date2 $date2 ");
             $ts = $date->getTimestamp();
             $ts += 86400 * 7;
             while (sizeof($toArchive) < $n) {
                 $toArchive[] = getDateFromTimestamp($ts -= 86400 * 7);
             $typeDateDisplay = 6;
             $typeDateDisplayGraph = 6;
             $typeDateDisplayGraphLongAxis = 13;
             $s_date1 = getDateFromTimestamp(mktime(23, 59, 59, $date->getMonth() - $n % 12, 15, $date->getYear() - floor($n / 12)));
             $s_date2 = $date->get();
             $toArchive = array_reverse(getDayOfMonthBetween($s_date1, $s_date2));
             $typeDateDisplay = 5;
             $typeDateDisplayGraph = 10;
             $typeDateDisplayGraphLongAxis = 10;
             for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
                 $a = $date->getYear() - $i;
                 $toArchive[] = $a . "-01-01";
             $typeDateDisplay = 11;
             $typeDateDisplayGraph = 12;
     $return = array();
     foreach ($toArchive as $dateToArchive) {
         //print("boucle :");
         // if day, and IF current date asked is today, then take current archive
         if ($dateToArchive == $this->archive->date->get() && $this->archive->periodType === DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_DAY && $o_siteToUse->getId() === $this->archive->site->getId()) {
             $a = $this->archive;
             // erreur possible ici ?
         } else {
             $a = $this->getArchive($o_siteToUse, $dateToArchive, $this->archive->periodType);
         if ($dateTextType == DATE_GRAPH) {
             $dateToDisplay = getDateDisplay($typeDateDisplayGraph, new Date($dateToArchive));
             $dateComputed = getDateDisplay($typeDateDisplayGraph, $a->date);
         } else {
             if ($dateTextType == DATE_NORMAL) {
                 $dateToDisplay = getDateDisplay($typeDateDisplay, new Date($dateToArchive));
                 $dateComputed = getDateDisplay($typeDateDisplay, $a->date);
             } else {
                 if ($dateTextType == DATE_GRAPH_LONG_AXIS) {
                     $dateToDisplay = getDateDisplay($typeDateDisplayGraphLongAxis, new Date($dateToArchive));
                     $dateComputed = getDateDisplay($typeDateDisplayGraphLongAxis, $a->date);
         if ($this->archive->periodType === DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_WEEK) {
             $firstDayOfWeek = new Date(getFirstDayOfWeek(new Date($dateToArchive)));
             $minDay = $o_siteToUse->getMinDay();
             if ($firstDayOfWeek->getTimestamp() >= $minDay->getTimestamp()) {
                 $dateToDisplay = getDateDisplay($typeDateDisplay, $firstDayOfWeek);
         if ($dateComputed == $dateToDisplay) {
             //				print("$dateToDisplay is correctly computed ($dateComputed)<br>");
             $return[$dateComputed] = $a;
         } else {
             //				print("$dateToDisplay is not correctly computed ($dateComputed) ==> empty archive<br>");
             $return[$dateToDisplay] = $this->getEmptyArchive($o_siteToUse, $dateToArchive, $this->archive->periodType);
     return $return;