Beispiel #1
function freshports_Encoding_Errors_Link()
    return '<a href="/' . FAQLINK . '#encodingerrors">' . freshports_Encoding_Errors() . '<a>';
Beispiel #2
		touched by the commit in question.</P>

echo freshports_Watch_Icon();
 Item is on one of your default watch lists: This port is on one of your default watch lists.  Click
		this icon to remove the port from your default watch lists.  This icon appears only if you are logged in.</P>

echo freshports_Watch_Icon_Add();
 Add item to your default watch lists: This port is not on any of your  default watch lists.  Click
		this icon to add the port to your default watch lists.  This icon appears only if you are logged in.</P>

	<P><a name="encodingerrors"><?php 
echo freshports_Encoding_Errors();
</a> Encoding Errors (not all of the commit message was ASCII): Some of the
		commit message may be altered because of character conversion problems.  We display only UTF-8 and remove
		the offending characters.  These errors may occur in the log message or elsewhere in the commit email.</P>

	<P><a name="watchlistcount"><?php 
echo freshports_WatchListCount_Icon();
</a> Watch List Count (WLC): This is the number of watch lists which are watching 
	this port.  This might give you an idea of the popularity of the port.

echo freshports_CVS_Icon();
 function CreateHTML()
     global $freshports_CommitMsgMaxNumOfLinesToShow;
     $Debug = 0;
     if (!$this->result) {
         syslog(LOG_ERR, __FILE__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ': no result set supplied');
         die("read from database failed");
     $NumRows = pg_numrows($this->result);
     if ($this->Debug) {
         echo __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . " Number of rows = {$NumRows}<br>\n";
     if (!$NumRows) {
         $this->HTML = "<TR><TD>\n<P>Sorry, nothing found in the database....</P>\n</td></tr>\n";
         return $this->HTML;
     # if we have a UserID, but no flagged commits, grab them
     if ($this->UserID && !isset($this->FlaggedCommits)) {
         require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../classes/commit_flag.php';
         $FlaggedCommits = new CommitFlag($this->dbh);
         $NumFlaggedCommits = $FlaggedCommits->Fetch($this->UserID);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $NumFlaggedCommits; $i++) {
             $this->FlaggedCommits[$FlaggedCommits->commit_log_id] = $FlaggedCommits->commit_log_id;
             if ($this->Debug) {
                 echo "fetching record # {$i} -> {$FlaggedCommits->commit_log_id}<br>";
     $GlobalHideLastChange = "N";
     $this->HTML = "";
     # leave it all empty as a comparison point
     $PreviousCommit = new CommitRecord();
     $NumberOfPortsInThisCommit = 0;
     $MaxNumberPortsToShow = 10;
     $TooManyPorts = false;
     # we might not show all of a commit, just for the really big ones.
     for ($i = 0; $i < $NumRows; $i++) {
         $myrow = pg_fetch_array($this->result, $i);
         if ($Debug) {
             echo 'processing row ' . $i . ' ' . $myrow['commit_log_id'] . ' ' . $myrow['message_id'] . "<br>\n";
         $mycommit = new CommitRecord();
         // OK, while we have the log change log, let's put the port details here.
         if ($mycommit->commit_log_id != $PreviousCommit->commit_log_id) {
             if ($NumberOfPortsInThisCommit > $MaxNumberPortsToShow && !$this->ShowAllPorts) {
                 $this->HTML .= '<BR>' . freshports_MorePortsToShow($PreviousCommit->message_id, $NumberOfPortsInThisCommit, $MaxNumberPortsToShow);
             $TooManyPorts = false;
             if ($i > 0) {
                 $this->HTML .= "\n<BLOCKQUOTE>";
                 $this->HTML .= freshports_CommitDescriptionPrint($PreviousCommit->commit_description, $PreviousCommit->encoding_losses, $Lines, freshports_MoreCommitMsgToShow($PreviousCommit->message_id, $Lines));
                 # close off the previous commit first
                 $this->HTML .= "\n</BLOCKQUOTE>\n</TD></TR>\n\n\n";
             # count the number of ports in this commit.
             # first time into the loop, this will be executed.
             $NumberOfPortsInThisCommit = 0;
             $MaxNumberPortsToShow = 10;
             if ($mycommit->commit_date != $PreviousCommit->commit_date) {
                 $this->HTML .= '<TR><TD COLSPAN="3" BGCOLOR="' . BACKGROUND_COLOUR . '" HEIGHT="0">' . "\n";
                 $this->HTML .= '   <FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"><BIG>' . FormatTime($mycommit->commit_date, 0, "D, j M Y") . '</BIG></FONT>' . "\n";
                 $this->HTML .= '</TD></TR>' . "\n\n";
             global $freshports_mail_archive;
             $this->HTML .= "<TR><TD>\n";
             $this->HTML .= '<SMALL>';
             $this->HTML .= '[ ' . $mycommit->commit_time . ' ' . freshports_CommitterEmailLink($mycommit->committer) . ' ]';
             $this->HTML .= '</SMALL>';
             $this->HTML .= '&nbsp;';
             $this->HTML .= freshports_Email_Link($mycommit->message_id);
             $this->HTML .= '&nbsp;';
             if ($this->UserID) {
                 if (isset($this->FlaggedCommits[$mycommit->commit_log_id])) {
                     $this->HTML .= freshports_Commit_Flagged_Link($mycommit->message_id);
                 } else {
                     $this->HTML .= freshports_Commit_Flagged_Not_Link($mycommit->message_id);
             if ($mycommit->EncodingLosses()) {
                 $this->HTML .= '&nbsp;' . freshports_Encoding_Errors();
             if ($mycommit->stf_message != '') {
                 $this->HTML .= '&nbsp; ' . freshports_SanityTestFailure_Link($mycommit->message_id);
             #        			echo '<pre>' . print_r($mycommit, true) . '</pre>';
             if ($mycommit->svn_revision != '') {
                 $this->HTML .= '&nbsp; ' . freshports_svnweb_ChangeSet_Link($mycommit->svn_revision, $mycommit->svn_hostname, $mycommit->path_to_repo);
             $this->HTML .= "<br>\n";
         if ($NumberOfPortsInThisCommit > $MaxNumberPortsToShow && !$this->ShowAllPorts) {
             $TooManyPorts = true;
         if (!$TooManyPorts) {
             if (isset($mycommit->category) && $mycommit->category != '') {
                 if ($this->UserID) {
                     if ($mycommit->watch) {
                         $this->HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Watch_Link_Remove($this->WatchListAsk, $mycommit->watch, $mycommit->element_id) . ' ';
                     } else {
                         $this->HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Watch_Link_Add($this->WatchListAsk, $mycommit->watch, $mycommit->element_id) . ' ';
                 $this->HTML .= '<BIG><B>';
                 $this->HTML .= '<A HREF="/' . $mycommit->category . '/' . $mycommit->port . '/">';
                 $this->HTML .= $mycommit->port;
                 $this->HTML .= '</A>';
                 $PackageVersion = freshports_PackageVersion($mycommit->version, $mycommit->revision, $mycommit->epoch);
                 if (strlen($PackageVersion) > 0) {
                     $this->HTML .= ' ' . $PackageVersion;
                 $this->HTML .= "</B></BIG>\n";
                 $this->HTML .= '<A HREF="/' . $mycommit->category . '/">';
                 $this->HTML .= $mycommit->category . "</A>";
                 $this->HTML .= '&nbsp;';
                 // indicate if this port has been removed from cvs
                 if ($mycommit->status == "D") {
                     $this->HTML .= " " . freshports_Deleted_Icon_Link() . "\n";
                 // indicate if this port needs refreshing from CVS
                 if ($mycommit->needs_refresh) {
                     $this->HTML .= " " . freshports_Refresh_Icon_Link() . "\n";
                 if ($mycommit->date_added > Time() - 3600 * 24 * $this->DaysMarkedAsNew) {
                     $MarkedAsNew = "Y";
                     $this->HTML .= freshports_New_Icon() . "\n";
                 if ($mycommit->forbidden) {
                     $this->HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Forbidden_Icon_Link() . "\n";
                 if ($mycommit->broken) {
                     $this->HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Broken_Icon_Link() . "\n";
                 if ($mycommit->deprecated) {
                     $this->HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Deprecated_Icon_Link() . "\n";
                 if ($mycommit->expiration_date) {
                     if (date('Y-m-d') >= $mycommit->expiration_date) {
                         $this->HTML .= freshports_Expired_Icon_Link($mycommit->expiration_date) . "\n";
                     } else {
                         $this->HTML .= freshports_Expiration_Icon_Link($mycommit->expiration_date) . "\n";
                 if ($mycommit->ignore) {
                     $this->HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Ignore_Icon_Link() . "\n";
                 $this->HTML .= freshports_Commit_Link_Port($mycommit->message_id, $mycommit->category, $mycommit->port);
                 $this->HTML .= "&nbsp;";
                 if ($mycommit->vulnerable_current) {
                     $this->HTML .= '&nbsp;' . freshports_VuXML_Icon() . '&nbsp;';
                 } else {
                     if ($mycommit->vulnerable_past) {
                         $this->HTML .= '&nbsp;' . freshports_VuXML_Icon_Faded() . '&nbsp;';
                 if ($mycommit->restricted) {
                     $this->HTML .= freshports_Restricted_Icon_Link($mycommit->restricted) . '&nbsp;';
                 if ($mycommit->no_cdrom) {
                     $this->HTML .= freshports_No_CDROM_Icon_Link($mycommit->no_cdrom) . '&nbsp;';
                 if ($mycommit->is_interactive) {
                     $this->HTML .= freshports_Is_Interactive_Icon_Link($mycommit->is_interactive) . '&nbsp;';
             } else {
                 # This is a non-port element...
                 $this->HTML .= $mycommit->revision . ' ';
                 $this->HTML .= '<big><B>';
                 $PathName = preg_replace('|^/?ports/|', '', $mycommit->element_pathname);
                 #				echo "'$PathName' " . "'" . $mycommit->repo_name . "'";
                 switch ($mycommit->repo_name) {
                     case 'ports':
                         $PathName = preg_replace('|^head/|', '', $PathName);
                 if ($PathName != $mycommit->element_pathname) {
                     $this->HTML .= '<a href="/' . str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($PathName)) . '">' . $PathName . '</a>';
                     $this->HTML .= "</B></BIG>\n";
                 } else {
                     $this->HTML .= '<a href="' . FRESHPORTS_FREEBSD_CVS_URL . $PathName . '#rev' . $mycommit->revision . '">' . $PathName . '</a>';
                     $this->HTML .= "</B></BIG>\n";
             $this->HTML .= htmlify(_forDisplay($mycommit->short_description)) . "\n";
             $this->HTML .= "<BR>\n";
             global $freshports_CommitMsgMaxNumOfLinesToShow;
             if ($this->ShowEntireCommit) {
                 $Lines = 0;
             } else {
                 $Lines = $freshports_CommitMsgMaxNumOfLinesToShow;
         # !$TooManyPorts
         $PreviousCommit = $mycommit;
     if ($NumberOfPortsInThisCommit > $MaxNumberPortsToShow && !$this->ShowAllPorts) {
         $this->HTML .= '<BR>' . freshports_MorePortsToShow($PreviousCommit->message_id, $NumberOfPortsInThisCommit, $MaxNumberPortsToShow);
     $this->HTML .= "\n<BLOCKQUOTE>";
     $this->HTML .= freshports_CommitDescriptionPrint($PreviousCommit->commit_description, $PreviousCommit->encoding_losses, $Lines, freshports_MoreCommitMsgToShow($PreviousCommit->message_id, $Lines));
     # close off the last commit
     $this->HTML .= "\n</BLOCKQUOTE>\n</TD></TR>\n\n\n";
     return $this->HTML;