public function getBread() { // HTML, OPEN IN HEAD // BODY, OPEN IN HEAD // HOLDER, OPEN IN HEAD // CONTENT, OPEN IN HEAD // RIGHT // rightPadding $out[] = ' <div id="bread"><p> '; // INDEX if (!isset($_GET['m'])) { $out[] = ''; $out[] = lang('indice'); $out[] = ''; } // ACTIONS if (isset($_GET['m']) && isset($_GET['action'])) { // LIST if ($_GET['action'] == "list") { // NO CAT if (!$this->catId) { $out[] = ''; $out[] = '<a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/">' . lang('indice') . '</a> > '; $out[] = '' . lang(formatear_string($_GET['m'], ' ')) . ''; $out[] = ''; } // CAT if ($this->catId) { $out[] = ''; $out[] = '<a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/">' . lang('indice') . '</a> >'; $out[] = '<a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/?m=' . $_GET['m'] . '&action=list">' . lang(formatear_string($_GET['m'], ' ')) . '</a> >'; $out[] = '' . $this->getCategorieName() . ''; $out[] = ''; } } // SHOW ALL if ($_GET['action'] == "showAll") { $out[] = ''; $out[] = '<a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/">' . lang('indice') . '</a> >'; $out[] = '' . lang(formatear_string($_GET['m'], ' ')) . ''; $out[] = ''; } // CREATE if ($_GET['action'] == "create") { $out[] = ''; $out[] = '<a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/">' . lang('indice') . '</a> >'; $out[] = '<a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/?m=' . $_GET['m'] . '&action=list">' . lang(formatear_string($_GET['m'], ' ')) . '</a> >'; if ($this->catId) { $out[] = '<a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/?m=' . $_GET['m'] . '&action=list&cat_id=' . $this->catId . '">' . $this->getCategorieName() . '</a> >'; } $out[] = '' . lang('crear contenido') . ''; $out[] = ''; } // EDIT if ($_GET['action'] == "edit") { $out[] = ''; $out[] = '<a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/">' . lang('indice') . '</a> >'; $out[] = '<a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/?m=' . $_GET['m'] . '&action=list">' . lang(formatear_string($_GET['m'], ' ')) . '</a> >'; if ($this->catId) { $out[] = '<a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/?m=' . $_GET['m'] . '&action=list&cat_id=' . $this->catId . '">' . $this->getCategorieName() . '</a> >'; } $out[] = '' . lang('editar contenido') . ''; $out[] = ''; } } $out[] = ' </p></div> '; // rightPadding // RIGHT // CONTENT, CLOSED IN FOOTER // HOLDER, CLOSED IN FOOTER // BODY, CLOSED IN FOOTER // HTML, CLOSED IN FOOTER return join("\n", $out); }
public function getMenu() { // HTML, OPEN IN HEAD // BODY, OPEN IN HEAD // HOLDER, OPEN IN HEAD // CONTENT, OPEN IN HEAD // LEFT $out[] = ' <div id="left"> '; // MENU $out[] = ' <ul id="menu"> '; // 1 INDEX LINK $out[] = ' <li class="titulo-3"> <a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/"> <img src="' . ICONSPATH . 'home.png" alt=""/>' . lang('indice') . ' </a> </li> '; // 2 MODULES if ($this->config['modulos']) { $out[] = ' <li class="titulo"> <img src="' . ICONSPATH . 'modulos.png" alt=""/>' . lang('modulos') . ' </li> '; // 3 VERIFY FULL ACCESS if ($_SESSION['permisos'] == 1) { // MODULES LINKS foreach ($this->config['modulos'] as $modulo) { $out[] = ' <li class="titulo-2"> <a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/?m=' . $modulo . '&action=list"> <img src="' . ICONSPATH . 'cog_go.png" alt=""/>' . lang(formatear_string($modulo, ' ')) . ' </a> </li> '; } } } // 2 SUPER ADMIN if ($this->config['modulosAdmin']) { $out[] = ' <li class="titulo"> <img src="' . ICONSPATH . 'user_gray.png" alt=""/>' . lang('administración') . ' </li> '; // 3 VERIFY FULL ACCESS if ($_SESSION['permisos'] == 1) { // ADMIN MODULES LINKS foreach ($this->config['modulosAdmin'] as $modulo) { $out[] = ' <li class="titulo-2"> <a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/?m=' . $modulo . '&action=list"> <img src="' . ICONSPATH . $modulo . '.png" alt=""/>' . lang(formatear_string($modulo, ' ')) . ' </a> </li> '; } } } // 1 LOGOUT LINK $out[] = ' <li class="titulo-3"> <a href="' . ROOT . 'admin/logout.php"> <img src="' . ICONSPATH . 'key.png" alt=""/>' . lang('Cerrar Sesión') . ' </a> </li> '; // EO MENU $out[] = ' </ul> '; // EO LEFT $out[] = ' </div> '; // CONTENT, CLOSED IN FOOTER // HOLDER, CLOSED IN FOOTER // BODY, CLOSED IN FOOTER // HTML, CLOSED IN FOOTER return join("\n", $out); }
//$mail->AddAddress("*****@*****.**","VENTAS - Web Form - ENVASES POLIVERSAL S.A."); //$mail->AddAddress("*****@*****.**","VENTAS - Web Form - ENVASES POLIVERSAL S.A."); $mail->AddAddress("*****@*****.**", "VENTAS - Web Form - ENVASES POLIVERSAL S.A."); //$mail->AddAddress("*****@*****.**","VENTAS - Web Form - ENVASES POLIVERSAL S.A."); $mail->AddReplyTo($_POST['email'] ? $_POST['email'] : $config['phpmailer']['replyToName'], $_POST['nombre'] ? $_POST['nombre'] . ' ' . $_POST['apellido'] : $config['phpmailer']['replyToEmail']); //$mail->AddCC($config['phpmailer']['toCCEmail'],$config['phpmailer']['toCCName']); //$mail->AddBCC($config['phpmailer']['toBCCEmail'],$config['phpmailer']['toBCCName']); //$mail->AddAttachment($config['phpmailer']['attachmentPath']); $mail->Host = $config['phpmailer']['host']; $mail->Username = $config['phpmailer']['username']; $mail->Password = $config['phpmailer']['password']; $mail->Port = $config['phpmailer']['port']; $body = array(); $body[] = '<h1>' . $config['phpmailer']['subject'] . '</h1>'; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $body[] = '<p><strong>' . formatear_string($k) . ': </strong>' . formatear_string($v) . '</p>'; } //$body[] = '<br/><br/><p>Mensaje enviado el día: '.date('d-m-Y H:i:s').'</p>'; $body[] = '<p>Remote IP Address: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '</p>'; $body[] = '<p>Remote Port: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'] . '</p>'; $body[] = '<p>Remote ISP Name: ' . gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . '</p>'; $body = join("\n", $body); $mail->MsgHTML($body); if ($mail->Send()) { //if($config['phpmailer']['writeLog']) { //$file = fopen('sendLog.txt','a'); //fwrite($file,strip_tags($body)); //fwrite($file,"\n\n"); //fclose($file); //} header("Location: ../?sent=true");
function makeSearchQuery($selectString = "id", $fromString = "files", $whereString = "1=1", $orderByString = "id", $limit = "20", $term = array(), $fields = array()) { $term = formatear_string($term, " ", true); $term = explode(" ", trim($term)); if ($term[0]) { foreach ($term as $keyword) { if ($keyword) { if ($fields) { $fieldsSql = ''; foreach ($fields as $f) { $fieldsSql[] = " " . $f . " like '%" . $keyword . "%' "; } } $searchingWord[] = implode(" OR ", $fieldsSql); } } $searchingWord = implode(" ) AND ( ", $searchingWord); } else { return; } $query = "\r\n select \r\n " . $selectString . " \r\n from \r\n " . $fromString . " \r\n where \r\n " . $whereString . " \r\n and \r\n (" . $searchingWord . ") \r\n order by \r\n " . $orderByString . " \r\n limit \r\n " . $limit . "\r\n "; return $query; //$items = q("select id, nombre, apellido, biografia from artistas where ".$query." order by nombre, apellido limit 200"); }
<?php // INCLUDE GENERAL CONFIG require_once '../admin/config/general/config.php'; // INCLUDE ALL if ($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == '') { require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $config['localCorePath'] . 'includes/include.AllBackEnd.php'; } else { require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $config['root'] . 'admin/includes/include.AllBackEnd.php'; } if (!$_POST['termino']) { die; } $out = array(); //$_POST['termino'] = mb_convert_encoding($_POST['termino'], "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8"); $arrayTerm = explode(" ", formatear_string($_POST['termino'], " ", true)); // PRODUCTOS $query = ''; foreach ($arrayTerm as $keyword) { $query[] = " (nombre like '%" . $keyword . "%' or resumen like '%" . $keyword . "%' or descripcion like '%" . $keyword . "%') "; } $query = implode(" AND ", $query); $items = q("select * from productos where " . $query . " order by nombre"); if ($items) { //$out .= '<h3><a href="#">Contenidos</a></h3>'; foreach ($items as $item) { $foto = array(); $img = a("select nombre, tabla from files where item_id = " . $item['id'] . " AND tipo = 'imagenes' and tabla = 'productos' order by orden"); $phpt = new PhpT(); $phpt->fileName = $img['nombre']; $phpt->fileTitle = $item['nombre'];