Beispiel #1
 * Create HTML for the page body. Defaults to a file list.
function ft_make_body()
    $str = "";
    // Make system messages.
    $status = '';
    if (ft_check_upload() === TRUE && is_writeable(ft_get_dir()) && (LIMIT > 0 && LIMIT < ROOTDIRSIZE)) {
        $status = '<p class="error">' . t('Upload disabled. Total disk space use of !size exceeds the limit of !limit.', array('!limit' => ft_get_nice_filesize(LIMIT), '!size' => ft_get_nice_filesize(ROOTDIRSIZE))) . '</p>';
    $status .= ft_make_messages();
    if (empty($status)) {
        $str .= "<div id='status' class='hidden'></div>";
    } else {
        $str .= "<div id='status' class='section'>{$status}</div>";
    // Invoke page hook if an action has been set.
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['act'])) {
        return $str . '<div id="main">' . implode("\r\n", ft_invoke_hook('page', $_REQUEST['act'])) . '</div>';
    // If no action has been set, show a list of files.
    if (empty($_REQUEST['act']) && (empty($_REQUEST['status']) || $_REQUEST['status'] != "dirfail")) {
        // No action set - we show a list of files if directory has been proven openable.
        $totalsize = 0;
        // Set sorting type. Default to 'name'.
        $sort = 'name';
        $cookie_mutex = str_replace('.', '_', MUTEX);
        // If there's a GET value, use that.
        if (!empty($_GET['sort'])) {
            // Set the cookie.
            setcookie('ft_sort_' . MUTEX, $_GET['sort'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
            $sort = $_GET['sort'];
        } elseif (!empty($_COOKIE['ft_sort_' . $cookie_mutex])) {
            // There's a cookie, we'll use that.
            $sort = $_COOKIE['ft_sort_' . $cookie_mutex];
        $files = ft_get_filelist(ft_get_dir(), $sort);
        if (!is_array($files)) {
            // List couldn't be fetched. Throw error.
            // ft_set_message(t("Could not open directory."), 'error');
            // ft_redirect();
            $str .= '<p class="error">' . t("Could not open directory.") . '</p>';
        } else {
            // Show list of files in a table.
            $colspan = 3;
            if (SHOWDATES) {
                $colspan = 4;
            $str .= "<table id='filelist'>";
            $str .= "<thead><tr><th colspan=\"{$colspan}\"><div style='float:left;'>" . t('Files') . "</div>";
            $str .= "<form action='" . ft_get_self() . "' id='sort_form' method='get'><div><!--<label for='sort'>Sort by: </label>--><select id='sort' name='sort'>";
            $sorttypes = array('name' => t('Sort by name'), 'size' => t('Sort by size'), 'type' => t('Sort by type'), 'date' => t('Sort by date'));
            foreach ($sorttypes as $k => $v) {
                $str .= "<option value='{$k}'";
                if ($sort == $k) {
                    $str .= " selected='selected'";
                $str .= ">{$v}</option>";
            $str .= "</select><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"" . $_REQUEST['dir'] . "\" /></div></form></th>";
            $str .= "</tr></thead>";
            $str .= "<tbody>";
            $countfiles = 0;
            $countfolders = 0;
            if (count($files) <= 0) {
                $str .= "<tr><td colspan='{$colspan}' class='error'>" . t('Directory is empty.') . "</td></tr>";
            } else {
                $i = 0;
                $previous = $files[0]['type'];
                foreach ($files as $c) {
                    $odd = "";
                    $class = '';
                    if ($c['writeable']) {
                        $class = "show writeable ";
                    if ($c['type'] == 'dir' && $c['size'] == 0) {
                        $class .= " empty";
                    // Loop through extras and set classes.
                    foreach ($c['extras'] as $extra) {
                        $class .= " {$extra}";
                    if (isset($c['perms'])) {
                        $class .= " perm-{$c['perms']} ";
                    if (!empty($_GET['highlight']) && $c['name'] == $_GET['highlight']) {
                        $class .= " highlight ";
                        $odd = "highlight ";
                    if ($i % 2 != 0) {
                        $odd .= "odd";
                    if ($previous != $c['type']) {
                        // Insert seperator.
                        $odd .= " seperator ";
                    $previous = $c['type'];
                    $str .= "<tr class='{$c['type']} {$odd}'>";
                    if ($c['writeable'] && ft_check_fileactions() === TRUE) {
                        $str .= "<td class='details'><span class='{$class}'>&loz;</span><span class='hide' style='display:none;'>&loz;</span></td>";
                    } else {
                        $str .= "<td class='details'>&mdash;</td>";
                    $plugin_data = implode('', ft_invoke_hook('filename', $c['name']));
                    if ($c['type'] == "file") {
                        $link = "<a href=\"" . ft_get_dir() . "/" . rawurlencode($c['name']) . "\" title=\"" . t('Show !file', array('!file' => $c['name'])) . "\">{$c['shortname']}</a>";
                        if (HIDEFILEPATHS == TRUE) {
                            $link = ft_make_link($c['shortname'], 'method=getfile&amp;dir=' . rawurlencode($_REQUEST['dir']) . '&amp;file=' . $c['name'], t('Show !file', array('!file' => $c['name'])));
                        $str .= "<td class='name'>{$link}{$plugin_data}</td><td class='size'>" . ft_get_nice_filesize($c['size']);
                    } else {
                        $str .= "<td class='name'>" . ft_make_link($c['shortname'], "dir=" . rawurlencode($_REQUEST['dir']) . "/" . rawurlencode($c['name']), t("Show files in !folder", array('!folder' => $c['name']))) . "{$plugin_data}</td><td class='size'>{$c['size']} " . t('files');
                    // Add filesize to total.
                    if ($c['type'] == 'file') {
                        $totalsize = $totalsize + $c['size'];
                    if (SHOWDATES) {
                        if (isset($c['modified']) && $c['modified'] > 0) {
                            $str .= "</td><td class='date'>" . date(SHOWDATES, $c['modified']) . "</td></tr>";
                        } else {
                            $str .= "</td><td class='date'>&mdash;</td></tr>";
                    } else {
                        $str .= "</td></tr>";
            if ($totalsize == 0) {
                $totalsize = '';
            } else {
                $totalsize = " (" . ft_get_nice_filesize($totalsize) . ")";
            $str .= "</tbody><tfoot><tr><td colspan=\"{$colspan}\">" . $countfolders . " " . t('folders') . " - " . $countfiles . " " . t('files') . "{$totalsize}</td></tr></tfoot>";
            $str .= "</table>";
    return $str;
 * Implementation of hook_ajax.
function ft_edit_ajax($act)
    if ($act == 'saveedit') {
        // Do save file.
        $file = trim(ft_stripslashes($_POST["file"]));
        // Check if file type can be edited.
        if (ft_check_dir(ft_get_dir()) && ft_check_edit($file) && ft_check_fileactions() === TRUE && ft_check_filetype($file) && ft_check_filetype($file)) {
            $filecontent = ft_stripslashes($_POST["filecontent"]);
            if ($_POST["convertspaces"] != "") {
                $filecontent = str_replace("    ", "\t", $filecontent);
            if (is_writeable(ft_get_dir() . "/{$file}")) {
                $fp = @fopen(ft_get_dir() . "/{$file}", "wb");
                if ($fp) {
                    fputs($fp, $filecontent);
                    // edit
                    echo '<p class="ok">' . t("!old was saved.", array('!old' => $file)) . '</p>';
                } else {
                    // editfilefail
                    echo '<p class="error">' . t("!old could not be edited.", array('!old' => $file)) . '</p>';
            } else {
                // editfilefail
                echo '<p class="error">' . t("!old could not be edited.", array('!old' => $file)) . '</p>';
        } else {
            // edittypefail
            echo '<p class="error">' . t("Could not edit file. This file type is not editable.") . '</p>';
    } elseif ($act == 'edit_get_lock') {
        ft_edit_lock_set($_POST['file'], $_POST['dir'], $_SESSION['ft_user_' . MUTEX]);
        echo 'File locked.';