Beispiel #1
function award_refund($req_id)
    $req = db_award_get($req_id);
    if ($req === FALSE) {
        return FALSE;
    $result = db_award_delete($req_id);
    if ($result === FALSE) {
        return FALSE;
    $result == geekmail_send($req['giver_username'], 'Microbadge Refund', 'The user ' . $req['recipient'] . ' already has five stars. How about awarding a star to someone else?');
    if ($result === FALSE) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
function award_microbadges_and_send_confirmations()
    global $config;
    $how_many_to_send = $config['bgg']['max_award_geekmails_rate_per_hour'];
    # This is a little tricky. We don't need to send a geemail to the
    # recipients, since that will get sent by the microbadge awarding in BGG. We
    # will send a geekmail to the givers, but really only a single geekmail to
    # many recipients. Howerver, because I don't want this script going crazy,
    # I'll just use the configuration value to limit how many awards are given
    # out.
    $reqs = db_get_award_requests($how_many_to_send);
    if (count($reqs) == 0) {
        print "No reqs\n";
        return TRUE;
    $result = bgg_login();
    if ($result === FALSE) {
        error_report("Error logging into BGG.");
    # I don't want to bulk-award the microbadges. It will make it hard to refund
    # awards, or handle re-try. (For example, a user might accidentaly get a
    # 4-star before getting a 3-star).
    # So we'll just award them to each recipient, one at a time.
    $givers = array();
    foreach ($reqs as $req) {
        echo "REQ: recipient=" . $req['recipient'] . " id=" . $req['id'] . "\n";
        $user = bgg_get_profile($req['recipient']);
        if ($user === FALSE || $user['result'] === FALSE) {
            error_report("Error fetching profile of '" . $req['recipient'] . "' while awarding a microbage (req ID " . $req['id'] . ")");
        # Does the recipient already have 5 stars?
        $has_stars = array_reduce($user['stars'], "array_counter", 0);
        if ($has_stars >= 5) {
            # Refund the current request
            error_report("Warning: The user \"" . $req['recipient'] . "\" already has five stars, so the request with ID " . $req['id'] . " will be refunded to " . $req['giver_username']);
            $result = award_refund($req['id']);
            if ($result === FALSE) {
                error_report("Warning: The award could not be refunded. It will be " . "checked again later. Unless these are eventually refunded or " . "deleted, they will accumulate and clog up the award queue.");
        $mb_id = $bgg_mb_stars[$has_stars];
        # Award the microbadge
        $result = bgg_award_microbadge_bulk($mb_id, $req['recipient'], $config['bgg']['mb_award_msg_template']);
        if ($result === FALSE || $result['result'] === FALSE) {
            error_report("Error while awarding microbadge for award ID " . $req['id']);
        # Mark as awarded
        # Add the giver to the list of givers who will recieve confirmation of award.
        # Both for later geekmailing.
        array_push($givers, $req['giver_username']);
        # Sleep for a bit, to give the BGG database time to update the user's profile
        usleep(300 * 1000);
        # Verify it was received, in the recpient profile
        $user = bgg_get_profile($req['recipient']);
        if ($user === FALSE || $user['result'] === FALSE) {
            error_report("Error verifying whether award ID " . $req['id'] . " was awarded.");
        } else {
            if ($user['stars'][$has_stars - 1]) {
                # Mark as verified
                if (!db_award_set_verified($req['id'])) {
                    error_report("Error marking award ID " . $req['id'] . " as verified.");
            } else {
                error_report("Warning: The star hasn't appeared yet, " . "(request ID={$id}, star={$has_stars}) so it will not be marked as verified.");
    # Send a mass-mail to all the givers, notifying them the microbadge has been awarded
    $to_givers = implode(',', $givers);
    geekmail_send($to_givers, $config['bgg']['giver_confirmation_msg_subject'], $config['bgg']['giver_confirmation_msg_body']);
    return TRUE;