 * Add nightbourhood column in custom post detail table.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory_Location_Manager
 * @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
 * @global string $plugin_prefix Geodirectory plugin table prefix.
 * @param string $post_type The post type.
 * @param string $detail_table The deatil table name.
function geodir_after_custom_detail_table_create($post_type, $detail_table = '')
    global $wpdb, $plugin_prefix;
    $post_types = geodir_get_posttypes();
    if ($detail_table == '') {
        $detail_table = $plugin_prefix . $post_type . '_detail';
    if (in_array($post_type, $post_types)) {
        $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 30 ) NULL";
        geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, "post_neighbourhood", $meta_field_add);
function geodir_claim_add_field_in_table()
    if (!get_option('geodir_claim_fields_upgrade')) {
        geodir_add_column_if_not_exist(GEODIR_CLAIM_TABLE, 'upgrade_pkg_id', 'INT( 11 ) NOT NULL');
        geodir_add_column_if_not_exist(GEODIR_CLAIM_TABLE, 'upgrade_pkg_data', 'TINYTEXT NOT NULL');
        update_option('geodir_claim_fields_upgrade', '1');
function geodir_payment_after_custom_detail_table_create($post_type, $detail_table)
    $post_types = geodir_get_posttypes();
    if (in_array($post_type, $post_types)) {
        $meta_field_add = " ENUM( 'false', 'true' ) NOT NULL ";
        geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, "expire_notification", $meta_field_add);
Beispiel #4
function dt_geodir_add_cpt_dummy_column($post_type)
    global $plugin_prefix;
    $detail_table = $plugin_prefix . $post_type . '_detail';
    geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, 'post_dummy', "enum( '1', '0' ) NULL DEFAULT '0'");
  * Save or Update custom fields into the database.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @package GeoDirectory
  * @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
  * @global string $plugin_prefix Geodirectory plugin table prefix.
  * @param array $request_field {
  *    Attributes of the request field array.
  *    @type string $action Ajax Action name. Default "geodir_ajax_action".
  *    @type string $manage_field_type Field type Default "custom_fields".
  *    @type string $create_field Create field Default "true".
  *    @type string $field_ins_upd Field ins upd Default "submit".
  *    @type string $_wpnonce WP nonce value.
  *    @type string $listing_type Listing type Example "gd_place".
  *    @type string $field_type Field type Example "radio".
  *    @type string $field_id Field id Example "12".
  *    @type string $data_type Data type Example "VARCHAR".
  *    @type string $is_active Either "1" or "0". If "0" is used then the field will not be displayed anywhere.
  *    @type array $show_on_pkg Package list to display this field.
  *    @type string $admin_title Personal comment, it would not be displayed anywhere except in custom field settings.
  *    @type string $site_title Section title which you wish to display in frontend.
  *    @type string $admin_desc Section description which will appear in frontend.
  *    @type string $htmlvar_name Html variable name. This should be a unique name.
  *    @type string $clabels Section Title which will appear in backend.
  *    @type string $default_value The default value (for "link" this will be used as the link text).
  *    @type string $sort_order The display order of this field in backend. e.g. 5.
  *    @type string $is_default Either "1" or "0". If "0" is used then the field will be displayed as main form field or additional field.
  *    @type string $for_admin_use Either "1" or "0". If "0" is used then only site admin can edit this field.
  *    @type string $is_required Use "1" to set field as required.
  *    @type string $required_msg Enter text for error message if field required and have not full fill requirment.
  *    @type string $show_on_listing Want to show this on listing page?.
  *    @type string $show_on_detail Want to show this in More Info tab on detail page?.
  *    @type string $show_as_tab Want to display this as a tab on detail page? If "1" then "Show on detail page?" must be Yes.
  *    @type string $option_values Option Values should be separated by comma.
  *    @type string $field_icon Upload icon using media and enter its url path, or enter font awesome class.
  *    @type string $css_class Enter custom css class for field custom style.
  * }
  * @param bool $default Not yet implemented.
  * @return int|string If field is unique returns inserted row id. Otherwise returns error string.
 function geodir_custom_field_save($request_field = array(), $default = false)
     global $wpdb, $plugin_prefix;
     $old_html_variable = '';
     $data_type = trim($request_field['data_type']);
     $result_str = isset($request_field['field_id']) ? trim($request_field['field_id']) : '';
     //geodir_add_column_if_not_exist(GEODIR_CUSTOM_FIELDS_TABLE, 'cat_sort', 'text NOT NULL');
     //geodir_add_column_if_not_exist(GEODIR_CUSTOM_FIELDS_TABLE, 'cat_filter', 'text NOT NULL');
     // add column to store decimal point
     //geodir_add_column_if_not_exist( GEODIR_CUSTOM_FIELDS_TABLE, 'decimal_point', 'VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL');
     $cf = trim($result_str, '_');
     /*-------- check dublicate validation --------*/
     $cehhtmlvar_name = isset($request_field['htmlvar_name']) ? $request_field['htmlvar_name'] : '';
     $post_type = $request_field['listing_type'];
     if ($request_field['field_type'] != 'address' && $request_field['field_type'] != 'taxonomy' && $request_field['field_type'] != 'fieldset') {
         $cehhtmlvar_name = 'geodir_' . $cehhtmlvar_name;
     $check_html_variable = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("select htmlvar_name from " . GEODIR_CUSTOM_FIELDS_TABLE . " where id <> %d and htmlvar_name = %s and post_type = %s ", array($cf, $cehhtmlvar_name, $post_type)));
     if (!$check_html_variable || $request_field['field_type'] == 'fieldset') {
         if ($cf != '') {
             $post_meta_info = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("select * from " . GEODIR_CUSTOM_FIELDS_TABLE . " where id = %d", array($cf)));
         if (!empty($post_meta_info)) {
             $post_val = $post_meta_info;
             $old_html_variable = $post_val->htmlvar_name;
         		$post_val->sort_order = $wpdb->get_var("select max(sort_order)+1 from  ".GEODIR_CUSTOM_FIELDS_TABLE);
         if ($post_type == '') {
             $post_type = 'gd_place';
         $detail_table = $plugin_prefix . $post_type . '_detail';
         $admin_title = $request_field['admin_title'];
         $site_title = $request_field['site_title'];
         $data_type = $request_field['data_type'];
         $field_type = $request_field['field_type'];
         $htmlvar_name = isset($request_field['htmlvar_name']) ? $request_field['htmlvar_name'] : '';
         $admin_desc = $request_field['admin_desc'];
         $clabels = $request_field['clabels'];
         $default_value = isset($request_field['default_value']) ? $request_field['default_value'] : '';
         $sort_order = isset($request_field['sort_order']) ? $request_field['sort_order'] : '';
         $is_active = isset($request_field['is_active']) ? $request_field['is_active'] : '';
         $is_required = isset($request_field['is_required']) ? $request_field['is_required'] : '';
         $required_msg = isset($request_field['required_msg']) ? $request_field['required_msg'] : '';
         $css_class = isset($request_field['css_class']) ? $request_field['css_class'] : '';
         $field_icon = isset($request_field['field_icon']) ? $request_field['field_icon'] : '';
         $show_on_listing = isset($request_field['show_on_listing']) ? $request_field['show_on_listing'] : '';
         $show_on_detail = isset($request_field['show_on_detail']) ? $request_field['show_on_detail'] : '';
         $show_as_tab = isset($request_field['show_as_tab']) ? $request_field['show_as_tab'] : '';
         $decimal_point = isset($request_field['decimal_point']) ? trim($request_field['decimal_point']) : '';
         // decimal point for DECIMAL data type
         $decimal_point = $decimal_point > 0 ? $decimal_point > 10 ? 10 : $decimal_point : '';
         $for_admin_use = isset($request_field['for_admin_use']) ? $request_field['for_admin_use'] : '';
         if ($field_type != 'address' && $field_type != 'taxonomy' && $field_type != 'fieldset') {
             $htmlvar_name = 'geodir_' . $htmlvar_name;
         $option_values = '';
         if (isset($request_field['option_values'])) {
             $option_values = $request_field['option_values'];
         $cat_sort = '';
         if (isset($request_field['cat_sort']) && !empty($request_field['cat_sort'])) {
             $cat_sort = implode(",", $request_field['cat_sort']);
         $cat_filter = '';
         if (isset($request_field['cat_filter']) && !empty($request_field['cat_filter'])) {
             $cat_filter = implode(",", $request_field['cat_filter']);
         if (isset($request_field['show_on_pkg']) && !empty($request_field['show_on_pkg'])) {
             $price_pkg = implode(",", $request_field['show_on_pkg']);
         } else {
             $package_info = array();
             $package_info = geodir_post_package_info($package_info, '', $post_type);
             $price_pkg = $package_info->pid;
         if (isset($request_field['extra']) && !empty($request_field['extra'])) {
             $extra_fields = $request_field['extra'];
         if (isset($request_field['is_default']) && $request_field['is_default'] != '') {
             $is_default = $request_field['is_default'];
         } else {
             $is_default = '0';
         if (isset($request_field['is_admin']) && $request_field['is_admin'] != '') {
             $is_admin = $request_field['is_admin'];
         } else {
             $is_admin = '0';
         if ($is_active == '') {
             $is_active = 1;
         if ($is_required == '') {
             $is_required = 0;
         if ($sort_order == '') {
             $last_order = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(sort_order) as last_order FROM " . GEODIR_CUSTOM_FIELDS_TABLE);
             $sort_order = (int) $last_order + 1;
         $default_value_add = '';
         if (!empty($post_meta_info)) {
             switch ($field_type) {
                 case 'address':
                     if ($htmlvar_name != '') {
                         $prefix = $htmlvar_name . '_';
                     $old_prefix = $old_html_variable . '_';
                     $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_prefix . "address` `" . $prefix . "address` VARCHAR( 254 ) NULL";
                     if ($default_value != '') {
                         $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                     if ($extra_fields != '') {
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_city']) && $extra_fields['show_city']) {
                             $is_column = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $detail_table . " where field='" . $old_prefix . "city'");
                             if ($is_column) {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_prefix . "city` `" . $prefix . "city` VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             } else {
                                 $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                                 geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "city", $meta_field_add);
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_region']) && $extra_fields['show_region']) {
                             $is_column = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $detail_table . " where field='" . $old_prefix . "region'");
                             if ($is_column) {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_prefix . "region` `" . $prefix . "region` VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             } else {
                                 $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                                 geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "region", $meta_field_add);
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_country']) && $extra_fields['show_country']) {
                             $is_column = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $detail_table . " where field='" . $old_prefix . "country'");
                             if ($is_column) {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_prefix . "country` `" . $prefix . "country` VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             } else {
                                 $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                                 geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "country", $meta_field_add);
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_zip']) && $extra_fields['show_zip']) {
                             $is_column = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $detail_table . " where field='" . $old_prefix . "zip'");
                             if ($is_column) {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_prefix . "zip` `" . $prefix . "zip` VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             } else {
                                 $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                                 geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "zip", $meta_field_add);
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_map']) && $extra_fields['show_map']) {
                             $is_column = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $detail_table . " where field='" . $old_prefix . "latitude'");
                             if ($is_column) {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_prefix . "latitude` `" . $prefix . "latitude` VARCHAR( 20 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             } else {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "latitude` VARCHAR( 20 ) NULL";
                                 $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 20 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                                 geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "latitude", $meta_field_add);
                             $is_column = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $detail_table . " where field='" . $old_prefix . "longitude'");
                             if ($is_column) {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_prefix . "longitude` `" . $prefix . "longitude` VARCHAR( 20 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             } else {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "longitude` VARCHAR( 20 ) NULL";
                                 $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 20 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                                 geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "longitude", $meta_field_add);
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_mapview']) && $extra_fields['show_mapview']) {
                             $is_column = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $detail_table . " where field='" . $old_prefix . "mapview'");
                             if ($is_column) {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_prefix . "mapview` `" . $prefix . "mapview` VARCHAR( 15 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             } else {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "mapview` VARCHAR( 15 ) NULL";
                                 $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 15 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                                 geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "mapview", $meta_field_add);
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_mapzoom']) && $extra_fields['show_mapzoom']) {
                             $is_column = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $detail_table . " where field='" . $old_prefix . "mapzoom'");
                             if ($is_column) {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_prefix . "mapzoom` `" . $prefix . "mapzoom` VARCHAR( 3 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             } else {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "mapzoom` VARCHAR( 3 ) NULL";
                                 $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 3 ) NULL";
                                 if ($default_value != '') {
                                     $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                                 geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "mapzoom", $meta_field_add);
                         // show lat lng
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_latlng']) && $extra_fields['show_latlng']) {
                             $is_column = $wpdb->get_var("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $detail_table . " where field='" . $old_prefix . "latlng'");
                             if ($is_column) {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_prefix . "latlng` `" . $prefix . "latlng` VARCHAR( 3 ) NULL";
                                 $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '1'";
                             } else {
                                 $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "latlng` VARCHAR( 3 ) NULL";
                                 $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 3 ) NULL";
                                 $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '1'";
                                 geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "latlng", $meta_field_add);
                     // end extra
                 case 'checkbox':
                 case 'multiselect':
                 case 'taxonomy':
                     $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_html_variable . "` `" . $htmlvar_name . "`VARCHAR( 500 ) NULL";
                     if ($default_value != '') {
                         $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                     if (isset($request_field['cat_display_type'])) {
                         $extra_fields = $request_field['cat_display_type'];
                     if (isset($request_field['multi_display_type'])) {
                         $extra_fields = $request_field['multi_display_type'];
                 case 'textarea':
                 case 'html':
                     $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_html_variable . "` `" . $htmlvar_name . "` TEXT NULL");
                     if (isset($request_field['advanced_editor'])) {
                         $extra_fields = $request_field['advanced_editor'];
                 case 'fieldset':
                     // Nothig happend for fieldset
                     if ($data_type != 'VARCHAR' && $data_type != '') {
                         if ($data_type == 'FLOAT' && $decimal_point > 0) {
                             $default_value_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_html_variable . "` `" . $htmlvar_name . "` DECIMAL(11, " . (int) $decimal_point . ") NULL";
                         } else {
                             $default_value_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_html_variable . "` `" . $htmlvar_name . "` " . $data_type . " NULL";
                         if (is_numeric($default_value) && $default_value != '') {
                             $default_value_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                     } else {
                         $default_value_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " CHANGE `" . $old_html_variable . "` `" . $htmlvar_name . "` VARCHAR( 254 ) NULL";
                         if ($default_value != '') {
                             $default_value_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
             $extra_field_query = '';
             if (!empty($extra_fields)) {
                 $extra_field_query = serialize($extra_fields);
             $decimal_point = $field_type == 'text' && $data_type == 'FLOAT' ? $decimal_point : '';
             $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("update " . GEODIR_CUSTOM_FIELDS_TABLE . " set \n\t\t\t\t\tpost_type = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tadmin_title = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tsite_title = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tfield_type = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\thtmlvar_name = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tadmin_desc = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tclabels = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tdefault_value = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tsort_order = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tis_active = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tis_default  = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tis_required = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\trequired_msg = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tcss_class = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tfield_icon = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tfield_icon = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tshow_on_listing = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tshow_on_detail = %s, \n\t\t\t\t\tshow_as_tab = %s, \n\t\t\t\t\toption_values = %s, \n\t\t\t\t\tpackages = %s, \n\t\t\t\t\tcat_sort = %d, \n\t\t\t\t\tcat_filter = %s, \n\t\t\t\t\tdata_type = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\textra_fields = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tdecimal_point = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tfor_admin_use = %s  \n\t\t\t\t\twhere id = %d", array($post_type, $admin_title, $site_title, $field_type, $htmlvar_name, $admin_desc, $clabels, $default_value, $sort_order, $is_active, $is_default, $is_required, $required_msg, $css_class, $field_icon, $field_icon, $show_on_listing, $show_on_detail, $show_as_tab, $option_values, $price_pkg, $cat_sort, $cat_filter, $data_type, $extra_field_query, $decimal_point, $for_admin_use, $cf)));
             $lastid = trim($cf);
             $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("update " . GEODIR_CUSTOM_SORT_FIELDS_TABLE . " set \n\t\t\t\t\t \tsite_title=%s\n\t\t\t\t\twhere post_type = %s and htmlvar_name = %s", array($site_title, $post_type, $htmlvar_name)));
             if ($cat_sort == '') {
                 $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from " . GEODIR_CUSTOM_SORT_FIELDS_TABLE . " where post_type = %s and htmlvar_name = %s", array($post_type, $htmlvar_name)));
              * Called after all custom fields are saved for a post.
              * @since 1.0.0
              * @param int $lastid The post ID.
             do_action('geodir_after_custom_fields_updated', $lastid);
         } else {
             switch ($field_type) {
                 case 'address':
                     $data_type = '';
                     if ($htmlvar_name != '') {
                         $prefix = $htmlvar_name . '_';
                     $old_prefix = $old_html_variable;
                     //$meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE ".$detail_table." ADD `".$prefix."address` VARCHAR( 254 ) NULL";
                     $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 254 ) NULL";
                     if ($default_value != '') {
                         $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                     geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "address", $meta_field_add);
                     if (!empty($extra_fields)) {
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_city']) && $extra_fields['show_city']) {
                             $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "city` VARCHAR( 30 ) NULL";
                             $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 30 ) NULL";
                             if ($default_value != '') {
                                 $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "city", $meta_field_add);
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_region']) && $extra_fields['show_region']) {
                             $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "region` VARCHAR( 30 ) NULL";
                             $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 30 ) NULL";
                             if ($default_value != '') {
                                 $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "region", $meta_field_add);
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_country']) && $extra_fields['show_country']) {
                             $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "country` VARCHAR( 30 ) NULL";
                             $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 30 ) NULL";
                             if ($default_value != '') {
                                 $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "country", $meta_field_add);
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_zip']) && $extra_fields['show_zip']) {
                             $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "zip` VARCHAR( 15 ) NULL";
                             $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 15 ) NULL";
                             if ($default_value != '') {
                                 $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "zip", $meta_field_add);
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_map']) && $extra_fields['show_map']) {
                             $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "latitude` VARCHAR( 20 ) NULL";
                             $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 20 ) NULL";
                             if ($default_value != '') {
                                 $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "latitude", $meta_field_add);
                             $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "longitude` VARCHAR( 20 ) NULL";
                             $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 20 ) NULL";
                             if ($default_value != '') {
                                 $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "longitude", $meta_field_add);
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_mapview']) && $extra_fields['show_mapview']) {
                             $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "mapview` VARCHAR( 15 ) NULL";
                             $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 15 ) NULL";
                             if ($default_value != '') {
                                 $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "mapview", $meta_field_add);
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_mapzoom']) && $extra_fields['show_mapzoom']) {
                             $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "mapzoom` VARCHAR( 3 ) NULL";
                             $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 3 ) NULL";
                             if ($default_value != '') {
                                 $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "mapzoom", $meta_field_add);
                         // show lat lng
                         if (isset($extra_fields['show_latlng']) && $extra_fields['show_latlng']) {
                             $meta_field_add = "ALTER TABLE " . $detail_table . " ADD `" . $prefix . "latlng` VARCHAR( 3 ) NULL";
                             $meta_field_add = "VARCHAR( 3 ) NULL";
                             $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '1'";
                             geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $prefix . "latlng", $meta_field_add);
                 case 'checkbox':
                     $data_type = 'TINYINT';
                     $meta_field_add = $data_type . "( 1 ) NOT NULL ";
                     if ($default_value != '') {
                         $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                     geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $htmlvar_name, $meta_field_add);
                 case 'multiselect':
                     $data_type = 'VARCHAR';
                     $meta_field_add = $data_type . "( 500 ) NULL ";
                     if ($default_value != '') {
                         $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                     geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $htmlvar_name, $meta_field_add);
                 case 'textarea':
                 case 'html':
                     $data_type = 'TEXT';
                     $default_value_add = " `" . $htmlvar_name . "` " . $data_type . " NULL ";
                     $meta_field_add = $data_type . " NULL ";
                     /*if($default_value != '')
                     		{ $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '".$default_value."'"; }*/
                     geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $htmlvar_name, $meta_field_add);
                 case 'datepicker':
                     $data_type = 'DATE';
                     $default_value_add = " `" . $htmlvar_name . "` " . $data_type . " NULL ";
                     $meta_field_add = $data_type . " NULL ";
                     geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $htmlvar_name, $meta_field_add);
                 case 'time':
                     $data_type = 'TIME';
                     $default_value_add = " `" . $htmlvar_name . "` " . $data_type . " NULL ";
                     $meta_field_add = $data_type . " NULL ";
                     geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $htmlvar_name, $meta_field_add);
                     if ($data_type != 'VARCHAR' && $data_type != '') {
                         $meta_field_add = $data_type . " NULL ";
                         if ($data_type == 'FLOAT' && $decimal_point > 0) {
                             $meta_field_add = "DECIMAL(11, " . (int) $decimal_point . ") NULL ";
                         if (is_numeric($default_value) && $default_value != '') {
                             $default_value_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                     } else {
                         $meta_field_add = " VARCHAR( 254 ) NULL ";
                         if ($default_value != '') {
                             $default_value_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                             $meta_field_add .= " DEFAULT '" . $default_value . "'";
                     geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, $htmlvar_name, $meta_field_add);
             $extra_field_query = '';
             if (!empty($extra_fields)) {
                 $extra_field_query = serialize($extra_fields);
             $decimal_point = $field_type == 'text' && $data_type == 'FLOAT' ? $decimal_point : '';
             $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("insert into " . GEODIR_CUSTOM_FIELDS_TABLE . " set \n\t\t\t\t\tpost_type = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tadmin_title = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tsite_title = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tfield_type = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\thtmlvar_name = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tadmin_desc = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tclabels = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tdefault_value = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tsort_order = %d,\n\t\t\t\t\tis_active = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tis_default  = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tis_admin = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tis_required = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\trequired_msg = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tcss_class = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tfield_icon = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tshow_on_listing = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tshow_on_detail = %s, \n\t\t\t\t\tshow_as_tab = %s, \n\t\t\t\t\toption_values = %s, \n\t\t\t\t\tpackages = %s, \n\t\t\t\t\tcat_sort = %s, \n\t\t\t\t\tcat_filter = %s, \n\t\t\t\t\tdata_type = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\textra_fields = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tdecimal_point = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\tfor_admin_use = %s ", array($post_type, $admin_title, $site_title, $field_type, $htmlvar_name, $admin_desc, $clabels, $default_value, $sort_order, $is_active, $is_default, $is_admin, $is_required, $required_msg, $css_class, $field_icon, $show_on_listing, $show_on_detail, $show_as_tab, $option_values, $price_pkg, $cat_sort, $cat_filter, $data_type, $extra_field_query, $decimal_point, $for_admin_use)));
             $lastid = $wpdb->insert_id;
             $lastid = trim($lastid);
         return (int) $lastid;
     } else {
         return 'HTML Variable Name should be a unique name';
 * Add ratings column to the detail table when a new post type get created.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory_Review_Rating_Manager
 * @param string $post_type The post type.
 * @return bool
function geodir_reviewrating_create_new_post_type($post_type = '')
    global $wpdb, $plugin_prefix;
    if ($post_type != '') {
        $all_postypes = geodir_get_posttypes();
        if (!in_array($post_type, $all_postypes)) {
            return false;
        $detail_table = $plugin_prefix . $post_type . '_detail';
        geodir_add_column_if_not_exist($detail_table, 'ratings', 'TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL');
Beispiel #7
 * Handles upgrade for review table.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
 * @global string $plugin_prefix Geodirectory plugin table prefix.
function geodir_update_review_db()
    global $wpdb, $plugin_prefix;
    // Add columns to review table
    geodir_add_column_if_not_exist(GEODIR_REVIEW_TABLE, 'post_status', 'INT(11) DEFAULT NULL');
    geodir_add_column_if_not_exist(GEODIR_REVIEW_TABLE, 'post_date', 'DATETIME NOT NULL');
    geodir_add_column_if_not_exist(GEODIR_REVIEW_TABLE, 'post_city', 'varchar(30) NULL DEFAULT NULL');
    geodir_add_column_if_not_exist(GEODIR_REVIEW_TABLE, 'post_region', 'varchar(30) NULL DEFAULT NULL');
    geodir_add_column_if_not_exist(GEODIR_REVIEW_TABLE, 'post_country', 'varchar(30) NULL DEFAULT NULL');
    geodir_add_column_if_not_exist(GEODIR_REVIEW_TABLE, 'post_latitude', 'varchar(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL');
    geodir_add_column_if_not_exist(GEODIR_REVIEW_TABLE, 'post_longitude', 'varchar(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL');
    geodir_add_column_if_not_exist(GEODIR_REVIEW_TABLE, 'comment_content', 'TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL');
    // this should not be needed anymore becasue of geodir_fix_review_location()
    /*$reviews = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".GEODIR_REVIEW_TABLE." WHERE post_city='' OR post_city IS NULL OR post_latitude='' OR post_latitude IS NULL");
      foreach($reviews as $review){
      $location = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM ".$plugin_prefix.$review->post_type."_detail WHERE post_id=".$review->post_id);
      $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ".GEODIR_REVIEW_TABLE." gdr SET gdr.post_city=%s, gdr.post_region=%s , gdr.post_country=%s , gdr.post_latitude=%s, gdr.post_longitude=%s WHERE gdr.id=%d",$location->post_city,$location->post_region,$location->post_country,$review->id,$location->post_latitude,$location->post_longitude));