Beispiel #1
* update table data
* @param $DB
* @param $Table
* @param $arData
* @param $ID_Name - automated this, no longer needed
* @param $rtnError string returns error string on false
* @returns bol 
function fun_Mysql_Update_Data($DB, $Table, $arData, $ID_Name, $rtnError)
    if (!$ID_Name) {
        $ID_Name = fun_Mysql_getPrimaryKeyColumn($DB, $Table, $OtherDBConn = "");
    foreach ($arData as $Field => $Value) {
        //echo "\n Mysql_Update:[[arData:";
        //echo "]]:Mysql_Update\n";
        if ($Field == $ID_Name) {
            $strWhere = " WHERE ({$ID_Name} = '{$Value}')";
        } else {
            $arUpdate[] = "`{$Field}` = '{$Value}'";
            $arFields[] = "{$Field}";
    //end loop through ids to update
    //create mysql table fields/columns if need be
    fun_Mysql_Create_Columns($arFields, $Table, $ID_Name, $DB, $NoFieldsInRow0 = "");
    //setup Update Query
    if ($arUpdate) {
        $strUpdate = implode(", ", $arUpdate);
        if ($strWhere) {
            $query = "UPDATE `{$DB}`.`{$Table}` SET {$strUpdate} {$strWhere} ;";
        } else {
            $rtnError = "No ID_Name in Data (No strWhere)";
            return FALSE;
        if ($query) {
            echo "Updated:[[ ID_Name:({$ID_Name}) ]]";
            fun_SQLQuery($query, $WantRC = 0, $WantLID = 0, $rtnRC = "", $rtnLID = "", $OtherDBConn = "", $arVar = "");
            return TRUE;
    } else {
        $rtnError = "No Data to Update";
        return FALSE;
* Import CSV2MySQL by File
* @param $DB string mysql database
* @param $Table string mysql table "import_sc_sales_2";
* @param $Table_ID_Name string  mysql unique id column/field "ID";
* @param $csv_file string file to import or sync "/srv/hosting_files/tmp/allsales.csv";
* @param $EndRowCount integer stop earlier than end of file
* @param $sync bol update|Drop and Insert current data if id exists in table
function fun_Mysql_Import_CSV($DB, $Table, $Table_ID_Name, $csv_file, $EndRowCount, $Delimiter = ",", $Enclosure = "\"", $NoFieldsInRow0 = "", $Sync = 0)
    global $conn1;
    $Enclosure = trim($Enclosure);
    //had a problem of 'space"'
    echo "\n\n<pre>\n";
    echo "\n\n\nStarting CSV Importing *************************************************\n";
    echo "\tProcessing: Delimiter:({$Delimiter})  Enclosure:({$Enclosure})  File:({$csv_file}), Sync:({$Sync})\n";
    echo "\tTable({$Table}) Table_ID_Name({$Table_ID_Name})\n\n";
    if (!is_file($csv_file)) {
        echo "\n\nERROR: No CSV File\n\n";
        return FALSE;
    if (!$Table) {
        $path_parts = pathinfo($csv_file);
        $Table = $path_parts['basename'];
        $Table = fun_Mysql_Check_TableorField_Name($Table);
        //fix it if need be
        $Table = "Import_{$Table}";
    if (!$Table_ID_Name) {
        $Table_ID_Name = "ImportID";
    //Make Table - don't drop it if we want to sync
    if ($Sync) {
        $Drop = 0;
    fun_Mysql_Create_Table($Table, $Table_ID_Name, $DB, $Drop);
    //get fields from first line of csv
    $row = 0;
    $NewCount = 0;
    $handle = fopen($csv_file, "r");
    //open csv file
    while (($arData = fgetcsv($handle, 0, $Delimiter, $Enclosure)) !== FALSE) {
        echo "\ndump[arData:";
        //echo "\ntest2:";
        //$test[] = "Abcd6";
        //echo var_dump($test);
        if (count($arData) > $NewCount) {
            $NewCount = count($arData);
        if (count($arData) < $NewCount) {
            echo "Row Error Row:({$row}) RowFieldCount:({$NewCount})\n";
            $theDiff = $NewCount - count($arData);
            //get by with this fix maybe for now (when something is wrong with row count of fields/data)
            for ($i = 0; $i < $theDiff; $i++) {
                $arData[] = "";
        echo "Row:({$row}) Extracted fields Start DataFieldsCount:({$NewCount}) NoFieldsInRow0:({$NoFieldsInRow0})\n";
        echo "Row:({$row}) END\n";
        //echo row for seeing debug and progress
        echo "Row:({$row}) Processing[[";
        if ($row == 0) {
            $arColumns = fun_Mysql_Create_Columns($arData, $Table, $Table_ID_Name, $DB, $NoFieldsInRow0);
        } else {
            if ($Sync) {
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($arColumns as $Column) {
                    $arUpdate[$Column] = $arData[$i];
                fun_Mysql_Update_Data($DB, $Table, $arUpdate, $Table_ID_Name, $rtnError);
                if ($rtnError) {
                    echo "\nERROR:{$rtnError}\n";
            } else {
                fun_Mysql_Insert_Import_Data($arData, $Table, $DB);
            //die("death early\n");
        echo "]]Row:({$row}) END Processing\n";
        if ($EndRowCount != "" and $row == $EndRowCount) {
            exit("\n\n Done Early \n\n");
    echo "\nThe End -> fun_mysql_import_csv.php *************************************************\n";
    echo "</pre>\n";
    $Pass = 1;
    //if we make it this far its good
    return $Pass;