Beispiel #1
function game_millionaire_loadquestions($game, $millionaire, &$query, &$aanswer, $context)
    global $DB;
    $query = $DB->get_record('game_queries', array('id' => $millionaire->queryid), 'id,questiontext,answertext,correct,questionid');
    $aids = explode(',', $query->answertext);
    $aanswer = array();
    foreach ($aids as $id) {
        $rec = $DB->get_record('question_answers', array('id' => $id), 'id,answer');
        $aanswer[] = game_filterquestion_answer(str_replace('\\"', '"', $rec->answer), $id, $context->id, $game->course);
function game_print_question_multichoice($game, $question, $context)
    global $CFG;
    $i = 0;
    $questiontext = $question->questiontext;
    $answerprompt = get_string('singleanswer', 'quiz');
    $feedback = '';
    $anss = array();
    foreach ($question->options->answers as $a) {
        $answer = new stdClass();
        if (substr($a->answer, 0, 3) == '<p>' or substr($a->answer, 0, 3) == '<P>') {
            $a->answer = substr($a->answer, 3);
            $s = rtrim($a->answer);
            if (substr($s, 0, -3) == '<p>' or substr($s, 0, -3) == '<P>') {
                $a->answer = substr($a->answer, 0, -3);
        $a->answer = game_filterquestion_answer(str_replace('\\"', '"', $a->answer), $a->id, $context->id, $game->course);
        $answer->control = "<input  id=\"resp{$question->id}_{$a->id}\" name=\"resp{$question->id}_\"  type=\"radio\" value=\"{$a->id}\" /> " . $a->answer;
        $answer->class = 'radio';
        $answer->id = $a->id;
        $answer->text = $a->answer;
        $answer->feedbackimg = '';
        $answer->feedback = '';
        $anss[] = $answer;
<div class="qtext">
    echo game_filterquestion(str_replace('\\"', '"', $questiontext), $question->id, $context->id, $game->course);

<div class="ablock clearfix">
    <div class="prompt">
    echo $answerprompt;

    <table class="answer">
    $row = 1;
    foreach ($anss as $answer) {
        <tr class="<?php 
        echo 'r' . ($row = $row ? 0 : 1);
        echo $answer->control;
function game_millionaire_SelectQuestion(&$aAnswer, $game, $attempt, &$millionaire, &$query, $context)
    global $DB, $USER;
    if ($game->sourcemodule != 'quiz' and $game->sourcemodule != 'question') {
        print_error(get_string('millionaire_sourcemodule_must_quiz_question', 'game', get_string('modulename', 'quiz')) . ' ' . get_string('modulename', $attempt->sourcemodule));
    if ($millionaire->queryid != 0) {
        game_millionaire_loadquestions($millionaire, $query, $aAnswer);
    if ($game->sourcemodule == 'quiz') {
        if ($game->quizid == 0) {
            error(get_string('must_select_quiz', 'game'));
        $select = "qtype='multichoice' AND quiz='{$game->quizid}' " . " AND";
        $table = "{question} q,{quiz_question_instances} qqi";
    } else {
        if ($game->questioncategoryid == 0) {
            print_error(get_string('must_select_questioncategory', 'game'));
        //include subcategories
        $select = 'category=' . $game->questioncategoryid;
        if ($game->subcategories) {
            $cats = question_categorylist($game->questioncategoryid);
            if (strpos($cats, ',') > 0) {
                $select = 'category in (' . $cats . ')';
        $select .= " AND qtype='multichoice'";
        $table = '{question} q';
    $select .= ' AND hidden=0';
    if ($game->shuffle) {
        $questionid = game_question_selectrandom($game, $table, $select, ' as id', true);
    } else {
        $questionid = game_millionaire_select_serial_question($game, $table, $select, ' as id', $millionaire->level);
    if ($questionid == 0) {
        print_error(get_string('no_questions', 'game'));
    $q = $DB->get_record('question', array('id' => $questionid), 'id,questiontext');
    $recs = $DB->get_records('question_answers', array('question' => $questionid));
    if ($recs === false) {
        print_error(get_string('no_questions', 'game'));
    $correct = 0;
    $ids = array();
    foreach ($recs as $rec) {
        $aAnswer[] = game_filterquestion_answer(str_replace('\\"', '"', $rec->answer), $rec->id, $context->id, $game->course);
        $ids[] = $rec->id;
        if ($rec->fraction == 1) {
            $correct = $rec->id;
    $count = count($aAnswer);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
        $sel = mt_rand(0, $count - 1);
        $temp = array_splice($aAnswer, $sel, 1);
        $aAnswer[] = $temp[0];
        $temp = array_splice($ids, $sel, 1);
        $ids[] = $temp[0];
    $query = new StdClass();
    $query->attemptid = $attempt->id;
    $query->gamekind = $game->gamekind;
    $query->gameid = $game->id;
    $query->userid = $USER->id;
    $query->sourcemodule = $game->sourcemodule;
    $query->glossaryentryid = 0;
    $query->questionid = $questionid;
    $query->questiontext = addslashes($q->questiontext);
    $query->answertext = implode(',', $ids);
    $query->correct = array_search($correct, $ids) + 1;
    if (!($query->id = $DB->insert_record('game_queries', $query))) {
        print_error('error inserting to game_queries');
    $updrec->id = $millionaire->id;
    $updrec->queryid = $query->id;
    if (!($newid = $DB->update_record('game_millionaire', $updrec))) {
        print_error('error updating in game_millionaire');
    $score = $millionaire->level / 15;
    game_updateattempts($game, $attempt, $score, 0);
    game_update_queries($game, $attempt, $query, $score, '');