function print_states($tracker) { global $rulescnt; $rulesid = ""; $bytes = 0; $states = 0; $packets = 0; $evaluations = 0; $stcreations = 0; $rules = get_pf_rules($rulescnt, $tracker); if (is_array($rules)) { foreach ($rules as $rule) { $bytes += $rule['bytes']; $states += $rule['states']; $packets += $rule['packets']; $evaluations += $rule['evaluations']; $stcreations += $rule['state creations']; if (strlen($rulesid) > 0) { $rulesid .= ","; } $rulesid .= "{$rule['id']}"; } } printf("<a href=\"diag_dump_states.php?ruleid=%s\" data-toggle=\"popover\" data-trigger=\"hover focus\" title=\"%s\" ", $rulesid, gettext("States details")); printf("data-content=\"evaluations: %s<br>packets: %s<br>bytes: %s<br>states: %s<br>state creations: %s\" data-html=\"true\">", format_number($evaluations), format_number($packets), format_bytes($bytes), format_number($states), format_number($stcreations)); printf("%d/%s</a><br>", format_number($states), format_bytes($bytes)); }
public function artc() { $id = I('id'); $info = D('Article')->get_info($id); if (!$info) { $this->error('非法ID!', U('Index/index'), false, true); } $info['description'] = stripcslashes($info['description']); preg_match_all("/(?<=\\[attach\\])([\\d]*)(?=\\[\\/attach\\])/", $info['description'], $arr); preg_match_all("/(?<=\\[qnattach\\])([\\d]*)(?=\\[\\/qnattach\\])/", $info['description'], $qnarr); foreach ($arr[0] as $key => $vo) { $replace = '<a href="' . U('File/download', array('id' => think_encrypt($vo))) . '" target="_blank" >' . getattachname($vo) . '</a><span class="attachspan">(下载次数:' . getattachdnum($vo) . '次;大小:' . format_bytes(getattachsize($vo)) . ')</span>'; $info['description'] = str_replace('[attach]' . $vo . '[/attach]', $replace, $info['description']); } foreach ($qnarr[0] as $key1 => $vo1) { $replace1 = '<a href="' . U('File/download', array('qn' => 1, 'id' => think_encrypt($vo1))) . '" target="_blank" >' . getqnattachname($vo1) . '</a><span class="attachspan">(下载次数:' . getqnattachdnum($vo1) . '次;大小:' . format_bytes(getqnattachsize($vo1)) . ')</span>'; $info['description'] = str_replace('[qnattach]' . $vo1 . '[/qnattach]', $replace1, $info['description']); } if ($info['status'] != 1 && $info['uid'] != $_SESSION['cs_home']['user_auth']['uid']) { $this->error('你无权查看该内容!', '', false, true); } $focus['rowid'] = $info['id']; $focus['type'] = 1; if ($sccount = M('focus')->where($focus)->count() != $info['sccount']) { D('Article')->where(array('id' => $id))->setField('sccount', $sccount); } D('Article')->where(array('id' => $id))->setInc('view', 1); if (!empty($info['tag'])) { $tags = explode(',', $info['tag']); $info['linktag'] = ''; foreach ($tags as $key1 => $vo1) { $maptag['title'] = $vo1; $maptag['type'] = 1; $tagid = M('tags')->where($maptag)->getField('id'); $url = CSU('/tagart/' . $tagid, 'Index/tagart', array('id' => $tagid)); $info['linktag'] .= '<a style="margin-left:5px;" href="' . $url . '">[' . $vo1 . ']</a>'; $info['tagarr'][$key1] = '<a class="tag" href="' . $url . '">' . $vo1 . '</a>'; } } $shareurl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . CSU('/artc/' . $info['id'], 'Index/artc', array('id' => $info['id'])); $sharedes = '原文链接:' . $shareurl; $sharetitle = $info['title'] . '-' . C('WEB_SITE_TITLE'); $authorinfo = query_user(array('space_url', 'signature', 'avatar64', 'nickname'), $info['uid']); $map['id'] = is_login(); $map['rowid'] = $info['id']; $map['type'] = 1; if (M('Focus')->where($map)->count() > 0) { $hassc = true; } $this->assign('shareurl', $shareurl); $this->assign('hassc', $hassc); $this->assign('sharedes', $sharedes); $this->assign('sharetitle', $sharetitle); $this->assign('authorinfo', $authorinfo); $this->assign('info', $info); $this->assign('webdescription', $info['title']); $this->assign('webkeyword', $info['title']); $this->assign('webtitle', $info['title']); $this->display(); }
function Movie_thumbnail($filelist, $gallery, $dirkey, $filekey, $basedir) { $filename = $filelist[$filekey]; $file = "{$basedir}/{$filename}"; $mimetype = mime_content_type($file); $filesize = filesize($file); $nicefilesize = format_bytes($filesize); $caption = get_caption($file); if (!isset($caption) || $caption == "") { $caption = $filename; } $imagetag = " MOVIE: {$filename} <br/>"; $filesize_display = " File Size: {$nicefilesize} <br/>"; #<a href='?action=send_file&gallery=$gallery&dirkey=$dirkey&filekey=$filekey'> print <<<HTMLEND <div class=thumbnail > \t\t<div class=movie > \t\t{$imagetag} \t\t{$filesize_display} \t\t<a href='send_file.php?mode=attach&gallery={$gallery}&dirkey={$dirkey}&filekey={$filekey}'> \t\tDownload \t\t</a> \t\t| \t\t<a href='gallery.php?action=display_image&gallery={$gallery}&dirkey={$dirkey}&filekey={$filekey}' type='{$mimetype}' > \t\tView in browser \t\t</a> \t</div> </div> HTMLEND; }
/** * 扫描目录所有文件,并生成treegrid数据 * @param string $path 目录 * @param string $filter 过滤文件名 * @param number $i 辅助用,这个不用传参 * @return array */ function scandir_tree($path, $filter = SITE_DIR, &$i = 1) { $result = array(); $path = realpath($path); $path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DS, $path); $filter = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DS, $filter); $list = glob($path . DS . '*'); foreach ($list as $key => $filename) { $result[$key]['id'] = $i; $result[$key]['name'] = str_replace($filter, '', $filename); $i++; if (is_dir($filename)) { $result[$key]['type'] = 'dir'; $result[$key]['size'] = '-'; $result[$key]['mtime'] = '-'; $result[$key]['state'] = 'closed'; $result[$key]['children'] = scandir_tree($filename, $filter, $i); //easyui当children为空时会出现问题,因此在这里过滤 if (empty($result[$key]['children'])) { $result[$key]['iconCls'] = 'tree-folder'; unset($result[$key]['state']); unset($result[$key]['children']); } } else { $result[$key]['type'] = 'file'; $result[$key]['size'] = format_bytes(filesize($filename), ' '); $result[$key]['mtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($filename)); } } return $result; }
protected function _after_find(&$result, $options) { $result['update_time_text'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $result['update_time']); $result['document_title'] = M('Doc0s1')->getFieldById($result['record_id'], 'title'); //$result['document_title'] = M('Document')->getFieldById($result['record_id'], 'title'); $result['size'] = format_bytes($result['size']); }
public function lists() { $type = I('get.type', 'Picture'); $type = ucfirst($type); $title = I('get.title'); if (empty($this->_path[$type])) { $this->error($type . '请选择正确的资源类型'); } $files_list = array(); //获取该目录下所有文件 $fileslist = Amango_Scanfiles('./Uploads/' . $type . '/'); $files_list = explode(',', $fileslist); $current_path = $this->_path[$type][1]; //获取路径 if (in_array($title, $files_list)) { $current_path = $current_path . $title . '/'; $parent_ext = './' . $title . '/'; } else { $parent_ext = './'; } $file_list = array(); //遍历目录下文件 取得文件信息 $totalkbs = 0; if ($handle = opendir($current_path)) { $i = 0; while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) { if ($filename[0] == '.') { continue; } $file = $current_path . $filename; if (!is_dir($file)) { $file_ext = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if (!in_array($file_ext, $this->deny_ext_arr)) { $nowsize = filesize($file); $filesize = $filesize + $nowsize; $file_list[$parent_ext][$i]['is_dir'] = false; $file_list[$parent_ext][$i]['has_file'] = false; $file_list[$parent_ext][$i]['filesize'] = format_bytes($nowsize); $file_list[$parent_ext][$i]['dir_path'] = ''; $file_list[$parent_ext][$i]['filetype'] = $file_ext; $file_list[$parent_ext][$i]['filename'] = $filename; //文件名,包含扩展名 $file_list[$parent_ext][$i]['datetime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filectime($file)); //文件最后修改时间 } } $i++; } closedir($handle); } $this->assign('filesize', format_bytes($filesize)); $this->assign('filenums', count($file_list[$parent_ext])); $this->assign('type', $type); $this->assign('nowdir', $title); $this->assign('sub_dirs', $files_list); $this->assign('subfileslist', $file_list[$parent_ext]); $this->assign('catename', $this->_path[$type][0]); $this->display(); }
/** * 数据库备份/还原列表 */ public function import_list($type = null) { if (IS_POST) { $path = C('DATA_BACKUP_PATH'); if (!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path, 0755, true); } $path = realpath($path); $flag = \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME; $glob = new \FilesystemIterator($path, $flag); $list = array(); foreach ($glob as $name => $file) { if (preg_match('/^\\d{8,8}-\\d{6,6}-\\d+\\.sql(?:\\.gz)?$/', $name)) { $name = sscanf($name, '%4s%2s%2s-%2s%2s%2s-%d'); $date = "{$name[0]}-{$name[1]}-{$name[2]}"; $time = "{$name[3]}:{$name[4]}:{$name[5]}"; $part = $name[6]; if (isset($list["{$date} {$time}"])) { $info = $list["{$date} {$time}"]; $info['part'] = max($info['part'], $part); $info['size'] = $info['size'] + $file->getSize(); } else { $info['part'] = $part; $info['size'] = $file->getSize(); } $extension = strtoupper(pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $info['compress'] = $extension === 'SQL' ? '-' : $extension; $info['time'] = strtotime("{$date} {$time}"); $list["{$date} {$time}"] = $info; } } foreach ($list as $list_key => $list_one) { $_list_one['id'] = date('Ymd-His', $list_one['time']); $_list_one['part'] = $list_one['part']; $_list_one['size'] = format_bytes($list_one['size']); $_list_one['compress'] = $list_one['compress']; $_list_one['time'] = $list_key; $_list_one['operate'] = ' <a href="#" onclick="Ajax_DatabaseImport(\'' . U('import', array('time' => $list_one['time'])) . '\',\'DatabaseImport_Data_List\');">还原</a> <a href="#" onclick="Datagrid_Ajax(\'' . U('del', array('time' => $list_one['time'])) . '\',\'DatabaseImport_Data_List\');">删除</a> '; $_list[] = $_list_one; } $total = count($_list); if ($total == 0) { $_list = ''; } $data = array('total' => $total, 'rows' => $_list); $this->ajaxReturn($data); } else { $operate = ' <a class="easyui-linkbutton" href="JavaScript:void(0);" data-options="iconCls:\'iconfont icon-refresh\',plain:true" onclick="Data_Reload(\'DatabaseImport_Data_List\');">刷新还原列表</a> '; $this->assign('operate', $operate); $this->display(); } }
/** * Returns disk space data * * @return array */ public function getUsedDiskSpace() { $disk_space['b_free'] = disk_free_space('/'); $disk_space['b_total'] = disk_total_space('/'); $disk_space['free'] = format_bytes($disk_space['b_free']); $disk_space['total'] = format_bytes($disk_space['b_total']); $disk_space['used'] = format_bytes($disk_space['b_total'] - $disk_space['b_free']); $disk_space['per_used'] = 100 - (int) ($disk_space['b_free'] / $disk_space['b_total'] * 100); return $disk_space; }
public function step1() { $items = array(array('os' => array('操作系统', 1, null, PHP_OS), 'php' => array('PHP版本', 0, '5.3', PHP_VERSION), 'upload' => array('附件上传', 1, null, function_exists('ini_get') ? ini_get('upload_max_filesize') : '未知'), 'disk' => array('磁盘空间', 1, null, function_exists('disk_free_space') ? format_bytes(disk_free_space(realpath(SITE_DIR))) : '未知')), array('pdo' => array('pdo', 0, null, '不支持', 'class_exists'), 'pdo_mysql' => array('pdo_mysql', 0, null, '不支持', 'extension_loaded'), 'json' => array('json', 0, null, '不支持', 'extension_loaded'), 'curl_init' => array('curl', 0, null, '不支持', 'function_exists'), 'gd' => array('gd', 0, null, '不支持', 'extension_loaded'), 'Imagick' => array('imagick', 0, null, '建议开启(可选)', 'class_exists'), 'Gmagick' => array('gmagick', 0, null, '建议开启(可选)', 'class_exists')), array(array(str_replace(SITE_DIR, '.', CONF_PATH . 'config.php'), 0, null, '不可写', CONF_PATH . 'config.php'), array(str_replace(SITE_DIR, '.', RUNTIME_PATH), 0, null, '不可写', RUNTIME_PATH), array(UPLOAD_PATH, 0, null, '不可写', UPLOAD_PATH))); if (APP_MODE == 'sae') { unset($items[2]); } $status = true; foreach ($items as $k => &$item) { foreach ($item as $k2 => &$info) { if ($info[1]) { continue; } switch ($k) { case 0: //运行环境 if ($k2 == 'php') { if ($info[3] >= $info[2]) { $info[1] = 1; } else { $status = false; } } break; case 1: //扩展支持 if ($info[4]($k2)) { $info[1] = 1; $info[3] = '支持'; } else { if (in_array($k2, array('Imagick', 'Gmagick'))) { break; } $status = false; } break; case 2: //权限检测 if (is_writable($info[4])) { $info[1] = 1; $info[3] = '可写'; } else { $status = false; } break; } } } if ($status) { session('install_step', 2); } $this->assign('item', array($status, $items)); $this->display(); }
public function filelist_rubbish() { $File = M('File'); $where['status'] = 0; $count = $File->where($where)->count(); $Page = new \Think\Page($count, 24); $show = $Page->show(); $filelist = $File->where($where)->field(true)->order('addtime desc')->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->select(); foreach ($filelist as $key => &$val) { $val['size'] = format_bytes($val['size']); } $this->assign('filelist', $filelist); $this->assign('pages', $show); $this->display(); }
public function hasErrors() { // check file size if ($this->maxFileSize && $_FILES[$this->altName()]['size'] > $this->maxFileSize) { $this->errors[] = t('The file size exceeds max of ' . format_bytes($this->maxFileSize)); } // file extensions allowed validator if ($this->allowedExtensions) { $extValidator = new \Meta\Validation\FileExtension(array('allowedExtensions' => $this->allowedExtensions, 'value' => $this->getValue())); if (!$extValidator->execute()) { $this->errors[] = $extValidator->error(); } } return count($this->errors) > 0; }
/** * 数据库还原列表 */ public function importlist() { if (IS_POST) { $path = C('DATA_BACKUP_PATH'); if (!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path, 0755, true); } $path = realpath($path); $flag = \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME; $glob = new \FilesystemIterator($path, $flag); $list = array(); foreach ($glob as $name => $file) { if (preg_match('/^\\d{8,8}-\\d{6,6}-\\d+\\.sql(?:\\.gz)?$/', $name)) { $name = sscanf($name, '%4s%2s%2s-%2s%2s%2s-%d'); $date = "{$name[0]}-{$name[1]}-{$name[2]}"; $time = "{$name[3]}:{$name[4]}:{$name[5]}"; $part = $name[6]; if (isset($list["{$date} {$time}"])) { $info = $list["{$date} {$time}"]; $info['part'] = max($info['part'], $part); $info['size'] = $info['size'] + $file->getSize(); } else { $info['part'] = $part; $info['size'] = $file->getSize(); } $extension = strtoupper(pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $info['compress'] = $extension === 'SQL' ? '-' : $extension; $info['time'] = strtotime("{$date} {$time}"); $list["{$date} {$time}"] = $info; } } $temp = array(); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $list[$key]['name'] = date('Ymd-His', strtotime($key)); $list[$key]['datetime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($key)); $list[$key]['size'] = format_bytes($list[$key]['size']); $temp[] = $list[$key]; } $list = $temp; $this->ajaxReturn($list); } else { $currentpos = D('Menu')->currentPos(I('get.menuid')); //栏目位置 $treegrid = array('options' => array('title' => $currentpos, 'url' => U('Database/importlist', array('grid' => 'treegrid')), 'idField' => 'time', 'treefield' => 'time'), 'fields' => array('备份名称' => array('field' => 'name', 'width' => 80), '卷数' => array('field' => 'part', 'width' => 50), '压缩' => array('field' => 'compress', 'width' => 50), '数据大小' => array('field' => 'size', 'width' => 50, 'formatter' => 'function(size){return "<font color=green>"+size+"</font>";}'), '备份时间' => array('field' => 'datetime', 'width' => 80, 'formatter' => 'function(datetime){return "<font color=red>"+datetime+"</font>";}'), '管理操作' => array('field' => 'time', 'width' => 80, 'formatter' => 'databaseImportModule.operate'))); $this->assign('treegrid', $treegrid); $this->display("import"); } }
/** * Recursively construct the proper HTML * for representing a folder full of items * * @param array $dirs array of directory objects to process * @param array $path_array path components in array form * @param array $item_info metadata about each item * * @return void * * @author Ken Auberry <*****@*****.**> */ function build_folder_structure(&$dirs, $path_array, $item_info) { if (count($path_array) > 1) { if (!isset($dirs['folders'][$path_array[0]])) { $dirs['folders'][$path_array[0]] = array(); } build_folder_structure($dirs['folders'][$path_array[0]], array_splice($path_array, 1), $item_info); } else { $size_string = format_bytes($item_info['size']); $item_id = $item_info['item_id']; $url = base_url() . "myemsl/itemauth/{$item_id}"; $item_info['url'] = $url; $item_info_json = json_encode($item_info); $dirs['files'][$item_id] = "<a class='item_link' id='item_{$item_id}' href='#'>{$path_array[0]}</a> <span class='fineprint'>[size: {$size_string}]</span><span class='item_data_json' id='item_id_{$item_id}' style='display:none;'>{$item_info_json}</span>"; } }
function drive_details($drive) { if (isset($drive["fsSize"])) { $pdsize = $drive["fsSize"] * 1024; $pfree = $drive["fsFree"] * 1024; $pused = $pdsize - $pfree; $pused_size = $pused / $pdsize * 100; $output['used'] = format_bytes($pused, true, '', ''); $output['free'] = format_bytes($pfree, true, '', ''); $output['percent'] = $pused_size; } $output['id'] = $drive["id"] . " (" . $drive["device"] . ")"; $output['temp'] = $drive['temp']; $output['size'] = format_bytes($drive["size"] * 1024); $output['errors'] = $drive['numErrors']; return $output; }
/** * 上传目录列表 * @param string $path 目录名 * @return array */ function file_list_upload($path) { $config = C('TMPL_PARSE_STRING'); switch (strtoupper(C('FILE_UPLOAD_TYPE'))) { case 'SAE': $path = str_replace(DS, '/', rtrim($path, DS)); $arr = explode('/', ltrim($path, './')); $domain = array_shift($arr); $filePath = implode('/', $arr); $s = new SaeStorage(); $list = $s->getListByPath($domain, $filePath); $res = array(); while (isset($list['dirNum']) && $list['dirNum']) { $list['dirNum']--; array_push($res, array('type' => 'dir', 'name' => $list['dirs'][$list['dirNum']]['name'], 'path' => ltrim($list['dirs'][$list['dirNum']]['fullName'], 'upload/'), 'size' => '-', 'mtime' => '-', 'url' => '#')); } while (isset($list['fileNum']) && $list['fileNum']) { $list['fileNum']--; array_push($res, array('type' => 'file', 'name' => $list['files'][$list['fileNum']]['Name'], 'path' => ltrim($list['files'][$list['fileNum']]['fullName'], 'upload/'), 'size' => format_bytes($list['files'][$list['fileNum']]['length'], ' '), 'mtime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['files'][$list['fileNum']]['uploadTime']), 'url' => ltrim($list['files'][$list['fileNum']]['fullName'], 'upload/'))); } return $res; break; case 'FTP': $storage = new \Common\Plugin\Ftp(); $list = $storage->ls($path); foreach ($list as &$item) { $item['path'] = ltrim($item['path'], UPLOAD_PATH); $item['url'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $item['path']); } return $list; break; default: $path = realpath($path); $path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DS, $path); $list = glob($path . DS . '*'); $res = array(); foreach ($list as $key => $filename) { array_push($res, array('type' => is_dir($filename) ? 'dir' : 'file', 'name' => basename($filename), 'path' => ltrim(str_replace(realpath(UPLOAD_PATH), '', $filename), DS), 'size' => format_bytes(filesize($filename), ' '), 'mtime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($filename)), 'url' => ltrim(str_replace(array(realpath(UPLOAD_PATH), '\\'), array('', '/'), $filename), '/'))); } return $res; } }
public function testFormatBytes() { $this->assertSame('10 B', format_bytes(10)); $this->assertSame('100 B', format_bytes(100)); $this->assertSame('1,0 kB', format_bytes(1000)); $this->assertSame('1,0 kB', format_bytes(1024)); $this->assertSame('1,0 kB', format_bytes(1025)); $this->assertSame('1 kB', format_bytes(1025, 0)); $this->assertSame('15 kB', format_bytes(15245, 0)); $this->assertSame('15 kB', format_bytes(15645, 0)); $this->assertSame('15,3 kB', format_bytes(15645)); $this->assertSame('15,6 kB', format_bytes(15945)); $this->assertSame('16 kB', format_bytes(15945, 0)); $this->assertSame('15 MB', format_bytes(15945987, 0)); $this->assertSame('15,2 MB', format_bytes(15945987)); $this->assertSame('2 GB', format_bytes(2000000000, 0)); $this->assertSame('3 TB', format_bytes(3000000000000, 0)); $this->assertSame('1 TB', format_bytes(1000000000000, 0)); $this->assertSame('1 PB', format_bytes(1000000000000000, 0)); $this->assertSame('8 PB', format_bytes(9000000000000000, 0)); }
public function get_backups() { $bdir = $this->_get_backup_dir(); if (!file_exists($bdir)) { $this->_backup_summary['info'] = "No backups"; return $this->_backup_summary; } $files = scandir($bdir); if (count($files) < 1) { $this->_backup_summary['info'] = "No backups"; return null; } $bupfiles = preg_grep("/^backup\\-*/", $files); if (count($bupfiles) < 1) { $this->_backup_summary['info'] = "No backups"; return null; } $total_size = 0; $bburl = $this->site->siteurl . $this->_get_backup_dir(); foreach ($bupfiles as $b) { $this->_backup_summary['count']++; $size = filesize($bdir . $b); $total_size += $size; $m = $this->_bb_regex($b); $d = $m['date']; $t = $m['type']; if ($t == 'full' && $d > $this->_backup_summary['lastfull']) { $this->_backup_summary['lastfull'] = $d; $this->_backup_summary['fullurl'] = $bburl . $b; } else { if ($t == 'db' && $d > $this->_backup_summary['lastdb']) { $this->_backup_summary['lastdb'] = $d; $this->_backup_summary['dburl'] = $bburl . $b; } } $this->_backups[$b] = array('size' => $size, 'date' => $d, 'type' => $t, 'url' => $bburl . $b, 'dir' => $bdir . $b); } $this->_backup_summary['totalsize'] = format_bytes($total_size); return $this->_backups; }
/** * check_config * This checks the script configuration... Like upload limit, thumbs, etc. */ function check_config() { global $config, $install_errors; if (!defined('HTTP_HOST')) { $install_errors[] = 'Can\'t resolve <code>HTTP_HOST</code>. Please check at the bottom of <code>config.php</code>'; } // Upload limit vs php.ini value -> $ini_upload_bytes = return_bytes(trim(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) . 'B'); $max_size_bytes = return_bytes($config['max_filesize']); if (!is_numeric($max_size_bytes)) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid numeric value in <code>$config[\'max_filesize\']</code>'; } else { if ($ini_upload_bytes < $max_size_bytes) { $install_errors[] = 'Max. image size (' . $config['max_filesize'] . ') is greater than the value in <code>php.ini</code> (' . format_bytes($ini_upload_bytes) . ')'; } } if (!is_int($config['thumb_width'])) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid thumb size width in <code>$config[\'thumb_width\']</code>'; } if (!is_int($config['thumb_height'])) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid thumb size height in <code>$config[\'thumb_height\']</code>'; } if (!is_int($config['min_resize_size']) || $config['min_resize_size'] < 0) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid minimum resize size in <code>$config[\'min_resize_size\']</code>'; } if (!is_int($config['max_resize_size']) || $config['max_resize_size'] < 0) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid maximum resize size in <code>$config[\'max_resize_size\']</code>'; } if (is_int($config['min_resize_size']) && is_int($config['max_resize_size']) && $config['min_resize_size'] > $config['max_resize_size']) { $install_errors[] = 'Minimum resize size can\'t be larger than maximum resize size. Please check <code>$config[\'min_resize_size\']</code> and <code>$config[\'max_resize_size\']</code>'; } if (!conditional_config('multiupload')) { $config['multiupload_limit'] = 1; } else { if ($config['multiupload_limit'] <= 0 || $config['multiupload_limit'] == '') { $config['multiupload_limit'] = 0; } } if (!check_value(chevereto_config('file_naming')) || !in_array(chevereto_config('file_naming'), array('original', 'random', 'mixed'))) { $config['file_naming'] = 'original'; } if (!is_numeric($config['multiupload_limit']) && !is_bool($config['multiupload_limit'])) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid multiupload limit value in <code>$config[\'multiupload_limit\']</code>'; } if ($config['multiupload_limit'] > 100) { $install_errors[] = 'Multiupload limit value can\'t be higher than 100 in <code>$config[\'multiupload_limit\']</code>'; } if ($config['short_url_service'] == 'bitly') { $bitly_status = fetch_url(''******'short_url_user'] . '&x_apiKey=' . $config['short_url_keypass'] . '&apiKey=' . $config['short_url_keypass'] . '&login='******'short_url_user'] . '&format=json'); $bitly_json = json_decode($bitly_status); if ($bitly_json->data->valid !== 1) { $install_errors[] = 'The <a href="" target="_blank"></a> user/api is invalid. bitly server says <code>' . $bitly_json->status_txt . '</code>. Please double check your data.'; } } // Facebook comments if (use_facebook_comments() && !check_value($config['facebook_app_id'])) { $install_errors[] = 'You are are trying to use Facebook comments but <code>$config[\'facebook_app_id\']</code> is not setted.'; } // Virtual folders foreach (array('virtual_folder_image', 'virtual_folder_uploaded') as $value) { if (!check_value($config[$value])) { $install_errors[] = '<code>$config[\'' . $value . '\']</code> is not setted.'; } } // Passwords if ($config['user_password'] == $config['admin_password']) { $install_errors[] = 'Admin and user passwords must be different. Please check <code>$config[\'admin_password\']</code> and <code>$config[\'user_password\']</code>'; } // Flood report email? if (check_value($config['flood_report_email']) && !check_email_address($config['flood_report_email'])) { $install_errors[] = 'It appears that <code>$config[\'flood_report_email\']</code> has a invalid email address'; } // Watermark if (conditional_config('watermark_enable')) { define('__CHV_WATERMARK_FILE__', __CHV_ROOT_DIR__ . ltrim($config['watermark_image'], '/')); if (!is_int($config['watermark_margin'])) { $install_errors[] = 'Watermark margin must be integer in <code>$config[\'watermark_margin\']</code>'; } if (!is_int($config['watermark_opacity'])) { $install_errors[] = 'Watermark opacity must be integer in <code>$config[\'watermark_opacity\']</code>'; } if ($config['watermark_opacity'] > 100 or $config['watermark_opacity'] < 0) { $install_errors[] = 'Watermark opacity value out of limis (' . $config['watermark_opacity'] . '). <code>$config[\'watermark_opacity\']</code> must be in the range 0 to 100'; } // Watermark position if (!check_value($config['watermark_position'])) { $config['watermark_position'] = 'center center'; } $watermark_position = explode(' ', strtolower($config['watermark_position'])); if (!isset($watermark_position[1])) { $watermark_position[1] = 'center'; } if (preg_match('/^left|center|right$/', $watermark_position[0])) { $config['watermark_x_position'] = $watermark_position[0]; } else { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid watermark horizontal position in <code>$config[\'watermark_position\']</code>'; } if (preg_match('/^top|center|bottom$/', $watermark_position[1])) { $config['watermark_y_position'] = $watermark_position[1]; } else { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid watermark vertical position in <code>$config[\'watermark_position\']</code>'; } if (!file_exists(__CHV_WATERMARK_FILE__)) { $install_errors[] = 'Watermark image file doesn\'t exists. Please check the path in <code>$config[\'watermark_image\']</code>'; } else { $watermark_image_info = get_info(__CHV_WATERMARK_FILE__); if ($watermark_image_info['mime'] !== 'image/png') { $install_errors[] = 'Watermark image file must be a PNG image in <code>$config[\'watermark_image\']</code>'; } } } // Flood limits $flood_limits = array('minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month'); $flood_value_error = false; foreach ($flood_limits as $value) { if (!check_value($config['max_uploads_per_' . $value]) || !is_numeric($config['max_uploads_per_' . $value])) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid config value in <code>$config[\'' . $value . '\']</code>'; $flood_value_error = true; } } if ($flood_value_error == false) { $flood_lower_than = array('minute' => array('hour', 'day', 'week', 'month'), 'hour' => array('day', 'week', 'month'), 'day' => array('week', 'month'), 'week' => array('month')); foreach ($flood_lower_than as $period => $lower_than) { foreach ($lower_than as $value) { if ($config['max_uploads_per_' . $period] >= $config['max_uploads_per_' . $value]) { $install_errors[] = '<code>max_uploads_per_' . $period . '</code> must be lower than <code>max_uploads_per_' . $value . '</code>'; } } } } // dB settings foreach (array('db_host', 'db_name', 'db_user') as $value) { if (!check_value($config[$value])) { $install_errors[] = '<code>$config[\'' . $value . '\']</code>'; } } if (count($install_errors) == 0) { require_once __CHV_PATH_CLASSES__ . 'class.db.php'; $dB = new dB(); if ($dB->dead) { chevereto_die('<code>' . $dB->error . '</code>', 'Database error', array('The system has encountered a error when it try to connect to the database server.', 'Please note this error and if you need help go to <a href="">Chevereto support</a>.')); } else { // Check maintenance mode if ($dB->get_option('maintenance') && !defined('SKIP_MAINTENANCE')) { $config['maintenance'] = true; } } } return count($install_errors) == 0 ? true : false; }
<td width="78%" class="listr"> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($ifinfo['inpktspass'] . "/" . $ifinfo['outpktspass'] . " ("); echo htmlspecialchars(format_bytes($ifinfo['inbytespass']) . "/" . format_bytes($ifinfo['outbytespass']) . ")"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22%" class="vncellt"><?php echo gettext("In/out packets (block)"); ?> </td> <td width="78%" class="listr"> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($ifinfo['inpktsblock'] . "/" . $ifinfo['outpktsblock'] . " ("); echo htmlspecialchars(format_bytes($ifinfo['inbytesblock']) . "/" . format_bytes($ifinfo['outbytesblock']) . ")"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php if (isset($ifinfo['inerrs'])) { ?> <tr> <td width="22%" class="vncellt"><?php echo gettext("In/out errors"); ?> </td> <td width="78%" class="listr"> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($ifinfo['inerrs'] . "/" . $ifinfo['outerrs']); ?>
/"><?php echo $item["id"]; ?> </a></td> <td class="wrap"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($item["filename"]); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $item["mimetype"]; ?> </td> <td class="nowrap" data-sort-value="<?php echo $item["date"]; ?> "><?php echo date("r", $item["date"]); ?> </td> <td><?php echo format_bytes($item["filesize"]); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div>
function return_rowhelper_row($rownum, $mountpoint, $fstype, $disk, $size, $encpass) { global $g, $select_txt, $custom_disks, $savemsg; $release = php_uname("r"); $release = trim($release[0]); // Mount point $disks = installer_find_all_disks(); $custom_txt .= "<tr>"; $custom_txt .= "<td><input size='8' id='mountpoint{$rownum}' name='mountpoint{$rownum}' value='{$mountpoint}'></td>"; // Filesystem type array $types = array('UFS' => 'UFS', 'UFS+S' => 'UFS + Softupdates', 'UFS.eli' => 'Encrypted UFS', 'UFS+S.eli' => 'Encrypted UFS + Softupdates', 'SWAP' => 'SWAP'); // UFS + Journaling was introduced in 9.0 if ($release == "9") { $types['UFS+J'] = "UFS + Journaling"; $types['UFS+J.eli'] = "Encrypted UFS + Journaling"; } // Add ZFS Boot loader if it exists if (file_exists("/boot/gptzfsboot")) { $types['ZFS'] = "Zetabyte Filesystem"; $types['ZFS.eli'] = "Encrypted Zetabyte Filesystem"; } // fstype form field $custom_txt .= "<td><select onChange='javascript:row_helper_dynamic_custom()' id='fstype{$rownum}' name='fstype{$rownum}'>"; $select_txt = ""; foreach ($types as $type => $desc) { if ($type == $fstype) { $SELECTED = "SELECTED"; } else { $SELECTED = ""; } $select_txt .= "<option value='{$type}' {$SELECTED}>{$desc}</option>"; } $custom_txt .= "{$select_txt}</select>\n"; $custom_txt .= "</td>"; // Disk selection form field $custom_txt .= "<td><select id='disk{$rownum}' name='disk{$rownum}'>\n"; $custom_disks = ""; foreach ($disks as $dsk) { $disksize_bytes = format_bytes($dsk['size'] * 1048576); $disksize = $dsk['size']; if ($disk == $dsk['disk']) { $SELECTED = "SELECTED"; } else { $SELECTED = ""; } $custom_disks .= "<option value='{$dsk['disk']}' {$SELECTED}>{$dsk['disk']} - {$dsk['desc']} - {$disksize}MB ({$disksize_bytes})</option>"; } $custom_txt .= "{$custom_disks}</select></td>\n"; // Slice size $custom_txt .= "<td><input onChange='javascript:row_helper_dynamic_custom();' name='size{$rownum}' id='size{$rownum}' size='8' type='text' value='{$size}'></td>"; // Encryption password $custom_txt .= "<td>"; $custom_txt .= "<input id='encpass{$rownum}' name='encpass{$rownum}' size='8' value='{$encpass}'>"; $custom_txt .= "</td>"; // Add Rowhelper + button if ($rownum > 0) { $custom_txt .= "<td><a onclick=\"removeRow(this); return false;\" href=\"#\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"/themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_x.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"remove this entry\"/></a></td>"; } $custom_txt .= "</tr>"; return $custom_txt; }
echo $item['host']; ?> :<?php echo $item['port']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $item['tags']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $item['innodb_buffer_pool_instances']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo format_bytes($item['innodb_buffer_pool_size']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $item['innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $item['innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $item['innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty']; ?> </td> <td><?php
function direktorija($dir, $i, $dziljums) { global $pats; global $lasitdir; global $lasitfailus; global $shimg; $i++; if ($parbaudadir = opendir($dir)) { $irdir = 0; $irfails = 0; while ($file = readdir($parbaudadir)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $file)) { $lasitdir[$irdir] = $file; $irdir++; } else { $lasitfailus[$irfails] = $file; $irfails++; } } } if (count($lasitdir) > 0) { sort($lasitdir); for ($j = 0; $j < count($lasitdir); $j++) { $saite = '<a href="' . $pats . '?' . en_crypt('dir=' . $dir . '/' . $lasitdir[$j] . '') . '">' . $lasitdir[$j] . '</a>'; $saitedzd = '<a href="' . $pats . '?' . en_crypt('c=' . $dir . '/' . $lasitdir[$j] . '&dzeest=yes&dir=' . $dir . '') . '" onclick="javascript:return confirm(\'Dzēst?\');">X</a>'; $urlis = mapURL($dir . '/' . $lasitdir[$j]); $urlis = str_replace("\\", '/', $urlis); $imgdir = $shimg == 1 ? '<img src="' . $pats . '?' . en_crypt('icon=view') . '" alt="" />' : '[go]'; $skat = '<a href="' . $urlis . '/">' . $imgdir . '</a> '; $dir_css = $j % 2 ? 'a' : 'b'; $imgdir1 = $shimg == 1 ? '<img src="' . $pats . '?' . en_crypt('icon=folder') . '" alt="" />' : '[dir]'; $druka = '<div class="' . $dir_css . '" onmouseover="fa(this);" onmouseout="fb(this);">' . $skat . ' ' . $imgdir1 . '<em class="dir">' . $saite . '</em><em class="chmod">' . substr(base_convert(fileperms($dir . '/' . $lasitdir[$j]), 10, 8), 2) . '</em><em class="kb"></em><em class="data">' . gmdate('[ Y-m-d, H:i:s ]', 2 * 3600 + filemtime($dir . '/' . $lasitdir[$j])) . '</em> <del title="dzēst!">' . $saitedzd . '</del></div> '; echo $druka; if ($i < $dziljums) { direktorija($dir . '/' . $lasitdir[$j], $i, $dziljums); } } } echo '<div class="nav"> </div> '; if (count($lasitfailus) > 0) { sort($lasitfailus); for ($k = 0; $k < count($lasitfailus); $k++) { $saite = '<a href="' . $pats . '?' . en_crypt('c=' . $dir . '/' . $lasitfailus[$k] . '&faili=yes&dir=' . $dir . '') . '#f">' . $lasitfailus[$k] . '</a>'; $saitedz = '<a href="' . $pats . '?' . en_crypt('c=' . $dir . '/' . $lasitfailus[$k] . '&dzeest=yes&dir=' . $dir . '') . '" onclick="javascript:return confirm(\'Dzēst?\');">X</a>'; ### lejupielaade $imgdir = $shimg == 1 ? '<img src="' . $pats . '?' . en_crypt('icon=view') . '" alt="" />' : '[go]'; $lej_img = $shimg == 1 ? '<img src="' . $pats . '?' . en_crypt('icon=save') . '" alt="" />' : '[save]'; $sleja = '<a href="' . $pats . '?' . en_crypt('c=' . $dir . '/' . $lasitfailus[$k] . '&leja=' . $lasitfailus[$k] . '&dir=' . $dir . '') . '">' . $lej_img . '</a>'; ### $urlis = mapURL($dir); $urlis = str_replace("\\", '/', $urlis); #AAAA $filu_css = $k % 2 ? 'c' : 'd'; $ext = substr(strrchr($dir . '/' . $lasitfailus[$k], '.'), 1); $skat_img = $shimg == 1 ? '<img src="' . $pats . '?' . en_crypt('icon=view') . '" alt="" />' : '[view]'; $moz_icon = $shimg == 1 ? '<img src="moz-icon://.' . $ext . '?size=16" alt="' . $ext . '" />' : '[' . $ext . ']'; $skat = '<a href="' . $urlis . '/' . $lasitfailus[$k] . '">' . $skat_img . '</a> '; $druka = '<div class="' . $filu_css . '" onmouseover="fa(this);" onmouseout="fb(this);"> ' . $skat . $sleja . ' ' . $moz_icon . '<em class="dir">' . $saite . '</em><em class="chmod">' . substr(base_convert(fileperms($dir . '/' . $lasitfailus[$k]), 10, 8), 3) . '</em><em class="kb">' . format_bytes(filesize($dir . '/' . $lasitfailus[$k])) . '</em><em class="data">' . gmdate('[ Y-m-d, H:i:s ]', 2 * 3600 + filemtime($dir . '/' . $lasitfailus[$k])) . '</em> <del title="dzēst!">' . $saitedz . '</del></div> '; echo $druka; } } closedir($parbaudadir); } }
<div> <a id="linkaccount" href = "linkaccount.php">Link Account</a> <a id="logout" href = "logout.php">Log Out</a> </div> <div id="accountInfo"> <?php #grabs quota from each account and shows you how much space you have used so far $accounts = query("SELECT * FROM dropbox_accounts WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]); foreach ($accounts as $account) { $client = new dbx\Client($account["dropbox_accessToken"], "PHP"); $userData = $client->getAccountInfo(); $email = $account["dropbox_email"]; $normalbytes = $userData['quota_info']['normal']; $quotabytes = $userData['quota_info']['quota']; #format_bytes is in config.php converts bytes to more readable format. print "<br><a class=\"emaillink\" href=\"index.php?{$email}&/\">" . $email . '</a>:' . '</br>' . format_bytes($normalbytes) . ' out of ' . format_bytes($quotabytes) . '</br>'; } ?> </div> <!--example from plupload, filelist will show if you dont have flash, or HTML5--> <div id="filelist">Your browser doesn't have Flash, Silverlight or HTML5 support.</div> <br /> <!--clicking on of these will trigger actions in the script below--> <div id="container"> <a id="pickfiles" href="javascript:;">[Select files]</a> <a id="uploadfiles" href="javascript:;">[Upload files]</a> </div> <br /> <!--where the files you have uploaded will show up--> <pre id="console"></pre>
" /> <?php } $c++; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $date; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $version['version']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo format_bytes($version['filesize']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($version['description']); ?> </td> <td> <a href="diag_confbak.php?newver=<?php echo $version['time']; ?> " class="btn btn-xs btn-success" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo gettext("Are you sure you want to replace the current configuration with this backup?"); ?> ')">
function get_interfacestats() { global $config; //build interface list for widget use $ifdescrs = get_configured_interface_list(); $array_in_packets = array(); $array_out_packets = array(); $array_in_bytes = array(); $array_out_bytes = array(); $array_in_errors = array(); $array_out_errors = array(); $array_collisions = array(); $array_interrupt = array(); $new_data = ""; //build data arrays foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { $ifinfo = get_interface_info($ifdescr); $new_data .= "{$ifinfo['inpkts']},"; $new_data .= "{$ifinfo['outpkts']},"; $new_data .= format_bytes($ifinfo['inbytes']) . ","; $new_data .= format_bytes($ifinfo['outbytes']) . ","; if (isset($ifinfo['inerrs'])) { $new_data .= "{$ifinfo['inerrs']},"; $new_data .= "{$ifinfo['outerrs']},"; } else { $new_data .= "0,"; $new_data .= "0,"; } if (isset($ifinfo['collisions'])) { $new_data .= htmlspecialchars($ifinfo['collisions']) . ","; } else { $new_data .= "0,"; } } //end for return $new_data; }
foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifname) { print "<th>" . $ifname . "</th>"; } print "</tr>"; print "</thead>"; print "<tbody>"; foreach ($rows as $key => $name) { print "<tr>"; print "<td><b>" . $name . "</b></td>"; foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { $ifinfo = get_interface_info($ifdescr); if ($ifinfo['status'] == "down") { continue; } $ifinfo['inbytes'] = format_bytes($ifinfo['inbytes']); $ifinfo['outbytes'] = format_bytes($ifinfo['outbytes']); print "<td>" . (isset($ifinfo[$key]) ? htmlspecialchars($ifinfo[$key]) : 'n/a') . "</td>"; } print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } print "</tbody>"; exit; } ?> <table id="iftbl" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <tr><td><?php echo gettext("Retrieving interface data"); ?> </td></tr> </table>
function track_data() { $tracks = CMP3File::get_tracks(TRACKS_LOCATION); $data = ["total_tracks" => count($tracks), "tracks_location" => TRACKS_LOCATION, "tracks_size" => format_bytes(folder_size(TRACKS_LOCATION))]; return $data; }
<td class="num"> <input class="ids" checked="chedked" type="checkbox" name="tables[]" value="<?php echo $table["name"]; ?> "> </td> <td><?php echo $table["name"]; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $table["rows"]; ?> </td> <td><?php echo format_bytes($table["data_length"]); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $table["create_time"]; ?> </td> <td class="info">未备份</td> <td class="action"> <a class="ajax-get no-refresh" href="<?php echo U('optimize?tables=' . $table['name']); ?> ">优化表</a> <a class="ajax-get no-refresh" href="<?php echo U('repair?tables=' . $table['name']); ?>
<?php } ?> </nav> <?php // The notes displayed on the page are large, the page content comparitively small. A "Note" button // is provided so that you only see the notes if you ask for them ?> <div id="infoblock" class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"><h2 class="panel-title">Notes</h2></div> <div class="panel-body"> <?php echo gettext("Any files that you upload here with the filename prefix of captiveportal- will " . "be made available in the root directory of the captive portal HTTP(S) server. " . "You may reference them directly from your portal page HTML code using relative paths. " . "Example: you've uploaded an image with the name 'captiveportal-test.jpg' using the " . "file manager. Then you can include it in your portal page like this:"); ?> <br /><br /> <pre><img src="captiveportal-test.jpg" width=... height=...></pre><br /> <?php echo gettext("In addition, you can also upload .php files for execution.\tYou can pass the filename " . "to your custom page from the initial page by using text similar to:"); ?> <br /><br /> <pre><a href="/captiveportal-aup.php?zone=$PORTAL_ZONE$&redirurl=$PORTAL_REDIRURL$"><?php echo gettext("Acceptable usage policy"); ?> </a></pre><br /> <?php echo sprintf(gettext("The total size limit for all files is %s."), format_bytes($g['captiveportal_element_sizelimit'])); ?> </div> </div> <?php include "";