Beispiel #1
    $printerStr = generate_printer_friendly('month.php');
$trailerStr = print_trailer();
if ($DISPLAY_TASKS == 'Y') {
    $tableWidth = '80%';
    $filler = '<td></td>';
    $minical_tasks .= '
        <td id="minicolumn" rowspan="2" valign="top">
          <div class="minicontainer">' . ($DISPLAY_SM_MONTH == 'Y' ? '
            <div class="minicalcontainer">' . display_small_month($thismonth, $thisyear, true) . '</div>' : '') . '
            <div id="minitask">' . display_small_tasks($cat_id) . '</div>
print_header(array('js/popups.php/true'), generate_refresh_meta(), '', false, false, false, false);
echo <<<EOT
    <table width="100%" cellpadding="1">
        <td id="printarea" style="vertical-align:top; width:{$tableWidth};" >
          <table class="main">
              <th class="empty" id="hdyna" >&nbsp;</th>{$headerStr}
Beispiel #2
        $prevMonth2 = display_small_month($prevmonth, $prevyear, true, false, 'prevmonth', $monthURL) . '<br />';
    } else {
        $nextMonth2 = $prevMonth2 = '<br /><br /><br /><br />';
    $smallTasks = display_small_tasks($cat_id);
    $tableWidth = '80%';
$eventinfo = !empty($eventinfo) ? $eventinfo : '';
$monthStr = display_month($thismonth, $thisyear);
$navStr = display_navigation('month');
if (empty($friendly)) {
    $unapprovedStr = display_unapproved_events($is_assistant || $is_nonuser_admin ? $user : $login);
    $printerStr = generate_printer_friendly('month.php');
$trailerStr = print_trailer();
$HeadX = generate_refresh_meta() . '<script src="includes/js/weekHover.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
print_header(array('js/popups.php/true', 'js/visible.php'), $HeadX, '', false, false, false, false);
echo <<<EOT
    <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="1">
        <td id="printarea" valign="top" width="{$tableWidth}" rowspan="2">
        <td valign="top" align="center">
          {$prevMonth2}{$nextMonth2}<div id="minitask">{$smallTasks}</div>
Beispiel #3
user_load_variables($login, 'minical_');
if ($user != '__public__' && !nonuser_load_variables($login, 'minica_')) {
    die_miserable_death(str_replace('XXX', $login, translate('No such nonuser calendar XXX.')));
if ($user != '__public__' && (empty($minical_is_public) || $minical_is_public != 'Y')) {
    die_miserable_death(translate('This Calendar is not Public.'));
$next = mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 1, $thisyear);
$nextmonth = date('m', $next);
$nextyear = date('Y', $next);
$prev = mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth - 1, 1, $thisyear);
$prevmonth = date('m', $prev);
$prevyear = date('Y', $prev);
$boldDays = true;
$startdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth, 0, $thisyear);
$enddate = mktime(23, 59, 59, $thismonth + 1, 0, $thisyear);
// Don't display custom header.
print_header('', generate_refresh_meta(), '', true);
/* Pre-Load the repeated events for quicker access. */
$repeated_events = read_repeated_events($user, $startdate, $enddate, $cat_id);
/* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access. */
$events = read_events($user, $startdate, $enddate, $cat_id);
echo display_small_month($thismonth, $thisyear, true, false);
// Reset...just in case.
$login = '';