$image = fw_ssd_get_option('header-search-image');
if ($image) {
    $bg_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image['attachment_id'], 'ssd_single-post-image');
    $image_url = $bg_image['0'];
} else {
    $image_url = '';
// Categories
$term_args = array('hide_empty' => 0);
$deal_cats = get_terms('deal_category', $term_args);

<div class="header-screen">
	<div class="bg-image parallax" data-bgimage="<?php 
echo esc_url($image_url);
	<div class="overlay-dark"></div>
	<div class="header-screen-content">
		<form action="<?php 
echo esc_url(home_url("/"));
" method="get" class="header-screen-search">
esc_html_e("I'm searching for", 'couponhut');
			<input type="text" name="s" placeholder="<?php 
esc_attr_e('Deals & Coupons', 'couponhut');

if (get_query_var('paged')) {
    $paged = get_query_var('paged');
} else {
    if (get_query_var('page')) {
        $paged = get_query_var('page');
    } else {
        $paged = 1;
    set_query_var('paged', $paged);
$args = array('post_type' => 'deal', 'posts_per_page' => fw_ssd_get_option('deals-per-page'), 'paged' => $paged);
$args['orderby'] = 'comment_count';
$args['order'] = ' desc';
// Query only not expired deals
$args['meta_query'] = array('relation' => 'OR', array('key' => 'expiring_date', 'value' => date('Ymd'), 'compare' => '>=', 'type' => 'UNSIGNED'), array('key' => 'expiring_date', 'value' => ''));
$deals_query = new WP_Query($args);
// The Query

 *  Posts Loop
if ($deals_query->have_posts()) {

	<div class="isotope-wrapper" data-isotope-cols="3" data-isotope-gutter="30">
Beispiel #3
*  Front End Deal Submit
function _action_ssd_acf_submit_deal($post_id)
    if (empty($_POST['acf'])) {
    if (!isset($_POST['deal_submit'])) {
    $fields = $_POST['acf'];
    $post = array('ID' => $post_id, 'post_title' => $_POST['post_title'], 'post_content' => $_POST['post_content']);
    // Update the Post
    // Deal Information
    $title = $_POST['post_title'];
    $content = $_POST['post_content'];
    $deal_type = $fields['field_5519756e0f4e2'];
    $deal_summary = $fields['field_554f8e55b6dd8'];
    $coupon_code = $fields['field_551976780f4e4'];
    $discount_value = $fields['field_55016e0911ba1'];
    $url = $fields['field_55016e3011ba3'];
    $expiring_date = $fields['field_55016e3d11ba4'];
    $admin_page = admin_url('edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=deal');
    $message = __('New deal has been submited. Here are the details:', 'couponhut') . "\n\n\n" . __('Deal Name:', 'couponhut') . " {$title}\n\n\n" . __('Deal Type:', 'couponhut') . " {$deal_type}\n\n\n" . __('Deal Summary:', 'couponhut') . " {$deal_summary}\n\n\n" . __('Coupon Code:', 'couponhut') . " {$coupon_code}\n\n\n" . __('Discount:', 'couponhut') . " {$discount_value}\n\n\n" . __('Content:', 'couponhut') . " {$content}\n\n\n" . __('Deal URL:', 'couponhut') . " {$url}\n\n\n" . __('Expiring Date:', 'couponhut') . " {$expiring_date}\n\n\n" . __('Please visit your admin dashboard to approve it - ', 'couponhut') . " {$admin_page}";
    $email_to = fw_ssd_get_option('new-deal-email');
    wp_mail($email_to, __('New Deal Submited', 'couponhut'), $message);
Beispiel #4

<div id="post-<?php 
" <?php 

	<div class="container">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-8 col-md-9 <?php 
echo fw_ssd_get_option('sidebar-switch') == 'left' ? 'col-sm-push-4 col-md-push-3' : '';
if (have_posts()) {

					<div class="section-title">
    esc_html_e('Search Results For: ', 'couponhut');
Beispiel #5
	<div class="container footer-wrapper">
		<div class="row">

    get_template_part('partials/content', 'footer-widgets');

		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-12">
				<section class="copyright">
    echo wp_kses_post(fw_ssd_get_option('copyright-text'));


	</div><!-- end container -->


		</div><!-- end single-deal-summary -->

$current_date = date('Y/m/d');
if (!get_field('expiring_date') || $current_date < get_field('expiring_date')) {
    if (get_field('deal_type') == 'discount') {
        echo '<a href="' . get_field('url') . '" target="_blank" class="btn btn-color btn-deal" data-post_id="' . get_the_ID() . '">' . fw_ssd_get_option('buy-now-text') . '</a>';
    } else {
        $enable_redirect = get_field('redirect_to_offer') ? get_field('redirect_to_offer') : array('');
        echo '<a href="' . esc_url(get_field('url')) . '" target="_blank" class="btn btn-color btn-deal show-coupon-code" data-target="#discount-modal" data-clipboard-text="' . esc_attr(get_field('coupon_code')) . '" data-redirect="' . $enable_redirect[0] . '">' . fw_ssd_get_option('show-code-text') . '</a>';
} else {
    echo '<button class="btn btn-deal btn-disabled">' . esc_html__('Deal Expired', 'couponhut') . '</button>';

if (get_field('discount_value')) {

		<div class="discount-ribbon">
    echo wp_kses_post(get_field('discount_value'));
Beispiel #7

		</div><!-- end col-sm-9 -->

	</div><!-- end container -->
</div><!-- end navigation-wrapper -->
<div class="nav-offset"></div>
$show_search = false;
switch (get_post_type(get_the_ID())) {
    case 'post':
        $show_search = fw_ssd_get_option('search-screen-post-switch') == 'show' ? true : false;
    case 'deal':
        $show_search = fw_ssd_get_option('search-screen-deal-switch') == 'show' ? true : false;
    case 'page':
        if (is_page_template('template-submit-deal.php')) {
            $show_search = false;
        } else {
            $show_search = get_field('search_header') == 'show' ? true : false;
if ($show_search || is_archive() || is_search()) {
    get_template_part('partials/content', 'header-screen');

if (is_active_sidebar('sidebar-blog')) {

    <div class="col-sm-4 col-md-3 <?php 
    echo fw_ssd_get_option('sidebar-switch') == 'left' ? 'col-sm-pull-8 col-md-pull-9' : '';
		<div class="sidebar">
		</div><!-- end sidebar -->	
	</div><!-- end col-sm-4 col-md-3 -->

        array_push($cats_array, $cat_link);
$cats_string = implode(', ', $cats_array);

			<div class="card-deal-categories"><?php 
echo $cats_string;

			<!-- Rating -->
			<div class="card-deal-meta-rating">
if (fw_ssd_get_option('rating-switch') == 'show') {

    $rating_average = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'rating_average', true);
    if (empty($rating_average)) {
        update_post_meta($post->ID, 'rating_average', 0);
        $rating_average = 0;
    $rating_count_total = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'rating_count_total', true);
    if (empty($rating_count_total)) {
        update_post_meta($post->ID, 'rating_count_total', 0);
        $rating_count_total = 0;
Beispiel #10
 function fw_ssd_twitter_feed($count = 3, $user = '******')
     $twitter_key = fw_ssd_get_option('consumer_key');
     $twitter_secret = fw_ssd_get_option('consumer_secret');
     $twitter_token = fw_ssd_get_option('access_token');
     $twitter_token_secret = fw_ssd_get_option('access_token_secret');
     $i = 0;
     $url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json';
     $getfield = '?screen_name=' . $user . '&count=' . $count;
     $requestMethod = 'GET';
     $return = array();
     if (empty($twitter_key) || empty($twitter_secret) || empty($twitter_token) || empty($twitter_token_secret)) {
         $settings = array('consumer_key' => '', 'consumer_secret' => '', 'oauth_access_token' => '', 'oauth_access_token_secret' => '');
     } else {
         $settings = array('consumer_key' => fw_ssd_get_option('consumer_key'), 'consumer_secret' => fw_ssd_get_option('consumer_secret'), 'oauth_access_token' => fw_ssd_get_option('access_token'), 'oauth_access_token_secret' => fw_ssd_get_option('access_token_secret'));
     if ($url === '' || $getfield === '' || $requestMethod === '') {
     $exchanger = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings);
     if (is_wp_error($exchanger)) {
         return '';
     $tweets = $exchanger->setGetfield($getfield)->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)->performRequest();
     $tweets = json_decode($tweets, true);
     if (empty($tweets)) {
         return $return;
     if (!empty($tweets['errors'])) {
         if (current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) {
             $return = array('error' => esc_html__('Make sure Twitter Consumer Key and Access Token are set.', 'couponhut'));
         return $return;
     foreach ($tweets as $tweet) {
         $tweet_text = !empty($tweet['text']) ? $tweet['text'] : '';
         $tweet_date = !empty($tweet['created_at']) ? fw_ssd_twitter_relative_time($tweet['created_at']) : '';
          * Replace URLs to working Links
         $tweet_text = preg_replace('/\\b(?:(http(s?):\\/\\/)|(?=www\\.))(\\S+)/is', '<a href="http$2://$3" target="_blank">$1$3</a>', $tweet_text);
          * match name@address
         $tweet_text = preg_replace("/\\b([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.\\-]*[a-zA-Z]*\\@[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.\\-]*[a-zA-Z]{2,6})\\b/i", "<a href=\"mailto://\$1\" class=\"twitter-link\">\$1</a>", $tweet_text);
          * Replace username start by @ to working link
         $tweet_text = preg_replace('/([\\.|\\,|\\:|\\¡|\\¿|\\>|\\{|\\(]?)@{1}(\\w*)([\\.|\\,|\\:|\\!|\\?|\\>|\\}|\\)]?)\\s/i', "\$1<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\$2\" class=\"twitter-user\">@\$2</a>\$3 ", $tweet_text);
          * Replace hash (#) to search link
         $tweet_text = preg_replace('/\\s#(\\w+)/', ' <a href="//twitter.com/search?q=$1">#$1</a>', $tweet_text);
         $return[$i]['tweet'] = $tweet_text;
         $return[$i]['time'] = $tweet_date;
     return (array) $return;
<div class="sort-deals">
$filter_items = array('rating' => esc_html__('Most appreciated', 'couponhut'), 'expiring' => esc_html__('Expiring soon', 'couponhut'), 'popular' => esc_html__('Popular', 'couponhut'), 'newest' => esc_html__('Newest', 'couponhut'));
$filter_items_final = array();
// will be filled with only the selected sorting tabs from the option panel
$default_sort = fw_ssd_get_option('default-sort-deals-tab');
foreach ($filter_items as $key => $value) {
    if (in_array($key, fw_ssd_get_option('sort-deals-tab'))) {
        $filter_items_final[$key] = $value;
/* Print Sorting Tabs */
foreach ($filter_items_final as $key => $value) {
    if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
        if ($_GET['sort'] == $key) {
            $filter_class = 'btn-sort current';
        } else {
            $filter_class = 'btn-sort';
    } elseif ($key == $default_sort) {
        $filter_class = 'btn-sort current';
    } else {
        $filter_class = 'btn-sort';

		<a href="<?php 
    echo add_query_arg('sort', $key);
" class="<?php 
    echo $filter_class;
function fw_ssd_custom_styles()
    $logo_padding = esc_attr(fw_ssd_get_option('top_logo_padding'));
    $color_main = esc_attr(fw_ssd_get_option('color-main'));
    $color_secondary = esc_attr(fw_ssd_get_option('color-secondary'));
    $color_fill = esc_attr(fw_ssd_get_option('color-fill'));
    $color_secondary_light = esc_attr(fw_ssd_get_option('color-secondary-light'));

<style type="text/css">
/* Logo */ 
.navigation-wrapper .site-logo {
	padding: <?php 
    echo $logo_padding;

/* Main Color */

.main-navigation a:hover {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.main-navigation .current-menu-item > a {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.menu-item-has-children > a > i {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.single-deal-expires-text {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.single-deal-countdown i {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.single-post-meta i {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.single-taxonomy-icon {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.featured-deals-slider .jscountdown-wrap {
	border-bottom: 2px solid <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.discount-ribbon {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus,
.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover,
.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus,
.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover,
.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus, .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.list-menu-title i {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.list-menu > li > a {
	border-left: 0 solid <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.list-menu > li > a:hover, .list-menu > li > a:focus {
	border-left: 4px solid <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.card-deal-meta-expiring .jscountdown-wrap {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.footer .tagcloud a {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.footer .tagcloud a:after {
	border-color: transparent transparent transparent <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.ui-slider-handle {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.daily-deal-widget-wrapper .jscountdown-wrap {
	border-bottom: 2px solid <?php 
    echo $color_main;
.daily-deal-title a:hover {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_main;

/* Secondary Color */

a:hover, a:active {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
::-moz-selection {
	background: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
::selection {
	background: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.input-group-btn {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.single-taxonomy-website i {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.header-screen-search input[type="text"] {
	border-bottom: 2px solid <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.btn:hover, input[type="submit"]:hover,
input[type="button"]:hover, .btn:active, input[type="submit"]:active,
input[type="button"]:active, .btn.current, input.current[type="submit"],
input.current[type="button"], button[type='submit']:hover, button[type='submit']:active, button[type='submit'].current, input[type='submit']:hover, input[type='submit']:active, input[type='submit'].current {
	background: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
	border: 4px solid <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.btn.btn-social:hover > i, input.btn-social[type="submit"]:hover > i,
input.btn-social[type="button"]:hover > i {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.btn.btn-color, input.btn-color[type="submit"],
input.btn-color[type="button"], .btn.btn-color:focus, input.btn-color[type="submit"]:focus,
input.btn-color[type="button"]:focus, button[type='submit'], button[type='submit']:focus, input[type='submit'], input[type='submit']:focus {
	background: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
	border: 4px solid <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.highlight {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
blockquote {
	border-color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.fw-accordion .fw-accordion-title.ui-state-active {
	border-bottom: 2px solid <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.fw-tabs-container .fw-tabs ul {
	border-bottom: 2px solid <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.fw-tabs-container .fw-tabs ul li.ui-state-active {
	background: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.see-more i {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.see-more:hover span {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.btn-dropdown[aria-expanded="true"], .btn-dropdown[aria-expanded="true"]:hover {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.list-menu .number-counter {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.modal-body {
	border-bottom: 4px dashed <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.btn-card-deal {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.card-deal-categories a:hover {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.grid-item h2 {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.sort-deals .btn-sort.current {
	border: 2px solid <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.sort-deals .btn-sort:hover {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.page-numbers:hover, .page-numbers:focus, .page-numbers:active, .page-numbers.current {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.days-slider-numbers {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.widget_deal_categories .overlay-color, .widget_deal_companies .overlay-color {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;
.widget_twitter a {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary;

/* Color Fill */

.main-navigation .sub-menu a:hover {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.main-navigation .sub-menu .current-menu-item > a {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.box-icon i {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.poster-block a:before {
	border: 1px solid <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.featured-deals-slider .deal-slide-categories {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.post-meta-date i {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.overlay-color {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.tags-list a:hover, .tagcloud a:hover {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.tags-list a:hover:after, .tagcloud a:hover:after {
	border-color: transparent transparent transparent <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.widget > ul li:before {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.widget-title {
	border-left: 3px solid <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.widget-list a:hover {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.widget-list .widget-list-number-counter {
	background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_fill;
.widget_twitter li:before {
	color: <?php 
    echo $color_fill;

/* Main Color Light */
.btn.btn-color:hover, input.btn-color[type="submit"]:hover,
input.btn-color[type="button"]:hover, button[type='submit']:hover, input[type='submit']:hover {
  background-color: <?php 
    echo $color_secondary_light;
  border: 4px solid <?php 
    echo $color_secondary_light;

/* Typography */

    $body_font = fw_ssd_get_option('body_font');
    $heading_font = fw_ssd_get_option('heading_font');

.days-slider-days-text {
    echo fw_ssd_typography_css($body_font);


.days-slider-numbers {
    echo fw_ssd_typography_css($heading_font);


/* Custom CSS */

    echo esc_attr(fw_ssd_get_option('custom-css'));



// Admin Send Deal Mail
$email_to = fw_ssd_get_option('new-deal-email');
// Allow deal submit without registration
$allow_no_reg = fw_ssd_get_option('member-submit-switch');
if (function_exists('um_profile_id') || $allow_no_reg) {
    if (function_exists('um_profile_id') && !um_profile_id()) {
    if ($email_to) {
    /* Template Name: Submit Deal */

<div id="post-<?php 
" <?php 

	<div class="container">

		<div class="row">
Template name: Browse Categories

<div id="post-<?php 
" <?php 
$args = array('hide_empty' => false, 'orderby' => fw_ssd_get_option('order-categories'), 'order' => fw_ssd_get_option('order-categories') == 'name' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC');
$terms = get_terms('deal_category', $args);
if (!empty($terms) && !is_wp_error($terms)) {

	<div class="container">
		<div class="row">

			<div class="col-sm-8 col-md-9">

				<div class="section-title-block">
					<h1 class="section-title"><?php 