} // not previously picked yet if (!$picked[$signid]) { // add to picked list $picked[$signid] = TRUE; // reduce amount $amount--; // add to orbsigns $sql = "INSERT INTO orbsigns (orb, sign) VALUES ('{$orb['id']}', '{$signid}')"; $result = $db->query($sql); } } echo ' You buy an orb with the following properties:<br><br> ' . gGetOrbDescription($orb) . '<br> '; $sql = "UPDATE accounts SET resused = resused + ({$gdCreditCost['2']} * 100000) WHERE id='{$acc['id']}'"; $result = $db->query($sql); } } if ($action == "aidnethers") { $no = 0; if ($scholarperc >= 100 && $creatorperc >= 100 && $builderperc >= 100) { echo 'There are no unbuild buildings left.<br>'; } elseif (!$brimstone && !$crystal && !$essence && !$granite) { echo 'Invalid resources.<br>'; $no = 1; } else { if ($brimstone && !gCheckInt($brimstone) || $crystal && !gCheckInt($crystal) || $essence && !gCheckInt($essence) || $granite && !gCheckInt($granite)) { echo 'Invalid resources.<br>';
if ($action == "castitherian2") { $no = 0; $sql = "SELECT o.color, ao.* FROM accorbs AS ao, orbs AS o WHERE ao.id = '{$aoid}' AND ao.account = '{$acc['id']}' AND ao.orb = o.id"; $result = $db->query($sql); $numrows = $db->num_rows($result); if ($numrows != 1) { echo 'Invalid aoid.<br>'; $no = 1; } else { $orb = $db->fetch_array($result); } if ($no == 0) { tBegin("Gem Selection"); // print orb echo 'You are casting an Itherian spell with the following orb:<br>'; echo gGetOrbDescription($orb), '<br><br>'; echo 'Please select exactly one gem for each sign required for this orb.<br><br><br>'; $sql = "SELECT g.id, s.name AS signname, g.level AS glevel, g.type AS gtype, g.quality, s.type AS signtype FROM gems AS g, signs AS s WHERE g.owner = 'mage' AND g.target = '{$acc['id']}' AND g.sign = s.id ORDER BY s.name, g.level, g.type, g.quality ASC"; $result = $db->query($sql); $numrows = $db->num_rows($result); fTitle("index.php?page=items&action=castitherian3&aoid={$aoid}&itid={$itid}"); $counter = 0; while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $counter++; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="gemsselected[', $row["id"], ']">'; echo gEchoGem($row), '<br>'; } if ($numrows == 0) { echo 'You don\'t have any gems right now.<br><br>'; } fEnd("Cast Itherian Orb Spell!");
case 1: $sql = "UPDATE Itherian SET account = '{$aid}' WHERE id = '{$oid}'"; $result = $db->query($sql); // get amount of sacs $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM Itheriansacs WHERE Itherian = '{$oid}' AND used = 'no'"; $result = $db->query($sql); $sacs = $db->result($result, 0); $text .= gEchoItherian($other, $sacs) . "<br>"; $amount = 1; break; // Nether Orb // Nether Orb case 2: $sql = "UPDATE accorbs SET account = '{$aid}' WHERE id = '{$oid}'"; $result = $db->query($sql); $text .= gGetOrbDescription($other) . "<br>"; $amount = 2; break; // package // package case 3: $sql = "UPDATE packages SET account = '{$aid}' WHERE id = '{$oid}'"; $result = $db->query($sql); $text .= "{$other['type']} package: gives {$other['amount']} {$other['type']}<br>"; $amount = 3; } $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $sql = "INSERT INTO donatelogs (account, target, amount, date, type) VALUES ('{$acc['id']}', '{$aid}', '{$amount}', '{$date}', 'other')"; $result = $db->query($sql); } $output .= "Donation successful!<br>";
$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM Itheriansacs WHERE Itherian = '{$row['itid']}' AND used = 'no'"; $result = $db->query($sql); $sacs = $db->result($result, 0); // get output $tmp["name"] = gEchoItherian($row, $sacs); $tmp["value"] = "1-" . $row["itid"]; $array[] = $tmp; } } // get Nether orbs items if ($acc["level"] >= gdArcaneLevelMin) { $sql = "SELECT o.color, ao.uses, ao.id FROM accorbs AS ao, orbs AS o WHERE ao.account = '{$acc['id']}' AND ao.orb = o.id ORDER BY o.color ASC, ao.uses ASC"; $result = $db->query($sql); $numrows = $db->num_rows($result); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $tmp["name"] = gGetOrbDescription($row); $tmp["value"] = "2-" . $row["id"]; $array[] = $tmp; } } // get packages $sql = "SELECT id, type, amount FROM packages WHERE account = '{$acc['id']}' ORDER BY type ASC, amount ASC"; $result = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $tmp["name"] = "{$row['type']} package: gives {$row['amount']} {$row['type']}"; $tmp["value"] = "3-" . $row["id"]; $array[] = $tmp; } if ($otherlist != "extended") { fSelect("Other:", "other", $array); } else {