function getGameFromCache($game_id)
    global $config;
    $data = array();
    $file = $config['basedir'] . '/temp/all_games.txt';
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        $all_games = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
    } else {
        $all_games = getAllGames();
        file_put_contents($file, json_encode($all_games));
    foreach ($all_games as $g) {
        $g_id = $g['g_id'];
        if ($g_id == $game_id) {
            $data = $g;
    return $data;
<!-- End signUp form -->
<div class="popup-overlay"></div>

<!-- End popup-->
include "user-login-menus.php";
include "sidebarlinks.php";
<div class="featured-area">
<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9">
        <div id="tabs" class="score-tabs">
$games_tabs = getAllGames();
if ($games_tabs > 0) {
    while ($game_tab = mysql_fetch_array($games_tabs)) {
          <li ><a href="#tabs-<?php 
        echo $game_tab['game_id'];
" onclick="return getGameScore(<?php 
        echo $game_tab['game_id'];
);" ><?php 
        echo $game_tab['game_name'];
Beispiel #3
     if (isset($_GET["y"]) and is_numeric($_GET["y"]) and $_GET["y"] <= date("Y") and $_GET["y"] >= 1998) {
         $y = safeEscape((int) $_GET["y"]);
         $filter .= "AND YEAR(g.datetime) = '" . (int) $y . "'";
     if (isset($_GET["game_type"]) and is_numeric($_GET["game_type"])) {
         $filter .= " AND g.alias_id = '" . (int) $_GET["game_type"] . "' ";
     $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . OSDB_GAMES . " as g\n  WHERE ( LIKE ('%" . OS_DEFAULT_MAP . "%') AND g.duration>='" . $MinDuration . "' " . $filter . " LIMIT 1");
     $result = $sth->execute();
     $r = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     $numrows = $r[0];
     $result_per_page = $GamesPerPage;
     $draw_pagination = 0;
     include 'inc/pagination.php';
     $draw_pagination = 1;
     $sql = getAllGames($MinDuration, $offset, $rowsperpage, $filter, "datetime DESC");
 $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
 $result = $sth->execute();
 $c = 0;
 $GamesData = array();
 while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
     $GamesData[$c]["win"] = "";
     $GamesData[$c]["id"] = (int) $row["id"];
     $GetMap = convEnt2(substr($row["map"], strripos($row["map"], '\\') + 1));
     $Map = explode(".w", $GetMap);
     $GamesData[$c]["map"] = $Map[0];
     //$GamesData[$c]["map"]  = convEnt2(substr($row["map"], strripos($row["map"], '\\')+1));
     //$GamesData[$c]["map"] = reset( explode(".w", $GamesData[$c]["map"] ) );
     //$GamesData[$c]["map"] = substr($GamesData[$c]["map"],0,20);
     $GamesData[$c]["datetime"] = $row["datetime"];
	within 15 minutes before betting ends.
	Will cancel game if minimum bet not reached.
require_once "../include/config.php";
require_once $basedir . "/include/functions.php";
// get all user bets cache
$cachefile = $basedir . '/temp/user_bets_active.php';
if (file_exists($cachefile)) {
    $all_bets = json_decode(file_get_contents($cachefile), TRUE);
} else {
    $all_bets = getAllUserBetsNoWinnerAndWriteToCache();
$time1 = time();
$time2 = time() + 60 * 60 * 15;
$where = "g_schedTo >= '{$time1}' AND g_schedTo <= '{$time2}' AND g_betMinimum > 0 AND g_isClosed = 0";
$all_games = getAllGames($where);
// get all the games
if ($all_games) {
    foreach ($all_games as $ag) {
        $total_coins = 0;
        $g_id = $ag['g_id'];
        $bet_minimum = $ag['g_betMinimum'];
        if ($all_bets) {
            foreach ($all_bets as $ab) {
                if ($ab['g_id'] == $g_id) {
                    $total_coins += $ab['ub_coins'];
        } else {
Beispiel #5

require "api/utils/games.php";
$app->group('/games', function () {
    //get games list
    $this->get('', function ($req, $res, $args) {
        $games = getAllGames();
        if ($games) {
            return $res->withStatus(200)->write(json_encode($games));
        } else {
            return $res->withStatus(400)->write($e->getMessage());
    //get ban with id
    $this->get('/{id}', function ($req, $res, $args) {
        $game = getGame($args['id']);
        if ($game) {
            return $res->withStatus(200)->write(json_encode($game));
        } else {
            return $res->withStatus(400)->write($e->getMessage());
    //post new ban
    $this->post('', function ($req, $res, $args) {
        $game = $req->getParsedBody();
        $sql = "INSERT INTO games (region, date, blue, red, blue_compo, red_compo, blue_bans, red_bans, winner) VALUES (:region, :date, :blue, :red, :blueCompo, :redCompo, :blueBans, :redBans, :winner)";
        try {
            $db = getConnection();
            $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
            $stmt->bindParam("region", $game['region']);
            $stmt->bindParam("date", $game['date']);

require_once '../include/config.php';
require_once $basedir . "/admin/include/functions.php";
include $basedir . '/admin/include/isadmin.php';
$games_file = $basedir . '/temp/all_games.txt';
$temp = array();
$all_games = array();
$sales_today = 0;
$total_house_commission = 0;
if (file_exists($games_file)) {
    $temp = json_decode(file_get_contents($games_file), true);
} else {
    $temp = getAllGames();
$filter = (isset($_GET['filter']) and $_GET['filter']) ? $_GET['filter'] : 'all';
$today = time();
$day_start = date('Y-m-d ') . '00:00:00';
$day_end = date('Y-m-d ') . "23:59:59";
foreach ($temp as $ag) {
    $sched_from = $ag['g_schedFrom'];
    $sched_to = $ag['g_schedTo'];
    if (!$ag['g_isClosed'] and !$ag['g_isCancelled'] and !$ag['g_isDeleted'] or $today >= $sched_from and $today <= $sched_to or $ag['g_isClosed'] and $ag['g_lastUpdated'] >= $day_start and $ag['g_lastUpdated'] <= $day_end or $ag['g_isCancelled'] and $ag['g_lastUpdated'] >= $day_start and $ag['g_lastUpdated'] <= $day_end) {
        // cancelled today
        $all_games[$ag['g_id']] = $ag;
        //$all_bets = getAllBets($ag['g_id']);
        //$info_per_bet_item = getInfoPerBetItem($all_bets);
        //$all_games[$ag['g_id']]['info_per_bet_item'] = $info_per_bet_item;
$transactions_today = getTransactions(strtotime($day_start), strtotime($day_end));
<div class="col-md-5 div4">
<h1 class="H01">NEW GAMES</h1>
<img src="images/cloudunderline.png" alt=""/>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
$result = getAllGames();
if ($result > 0) {
    while ($games = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
<a href="kids-games-<?php 
        echo $games['seo_game'];
<div class="latestgames" style="">
<img src="games/game_images/<?php 
        echo $games['game_image'];
" alt="<?php 
        echo $games['game_name'];
" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail"/>
<a href="kids-games-<?php 
        echo $games['seo_game'];
<p class="text-center" style="font-family:Cambria, 'Hoefler Text', 'Liberation Serif', Times, 'Times New Roman', serif;"><?php 
        echo $games['game_name'];
Beispiel #8
                   <li><a class="icon2" href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
                   <li><a class="icon3" href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
                   <li class="last"><a class="icon4" href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
                	<p class="f-p">&copy; 2015 MAVERICK GAME. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
            <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 animate-heading">
                <div class="col-md-4"><div class="f-box wow lightSpeedIn">
                    <h4>Games </h4>
                     <ul class="ft-nav2">
$footergames = getAllGames();
if ($footergames > 0) {
    while ($footergame = mysql_fetch_array($footergames)) {
          <li><a href="maverick-game-<?php 
        echo $footergame['game_seo'];
        echo $footergame['game_name'];
        // but i put it here anyways.
        header('Location: ' . $baseurl . '/login.php');
// betarea pre-set bets
$coinperbet = $game['g_coinPerBet'];
$betarr = array($coinperbet, $coinperbet * 2, $coinperbet * 3, $coinperbet * 4, $coinperbet * 5, $coinperbet * 5 * 2);
// for getting related games
$temp = array();
$related_games = array();
$games_file = $basedir . '/temp/all_games.txt';
if (file_exists($games_file)) {
    $all_games = json_decode(file_get_contents($games_file), true);
} else {
    $all_games = getAllGames();
$all_games = filterPublicGames($all_games);
if ($user_id) {
    $my_likes = getLikes($user_id);
    $my_bookmarks = getBookmarks($user_id);
} else {
    $my_likes = false;
    $my_bookmarks = false;
$i = 0;
foreach ($all_games as $ag) {
    if ($LANGUAGE == 'en') {
        $this_field = 'g_engPage';
    } else {
        $this_field = 'g_japPage';
function allMyGameItems($user_id, $filter, $cat, $sort)
    global $config, $LANGUAGE;
    $data = array();
    $temp = array();
    $file = $config['basedir'] . '/temp/all_games.txt';
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        $temp = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
    } else {
        $temp = getAllGames();
    foreach ($temp as $t) {
        $all_games[$t['g_id']] = $t;
    $all_bets = getAllBetsByUserId($user_id);
    $haswon = array();
    $temp = array();
    $bets_per_category = array();
    foreach ($all_bets as $ab) {
        if ($ab['ub_iswinner']) {
            $haswon[$ab['g_id']] = true;
    foreach ($all_bets as $ab) {
        $do_skip = false;
        $g_id = $ab['g_id'];
        $game = $all_games[$g_id];
        $suffix = getSuffix($game);
        // make sure category is equal to $cat
        $category = $game['g_categories'];
        $bets_per_category[$game['g_categories' . $suffix]] += 1;
        if ($category != $cat and $cat != 'all') {
        switch ($filter) {
            case 'all':
            case 'won':
                if (!$ab['ub_iswinner'] and !isset($haswon[$g_id])) {
                    $do_skip = true;
            case 'lose':
                if (isset($haswon[$g_id])) {
                    $do_skip = true;
                } else {
                    if (!$game['g_isClosed']) {
                        $do_skip = true;
            case 'judgement':
                $now = time();
                $do_skip = true;
                if ($game['g_schedTo'] < $now and !$game['g_isClosed'] and !$game['g_isCancelled']) {
                    $do_skip = false;
            case 'cancelled':
                if (!$game['g_isCancelled']) {
                    $do_skip = true;
                $do_skip = true;
        if ($do_skip) {
        if (!isset($temp[$g_id])) {
            $temp[$g_id] = getBetItems($g_id);
            foreach ($temp[$g_id] as $t) {
                $bet_items[$t['bi_id']] = $t;
            if ($game['g_isClosed'] and !$game['g_isCancelled']) {
                $key = 0;
            } else {
                $key = 'current';
            $data[$g_id]['won'] = $key;
            $data[$g_id]['game_id'] = $g_id;
            $data[$g_id]['title'] = $game['g_title' . $suffix];
            $data[$g_id]['image'] = $game['g_image'];
            $data[$g_id]['from'] = $game['g_schedFrom'];
            $data[$g_id]['to'] = $game['g_schedTo'];
            $data[$g_id]['your_placed'] = 0;
            $data[$g_id]['housecom'] = $game['g_houseCom'];
            $data[$g_id]['total_placed'] = getGameTotalPlacedCoins($g_id);
        if ($ab['ub_iswinner']) {
            $data[$g_id]['won'] = 1;
        if (!isset($data[$g_id]['your_items'][$ab['bi_id']]['placed_coins'])) {
            $data[$g_id]['your_items'][$ab['bi_id']]['placed_coins'] = 0;
        $data[$g_id]['your_placed'] += $ab['ub_coins'];
        $data[$g_id]['your_items'][$ab['bi_id']]['placed_coins'] += $ab['ub_coins'];
        $data[$g_id]['your_items'][$ab['bi_id']]['name'] = $bet_items[$ab['bi_id']]['bi_description' . $suffix];
        $data[$g_id]['your_items'][$ab['bi_id']]['winner'] = $ab['ub_iswinner'];
    if ($bets_per_category) {
    $data = sortMyBets($data, $sort);
    return array('data' => $data, 'bets_per_category' => $bets_per_category);
function duplicateGame($game_id)
    global $config;
    $basedir = $config['basedir'];
    $g = getGame($game_id);
    $bet_items = getBetItems($g['g_id']);
    $title = $g['g_title'];
    $description = $g['g_description'];
    $imgfilename = $g['g_image'];
    $category = $g['g_categories'];
    $tags = $g['g_tags'];
    $bet_info = $g['g_betInfo'];
    $bet_condition = $g['g_addInfo'];
    $title_jp = $g['g_title_jp'];
    $description_jp = $g['g_description_jp'];
    $category_jp = $g['g_categories_jp'];
    $tags_jp = $g['g_tags_jp'];
    $bet_info_jp = $g['g_betInfo_jp'];
    $bet_condition_jp = $g['g_addInfo_jp'];
    $reserve_time1 = time();
    $reserve_time2 = time();
    $timezone = $g['g_timezone'];
    $coin_per_bet = $g['g_coinPerBet'];
    $house_comm = $g['g_houseCom'];
    $publish_type = 'draft';
    $is_recommend = $g['g_isRecommend'];
    $is_trial = $g['g_isTrial'];
    $jap_page = $g['g_japPage'];
    $eng_page = $g['g_engPage'];
    $bet_minimum = $g['g_betMinimum'];
    $q = "INSERT INTO games ";
    $q .= "(g_title, g_title_jp, g_description, g_description_jp, g_image, g_categories, g_categories_jp, g_tags, g_tags_jp, g_betInfo, g_betInfo_jp, g_addInfo, g_addInfo_jp, g_schedFrom, g_schedTo, g_timezone, g_coinPerBet, g_houseCom, g_publishType, g_isRecommend, g_isTrial, g_japPage, g_engPage, g_betMinimum, g_isCancelled, g_isClosed, g_isDeleted) ";
    $q .= "VALUES ";
    $q .= "('{$title}', '{$title_jp}', '{$description}', '{$description_jp}', '{$imgfilename}', '{$category}', '{$category_jp}', '{$tags}', '{$tags_jp}', '{$bet_info}', '{$bet_info_jp}', '{$bet_condition}', '{$bet_condition_jp}', '{$reserve_time1}', '{$reserve_time2}', '{$timezone}', '{$coin_per_bet}', '{$house_comm}', '{$publish_type}', '{$is_recommend}', '{$is_trial}', '{$jap_page}', '{$eng_page}', '{$bet_minimum}', '0', '0', '0')";
    $insert_id = mysql_insert_id();
    $cachefile = $basedir . '/temp/bet_items_active.php';
    $cachedata = false;
    if (file_exists($cachefile)) {
        $cachedata = json_decode(file_get_contents($cachefile), true);
    foreach ($bet_items as $bi) {
        $description = $bi['bi_description'];
        $description_jp = $bi['bi_description_jp'];
        $bet_id = addBetItem($insert_id, $description_jp, $description);
        if ($bet_id and $cachedata) {
            $cachedata[] = array('bi_id' => $bet_id, 'bi_game_id' => $insert_id, 'bi_description' => $description, 'bi_winner' => 0);
    if ($cachedata) {
        file_put_contents($cachefile, json_encode($cachedata));
    // erase the cache
    $filename = $basedir . '/temp/all_games.txt';
    $games = getAllGames();
    file_put_contents($filename, json_encode($games));
    return true;
<div class="newgames">
	<div class="container">
                <div class="row">
        	<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9">
            	<h2>New Games</h2>

<div class="jcarousel-wrapper">
                <div class="jcarousel">
$newgames = getAllGames();
if ($newgames > 0) {
    while ($newgame = mysql_fetch_array($newgames)) {
                        <div class="slidebox">
                        <a href="maverick-game-<?php 
        echo $newgame['game_seo'];
                        <img src="silverhat_games/game_slider/<?php 
        echo $newgame['game_slider'];
" alt="">
        echo $newgame['game_name'];
        	<div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12">
               <div class="row"> 
                <div class="col-md-9 col-sm-9 col-xs-12"> 
                   <!--<div class="drk-box"><h2> <span></span></h2>
<a class="box-btn" href="javascript:;"></a></p>
                     </div> -->
                     <div class="three-box">
                        <h2>Maverick  <span>Games</span></h2>
$maverick_games = getAllGames();
if ($maverick_games > 0) {
    while ($maverick_game = mysql_fetch_array($maverick_games)) {
                        <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12">
                        	<div class="box wow zoomInUp">
                             <div class="border-line">
                                <img src="silverhat_games/game_image/<?php 
        echo $maverick_game['game_image'];
" class="img-responsive" alt="Box Image" height="125" width="221">
Beispiel #14
if (isset($_GET["game_type"])) {
    $filter .= " AND g.alias_id = '" . $_GET["game_type"] . "' ";
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . OSDB_GAMES . " as g\n  LEFT JOIN " . OSDB_DG . " as dg ON = dg.gameid \n  WHERE LIKE '%" . OS_DEFAULT_MAP . "%' AND g.duration>='" . $duration . "' \n  {$filter}\n  LIMIT 1");
$result = $sth->execute();
$r = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
$numrows = $r[0];
$result_per_page = $GamesPerPage;
$draw_pagination = 1;
include 'pagination.php';
$sth = $db->prepare(getAllGames($duration, $offset, $rowsperpage, $filter, $orderby));
$result = $sth->execute();
	 <th width="240" class="padLeft ">Game name</th>
	 <th width="64">Action</th>
	 <th width="80">Duration</th>
	 <th width="40">Type</th>
	 <th width="140">Date</th>
	 <th width="150">Creator</th>
	 <th width="80" >Views</th>
while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
Beispiel #15
          $username = $CurrentPlayers[$c][$i];
        		$realm = $CurrentPlayers[$c][$i + 1];
        		$ping = $CurrentPlayers[$c][$i + 2];
        		$LivePlayers[$i][$c]["username"] = $CurrentPlayers[$c][$i];
        		$LivePlayers[$i][$c]["realm"] = $CurrentPlayers[$c][$i + 1];
        		$LivePlayers[$i][$c]["ping"] = $CurrentPlayers[$c][$i + 2];
if ($RecentGames == 1 and (!isset($_GET["post_id"]) and !$_GET)) {
    $sth = $db->prepare(getAllGames($MinDuration, 0, $TotalRecentGames));
    $result = $sth->execute();
    $c = 0;
    $RecentGamesData = array();
    while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $RecentGamesData[$c]["id"] = (int) $row["id"];
        //$RecentGamesData[$c]["map"]  = convEnt2(substr($row["map"], strripos($row["map"], '\\')+1));
        //$RecentGamesData[$c]["map"] = reset( explode(".w", $RecentGamesData[$c]["map"] ) );
        //$RecentGamesData[$c]["map"] = substr($RecentGamesData[$c]["map"],0,20);
        $GetMap = convEnt2(substr($row["map"], strripos($row["map"], '\\') + 1));
        $Map = explode(".w", $GetMap);
        $RecentGamesData[$c]["map"] = $Map[0];
        $RecentGamesData[$c]["datetime"] = $row["datetime"];
        $RecentGamesData[$c]["gamename"] = $row["gamename"];
        $RecentGamesData[$c]["ownername"] = $row["ownername"];
        $RecentGamesData[$c]["duration"] = $row["duration"];