Beispiel #1
function getTimezoneOption()
    $list = DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations();
    $idents = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers();
    $data = $offset = $added = array();
    foreach ($list as $abbr => $info) {
        foreach ($info as $zone) {
            if (!empty($zone['timezone_id']) and !in_array($zone['timezone_id'], $added) and in_array($zone['timezone_id'], $idents)) {
                $z = new DateTimeZone($zone['timezone_id']);
                $c = new DateTime(null, $z);
                $zone['time'] = $c->format('H:i');
                $data[] = $zone;
                $offset[] = $z->getOffset($c);
                $added[] = $zone['timezone_id'];
    array_multisort($offset, SORT_ASC, $data);
    $options = array();
    foreach ($data as $key => $row) {
        $options[$row['timezone_id']] = formatOffset($row['offset']) . ' ' . $row['timezone_id'];
    return $options;
Beispiel #2
        $sign = ' ';
    return $sign . str_pad($hour, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ':' . str_pad($minutes, 2, '0');
$utc = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$dt = new DateTime('now', $utc);
echo '<select class="form-control input-sm" name="user_timezone" id="user_timezone">';
foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $tz) {
    $current_tz = new DateTimeZone($tz);
    $offset = $current_tz->getOffset($dt);
    $transition = $current_tz->getTransitions($dt->getTimestamp(), $dt->getTimestamp());
    $abbr = $transition[0]['abbr'];
    if ($html['user_timezone'] == $tz) {
        echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . $tz . '">' . $tz . ' [' . $abbr . ' ' . formatOffset($offset) . ']</option>';
    echo '<option value="' . $tz . '">' . $tz . ' [' . $abbr . ' ' . formatOffset($offset) . ']</option>';
echo '</select>';

				<div class="form-group">
				    <label for="user_daily_email" class="col-xs-4 control-label">Daily Email Report: </label>
				    <div class="col-xs-8">
				      <select class="form-control input-sm" id="user_daily_email" name="user_daily_email">
				        <option value="" <?php 
if ($html['user_daily_email'] == '') {
    echo 'selected';
function exec_ogp_module()
    require_once 'includes/form_table_class.php';
    global $db, $view;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['update_settings'])) {
        $settings = array("panel_name" => $_REQUEST['panel_name'], "header_code" => $_REQUEST['header_code'], "maintenance_mode" => $_REQUEST['maintenance_mode'], "maintenance_title" => $_REQUEST['maintenance_title'], "maintenance_message" => $_REQUEST['maintenance_message'], "panel_language" => $_REQUEST['panel_language'], "time_zone" => $_REQUEST['time_zone'], "charset" => $_REQUEST['charset'], "page_auto_refresh" => $_REQUEST['page_auto_refresh'], "smtp_server" => $_REQUEST['smtp_server'], "smtp_port" => $_REQUEST['smtp_port'], "smtp_login" => $_REQUEST['smtp_login'], "smtp_passw" => $_REQUEST['smtp_passw'], "smtp_ssl" => $_REQUEST['smtp_ssl'], "panel_email_address" => $_REQUEST['panel_email_address'], "feed_enable" => $_REQUEST['feed_enable'], "feed_url" => $_REQUEST['feed_url'], "query_cache_life" => $_REQUEST['query_cache_life'], "query_num_servers_stop" => $_REQUEST['query_num_servers_stop'], "steam_user" => $_REQUEST['steam_user'], "steam_pass" => $_REQUEST['steam_pass'], "steam_guard" => $_REQUEST['steam_guard'], "editable_email" => $_REQUEST['editable_email'], "old_dashboard_behavior" => $_REQUEST['old_dashboard_behavior'], "rsync_available" => $_REQUEST['rsync_available']);
        echo "<h2>" . get_lang('settings') . "</h2>";
    function formatOffset($offset)
        $hours = $offset / 3600;
        $remainder = $offset % 3600;
        $sign = $hours > 0 ? '+' : '-';
        $hour = (int) abs($hours);
        $minutes = (int) abs($remainder / 60);
        if ($hour == 0 and $minutes == 0) {
            $sign = ' ';
        return $sign . str_pad($hour, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ':' . str_pad($minutes, 2, '0');
    $utc = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
    $dt = new DateTime('now', $utc);
    if (!method_exists($dt, 'getTimestamp')) {
        $dt = new DateTime_52('now', $utc);
    foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $tz) {
        $current_tz = new DateTimeZone($tz);
        $offset = $current_tz->getOffset($dt);
        $transition = $current_tz->getTransitions($dt->getTimestamp(), $dt->getTimestamp());
        $abbr = $transition[0]['abbr'];
        $zones["{$tz}"] = $tz . '[' . $abbr . ' ' . formatOffset($offset) . ']';
    $rsync_options = array("1" => get_lang('all_available_servers'), "2" => get_lang('only_remote_servers'), "3" => get_lang('only_local_servers'));
    echo "<h2>" . get_lang('settings') . "</h2>";
    $row = $db->getSettings();
    $ft = new FormTable();
    $ft->start_form("?m=settings", "post", "autocomplete=\"off\"");
    $ft->add_field('string', 'panel_name', @$row['panel_name']);
    $locale_files = makefilelist("lang/", ".|..|.svn", true, "folders");
    $locale_files = array('' => "-") + $locale_files;
    $ft->add_custom_field('panel_language', create_drop_box_from_array($locale_files, "panel_language", @$row['panel_language']));
    $zones = array('' => "-") + $zones;
    $ft->add_custom_field('time_zone', create_drop_box_from_array($zones, "time_zone", @$row['time_zone'], false));
    $ft->add_field('string', 'charset', @$row['charset']);
    $ft->add_field('text', 'header_code', @$row['header_code']);
    $ft->add_field('on_off', 'maintenance_mode', @$row['maintenance_mode']);
    $ft->add_field('string', 'maintenance_title', @$row['maintenance_title']);
    $ft->add_field('text', 'maintenance_message', @$row['maintenance_message']);
    $ft->add_field('on_off', 'page_auto_refresh', @$row['page_auto_refresh']);
    $ft->add_field('string', 'panel_email_address', @$row['panel_email_address']);
    $ft->add_field('string', 'smtp_server', @$row['smtp_server']);
    $ft->add_field('string', 'smtp_port', @$row['smtp_port']);
    $ft->add_field('on_off', 'smtp_ssl', @$row['smtp_ssl']);
    $ft->add_field('string', 'smtp_login', @$row['smtp_login']);
    $ft->add_field('string', 'smtp_passw', @$row['smtp_passw']);
    $ft->add_field('on_off', 'feed_enable', @$row['feed_enable']);
    $ft->add_field('string', 'feed_url', @$row['feed_url']);
    $query_cache_life = (isset($row['query_cache_life']) and $row['query_cache_life'] != "") ? $row['query_cache_life'] : "30";
    $ft->add_field('string', 'query_cache_life', $query_cache_life);
    $query_num_servers_stop = (isset($row['query_num_servers_stop']) and $row['query_num_servers_stop'] != "") ? $row['query_num_servers_stop'] : "15";
    $ft->add_field('string', 'query_num_servers_stop', $query_num_servers_stop);
    $ft->add_field('string', 'steam_user', @$row['steam_user']);
    $ft->add_field('password', 'steam_pass', @$row['steam_pass']);
    $ft->add_field('password', 'steam_guard', @$row['steam_guard']);
    $mail_setting = isset($row['editable_email']) ? $row['editable_email'] : "1";
    $ft->add_field('on_off', 'editable_email', $mail_setting);
    $ft->add_field('on_off', 'old_dashboard_behavior', @$row['old_dashboard_behavior']);
    $ft->add_custom_field('rsync_available', create_drop_box_from_array($rsync_options, "rsync_available", @$row['rsync_available'], false));
    $ft->add_button("submit", "update_settings", get_lang('update_settings'));
Beispiel #4
$regions = array();
foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $line) {
    $pieces = explode("/", $line);
    if (isset($pieces[1])) {
        $regions[$pieces[0]][] = $line;
$tzmenu = '<ul id="tzmenu">';
foreach ($regions as $country => $cityarray) {
    $tzmenu .= "\t<li>{$country}\n\t\t<ul>";
    foreach ($cityarray as $key => $city) {
        $z = new DateTimeZone($city);
        $c = new DateTime(null, $z);
        $adjustedtime = $c->format('H:i a');
        $offset = formatOffset($z->getOffset($c));
        $tzmenu .= "\t\t\t<li><a href=\"#\" data=\"{$city}\">{$adjustedtime} - {$offset} {$city}</a></li>\n";
    $tzmenu .= "\t\t</ul>\t</li>";
$tzmenu .= '</ul>';
// Build list of cable color codes
$cablecolors = "";
$colorselector = '<select name="mediacolorcode[]"><option value="0"></option>';
$codeList = ColorCoding::GetCodeList();
if (count($codeList) > 0) {
    foreach ($codeList as $cc) {
        $colorselector .= '<option value="' . $cc->ColorID . '">' . $cc->Name . '</option>';
        $cablecolors .= '<div>
					<div><img src="images/del.gif"></div>
					<div><input type="text" name="colorcode[]" data=' . $cc->ColorID . ' value="' . $cc->Name . '"></div>
Beispiel #5
    $hour = (int) abs($hours);
    $minutes = (int) abs($remainder / 60);
    if ($hour == 0 and $minutes == 0) {
        $sign = ' ';
    return $sign . str_pad($hour, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ':' . str_pad($minutes, 2, '0');
$utc = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$dt = new DateTime('now', $utc);
$tzselect = '<select id="userTimezone" name="userTimezone" class="form-control">';
foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $tz) {
    $current_tz = new DateTimeZone($tz);
    $offset = $current_tz->getOffset($dt);
    $transition = $current_tz->getTransitions($dt->getTimestamp(), $dt->getTimestamp());
    $abbr = $transition[0]['abbr'];
    $tzselect = $tzselect . '<option ' . ($settings['userTimezone'] == $tz ? "selected" : "") . ' value="' . $tz . '">' . $tz . ' [' . $abbr . ' ' . formatOffset($offset) . ']</option>';
$tzselect = $tzselect . '</select>';
include 'head.php';
include 'menu.php';
<div class="container">
<!-- ######################## -->

  <form name="timezone" action="/settings.php" method="post" class="form-horizontal">
      <div class="form-group">
        <label for="userTimezone" class="control-label col-lg-3">Timezone</label>
Beispiel #6
        aasort($tzArray, "offset");
        foreach ($tzArray as $tz) {
            if ($tz["tz"] == $TimeZone) {
                $sel = 'selected="selected" style="background-color: yellow;"';
            } else {
                $sel = "";
<option <?php 
            echo $sel;
            echo $tz["tz"];
"> (<?php 
            echo formatOffset($tz["offset"]);
            echo $tz["abbr"];
) <?php 
            echo $tz["tz"];
	 <tr  class="row">
	   <td>Date Format:</td>
Beispiel #7
    $abbr = $transition[0]['abbr'];
                                    <option name="timeZone" value="<?php 
    echo $tz;
    $tz == $timeZone ? print " selected" : "";
    echo $tz;
    echo $abbr;
    echo formatOffset($offSet);
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="defaultPage">Date Format - 12 Hour Format</label>
                                <div class="radio">
                                    <label><input type="radio" name="dateFormatSlelection" value="F jS, Y g:i A"<?php 
$dateFormat == "F jS, Y g:i A" ? print ' checked' : '';
>October 16, 2015 5:00 PM</label>
Beispiel #8
            <p id="required-p">(*) Required</p>

        <h2>Portal Settings</h2>
            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="timeZone">Time Zone</label>
                <select class="form-control" id="timeZone" name="timeZone">
    foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $timeZone) {
        $currentTimeZone = new DateTimeZone($timeZone);
        $offSet = $currentTimeZone->getOffset($dt);
        $transition = $currentTimeZone->getTransitions($dt->getTimestamp(), $dt->getTimeStamp());
        $abbr = $transition[0]['abbr'];
        echo '<option name="timeZone" value="' . $timeZone . '">' . $timeZone . ' [' . $abbr . ' ' . formatOffset($offSet) . ']</option>';

        <h2>Administrator Account</h2>
            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="adminName">Administrator Name *</label>
                <input type="text" class="form-control" name="name" required>
            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="adminEmail">Administrator Email Address *</label>
                <input type="email" class="form-control" name="email" required>