Beispiel #1
function detailStatusHTML($reqid)
    $requests = getUserRequests("all");
    $found = 0;
    foreach ($requests as $request) {
        if ($request['id'] == $reqid) {
            $found = 1;
    if (!$found) {
        $text = i("The selected reservation is no longer available. You can request a new reservation or select another one that is available.");
        return $text;
    if ($request['currstateid'] == 11 || $request['currstateid'] == 12 && $request['laststateid'] == 11) {
        return "<br><span class=\"rederrormsg\">" . i("The selected reservation has timed out and is no longer available.") . "</span>";
    if ($request['imageid'] == $request['compimageid']) {
        $nowreq = 1;
    } else {
        $nowreq = 0;
    $flow = getCompStateFlow($request['computerid']);
    # cluster reservations not supported here yet
    # info on reboots/reinstalls not available yet
    if (empty($flow) || count($request['reservations']) > 0 || $request['currstateid'] == 14 && $request['laststateid'] == 26 || $request['currstateid'] == 14 && $request['laststateid'] == 24 || $request['currstateid'] == 14 && $request['laststateid'] == 28) {
        $noinfo = i("No detailed loading information is available for this reservation.");
        return $noinfo;
    $logdata = getCompLoadLog($request['resid']);
    # determine an estimated load time for the image
    $imgLoadTime = getImageLoadEstimate($request['imageid']);
    if ($imgLoadTime == 0) {
        $images = getImages(0, $request['imageid']);
        $imgLoadTime = $images[$request['imageid']]['reloadtime'] * 60;
    $time = 0;
    $now = time();
    $text = "<table summary=\"displays a list of states the reservation must " . "go through to become ready and how long each state will take or " . "has already taken\" id=resStatusTable>";
    $text .= "<colgroup>";
    $text .= "<col class=resStatusColState />";
    $text .= "<col class=resStatusColEst />";
    $text .= "<col class=resStatusColTotal />";
    $text .= "</colgroup>";
    $text .= "<tr>";
    $text .= "<th align=right><br>" . i("State") . "</th>";
    $text .= "<th>Est/Act<br>" . i("Time") . "</th>";
    $text .= "<th>Total<br>" . i("Time") . "</th>";
    $text .= "</tr>";
    $slash = "<font color=black>/</font>";
    $total = 0;
    $id = "";
    $last = array();
    $logstateids = array();
    $skippedstates = array();
    # loop through all states in the log data
    foreach ($logdata as $data) {
        # keep track of the states in the log data
        array_push($logstateids, $data['loadstateid']);
        # keep track of any skipped states
        if (!empty($last) && $last['loadstateid'] != $flow['repeatid'] && $data['loadstateid'] != $flow['data'][$last['loadstateid']]['nextstateid']) {
            array_push($skippedstates, $flow['data'][$last['loadstateid']]['nextstateid']);
        // if we reach a repeat state, include a message about having to go back
        if ($data['loadstateid'] == $flow['repeatid']) {
            if (empty($id)) {
                return $noinfo;
            $text .= "<tr>";
            $text .= "<td colspan=3><hr>" . i("problem at state");
            $text .= " \"{$flow['data'][$id]['nextstate']}\"";
            $query = "SELECT additionalinfo " . "FROM computerloadlog " . "WHERE loadstateid = {$flow['repeatid']} AND " . "reservationid = {$request['resid']} AND " . "timestamp = '" . unixToDatetime($data['ts']) . "'";
            $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
            if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
                $reason = $row['additionalinfo'];
                $text .= "<br>" . i("retrying at state") . " \"{$reason}\"";
            $text .= "<hr></td></tr>";
            $total += $data['time'];
            $last = $data;
        $id = $data['loadstateid'];
        // if in post config state, compute estimated time for the state
        if ($flow['data'][$id]['statename'] == 'loadimagecomplete') {
            $addtime = 0;
            foreach ($skippedstates as $stateid) {
                $addtime += $flow['data'][$stateid]['statetime'];
            # this state's time is (avg image load time - all other states time +
            #                       state time for any skipped states)
            $tmp = $imgLoadTime - $flow['totaltime'] + $addtime;
            if ($tmp < 0) {
                $flow['data'][$id]['statetime'] = 0;
            } else {
                $flow['data'][$id]['statetime'] = $tmp;
        $total += $data['time'];
        $text .= "<tr>";
        $text .= "<td nowrap align=right><font color=green>";
        $text .= i($flow['data'][$id]['state']) . "({$id})</font></td>";
        $text .= "<td nowrap align=center><font color=green>";
        $text .= secToMinSec($flow['data'][$id]['statetime']) . $slash;
        $text .= secToMinSec($data['time']) . "</font></td>";
        $text .= "<td nowrap align=center><font color=green>";
        $text .= secToMinSec($total) . "</font></td>";
        $text .= "</tr>";
        $last = $data;
    # $id will be set if there was log data, use the first state in the flow
    //    if it isn't set
    if (!empty($id)) {
        $id = $flow['nextstates'][$id];
    } else {
        $id = $flow['stateids'][0];
    # determine any skipped states
    $matchingstates = array();
    foreach ($flow['stateids'] as $stateid) {
        if ($stateid == $id) {
        array_push($matchingstates, $stateid);
    $skippedstates = array_diff($matchingstates, $logstateids);
    $addtime = 0;
    foreach ($skippedstates as $stateid) {
        $addtime += $flow['data'][$stateid]['statetime'];
    $first = 1;
    $count = 0;
    # loop through the states in the flow that haven't been reached yet
    # $count is included to protect against an infinite loop
    while (!is_null($id) && $count < 100) {
        // if in post config state, compute estimated time for the state
        if ($flow['data'][$id]['statename'] == 'loadimagecomplete') {
            # this state's time is (avg image load time - all other states time +
            #                       state time for any skipped states)
            $tmp = $imgLoadTime - $flow['totaltime'] + $addtime;
            if ($tmp < 0) {
                $flow['data'][$id]['statetime'] = 0;
            } else {
                $flow['data'][$id]['statetime'] = $tmp;
        // if first time through this loop, this is the current state
        if ($first) {
            // if request has failed, it was during this state, get reason
            if ($request['currstateid'] == 5) {
                $query = "SELECT additionalInfo, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) AS ts " . "FROM computerloadlog " . "WHERE loadstateid = (SELECT id " . "FROM computerloadstate " . "WHERE loadstatename = 'failed') AND " . "reservationid = {$request['resid']} " . "ORDER BY id " . "LIMIT 1";
                $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
                if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
                    $reason = $row['additionalInfo'];
                    if (!empty($data)) {
                        $currtime = $row['ts'] - $data['ts'];
                    } else {
                        $currtime = $row['ts'] - datetimeToUnix($request['daterequested']);
                } else {
                    $text = i("No detailed information is available for this reservation.");
                    return $text;
                $text .= "<tr>";
                $text .= "<td nowrap align=right><font color=red>";
                $text .= i($flow['data'][$id]['state']) . "({$id})</font></td>";
                $text .= "<td nowrap align=center><font color=red>";
                $text .= secToMinSec($flow['data'][$id]['statetime']);
                $text .= $slash . secToMinSec($currtime) . "</font></td>";
                $text .= "<td nowrap align=center><font color=red>";
                $text .= secToMinSec($total + $currtime) . "</font></td>";
                $text .= "</tr>";
                $text .= "</table>";
                if (strlen($reason)) {
                    $text .= "<br><font color=red>" . i("failed:") . " {$reason}</font>";
                return $text;
            } else {
                if (!empty($data)) {
                    $currtime = $now - $data['ts'];
                } else {
                    $currtime = $now - datetimeToUnix($request['daterequested']);
                $text .= "<td nowrap align=right><font color=#CC8500>";
                $text .= i($flow['data'][$id]['state']) . "({$id})</font></td>";
                $text .= "<td nowrap align=center><font color=#CC8500>";
                $text .= secToMinSec($flow['data'][$id]['statetime']);
                $text .= $slash . secToMinSec($currtime) . "</font></td>";
                $text .= "<td nowrap align=center><font color=#CC8500>";
                $text .= secToMinSec($total + $currtime) . "</font></td>";
                $text .= "</tr>";
                $first = 0;
        } else {
            $text .= "<td nowrap align=right>";
            $text .= i($flow['data'][$id]['state']) . "({$id})</td>";
            $text .= "<td nowrap align=center>";
            $text .= secToMinSec($flow['data'][$id]['statetime']) . "</td>";
            $text .= "<td></td>";
            $text .= "</tr>";
        $id = $flow['nextstates'][$id];
    $text .= "</table>";
    return $text;
Beispiel #2
function getCompLoadLog($resid)
    $query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rq.start) AS start, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rq.daterequested) AS reqtime, " . "rs.computerid " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs " . "WHERE = {$resid} AND " . "rs.requestid = " . "LIMIT 1";
    $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
    if (!($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
    if ($row['start'] < $row['reqtime']) {
        $firststart = $row['reqtime'];
    } else {
        $firststart = $row['start'];
    $flow = getCompStateFlow($row['computerid']);
    $instates = implode(',', $flow['stateids']);
    $query = "SELECT id, " . "computerid, " . "loadstateid, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) AS ts " . "FROM computerloadlog " . "WHERE reservationid = {$resid} AND " . "(loadstateid IN ({$instates}) OR " . "loadstateid = {$flow['repeatid']}) " . "ORDER BY id";
    $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
    $last = array();
    $data = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
        $data[$row['id']] = $row;
        if (empty($last)) {
            $data[$row['id']]['time'] = $row['ts'] - $firststart;
        } else {
            $data[$row['id']]['time'] = $row['ts'] - $last['ts'];
        $last = $row;
    return $data;