function get_booking_form($my_boook_type) { $booking_form_field_active1 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_active1'); $booking_form_field_required1 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_required1'); $booking_form_field_label1 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_label1'); $booking_form_field_label1 = apply_bk_filter('wpdev_check_for_active_language', $booking_form_field_label1); $booking_form_field_active2 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_active2'); $booking_form_field_required2 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_required2'); $booking_form_field_label2 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_label2'); $booking_form_field_label2 = apply_bk_filter('wpdev_check_for_active_language', $booking_form_field_label2); $booking_form_field_active3 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_active3'); $booking_form_field_required3 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_required3'); $booking_form_field_label3 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_label3'); $booking_form_field_label3 = apply_bk_filter('wpdev_check_for_active_language', $booking_form_field_label3); $booking_form_field_active4 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_active4'); $booking_form_field_required4 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_required4'); $booking_form_field_label4 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_label4'); $booking_form_field_label4 = apply_bk_filter('wpdev_check_for_active_language', $booking_form_field_label4); $booking_form_field_active5 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_active5'); $booking_form_field_required5 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_required5'); $booking_form_field_label5 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_label5'); $booking_form_field_label5 = apply_bk_filter('wpdev_check_for_active_language', $booking_form_field_label5); $my_form = '[calendar]'; //'<div style="text-align:left;">'. //'<p>'.__('First Name (required)', 'wpdev-booking').':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap name'.$my_boook_type.'"><input type="text" name="name'.$my_boook_type.'" value="" class="wpdev-validates-as-required" size="40" /></span> </p>'. if ($booking_form_field_active1 != 'Off') { $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group"> <label for="name' . $my_boook_type . '" class="control-label">' . $booking_form_field_label1 . ($booking_form_field_required1 == 'On' ? '*' : '') . ':</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="name' . $my_boook_type . '" id="name' . $my_boook_type . '" class="input-xlarge' . ($booking_form_field_required1 == 'On' ? ' wpdev-validates-as-required ' : '') . '"> </div> </div>'; } if ($booking_form_field_active2 != 'Off') { $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group"> <label for="secondname' . $my_boook_type . '" class="control-label">' . $booking_form_field_label2 . ($booking_form_field_required2 == 'On' ? '*' : '') . ':</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="secondname' . $my_boook_type . '" id="secondname' . $my_boook_type . '" class="input-xlarge' . ($booking_form_field_required2 == 'On' ? ' wpdev-validates-as-required ' : '') . '"> </div> </div>'; } if ($booking_form_field_active3 != 'Off') { $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group"> <label for="email' . $my_boook_type . '" class="control-label">' . $booking_form_field_label3 . ($booking_form_field_required3 == 'On' ? '*' : '') . ':</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="email' . $my_boook_type . '" id="email' . $my_boook_type . '" class="input-xlarge wpdev-validates-as-email' . ($booking_form_field_required3 == 'On' ? ' wpdev-validates-as-required ' : '') . '"> </div> </div>'; } if ($booking_form_field_active4 != 'Off') { $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group"> <label for="phone' . $my_boook_type . '" class="control-label">' . $booking_form_field_label4 . ($booking_form_field_required4 == 'On' ? '*' : '') . ':</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="phone' . $my_boook_type . '" id="phone' . $my_boook_type . '" class="input-xlarge' . ($booking_form_field_required4 == 'On' ? ' wpdev-validates-as-required ' : '') . '"> <p class="help-block"></p> </div> </div>'; } if ($booking_form_field_active5 != 'Off') { $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group"> <label for="details" class="control-label">' . $booking_form_field_label5 . ($booking_form_field_required5 == 'On' ? '*' : '') . ':</label> <div class="controls"> <textarea rows="3" name="details' . $my_boook_type . '" id="details' . $my_boook_type . '" class="input-xlarge' . ($booking_form_field_required5 == 'On' ? ' wpdev-validates-as-required ' : '') . '"></textarea> </div> </div>'; } $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group">[captcha]</div>'; $my_form .= ' <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" onclick="mybooking_submit(this.form,' . $my_boook_type . ',\'' . getBookingLocale() . '\');" >' . __('Send', 'wpdev-booking') . '</button> '; //.'<p>'.__('Last Name (required)', 'wpdev-booking').':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap secondname'.$my_boook_type.'"><input type="text" name="secondname'.$my_boook_type.'" value="" class="wpdev-validates-as-required" size="40" /></span> </p>'. //'<p>'.__('Email (required)', 'wpdev-booking').':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap email'.$my_boook_type.'"><input type="text" name="email'.$my_boook_type.'" value="" class="wpdev-validates-as-email wpdev-validates-as-required" size="40" /></span> </p>'. //'<p>'.__('Phone', 'wpdev-booking').':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap phone'.$my_boook_type.'"><input type="text" name="phone'.$my_boook_type.'" value="" size="40" /></span> </p>'. //'<p>'.__('Details', 'wpdev-booking').':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap details'.$my_boook_type.'"><textarea name="details'.$my_boook_type.'" cols="40" rows="10"></textarea></span> </p>'; //$my_form .= '<p>[captcha]</p>'; //$my_form .= '<p><input type="button" value="'.__('Send', 'wpdev-booking').'" onclick="mybooking_submit(this.form,'.$my_boook_type.',\''.getBookingLocale().'\');" /></p> // </div>'; return $my_form; }
function get_booking_info_4_tooltip($bk_id, $bookings, $booking_types, $title_in_day = '', $title = '', $title_hint = '') { $user = wp_get_current_user(); $user_bk_id = $user->ID; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gathering data about the booking to show in the calendar !!! //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get it from the option settings $what_show_in_day_template = get_bk_option('booking_default_title_in_day_for_calendar_view_mode'); // '<span style="font-size:07px;">[id]</span>:[name]'; if ($title != '') { $title .= ' / '; } // Other Booking in the same day $title .= $bk_id; if ($title_in_day != '') { $title_in_day .= ','; } // Other Booking in the same day //$title_in_day .= $bk_id ; if (function_exists('get_title_for_showing_in_day')) { $title_in_day .= get_title_for_showing_in_day($bk_id, $bookings, $what_show_in_day_template); } else { $title_in_day .= $bk_id . ':' . $bookings[$bk_id]->form_data['_all_fields_']['name']; } if ($title_hint != '') { $title_hint .= ' <hr style="margin:10px 5px;" /> '; } // Other Booking in the same day $title_hint .= '<div class=\'booking-listing-collumn\' >'; if (function_exists('get_booking_title')) { if (isset($booking_types[$bookings[$bk_id]->booking_type])) { $bk_title = $booking_types[$bookings[$bk_id]->booking_type]->title; } else { $bk_title = get_booking_title($bookings[$bk_id]->booking_type); } $bk_title = '<span class=\'label label-resource label-info\'>' . $bk_title . '</span>'; } else { $bk_title = ''; } $title_hint .= '<span class=\'field-id\'>' . $bk_id . '</span>' . ' ' . $bk_title; if (class_exists('wpdev_bk_biz_s')) { $title_hint .= '<div style=\'float:right;\'>'; if (function_exists('wpdev_bk_get_payment_status_simple')) { $pay_status = wpdev_bk_get_payment_status_simple($bookings[$bk_id]->pay_status); $pay_status = '<span class=\'label label-payment-status payment-label-unknown\'><span style=\'font-size:07px;\'>' . __('Payment', 'wpdev-booking') . '</span> ' . $pay_status . '</span>'; } else { $pay_status = ''; } $title_hint .= ' ' . $pay_status; $currency = apply_bk_filter('get_currency_info'); $show_cost_value = wpdev_bk_cost_number_format($bookings[$bk_id]->cost); $title_hint .= ' <div class="cost-fields-group" style=\'float:right; margin:2px;\'>' . $currency . ' ' . $show_cost_value . '</div>'; $title_hint .= '</div>'; } $title_hint .= '<div>' . $bookings[$bk_id]->form_show . '</div>'; //$bookings[$bk_id]->form_data['name'].' ' . $bookings[$bk_id]->form_data['secondname'] ; //$title_hint .= ' '. $bookings[$bk_id]->remark; //BL $bk_dates_short_id = array(); if (count($bookings[$bk_id]->dates) > 0) { $bk_dates_short_id = isset($bookings[$bk_id]->dates_short_id) ? $bookings[$bk_id]->dates_short_id : array(); } // Array ([0] => [1] => .... [4] => 6... [11] => [12] => 8 ) $is_approved = 0; if (count($bookings[$bk_id]->dates) > 0) { $is_approved = $bookings[$bk_id]->dates[0]->approved; } $short_dates_content = wpdevbk_get_str_from_dates_short($bookings[$bk_id]->dates_short, $is_approved, $bk_dates_short_id, $booking_types); $short_dates_content = str_replace('"', "'", $short_dates_content); $title_hint .= '<div style=\'margin-top:5px;\'>' . $short_dates_content . '</div>'; // $reload_time = 2000; // setTimeout(function ( ) {location.reload(true);} ,'.$reload_time.'); /** $title_hint .= '<div style=\'text-align:right;\'>'; if ( class_exists('wpdev_bk_personal') ) { $bk_url_add = 'admin.php?page=' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_DIRNAME . '/'. WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_FILENAME . 'wpdev-booking-reservation' ; $bk_hash = (isset($bookings[$bk_id]->hash))?$bookings[$bk_id]->hash:''; $bk_booking_type = $bookings[$bk_id]->booking_type; $edit_booking_url = $bk_url_add . '&booking_type='.$bk_booking_type.'&booking_hash='.$bk_hash.'&parent_res=1' ; $title_hint .= '<a style=\'margin:-60px 20px 0 2px;position:absolute;right:0px;\' href=\''.$edit_booking_url .'\' onclick=\'\' ><i class=\'icon-edit\'></i><!--img src=\'' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL .'/img/edit_type.png\' style=\'width:12px; height:13px;\'--></a>'; } $title_hint .= '<a style=\'margin:-40px 20px 0 0;position:absolute;right:0px;\' href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'javascript:approve_unapprove_booking('. $bk_id.',1, '. $user_bk_id .', "'. getBookingLocale() .'" , 1 );\' ><i class=\'icon-ok-circle\'></i><!--img src=\'' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL .'/img/accept-24x24.gif\' style=\'width:14px; height:14px;\'--></a>'; $title_hint .= '<a style=\'margin:-22px 20px 0 0;position:absolute;right:0px;\' href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'javascript:approve_unapprove_booking('. $bk_id.',0, '. $user_bk_id .', "'. getBookingLocale() .'" , 1 );\' ><i class=\'icon-ban-circle\'></i><!--img src=\'' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL .'/img/remove-16x16.png\' style=\'margin:0px 5px;width:15px; height:15px;\'--></a>'; $title_hint .= '<a href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'javascript:delete_booking('. $bk_id.', '. $user_bk_id .', "'. getBookingLocale() .'" , 1 );\' ><i class=\'icon-trash\'></i><!--img src=\'' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL .'/img/delete_type.png\' style=\'width:13px; height:13px;\'--></a>'; $title_hint .= '</div>'; /**/ $is_approved = 0; if (!empty($bookings[$bk_id]->dates)) { $is_approved = $bookings[$bk_id]->dates[0]->approved; } $title .= '<div class=\'timeline_info_bk_actionsbar_' . $bk_id . '\' style=\'display: inline; line-height: 1em; padding: 10px; vertical-align: text-top;\'>'; if (class_exists('wpdev_bk_personal')) { $bk_url_add = 'admin.php?page=' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_DIRNAME . '/' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_FILENAME . 'wpdev-booking-reservation'; $bk_hash = isset($bookings[$bk_id]->hash) ? $bookings[$bk_id]->hash : ''; $bk_booking_type = $bookings[$bk_id]->booking_type; $edit_booking_url = $bk_url_add . '&booking_type=' . $bk_booking_type . '&booking_hash=' . $bk_hash . '&parent_res=1'; $title .= '<a class=\'button button-secondary\' style=\'margin-right:5px;\' href=\'' . $edit_booking_url . '\' onclick=\'\' ><i class=\'icon-edit\'></i></a>'; } $title .= '<a class=\'button button-secondary approve_bk_link ' . ($is_approved ? 'hidden_items' : '') . '\' style=\'margin-right:5px;\' href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'javascript:approve_unapprove_booking(' . $bk_id . ',1, ' . $user_bk_id . ', "' . getBookingLocale() . '" , 1 );\' ><i class=\'icon-ok-circle\'></i></a>'; $title .= '<a class=\'button button-secondary pending_bk_link ' . ($is_approved ? '' : 'hidden_items') . '\' style=\'margin-right:5px;\' href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'javascript:approve_unapprove_booking(' . $bk_id . ',0, ' . $user_bk_id . ', "' . getBookingLocale() . '" , 1 );\' ><i class=\'icon-ban-circle\'></i></a>'; $title .= '<a class=\'button button-secondary\' style=\'margin-right:5px;\' href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'javascript:delete_booking(' . $bk_id . ', ' . $user_bk_id . ', "' . getBookingLocale() . '" , 1 );\' ><i class=\'icon-trash\'></i></a>'; $title .= '</div>'; //cell_bk_id_10 time_section_in_day timeslots_in_this_day1 time_hour0 time_in_days_num_30 time_booked_in_day approved /** $title_hint .= '<div style=\'text-align:right;\'>'; $title_hint .= '<a style=\'margin:-40px 0 0 0;position:absolute;\' href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'javascript:approve_unapprove_booking('. $bk_id.',1, '. $user_bk_id .', "'. getBookingLocale() .'" , 1 );setTimeout(function ( ) {location.reload(true);} ,'.$reload_time.');\' ><img src=\'' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL .'/img/accept-24x24.gif\' style=\'width:14px; height:14px;\'></a>'; // $title_hint .= ' <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="tooltip_bottom approve_bk_link '. ( ($is_approved)?' hidden_items ':'') .' " // onclick="javascript:approve_unapprove_booking('. $bk_id.',1, '. $user_bk_id. ', \''. getBookingLocale() .'\' , 1 );" // ><img src="' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL .'/img/accept-24x24.gif" style="width:14px; height:14px;"></a>'; // $title_hint .= '<a style=\'margin:-22px 0 0 -6px;position:absolute;\' href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'javascript:approve_unapprove_booking('. $bk_id.',0, '. $user_bk_id .', "'. getBookingLocale() .'" , 1 );setTimeout(function ( ) {location.reload(true);} ,'.$reload_time.');\' ><img src=\'' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL .'/img/remove-16x16.png\' style=\'margin:0px 5px;width:15px; height:15px;\'></a>'; // $title_hint .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="tooltip_bottom pending_bk_link '. ( (! $is_approved)? ' hidden_items ':'' ) .' " // onclick="javascript:approve_unapprove_booking('. $bk_id .',0, '. $user_bk_id .', \''. getBookingLocale() .'\' , 1 );" // ><img src="' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL .'/img/remove-16x16.png" style="width:15px; height:15px;"></a>'; // //if ( bk_are_you_sure(\''. esc_js(__('Do you really want to set booking as pending ?', 'wpdev-booking')) .'\') ) $title_hint .= '<a href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'javascript:delete_booking('. $bk_id.', '. $user_bk_id .', "'. getBookingLocale() .'" , 1 );setTimeout(function ( ) {location.reload(true);} ,'.$reload_time.');\' ><img src=\'' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL .'/img/delete_type.png\' style=\'width:13px; height:13px;\'></a>'; //if ( bk_are_you_sure(\''. esc_js(__('Do you really want to delete this booking ?', 'wpdev-booking')) .'\') ) $title_hint .= '</div>'; /**/ $title_hint .= '</div>'; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return array($title_in_day, $title, $title_hint, $is_approved); }
function wpbc_load_js($where_to_load = 'both') { // Load the jQuery and jQuery Migrate if ($where_to_load == 'client' || $where_to_load == 'both') { wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); // Required for the Client Side global $wp_scripts; if (is_a($wp_scripts, 'WP_Scripts')) { if (isset($wp_scripts->registered['jquery'])) { $version = $wp_scripts->registered['jquery']->ver; // Load the jQuery 1.7.1 if the them load the older jQuery and version of booking Calendar is BS or higher if (version_compare($version, '1.7.1', '<')) { wp_deregister_script('jquery'); wp_register_script('jquery', "", false, '1.7.1'); // wp_register_script('jquery', (""), false, false); wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); } // Load the "jquery-migrate" if the jQuery version newer then 1.9 if (version_compare($version, '1.9', '>=')) { wp_register_script('jquery-migrate', "", false, '1.0.0'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-migrate'); } } } } if (($where_to_load == 'admin' || $where_to_load == 'both') && (is_admin() && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'wpdev-booking.phpwpdev-booking') !== false && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'wpdev-booking.phpwpdev-booking-reservation') === false)) { wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-dialog'); } // Requireed for the Payment request dialog if ($where_to_load == 'admin') { wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-sortable'); } // Define JS Variables wpbc_define_js_vars($where_to_load); // Datepick wp_enqueue_script('wpbc-datepick', WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL . '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick' . (WP_BK_MIN ? '.min' : '') . '.js', array('wpbc-global-vars'), '1.0'); // Localization $locale = getBookingLocale(); // Load translation for calendar. Exmaple: $locale = 'fr_FR'; if (!empty($locale) && substr($locale, 0, 2) !== 'en' && file_exists(WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_DIR . '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick-' . substr($locale, 0, 2) . '.js')) { wp_enqueue_script('wpbc-datepick-localize', WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL . '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick-' . substr($locale, 0, 2) . (WP_BK_MIN ? '.min' : '') . '.js', array('wpbc-datepick'), '1.0'); } else { if (!empty($locale) && !in_array($locale, array('en_US', 'en_CA', 'en_GB', 'en_AU')) && file_exists(WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_DIR . '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick-' . strtolower(substr($locale, 3)) . '.js')) { wp_enqueue_script('wpbc-datepick-localize', WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL . '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick-' . strtolower(substr($locale, 3)) . (WP_BK_MIN ? '.min' : '') . '.js', array('wpbc-datepick'), '1.0'); } } // Main Script // Old wp_enqueue_script( 'wpbc-main', WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL . '/js/wpdev.bk'.((WP_BK_MIN)?'.min':'').'.js', array( 'wpbc-datepick' ), '1.0'); if ($where_to_load == 'client' || $where_to_load == 'both') { wp_enqueue_script('wpbc-main-client', WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL . '/js/client' . (WP_BK_MIN ? '.min' : '') . '.js', array('wpbc-datepick'), '1.0'); } if ($where_to_load == 'admin' || $where_to_load == 'both') { wp_enqueue_script('wpbc-main-admin', WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL . '/js/admin' . (WP_BK_MIN ? '.min' : '') . '.js', array('wpbc-global-vars'), '1.0'); } // Load Bootstrap if (is_admin()) { if (get_bk_option('booking_is_not_load_bs_script_in_admin') !== 'On') { wp_enqueue_script('wpbc-bts', WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL . '/interface/bs/js/bs.min' . (WP_BK_MIN ? '.min' : '') . '.js', array('wpbc-global-vars'), '1.0'); } } else { if (class_exists('wpdev_bk_biz_s') && get_bk_option('booking_is_not_load_bs_script_in_client') !== 'On') { wp_enqueue_script('wpbc-bts', WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL . '/interface/bs/js/bs.min' . (WP_BK_MIN ? '.min' : '') . '.js', array('wpbc-global-vars'), '1.0'); } } if ($where_to_load == 'admin' || $where_to_load == 'both') { // Choozen wp_enqueue_script('wpbc-chosen', WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL . '/interface/chosen/chosen.jquery.min' . (WP_BK_MIN ? '.min' : '') . '.js', array('wpbc-global-vars'), '1.0'); } do_action('wpbc_enqueue_js_files', $where_to_load); }
function booking_listing_table($bookings, $booking_types) { //debuge($_REQUEST); $user = wp_get_current_user(); $user_bk_id = $user->ID; $bk_url_listing = 'admin.php?page=' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_DIRNAME . '/' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_FILENAME . 'wpdev-booking'; $bk_url_add = $bk_url_listing . '-reservation'; $bk_url_resources = $bk_url_listing . '-resources'; $bk_url_settings = $bk_url_listing . '-option'; $bk_admin_url = get_params_in_url(array('page_num', 'wh_booking_type')); $booking_date_view_type = get_bk_option('booking_date_view_type'); if ($booking_date_view_type == 'short') { $wide_days_class = ' hidden_items '; $short_days_class = ''; } else { $wide_days_class = ''; $short_days_class = ' hidden_items '; } $version = get_bk_version(); if ($version == 'free') { $is_free = true; } else { $is_free = false; } ?> <div id="listing_visible_bookings"> <?php if (count($bookings) > 0) { ?> <div class="row-fluid booking-listing-header"> <div class="booking-listing-collumn span1 wpbc_column_1" style="text-align: left;"> <input type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:setCheckBoxInTable(this.checked, 'booking_list_item_checkbox');"> <?php echo 'ID'; ?> </div> <div class="booking-listing-collumn span<?php echo $is_free ? '1' : '2'; ?> wpbc_column_2"><?php _e('Labels', 'wpdev-booking'); if (!$is_free) { echo ' / '; _e('Actions', 'wpdev-booking'); } ?> </div> <div class="booking-listing-collumn span<?php echo $is_free ? '5' : '6'; ?> wpbc_column_4"><?php _e('Booking Data', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> </div> <div class="booking-listing-collumn span3 wpbc_column_5"><?php _e('Booking Dates', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="booking_dates_full" onclick="javascript: jQuery('#booking_dates_full').hide(); jQuery('#booking_dates_small').show(); jQuery('.booking_dates_small').hide(); jQuery('.booking_dates_full').show();" data-original-title="<?php _e('Show ALL dates of booking', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> " rel="tooltip" class="tooltip_top <?php echo $short_days_class; ?> "><i class="icon-resize-full" style=" margin-top: 2px;"></i></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="booking_dates_small" onclick="javascript: jQuery('#booking_dates_small').hide(); jQuery('#booking_dates_full').show(); jQuery('.booking_dates_small').show(); jQuery('.booking_dates_full').hide();" data-original-title="<?php _e('Show only check in/out dates', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> " rel="tooltip" class="tooltip_top <?php echo $wide_days_class; ?> " ><i class="icon-resize-small" style=" margin-top: 2px;"></i></a> </div> <?php if ($is_free) { ?> <div class="booking-listing-collumn span2 wpbc_column_5"><?php _e('Actions', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } else { echo '<center><h3>' . __('Nothing found!', 'wpdev-booking') . '</h3></center>'; } ?> <?php // P $print_data = apply_bk_filter('get_bklist_print_header', array(array())); $is_alternative_color = true; $id_of_new_bookings = array(); foreach ($bookings as $bk) { $is_selected_color = 0; //rand(0,1); $is_alternative_color = !$is_alternative_color; $booking_id = $bk->booking_id; // 100 $is_new = isset($bk->is_new) ? $bk->is_new : '0'; // 1 $bk_modification_date = isset($bk->modification_date) ? $bk->modification_date : ''; // 2012-02-29 16:01:58 $bk_form = $bk->form; // select-one^rangetime5^10:00 - 12:00~text^name5^Jonny~text^secondname5^Smith~email^ .... $bk_form_show = $bk->form_show; // First Name:Jonny Last Name:Smith Country:GB .... $bk_form_data = $bk->form_data; // Array ([name] => Jonny... [_all_] => Array ( [rangetime5] => 10:00 - 12:00 [name5] => Jonny ... ) .... ) $bk_dates = $bk->dates; // Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [booking_id] => 8 [booking_date] => 2012-04-16 10:00:01 [approved] => 0 [type_id] => ) $bk_dates_short = $bk->dates_short; // Array ( [0] => 2012-04-16 10:00:01 [1] => - [2] => 2012-04-20 12:00:02 [3] => , [4] => 2012-04-16 10:00:01 .... //P $bk_booking_type = isset($bk->booking_type) ? $bk->booking_type : '1'; // 3 if (!class_exists('wpdev_bk_personal')) { $bk_booking_type_name = '<span class="label_resource_not_exist">' . __('Default', 'wpdev-booking') . '</span>'; } else { if (isset($booking_types[$bk_booking_type])) { $bk_booking_type_name = $booking_types[$bk_booking_type]->title; // Default if (strlen($bk_booking_type_name) > 19) { //$bk_booking_type_name = substr($bk_booking_type_name, 0, 13) . ' ... ' . substr($bk_booking_type_name, -3 ); $bk_booking_type_name = '<span style="cursor:pointer;" rel="tooltip" class="tooltip_top" data-original-title="' . $bk_booking_type_name . '">' . substr($bk_booking_type_name, 0, 13) . ' ... ' . substr($bk_booking_type_name, -3) . '</span>'; } } else { $bk_booking_type_name = '<span class="label_resource_not_exist">' . __('Resource not exist', 'wpdev-booking') . '</span>'; } } $bk_hash = isset($bk->hash) ? $bk->hash : ''; // 99c9c2bd4fd0207e4376bdbf5ee473bc $bk_remark = isset($bk->remark) ? $bk->remark : ''; // //BS $bk_cost = isset($bk->cost) ? $bk->cost : ''; // 150.00 $bk_pay_status = isset($bk->pay_status) ? $bk->pay_status : ''; // 30800 $bk_pay_request = isset($bk->pay_request) ? $bk->pay_request : ''; // 0 $bk_status = isset($bk->status) ? $bk->status : ''; //BL $bk_dates_short_id = array(); if (count($bk->dates) > 0) { $bk_dates_short_id = isset($bk->dates_short_id) ? $bk->dates_short_id : array(); } // Array ([0] => [1] => .... [4] => 6... [11] => [12] => 8 ) $is_approved = 0; if (count($bk->dates) > 0) { $is_approved = $bk->dates[0]->approved; } //BS $is_paid = 0; $payment_status_titles_current = ''; if (class_exists('wpdev_bk_biz_s')) { if (is_payment_status_ok(trim($bk_pay_status))) { $is_paid = 1; } $payment_status_titles = get_payment_status_titles(); $payment_status_titles_current = array_search($bk_pay_status, $payment_status_titles); if ($payment_status_titles_current === FALSE) { $payment_status_titles_current = $bk_pay_status; } } if ($is_new == 1) { $id_of_new_bookings[] = $booking_id; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get SHORT Dates showing data //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //$short_dates_content = wpdevbk_get_str_from_dates_short($bk_dates_short, $is_approved , $bk_dates_short_id , $booking_types ); $short_dates_content = ''; $dcnt = 0; foreach ($bk_dates_short as $dt) { if ($dt == '-') { $short_dates_content .= '<span class="date_tire"> - </span>'; } elseif ($dt == ',') { $short_dates_content .= '<span class="date_tire">, </span>'; } else { $short_dates_content .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="field-booking-date '; if ($is_approved) { $short_dates_content .= ' approved'; } $short_dates_content .= '">'; $bk_date = wpdevbk_get_date_in_correct_format($dt); $short_dates_content .= $bk_date[0]; $short_dates_content .= '<sup class="field-booking-time">' . $bk_date[1] . '</sup>'; // BL if (class_exists('wpdev_bk_biz_l')) { if (!empty($bk_dates_short_id[$dcnt])) { $bk_booking_type_name_date = $booking_types[$bk_dates_short_id[$dcnt]]->title; // Default if (strlen($bk_booking_type_name_date) > 19) { $bk_booking_type_name_date = substr($bk_booking_type_name_date, 0, 13) . '...' . substr($bk_booking_type_name_date, -3); } $short_dates_content .= '<sup class="field-booking-time date_from_dif_type"> ' . $bk_booking_type_name_date . '</sup>'; } } $short_dates_content .= '</a>'; } $dcnt++; } // Get WIDE Dates showing data ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $wide_dates_content = ''; $dates_count = count($bk_dates); $dcnt = 0; foreach ($bk_dates as $dt) { $dcnt++; $wide_dates_content .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="field-booking-date '; if ($is_approved) { $wide_dates_content .= ' approved'; } $wide_dates_content .= ' ">'; $bk_date = wpdevbk_get_date_in_correct_format($dt->booking_date); $wide_dates_content .= $bk_date[0]; $wide_dates_content .= '<sup class="field-booking-time">' . $bk_date[1] . '</sup>'; // BL if (class_exists('wpdev_bk_biz_l')) { if ($dt->type_id != '' && isset($booking_types[$dt->type_id])) { $bk_booking_type_name_date = $booking_types[$dt->type_id]->title; // Default if (strlen($bk_booking_type_name_date) > 19) { $bk_booking_type_name_date = substr($bk_booking_type_name_date, 0, 13) . '...' . substr($bk_booking_type_name_date, -3); } $wide_dates_content .= '<sup class="field-booking-time date_from_dif_type"> ' . $bk_booking_type_name_date . '</sup>'; } } $wide_dates_content .= '</a>'; if ($dcnt < $dates_count) { $wide_dates_content .= '<span class="date_tire">, </span>'; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BS $pay_print_status = ''; if (class_exists('wpdev_bk_biz_s')) { if ($is_paid) { $pay_print_status = __('Paid OK', 'wpdev-booking'); if ($payment_status_titles_current == 'Completed') { $pay_print_status = $payment_status_titles_current; } } else { if (is_numeric($bk_pay_status) || $bk_pay_status == '') { $pay_print_status = __('Unknown', 'wpdev-booking'); } else { $pay_print_status = $payment_status_titles_current; } } } ///// Print data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $print_data[] = apply_bk_filter('get_bklist_print_row', array(), $booking_id, $is_approved, $bk_form_show, $bk_booking_type_name, $is_paid, $pay_print_status, $booking_date_view_type == 'short' ? '<div class="booking_dates_small">' . $short_dates_content . '</div>' : '<div class="booking_dates_full">' . $wide_dates_content . '</div>', $bk_cost); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> <div id="booking_mark_<?php echo $booking_id; ?> " class="<?php if ($is_new != '1') { echo ' hidden_items '; } ?> new-label clearfix-height"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="tooltip_bottom approve_bk_link <?php //if ($is_approved) echo ' hidden_items '; ?> " onclick="javascript:mark_read_booking( '<?php echo $booking_id; ?> ' , 0, <?php echo $user_bk_id; ?> , '<?php echo getBookingLocale(); ?> ' );" data-original-title="<?php _e('Mark', 'wpdev-booking'); echo ' '; _e('Unread', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> " rel="tooltip" > <img src="<?php echo WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL; ?> /img/label_new_blue.png" style="width:24px; height:24px;"></a> </div> <div id="booking_row_<?php echo $booking_id; ?> " class="row-fluid booking-listing-row clearfix-height<?php if ($is_alternative_color) { echo ' row_alternative_color '; } if ($is_selected_color) { echo ' row_selected_color '; } //if ($is_new) echo ' row_unread_color '; $date_format = get_bk_option('booking_date_format'); $time_format = get_bk_option('booking_time_format'); if (empty($date_format)) { $date_format = "m / d / Y, D"; } if (empty($time_format)) { $time_format = 'h:i a'; } $cr_date = date_i18n($date_format, mysql2date('U', $bk_modification_date)); $cr_time = date_i18n($time_format, mysql2date('U', $bk_modification_date)); ?> " > <div class="wpbc_column_1 booking-listing-collumn bktextcenter span1"> <input type="checkbox" class="booking_list_item_checkbox" onclick="javascript: if (jQuery(this).attr('checked') !== undefined ) { jQuery(this).parent().parent().addClass('row_selected_color'); } else {jQuery(this).parent().parent().removeClass('row_selected_color');}" <?php if ($is_selected_color) { echo ' checked="CHECKED" '; } ?> id="booking_id_selected_<?php echo $booking_id; ?> " name="booking_appr_<?php $booking_id; ?> " /><span class="wpbc_mobile_legend clear" style="margin:0 -5px 0 25px"><?php _e('ID', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> : </span><span class="field-id"><?php echo $booking_id; ?> </span> </div> <div class="wpbc_column_2 booking-listing-collumn bktextleft booking-labels span<?php echo $is_free ? '1' : '2'; ?> "> <?php make_bk_action('wpdev_bk_listing_show_resource_label', $bk_booking_type_name, $bk_admin_url . '&wh_booking_type=' . $bk_booking_type); ?> <?php make_bk_action('wpdev_bk_listing_show_payment_label', $is_paid, $pay_print_status, $payment_status_titles_current); ?> <span class="label label-pending <?php if ($is_approved) { echo ' hidden_items '; } ?> "><?php _e('Pending', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> </span> <span class="label label-approved <?php if (!$is_approved) { echo ' hidden_items '; } ?> "><?php _e('Approved', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> </span> </div> <div class="wpbc_column_3 booking-listing-collumn bktextjustify span<?php echo $is_free ? '5' : '6'; ?> "> <div style="text-align:left"><?php echo $bk_form_show; ?> </div> </div> <div class="wpbc_column_4 booking-listing-collumn bktextleft booking-dates span3"> <div class="booking_dates_small <?php echo $short_days_class; ?> "><?php echo $short_dates_content; ?> </div> <div class="booking_dates_full <?php echo $wide_days_class; ?> " ><?php echo $wide_dates_content; ?> </div> </div> <?php $edit_booking_url = $bk_url_add . '&booking_type=' . $bk_booking_type . '&booking_hash=' . $bk_hash . '&parent_res=1'; ?> <div class="wpbc_column_5 booking-listing-collumn booking-actions<?php echo $is_free ? '0 span2 bktextcenter' : ' bktextleft '; ?> "> <?php $is_can = true; //current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ); if ($is_can) { ?> <?php make_bk_action('wpdev_bk_listing_show_cost_btn', $booking_id, $bk_cost); ?> <div class="actions-fields-group"> <?php make_bk_action('wpdev_bk_listing_show_edit_btn', $booking_id, $edit_booking_url, $bk_remark, $bk_booking_type); ?> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="tooltip_top approve_bk_link button-secondary button <?php if ($is_approved) { echo ' hidden_items '; } ?> " onclick="javascript:approve_unapprove_booking(<?php echo $booking_id; ?> ,1, <?php echo $user_bk_id; ?> , '<?php echo getBookingLocale(); ?> ' , 1 );" data-original-title="<?php _e('Approve', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> " rel="tooltip" ><i class="icon-ok-circle"></i><?php /** ?><img src="<?php echo WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/img/accept-24x24.gif" style="width:14px; height:14px;"><?php /**/ ?> </a><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="tooltip_top pending_bk_link button-secondary button <?php if (!$is_approved) { echo ' hidden_items '; } ?> " onclick="javascript:if ( bk_are_you_sure('<?php echo esc_js(__('Do you really want to set booking as pending ?', 'wpdev-booking')); ?> ') ) approve_unapprove_booking(<?php echo $booking_id; ?> ,0, <?php echo $user_bk_id; ?> , '<?php echo getBookingLocale(); ?> ' , 1 );" data-original-title="<?php _e('Reject', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> " rel="tooltip" ><i class="icon-ban-circle"></i><?php /** ?><img src="<?php echo WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/img/remove-16x16.png" style="width:15px; height:15px;"><?php /**/ ?> </a><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:if ( bk_are_you_sure('<?php echo esc_js(__('Do you really want to delete this booking ?', 'wpdev-booking')); ?> ') ) delete_booking(<?php echo $booking_id; ?> , <?php echo $user_bk_id; ?> , '<?php echo getBookingLocale(); ?> ' , 1 );" data-original-title="<?php _e('Delete', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> " rel="tooltip" class="tooltip_top button-secondary button" ><i class="icon-trash"></i><?php /** ?><img src="<?php echo WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL; ?>/img/delete_type.png" style="width:13px; height:13px;"><?php /**/ ?> </a><?php make_bk_action('wpdev_bk_listing_show_print_btn', $booking_id); make_bk_action('wpdev_bk_listing_show_payment_status_btn', $booking_id); ?> <div class="field-date" style="<?php echo $is_free ? 'margin-top:5px;float: none;white-space: normal;' : ''; ?> "><span ><?php _e('Created', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> :</span> <span><?php echo $cr_date, ' ', $cr_time; ?> </span></div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php make_bk_action('wpdev_bk_listing_show_edit_fields', $booking_id, $bk_remark); ?> <?php make_bk_action('wpdev_bk_listing_show_payment_status_cost_fields', $booking_id, $bk_pay_status); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php //if ( wpbc_is_field_in_table_exists('booking','is_new') != 0 ) renew_NumOfNewBookings($id_of_new_bookings); // Update num status if supported ?> <?php make_bk_action('wpdev_bk_listing_show_change_booking_resources', $booking_types); ?> <?php if (function_exists('wpdevbk_generate_print_loyout')) { wpdevbk_generate_print_loyout($print_data); } }
function get_booking_info_4_tooltip($bk_id, $bookings, $booking_types, $title_in_day = '', $title = '', $title_hint = '') { $user = wp_get_current_user(); $user_bk_id = $user->ID; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gathering data about the booking to show in the calendar !!! //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get it from the option settings $what_show_in_day_template = get_bk_option('booking_default_title_in_day_for_calendar_view_mode'); // '<span style="font-size:07px;">[id]</span>:[name]'; if ($title != '') { $title .= ' / '; } // Other Booking in the same day $title .= $bk_id; if ($title_in_day != '') { $title_in_day .= ','; } // Other Booking in the same day //$title_in_day .= $bk_id ; if (function_exists('get_title_for_showing_in_day')) { $title_in_day .= get_title_for_showing_in_day($bk_id, $bookings, $what_show_in_day_template); } else { $title_in_day .= $bk_id . ':' . $bookings[$bk_id]->form_data['_all_fields_']['name']; } if ($title_hint != '') { $title_hint .= ' <hr style="margin:10px 5px;" /> '; } // Other Booking in the same day $title_hint .= '<div class=\'booking-listing-collumn\' >'; if (function_exists('get_booking_title')) { if (isset($booking_types[$bookings[$bk_id]->booking_type])) { $bk_title = $booking_types[$bookings[$bk_id]->booking_type]->title; } else { $bk_title = get_booking_title($bookings[$bk_id]->booking_type); } $bk_title = '<span class=\'label label-resource label-info\'>' . $bk_title . '</span>'; } else { $bk_title = ''; } $title_hint .= '<span class=\'field-id\'>' . $bk_id . '</span>' . ' ' . $bk_title; if (class_exists('wpdev_bk_biz_s')) { $title_hint .= '<div style=\'float:right;\'>'; if (function_exists('wpdev_bk_get_payment_status_simple')) { $pay_status = wpdev_bk_get_payment_status_simple($bookings[$bk_id]->pay_status); $pay_status = '<span class=\'label label-payment-status payment-label-unknown\'><span style=\'font-size:07px;\'>' . __('Payment', 'booking') . '</span> ' . $pay_status . '</span>'; } else { $pay_status = ''; } $title_hint .= ' ' . $pay_status; $currency = apply_bk_filter('get_currency_info'); $show_cost_value = wpdev_bk_cost_number_format($bookings[$bk_id]->cost); $title_hint .= ' <div class="cost-fields-group" style=\'float:right; margin:2px;\'>' . $currency . ' ' . $show_cost_value . '</div>'; $title_hint .= '</div>'; } $title_hint .= '<div>' . $bookings[$bk_id]->form_show . '</div>'; //$bookings[$bk_id]->form_data['name'].' ' . $bookings[$bk_id]->form_data['secondname'] ; //$title_hint .= ' '. $bookings[$bk_id]->remark; //BL $bk_dates_short_id = array(); if (count($bookings[$bk_id]->dates) > 0) { $bk_dates_short_id = isset($bookings[$bk_id]->dates_short_id) ? $bookings[$bk_id]->dates_short_id : array(); } // Array ([0] => [1] => .... [4] => 6... [11] => [12] => 8 ) $is_approved = 0; if (count($bookings[$bk_id]->dates) > 0) { $is_approved = $bookings[$bk_id]->dates[0]->approved; } $short_dates_content = wpdevbk_get_str_from_dates_short($bookings[$bk_id]->dates_short, $is_approved, $bk_dates_short_id, $booking_types); $short_dates_content = str_replace('"', "'", $short_dates_content); $title_hint .= '<div style=\'margin-top:5px;\'>' . $short_dates_content . '</div>'; $is_approved = 0; if (!empty($bookings[$bk_id]->dates)) { $is_approved = $bookings[$bk_id]->dates[0]->approved; } $title .= '<div class=\'timeline_info_bk_actionsbar_' . $bk_id . '\' style=\'display: inline; line-height: 1em; padding: 10px; vertical-align: text-top;\'>'; $is_can = true; //current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ); if ($is_can) { if (class_exists('wpdev_bk_personal')) { $bk_url_add = 'admin.php?page=' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_DIRNAME . '/' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_FILENAME . 'wpdev-booking-reservation'; $bk_hash = isset($bookings[$bk_id]->hash) ? $bookings[$bk_id]->hash : ''; $bk_booking_type = $bookings[$bk_id]->booking_type; $edit_booking_url = $bk_url_add . '&booking_type=' . $bk_booking_type . '&booking_hash=' . $bk_hash . '&parent_res=1'; $title .= '<a class=\'button button-secondary\' style=\'margin-right:5px;\' href=\'' . $edit_booking_url . '\' onclick=\'\' ><i class=\'icon-edit\'></i></a>'; } $title .= '<a class=\'button button-secondary approve_bk_link ' . ($is_approved ? 'hidden_items' : '') . '\' style=\'margin-right:5px;\' href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'javascript:approve_unapprove_booking(' . $bk_id . ',1, ' . $user_bk_id . ', "' . getBookingLocale() . '" , 1 );\' ><i class=\'icon-ok-circle\'></i></a>'; $title .= '<a class=\'button button-secondary pending_bk_link ' . ($is_approved ? '' : 'hidden_items') . '\' style=\'margin-right:5px;\' href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'javascript:approve_unapprove_booking(' . $bk_id . ',0, ' . $user_bk_id . ', "' . getBookingLocale() . '" , 1 );\' ><i class=\'icon-ban-circle\'></i></a>'; $title .= '<a class=\'button button-secondary\' style=\'margin-right:5px;\' href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'javascript:delete_booking(' . $bk_id . ', ' . $user_bk_id . ', "' . getBookingLocale() . '" , 1 );\' ><i class=\'icon-trash\'></i></a>'; } $title .= '</div>'; $title_hint .= '</div>'; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return array($title_in_day, $title, $title_hint, $is_approved); }
function loadLocale($locale = '') { if (empty($locale)) { $locale = getBookingLocale(); } if (!empty($locale)) { $domain = str_replace('.php', '', WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_FILENAME); $mofile = WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_DIR . '/languages/' . $domain . '-' . $locale . '.mo'; if (file_exists($mofile)) { //return load9999_textdomain($domain , $mofile); // Depricated $plugin_rel_path = WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_DIRNAME . '/languages'; return load_plugin_textdomain($domain, false, $plugin_rel_path); } else { return false; } } return false; }
function get_booking_form($my_boook_type) { $booking_form_field_active1 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_active1'); $booking_form_field_required1 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_required1'); $booking_form_field_label1 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_label1'); $booking_form_field_label1 = apply_bk_filter('wpdev_check_for_active_language', $booking_form_field_label1); if (function_exists('icl_translate')) { $booking_form_field_label1 = icl_translate('wpml_custom', 'wpbc_custom_form_field_label1', $booking_form_field_label1); } $booking_form_field_active2 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_active2'); $booking_form_field_required2 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_required2'); $booking_form_field_label2 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_label2'); $booking_form_field_label2 = apply_bk_filter('wpdev_check_for_active_language', $booking_form_field_label2); if (function_exists('icl_translate')) { $booking_form_field_label2 = icl_translate('wpml_custom', 'wpbc_custom_form_field_label2', $booking_form_field_label2); } $booking_form_field_active3 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_active3'); $booking_form_field_required3 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_required3'); $booking_form_field_label3 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_label3'); $booking_form_field_label3 = apply_bk_filter('wpdev_check_for_active_language', $booking_form_field_label3); if (function_exists('icl_translate')) { $booking_form_field_label3 = icl_translate('wpml_custom', 'wpbc_custom_form_field_label3', $booking_form_field_label3); } $booking_form_field_active4 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_active4'); $booking_form_field_required4 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_required4'); $booking_form_field_label4 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_label4'); $booking_form_field_label4 = apply_bk_filter('wpdev_check_for_active_language', $booking_form_field_label4); if (function_exists('icl_translate')) { $booking_form_field_label4 = icl_translate('wpml_custom', 'wpbc_custom_form_field_label4', $booking_form_field_label4); } $booking_form_field_active5 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_active5'); $booking_form_field_required5 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_required5'); $booking_form_field_label5 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_label5'); $booking_form_field_label5 = apply_bk_filter('wpdev_check_for_active_language', $booking_form_field_label5); if (function_exists('icl_translate')) { $booking_form_field_label5 = icl_translate('wpml_custom', 'wpbc_custom_form_field_label5', $booking_form_field_label5); } $booking_form_field_active6 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_active6'); $booking_form_field_required6 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_required6'); $booking_form_field_label6 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_label6'); $booking_form_field_label6 = apply_bk_filter('wpdev_check_for_active_language', $booking_form_field_label6); if (function_exists('icl_translate')) { $booking_form_field_label6 = icl_translate('wpml_custom', 'wpbc_custom_form_field_label6', $booking_form_field_label6); } $booking_form_field_values6 = get_bk_option('booking_form_field_values6'); $my_form = '[calendar]'; //'<div style="text-align:left;">'. //'<p>'.__('First Name (required)', 'wpdev-booking').':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap name'.$my_boook_type.'"><input type="text" name="name'.$my_boook_type.'" value="" class="wpdev-validates-as-required" size="40" /></span> </p>'. if ($booking_form_field_active1 != 'Off') { $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group"> <label for="name' . $my_boook_type . '" class="control-label">' . $booking_form_field_label1 . ($booking_form_field_required1 == 'On' ? '*' : '') . ':</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="name' . $my_boook_type . '" id="name' . $my_boook_type . '" class="input-xlarge' . ($booking_form_field_required1 == 'On' ? ' wpdev-validates-as-required ' : '') . '"> </div> </div>'; } if ($booking_form_field_active2 != 'Off') { $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group"> <label for="secondname' . $my_boook_type . '" class="control-label">' . $booking_form_field_label2 . ($booking_form_field_required2 == 'On' ? '*' : '') . ':</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="secondname' . $my_boook_type . '" id="secondname' . $my_boook_type . '" class="input-xlarge' . ($booking_form_field_required2 == 'On' ? ' wpdev-validates-as-required ' : '') . '"> </div> </div>'; } if ($booking_form_field_active3 != 'Off') { $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group"> <label for="email' . $my_boook_type . '" class="control-label">' . $booking_form_field_label3 . ($booking_form_field_required3 == 'On' ? '*' : '') . ':</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="email' . $my_boook_type . '" id="email' . $my_boook_type . '" class="input-xlarge wpdev-validates-as-email' . ($booking_form_field_required3 == 'On' ? ' wpdev-validates-as-required ' : '') . '"> </div> </div>'; } if ($booking_form_field_active6 == 'On') { $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group"> <label for="visitors' . $my_boook_type . '" class="control-label">' . $booking_form_field_label6 . ($booking_form_field_required6 == 'On' ? '*' : '') . ':</label> <div class="controls"> <select name="visitors' . $my_boook_type . '" id="visitors' . $my_boook_type . '" class="input-xlarge' . ($booking_form_field_required6 == 'On' ? ' wpdev-validates-as-required ' : '') . '">'; //$booking_form_field_values6 = explode("\n",$booking_form_field_values6); $booking_form_field_values6 = preg_split('/\\r\\n|\\r|\\n/', $booking_form_field_values6); foreach ($booking_form_field_values6 as $select_option) { $select_option = str_replace(array("'", '"'), '', $select_option); $my_form .= ' <option value="' . $select_option . '">' . $select_option . '</option>'; } $my_form .= ' </select> <p class="help-block"></p> </div> </div>'; } if ($booking_form_field_active4 != 'Off') { $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group"> <label for="phone' . $my_boook_type . '" class="control-label">' . $booking_form_field_label4 . ($booking_form_field_required4 == 'On' ? '*' : '') . ':</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="phone' . $my_boook_type . '" id="phone' . $my_boook_type . '" class="input-xlarge' . ($booking_form_field_required4 == 'On' ? ' wpdev-validates-as-required ' : '') . '"> <p class="help-block"></p> </div> </div>'; } if ($booking_form_field_active5 != 'Off') { $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group"> <label for="details" class="control-label">' . $booking_form_field_label5 . ($booking_form_field_required5 == 'On' ? '*' : '') . ':</label> <div class="controls"> <textarea rows="3" name="details' . $my_boook_type . '" id="details' . $my_boook_type . '" class="input-xlarge' . ($booking_form_field_required5 == 'On' ? ' wpdev-validates-as-required ' : '') . '"></textarea> </div> </div>'; } $my_form .= ' <div class="control-group">[captcha]</div>'; $my_form .= ' <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" onclick="mybooking_submit(this.form,' . $my_boook_type . ',\'' . getBookingLocale() . '\');" >' . __('Send', 'wpdev-booking') . '</button> '; //.'<p>'.__('Last Name (required)', 'wpdev-booking').':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap secondname'.$my_boook_type.'"><input type="text" name="secondname'.$my_boook_type.'" value="" class="wpdev-validates-as-required" size="40" /></span> </p>'. //'<p>'.__('Email (required)', 'wpdev-booking').':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap email'.$my_boook_type.'"><input type="text" name="email'.$my_boook_type.'" value="" class="wpdev-validates-as-email wpdev-validates-as-required" size="40" /></span> </p>'. //'<p>'.__('Phone', 'wpdev-booking').':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap phone'.$my_boook_type.'"><input type="text" name="phone'.$my_boook_type.'" value="" size="40" /></span> </p>'. //'<p>'.__('Details', 'wpdev-booking').':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap details'.$my_boook_type.'"><textarea name="details'.$my_boook_type.'" cols="40" rows="10"></textarea></span> </p>'; //$my_form .= '<p>[captcha]</p>'; //$my_form .= '<p><input type="button" value="'.__('Send', 'wpdev-booking').'" onclick="mybooking_submit(this.form,'.$my_boook_type.',\''.getBookingLocale().'\');" /></p> // </div>'; return $my_form; }
function wpbc_gcal_extend_buttons_in_action_toolbar_booking_listing() { $booking_gcal_feed = get_bk_option('booking_gcal_feed'); $is_this_btn_disabled = false; if (!class_exists('wpdev_bk_personal') && $booking_gcal_feed == '') { $is_this_btn_disabled = true; $settigns_link = "admin.php?page=" . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_DIRNAME . '/' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_FILENAME . "wpdev-booking-option&tab=sync"; } else { $booking_gcal_events_from = get_bk_option('booking_gcal_events_from'); $booking_gcal_events_from_offset = get_bk_option('booking_gcal_events_from_offset'); $booking_gcal_events_from_offset_type = get_bk_option('booking_gcal_events_from_offset_type'); $booking_gcal_events_until = get_bk_option('booking_gcal_events_until'); $booking_gcal_events_until_offset = get_bk_option('booking_gcal_events_until_offset'); $booking_gcal_events_until_offset_type = get_bk_option('booking_gcal_events_until_offset_type'); $booking_gcal_events_max = get_bk_option('booking_gcal_events_max'); // $booking_gcal_timezone = get_bk_option( 'booking_gcal_timezone'); } ?> <div id="wpbc_gcal_import_events" class="modal" style="display:none;width:59%;" > <div class="modal-header"> <a class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</a> <h3><?php if ($is_this_btn_disabled) { _e('Warning!', 'booking'); } else { _e('Retrieve Google Calendar Events ', 'booking'); } ?> </h3> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <?php if ($is_this_btn_disabled) { ?> <label class="help-block" style="display:block;"> <?php printf(__('Please configure settings for import Google Calendar events', 'booking'), '<b>', ',</b>'); ?> <a href="<?php echo $settigns_link; ?> "><?php _e('here', 'booking'); ?> </a> </label> <?php } else { ?> <table class="visibility_gcal_feeds_settings form-table settings-table" > <tbody> <?php if (function_exists('wpbc_gcal_settings_content_field_selection_booking_resources')) { wpbc_gcal_settings_content_field_selection_booking_resources(); } else { ?> <input type="hidden" name="wpbc_booking_resource" id="wpbc_booking_resource" value="" /><?php } wpbc_gcal_settings_content_field_from($booking_gcal_events_from, $booking_gcal_events_from_offset, $booking_gcal_events_from_offset_type); wpbc_gcal_settings_content_field_until($booking_gcal_events_until, $booking_gcal_events_until_offset, $booking_gcal_events_until_offset_type); wpbc_gcal_settings_content_field_max_feeds($booking_gcal_events_max); // wpbc_gcal_settings_content_field_timezone($booking_gcal_timezone); ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="modal-footer" style="text-align:center;"> <?php if ($is_this_btn_disabled) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $settigns_link; ?> " class="button button-primary" style="float:none;" > <?php _e('Configure', 'booking'); ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="button button-primary" style="float:none;" onclick="javascript:wpbc_import_gcal_events('<?php echo get_bk_current_user_id(); ?> ' , [ jQuery('#booking_gcal_events_from').val(), jQuery('#booking_gcal_events_from_offset').val(), jQuery('#booking_gcal_events_from_offset_type').val() ] , [ jQuery('#booking_gcal_events_until').val(), jQuery('#booking_gcal_events_until_offset').val(), jQuery('#booking_gcal_events_until_offset_type').val() ] , jQuery('#booking_gcal_events_max').val() , jQuery('#wpbc_booking_resource').val() );jQuery('#wpbc_gcal_import_events').modal('hide');" ><?php _e('Import Google Calendar Events', 'booking'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="button" style="float:none;" data-dismiss="modal"><?php _e('Close', 'booking'); ?> </a> </div> </div> <div class="btn-group"> <a data-original-title="<?php _e('Import Google Calendar Events', 'booking'); ?> " rel="tooltip" class="tooltip_top button button-secondary<?php if ($is_this_btn_disabled) { echo ' disabled'; } ?> " <?php if (true) { ?> onclick='javascript:jQuery("#wpbc_gcal_import_events").modal("show");' <?php } else { ?> onclick="javascript:wpbc_import_gcal_events('<?php echo get_bk_current_user_id(); ?> ' );" <?php } ?> /><?php _e('Import', 'booking'); ?> <i class="icon-download"></i></a> <!--a data-original-title="<?php _e('Export only current page of bookings to CSV format', 'booking'); ?> " rel="tooltip" class="tooltip_top button button-secondary" onclick='javascript:export_booking_listing("page", "<?php echo getBookingLocale(); ?> ");' /> <i class="icon-chevron-down"></i></a--> </div> <?php }
function get_booking_form($my_boook_type) { $my_form = '<div style="text-align:left;"> <p>' . __('First Name (required)', 'wpdev-booking') . ':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap name' . $my_boook_type . '"><input type="text" name="name' . $my_boook_type . '" value="" class="wpdev-validates-as-required" size="40" /></span> </p> <p>' . __('Last Name (required)', 'wpdev-booking') . ':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap secondname' . $my_boook_type . '"><input type="text" name="secondname' . $my_boook_type . '" value="" class="wpdev-validates-as-required" size="40" /></span> </p> <p>' . __('Email (required)', 'wpdev-booking') . ':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap email' . $my_boook_type . '"><input type="text" name="email' . $my_boook_type . '" value="" class="wpdev-validates-as-email wpdev-validates-as-required" size="40" /></span> </p> <p>' . __('Phone', 'wpdev-booking') . ':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap phone' . $my_boook_type . '"><input type="text" name="phone' . $my_boook_type . '" value="" size="40" /></span> </p> <p>' . __('Details', 'wpdev-booking') . ':<br /> <span class="wpdev-form-control-wrap details' . $my_boook_type . '"><textarea name="details' . $my_boook_type . '" cols="40" rows="10"></textarea></span> </p>'; $my_form .= '<p>[captcha]</p>'; $my_form .= '<p><input type="button" value="' . __('Send', 'wpdev-booking') . '" onclick="mybooking_submit(this.form,' . $my_boook_type . ',\'' . getBookingLocale() . '\');" /></p> </div>'; return $my_form; }
public function showImportedEvents() { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> <table style="width:100%;margin-top:45px;" id="gcal_imported_events<?php echo $this->getResource(); ?> " class="resource_table booking_table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <?php if (function_exists('get_booking_title')) { echo '<tr><td colspan="6" style="padding:5px 10px;font-style:italic;"> <h4>', get_booking_title($this->getResource()), '</h4></td></tr>'; } ?> <?php // Headers ?> <tr> <th style="width:15px;"><input type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:jQuery('#gcal_imported_events<?php echo $this->getResource(); ?> .events_items').attr('checked', this.checked);" class="" id="events_items_all" name="events_items_all" /></th> <th style="width:10px;height:35px;border-left: 1px solid #BBBBBB;"> <?php _e('ID', 'booking'); ?> </th> <th style="height:35px;width:220px;" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;"> <?php _e('Title', 'booking'); ?> </th> <th style="text-align:center;"> <?php _e('Info', 'booking'); ?> </th> <th style="text-align:center;"> <?php _e('Dates', 'booking'); ?> </th> <th style="width:10px;height:35px;border-left: 1px solid #BBBBBB;"> <?php _e('GID', 'booking'); ?> </th> </tr> <?php $alternative_color = ''; if (!empty($this->events)) { foreach ($this->events as $bt) { if ($alternative_color == '') { $alternative_color = ' class="alternative_color" '; } else { $alternative_color = ''; } ?> <tr id="gcal_imported_events_id_<?php echo $bt['id']; ?> "> <td <?php echo $alternative_color; ?> ><span class="wpbc_mobile_legend"><?php _e('Selection', 'booking'); ?> :</span><input type="checkbox" class="events_items" id="events_items_<?php echo $bt['id']; ?> " value="<?php echo $bt['id']; ?> " name="events_items_<?php echo $bt['id']; ?> " /></td> <td style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;text-align: center;" <?php echo $alternative_color; ?> ><span class="wpbc_mobile_legend"><?php _e('ID', 'booking'); ?> :</span><?php echo $bt['id']; ?> </td> <td <?php echo $alternative_color; ?> style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;"> <span class="wpbc_mobile_legend"><?php _e('Title', 'booking'); ?> :</span> <span ><?php echo $bt['title']; ?> </span> </td> <td style="border-right: 0px;border-left: 1px solid #ccc;text-align: center;" <?php echo $alternative_color; ?> > <span class="wpbc_mobile_legend"><?php _e('Info', 'booking'); ?> :</span> <span ><?php echo $bt['description']; ?> </span><br/> <?php if (!empty($bt['location'])) { echo '<span >', __('Location:', 'booking'), ': ', $bt['location'], '</span>'; } ?> </td> <td style="border-right: 0px;border-left: 1px solid #ccc;text-align: center;" <?php echo $alternative_color; ?> > <span class="booking-listing-collumn booking-dates"> <span class="wpbc_mobile_legend"><?php _e('Dates', 'booking'); ?> :</span> <div class="booking_dates_full" style="font-size: 11px;padding:3px 5px;" ><?php $bt['dates'] = explode(', ', $bt['dates']); foreach ($bt['dates'] as $keyd => $valued) { $valued = explode('.', $valued); $valued = wpdevbk_get_date_in_correct_format(sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $valued[2], $valued[1], $valued[0])); $bt['dates'][$keyd] = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="field-booking-date" style="font-weight: normal;">' . $valued[0] . '</a>'; } $bt['dates'] = implode('<span class="date_tire" style="font-size: 12px;">, </span>', $bt['dates']); echo $bt['dates']; //date_i18n('d.m.Y H:i',$bt['start_time'] ), ' - ', date_i18n('d.m.Y H:i',$bt['end_time']); ?> </div> </span> </td> <td style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;text-align: center;" <?php echo $alternative_color; ?> ><span class="wpbc_mobile_legend"><?php _e('GID', 'booking'); ?> :</span><?php echo $bt['sync_gid']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> <tr class="wpbc_table_footer"> <td colspan="6" style="text-align: center;"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="button button-primary" style="float:none;margin:10px;" onclick="javascript:location.reload();" ><?php _e('Reload page', 'booking'); ?> </a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="button" style="float:none;margin:10px;" onclick="javascript:jQuery('#gcal_imported_events<?php echo $this->getResource(); ?> ').remove();" ><?php _e('Hide', 'booking'); ?> </a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="button" style="float:none;margin:10px;" onclick="javascript: if ( bk_are_you_sure('<?php echo esc_js(__('Do you really want to delete selected booking(s) ?', 'booking')); ?> ') ) { delete_booking( get_selected_bookings_id_in_this_list('#gcal_imported_events<?php echo $this->getResource(); ?> .events_items', 13) , <?php echo $this->getUserID(); ?> , '<?php echo getBookingLocale(); ?> ' , 1 ); } " ><?php _e('Delete selected booking(s)', 'booking'); ?> </i></a> </td> </tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery("#gcal_imported_events<?php echo $this->getResource(); ?> ").insertAfter("#booking_listings_interface_header"); </script> <?php }