if (strlen($person['twitter']) > 0) { return <<<TWITLINK <a href="https://twitter.com/{$person['twitter']}">{$avatar}</a> TWITLINK; } else { return $avatar; } } $start = <<<STARTPAGE \t\t<h1 class="text-center">SteamLUG Cast</h1> STARTPAGE; /* User wanting to see a specific cast, and shownotes file exists */ if ($season !== "00" && $episode !== "00" && ($meta = getCastHeader($slug))) { $castList = false; $shownotes = getCastBody($slug); $meta['RECORDED'] = $meta['RECORDED'] === "" ? 'N/A' : '<time datetime="' . $meta['RECORDED'] . '">' . $meta['RECORDED'] . '</time>'; $meta['PUBLIC'] = $meta['PUBLISHED']; $meta['PUBLISHED'] = $meta['PUBLISHED'] === "" ? '<span class="warning">In Progress</span>' : '<time datetime="' . $meta['PUBLISHED'] . '">' . $meta['PUBLISHED'] . '</time>'; $episodeTitle = $meta['SLUG'] . ' – ' . ($meta['PUBLIC'] === "" ? 'Edit In Progress' : slenc($meta['TITLE'])); $pageTitle .= ' ' . $episodeTitle; $meta['SHORTDESC'] = slenc(substr($meta['DESCRIPTION'], 0, 132)); $noteEditor = $meta['NOTESCREATOR'] === "" ? "" : '<span class="author">written by ' . nameplate($meta['NOTESCREATOR'], 22) . '</span>'; $castEditor = $meta['EDITOR'] === "" ? "" : '<span class="author">edited by ' . nameplate($meta['EDITOR'], 22) . '</span>'; $listHosts = ''; foreach ($meta['HOSTS'] as $Host) { $listHosts .= nameplate($Host, 48); } $listHosts = empty($listHosts) ? 'No Hosts' : $listHosts; $listHostsTwits = array(); foreach ($meta['HOSTS2'] as $Host) {
\t\t\t<title>SteamLUG Cast</title> \t\t\t<link>https://steamlug.org/cast</link> \t\t</image> \t\t<itunes:image href="http://steamlug.org/images/steamlugcast.png" /> \t\t<copyright>2013 – 2015 © SteamLUG cast, CC-BY-SA http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/</copyright> \t\t<cc:license rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/" /> \t\t<pubDate>{$latestCast}</pubDate> \t\t<itunes:category text="Games & Hobbies"> \t\t\t<itunes:category text="Video Games" /> \t\t</itunes:category> \t\t<itunes:keywords>Linux, Steam, SteamLUG, Gaming, FOSS</itunes:keywords> \t\t<media:keywords>Linux, Steam, SteamLUG, Gaming, FOSS</media:keywords> \t\t<itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><media:rating scheme="urn:simple">nonadult</media:rating> CASTHEAD; foreach ($casts as $castdir) { $shownotes = getCastBody($castdir); $meta = getCastHeader($castdir); if ($meta == false or $shownotes == false) { continue; } /* if published unset, skip this entry */ if ($meta['PUBLISHED'] === '') { continue; } /* if file missing, skip this entry */ if (!file_exists($meta['ABSFILENAME'] . '.' . $type)) { continue; } $meta['PUBLISHED'] = date(DATE_RFC2822, strtotime($meta['PUBLISHED'])); $meta['TITLE'] = slenc($meta['TITLE']); $meta['SHORTDESC'] = slenc(substr($meta['DESCRIPTION'], 0, 158));