function formbuilder_process_form_redirect($form, $fields)
    global $_POST, $wpdb;
    $autoresponse_required = false;
    $source_email = "";
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        // Get source email address, if exists.  Will use the first email address listed in the form results, as the source email address.
        if ($field['required_data'] == "email address" and !$source_email) {
            $source_email = $field['value'];
    // Set autoresponse information if required and send it out.
    if ($source_email and $form['autoresponse'] != false and $autoresponse_required == false) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . FORMBUILDER_TABLE_RESPONSES . " WHERE id = '" . $form['autoresponse'] . "';";
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
        $response_details = $results[0];
        $response_details['destination_email'] = $source_email;
        if ($response_details['from_email'] and $response_details['subject'] and $response_details['message'] and $response_details['destination_email']) {
            if ($response_details['from_name']) {
                $response_details['from_email'] = "\"" . $response_details['from_name'] . "\"<" . $response_details['from_email'] . ">";
        $result = formbuilder_send_email($response_details['destination_email'], decode_html_entities($response_details['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')), $response_details['message'], "From: " . $response_details['from_email']);
        if ($result) {
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        if ($field['field_type'] == "followup page") {
            echo "<meta HTTP-EQUIV='REFRESH' content='0; url=" . $field['field_value'] . "'>";
    return false;
function formbuilder_process_xml_email($form, $fields)
    global $_POST, $wpdb, $formBuilderTextStrings;
    $xml_container = "form";
    $email_msg = "<{$xml_container}>\r\n";
    $autoresponse_required = false;
    $source_email = "";
    // Iterate through the form fields to add values to the email sent to the recipient.
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        // Add the comments to the email message, if they are appropriate.
        if ($field['field_type'] != "comments area" and $field['field_type'] != "followup page" and $field['field_type'] != "spam blocker" and $field['field_type'] != "page break" and $field['field_type'] != "submit button" and $field['field_type'] != "submit image" and $field['field_type'] != "captcha field") {
            $email_msg .= "<" . decode_html_entities($field['field_name'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')) . ">" . decode_html_entities($field['value'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')) . "</" . decode_html_entities($field['field_name'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')) . ">\r\n";
        // Get source email address, if exists.  Will use the first email address listed in the form results, as the source email address.
        if ($field['required_data'] == "email address" and !$source_email) {
            $source_email = $field['value'];
        // Add IP if enabled.
        $ip_capture = get_option('formBuilder_IP_Capture');
        if ($ip_capture == 'Enabled' and isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
            $email_msg .= "<ip>" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "</ip>\r\n";
        // Add Page and Referer urls to the bottom of the email.
        if (isset($_POST['PAGE'])) {
            $email_msg .= "<page>" . $_POST['PAGE'] . "</page>\r\n";
        if (isset($_POST['REFERER'])) {
            $email_msg .= "<referer>" . $_POST['REFERER'] . "</referer>\r\n";
    $email_msg .= "</{$xml_container}>";
    // Set autoresponse information if required and send it out.
    if ($source_email and $form['autoresponse'] != false and $autoresponse_required == false) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . FORMBUILDER_TABLE_RESPONSES . " WHERE id = '" . $form['autoresponse'] . "';";
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
        $response_details = $results[0];
        $response_details['destination_email'] = $source_email;
        if ($response_details['from_email'] and $response_details['subject'] and $response_details['message'] and $response_details['destination_email']) {
            if ($response_details['from_name']) {
                $response_details['from_email'] = "\"" . $response_details['from_name'] . "\"<" . $response_details['from_email'] . ">";
        $result = formbuilder_send_email($response_details['destination_email'], decode_html_entities($response_details['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')), $response_details['message'], "From: " . $response_details['from_email']);
        if ($result) {
    if (!$source_email) {
        $source_email = get_option('admin_email');
    $sendResult = formbuilder_send_email($form['recipient'], $form['subject'], $email_msg, "From: " . $source_email . "\n");
    if (!$sendResult) {
        if (!$form['thankyoutext']) {
            $form['thankyoutext'] = "<h4>" . $formBuilderTextStrings['success'] . "</h4><p>" . $formBuilderTextStrings['send_success'] . "</p>";
        echo "\n<div class='formBuilderSuccess'>" . decode_html_entities($form['thankyoutext'], ENT_NOQUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')) . "</div>";
    return $sendResult;
  * Resend a specific email using the standard FB email module
  * using the data stored in the for this email.
  * @param $email_id
  * @return unknown_type
 function resend_email($email_id)
     global $wpdb;
     $error = '';
     // Check to ensure we have a valid looking email id.
     if (!preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#isU', $email_id)) {
         $error .= "Invalid email ID  ";
     // Load the details of the email from the DB.
     if (!$error) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . FORMBUILDER_TABLE_RESULTS . " WHERE id='{$email_id}' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 0," . $this->result_limit . ";";
         $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql, ARRAY_A);
         if ($result == false) {
             $error .= "No email found with that ID.  ";
         $form_data = $this->xmltoarray($result['xmldata']);
         $form_id = $result['form_id'];
     // Resend the email in question using the standard FB controls.
     if (!$error) {
         $email_msg = '';
         $email_from = '';
         foreach ($form_data['form'] as $key => $value) {
             $email_msg .= strtoupper($key) . ": " . $value . "\n\n";
             if ($key != 'FormSubject' && $key != 'FormRecipient' && !$email_from && preg_match('#' . FORMBUILDER_PATTERN_EMAIL . '#isU', $value)) {
                 $email_from = $value;
         if (!$email_from) {
             $email_from = get_option('admin_email');
         $email_subject = $form_data['form']['FormSubject'];
         $email_to = $form_data['form']['FormRecipient'];
         $email_headers = 'From: ' . $email_from;
         $debg = array('$email_from' => $email_from, '$email_subject' => $email_subject, '$email_to' => $email_to, '$email_headers' => $email_headers);
         #			echo '<pre>', htmlentities(print_r( $debg, true )), '</pre>';
         $result = formbuilder_send_email($email_to, $email_subject, $email_msg, $email_headers);
         if ($result) {
             $error .= $result;
     if (!$error) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->resend_email_errors .= $error;
         return false;
function formbuilder_process_email($form, $fields)
    global $_POST, $wpdb;
    $formBuilderTextStrings = formbuilder_load_strings();
    $email_sub = $form['subject'];
    // mai - added
    $email_msg = "";
    $autoresponse_required = false;
    $source_email = "";
    // Iterate through the form fields to add values to the email sent to the recipient.
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        // Add the comments to the email message, if they are appropriate.
        if (trim($field['field_name']) != "" and $field['field_type'] != "recipient selection" and $field['field_type'] != "comments area" and $field['field_type'] != "followup page" and $field['field_type'] != "spam blocker" and $field['field_type'] != "page break" and $field['field_type'] != "reset button" and $field['field_type'] != "submit button" and $field['field_type'] != "submit image" and $field['field_type'] != "captcha field") {
            $email_msg .= strtoupper(decode_html_entities($field['field_name'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset'))) . ": " . decode_html_entities($field['value'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')) . "\r\n\r\n";
            $field_values[$field['field_name']] = decode_html_entities($field['value'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset'));
            // Populate ~variable~ tags in the form subject with values submitted by the user
            $email_sub = str_replace("~" . $field['field_name'] . "~", $field_values[$field['field_name']], $email_sub);
            // mai - added
        } elseif ($field['field_type'] == "recipient selection") {
            // If we have a recipient selection field, change the form recipient to the selected value.
            if (preg_match('#' . FORMBUILDER_PATTERN_EMAIL . '#isU', trim($field['value']))) {
                $form['recipient'] = trim($field['value']);
            } else {
                $email_msg .= $formBuilderTextStrings['bad_alternate_email'] . " [" . trim($field['value']) . "]\n\n";
        // Get source email address, if exists.  Will use the first email address listed in the form results, as the source email address.
        if ($field['required_data'] == "email address" and !$source_email) {
            $source_email = $field['value'];
    // Add IP if enabled.
    $ip_capture = get_option('formBuilder_IP_Capture');
    if ($ip_capture == 'Enabled' and isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
        $email_msg .= "IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\r\n";
    $referrer_info = get_option('formBuilder_referrer_info');
    if ($referrer_info == 'Enabled') {
        // Add Page and Referer urls to the bottom of the email.
        if (isset($_POST['PAGE'])) {
            $email_msg .= "PAGE: " . $_POST['PAGE'] . "\r\n";
        if (isset($_POST['REFERER'])) {
            $email_msg .= "REFERER: " . $_POST['REFERER'] . "\r\n";
    // Set autoresponse information if required and send it out.
    if ($source_email and $form['autoresponse'] != false and $autoresponse_required == false) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . FORMBUILDER_TABLE_RESPONSES . " WHERE id='" . $form['autoresponse'] . "';";
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
        $response_details = $results[0];
        $response_details['destination_email'] = $source_email;
        if ($response_details['from_email'] and $response_details['subject'] and $response_details['message'] and $response_details['destination_email']) {
            if ($response_details['from_name']) {
                $response_details['from_email'] = '"' . $response_details['from_name'] . '"<' . $response_details['from_email'] . '>';
        // Populate ~variable~ tags in the autoresponse with values submitted by the user.
        $txtAllFields = "";
        foreach ($field_values as $key => $value) {
            $response_details['subject'] = str_replace("~" . $key . "~", $value, $response_details['subject']);
            $response_details['message'] = str_replace("~" . $key . "~", $value, $response_details['message']);
            $txtAllFields .= $key . ": " . $value . "\n";
        $response_details['subject'] = str_replace("~FullForm~", trim($txtAllFields), $response_details['subject']);
        $response_details['message'] = str_replace("~FullForm~", trim($txtAllFields), $response_details['message']);
        $result = formbuilder_send_email($response_details['destination_email'], decode_html_entities($response_details['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')), $response_details['message'], "From: " . $response_details['from_email'] . "\nReply-To: " . $response_details['from_email'] . "\n");
        if ($result) {
    // James' addition to ensure no hacking is allowed.
    $email_sub = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9_ -]#isU', '', $email_sub);
    if (!$source_email) {
        $source_email = get_option('admin_email');
    // Updated to force from address to use what is saved in settings.
    $formBuilder_Default_from = formbuilder_get_default_from();
    // Allow for old style messaging.
    if (strtoupper($formBuilder_Default_from) == '[SENDER_EMAIL]') {
        $formBuilder_Default_from = $source_email;
    return formbuilder_send_email($form['recipient'], decode_html_entities($email_sub, ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')), $email_msg, "From: " . $formBuilder_Default_from . "\nReply-To: " . $source_email . "\n");
  * Resend a specific email using the standard FB email module
  * using the data stored in the for this email.
  * @param $email_id
  * @return unknown_type
 function resend_email($email_id)
     global $wpdb;
     $error = '';
     // Check to ensure we have a valid looking email id.
     if (!eregi('^[0-9]+$', $email_id)) {
         $error .= "Invalid email ID  ";
     // Load the details of the email from the DB.
     if (!$error) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . FORMBUILDER_TABLE_RESULTS . " WHERE id='{$email_id}' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 0," . $this->result_limit . ";";
         $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql, ARRAY_A);
         if ($result == false) {
             $error .= "No email found with that ID.  ";
         $form_data = $this->xmltoarray($result['xmldata']);
         $form_id = $result['form_id'];
     // Resend the email in question using the standard FB controls.
     if (!$error) {
         $email_msg = '';
         foreach ($form_data['form'] as $key => $value) {
             $email_msg .= strtoupper($key) . ": " . $value . "\n\n";
         $email_subject = $form_data['form']['FormSubject'];
         $email_to = $form_data['form']['FormRecipient'];
         $email_headers = 'From: ' . get_option('admin_email');
         $result = formbuilder_send_email($email_to, $email_subject, $email_msg, $email_headers);
         if ($result) {
             $error .= $result;
     if (!$error) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->resend_email_errors .= $error;
         return false;
function formbuilder_process_email($form, $fields)
    global $_POST, $wpdb;
    $formBuilderTextStrings = formbuilder_load_strings();
    $email_msg = "";
    $autoresponse_required = false;
    $source_email = "";
    // Iterate through the form fields to add values to the email sent to the recipient.
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        // Add the comments to the email message, if they are appropriate.
        if (trim($field['field_name']) != "" and $field['field_type'] != "recipient selection" and $field['field_type'] != "comments area" and $field['field_type'] != "followup page" and $field['field_type'] != "spam blocker" and $field['field_type'] != "page break" and $field['field_type'] != "reset button" and $field['field_type'] != "submit button" and $field['field_type'] != "submit image" and $field['field_type'] != "captcha field") {
            $email_msg .= strtoupper(decode_html_entities($field['field_name'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset'))) . ": " . decode_html_entities($field['value'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')) . "\r\n\r\n";
            $field_values[$field['field_name']] = decode_html_entities($field['value'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset'));
        } elseif ($field['field_type'] == "recipient selection") {
            // If we have a recipient selection field, change the form recipient to the selected value.
            if (eregi(FORMBUILDER_PATTERN_EMAIL, trim($field['value']))) {
                $form['recipient'] = trim($field['value']);
            } else {
                $email_msg .= $formBuilderTextStrings['bad_alternate_email'] . " [" . trim($field['value']) . "]\n\n";
        // Get source email address, if exists.  Will use the first email address listed in the form results, as the source email address.
        if ($field['required_data'] == "email address" and !$source_email) {
            $source_email = $field['value'];
        // Add the followup page redirect, if it exists.
        if ($field['field_type'] == "followup page" and trim($field['field_value']) != "") {
            echo "<meta HTTP-EQUIV='REFRESH' content='0; url=" . $field['field_value'] . "'>";
    // Add IP if enabled.
    $ip_capture = get_option('formBuilder_IP_Capture');
    if ($ip_capture == 'Enabled' and isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
        $email_msg .= "IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\r\n";
    $referrer_info = get_option('formBuilder_referrer_info');
    if ($referrer_info == 'Enabled') {
        // Add Page and Referer urls to the bottom of the email.
        if (isset($_POST['PAGE'])) {
            $email_msg .= "PAGE: " . $_POST['PAGE'] . "\r\n";
        if (isset($_POST['REFERER'])) {
            $email_msg .= "REFERER: " . $_POST['REFERER'] . "\r\n";
    // Set autoresponse information if required and send it out.
    if ($source_email and $form['autoresponse'] != false and $autoresponse_required == false) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . FORMBUILDER_TABLE_RESPONSES . " WHERE id='" . $form['autoresponse'] . "';";
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
        $response_details = $results[0];
        $response_details['destination_email'] = $source_email;
        if ($response_details['from_email'] and $response_details['subject'] and $response_details['message'] and $response_details['destination_email']) {
            if ($response_details['from_name']) {
                $response_details['from_email'] = '"' . $response_details['from_name'] . '"<' . $response_details['from_email'] . '>';
        // Populate ~variable~ tags in the autoresponse with values submitted by the user.
        foreach ($field_values as $key => $value) {
            $response_details['subject'] = str_replace("~" . $key . "~", $value, $response_details['subject']);
            $response_details['message'] = str_replace("~" . $key . "~", $value, $response_details['message']);
        $result = formbuilder_send_email($response_details['destination_email'], decode_html_entities($response_details['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')), $response_details['message'], "From: " . $response_details['from_email'] . "\nReply-To: " . $response_details['from_email'] . "\n");
        if ($result) {
    if (!$source_email) {
        $source_email = get_option('admin_email');
    return formbuilder_send_email($form['recipient'], decode_html_entities($form['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')), $email_msg, "From: " . $source_email . "\nReply-To: " . $source_email . "\n");