Beispiel #1
    // We got here from form submission after person reported correction
    // echo "Arrived as form submission";
    $id_person = $_POST['id'];
} else {
    echo '<p class="error"> This page has been accessed in error.</p>';
$query = "SELECT name_person, name_group, Groups.id_group " . "FROM Persons, Groups " . "WHERE Persons.id_person = {$id_person} " . "AND Persons.id_group=Groups.id_group";
if (DEBUG) {
    echo "Query to database is: {$query}<p>";
$result = mysqli_query($cxn, $query) or die("Couldn't execute query");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    echo "<div class='page-header'>" . form_title($name_person);
    echo form_subtitle("Member of " . live_link("list.php?group={$id_group}", "{$name_group}"));
    include "../templates/warning.php";
    // includes the warning text about paper precedence
    echo "</small>";
    if (permissions("Herald") >= 3 or permissions("Marshal") >= 3) {
        // TODO: Make this link more visible?
        echo "<br>" . button_link("./edit_person.php?id={$id_person}", "Edit {$name_person}'s record");
    echo "</div>";
echo "\n<div class='row'>\n\n  <div class='col-md-8 col-md-offset-2'>";
$query = "SELECT waiver_person, youth_person, birthdate_person\n            FROM Persons\n            WHERE id_person={$id_person}";
if (DEBUG) {
    echo "Waiver query is:{$query}<p>";
$result = mysqli_query($cxn, $query) or die("Couldn't execute waiver query");
Beispiel #2
// configuration
echo form_title("Fighter Authorization Card");
echo "<div><p><a href=\"combat.php\">Return to the Combat Page</a></p></div>";
// First: confirm that we reached this page through a POST submission
    if (isset($_POST["mem_num"]) && is_numeric($_POST["mem_num"])) {
        $mem_num = $_POST["mem_num"];
    } else {
        echo form_subtitle('Must include fighter membership number to print fighter authorization card');
    if (isset($_POST["id_combat"]) && is_numeric($_POST["id_combat"])) {
        $id_combat = $_POST["id_combat"];
} else {
    echo form_subtitle("Page accessed in error.");
if (DEBUG) {
    echo form_subsubtitle("Now using values mem_num={$mem_num} and id_combat={$id_combat}");
// Open database
$cxn = open_db_browse();
// Confirm that there is a fighter authorization card on file for this person and combat type
$query = "SELECT Persons.id_person, id_person_combat_card, Combat.id_combat, name_combat " . "FROM Persons, Persons_CombatCards, Combat " . "WHERE Persons.id_person=Persons_CombatCards.id_person " . "AND membership_person={$mem_num} " . "AND Combat.id_combat = Persons_CombatCards.id_combat " . "AND Combat.id_combat={$id_combat};";
if (DEBUG) {
    echo "Find person query is: {$query}<p>";
$result = mysqli_query($cxn, $query) or die("Couldn't find authorization card");
// Now check: if we returned a result we have id_person.  If not, exit out with card not found.
// Note: we will return either 1 row, or 0.
Beispiel #3
echo '<form action="awards_group.php" method="post">';
echo "<table class='table table-condensed table-bordered'>";
echo '<tr><td class="text-right">Start of Range</td><td> <input type="date" class="date" name="start_date" value=""> (format if no datepicker: yyyy-mm-dd)</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="text-right">End of Range</td><td> <input type="date" class="date" name="end_date" value=""> (format if no datepicker: yyyy-mm-dd)</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="text-right">SCA Group:</td><td>';
echo '<select name="id_group" ><option value="-1" selected>' . HOST_KINGDOM . '</option>';
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($groups)) {
    echo '<option value="' . $row["id_group"] . '">' . $row["Name_Group"] . '</option>';
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo '<input type="submit" value="Show Awards" class="btn btn-primary">';
echo '</form>';
echo "</div>";
echo "</div><!-- ./col-md-6 -->";
// News column on right
echo '<div class="col-md-3 well">';
echo form_subtitle("Most recent awards");
$query = "SELECT Persons.id_person, name_person, name_award, date_award, Awards.id_award " . "FROM Persons, Persons_Awards, Awards " . "WHERE Persons.id_person=Persons_Awards.id_person " . "AND Awards.id_award = Persons_Awards.id_award " . "ORDER BY date_award DESC " . "LIMIT 20";
$result = mysqli_query($cxn, $query) or die("Couldn't execute query");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    echo "<li><a href='person.php?id={$id_person}'>" . "{$name_person}</a> received <a href='list.php?award={$id_award}'>{$name_award}</a> on {$date_award}" . "</li>";
include "warning.php";
// includes the warning text about paper precedence
echo "<div> <!-- ./col-md-3 --></div> <!-- ./row -->";
/* close the db connection */
 if (DEBUG) {
     echo "Now testing {$name_marshal}: dynmidauth[{$id_marshal}]=";
     if (isset($dynmidauth[$id_marshal])) {
         echo $dynmidauth[$id_marshal];
     } else {
         echo "unset";
     if ($ipcc != NULL) {
         echo " with card for {$name_combat}";
     echo "<p>";
 if ($ipcc == NULL) {
     // No combat card info means no warrants
     if (isset($dynmidauth[$id_marshal])) {
         echo form_subtitle("Cannot authorize {$name_marshal} " . "until the card information for {$name_combat} combat " . "is completed.<p>");
 } else {
     // We have a combat card and can now start doing stuff.
     if ($ia != NULL && !isset($dynmidauth[$id_marshal])) {
         // Authorization exists in database, but box is no longer ticked
         $update = "DELETE FROM Persons_Marshals " . "WHERE id_person={$id_person} " . "AND id_marshal = {$id_marshal}";
         $result = update_query($cxn, $update);
         if (DEBUG) {
             echo "Deleting marshal's warrant: {$update}<p>";
         if ($result !== 1) {
             echo "Error deleting {$name_marshal} marshal's warrants: " . mysqli_error($cxn);
     if ($ia == NULL && isset($dynmidauth[$id_marshal])) {
Beispiel #5
<p class="text-center">
// Build links to the list beginning with the appropriate initial, which is returned as $Initial
$query = "select count(*) as ct, substring(name_person,1,1) as Initial from Persons group by Initial";
$result = mysqli_query($cxn, $query) or die("Couldn't execute query");
echo form_subtitle("Click letter to list all people with that initial");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    //    extract($row);
    $init = $row['Initial'];
    $link = "<a href='/public/list.php?initial={$init}'>{$init}</a>&nbsp";
    echo $link;
Beispiel #6
    echo '>' . $row["name_combat"] . '</option>';
echo '</select></td></tr>';
echo '</tr>
          <td class="text-right">SCA Membership #:<br>(required)</td>
          <td><input type="number" name="mem_num" min="1" step="1"></td>
echo '</table>';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Show Card" class="btn btn-primary">';
echo '</form>';
echo "</div>";
// Center block
echo "</div>";
// Center block
echo "</div><!-- ./col-md-6 -->";
// News column on right
echo '<div class="col-md-3 well">';
echo form_subtitle("Upcoming Expirations");
$query = "SELECT Persons.id_person, name_person, expire_authorize, PCC.id_combat, name_combat " . "FROM Persons, Persons_CombatCards as PCC, Combat " . "WHERE Persons.id_person=PCC.id_person " . "AND PCC.id_combat=Combat.id_combat " . "AND active_authorize='Yes' " . "AND expire_authorize>= now() " . "ORDER BY expire_authorize " . "LIMIT 20;";
$result = mysqli_query($cxn, $query) or die("Couldn't execute query");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    if (permissions("Marshal") >= 3) {
        echo "<li><a href='edit_person.php?id={$id_person}'>";
    } else {
        echo "<li><a href='person.php?id={$id_person}'>";
    echo "{$name_person}</a> has an expiring authorization for <b>{$name_combat}</b> on {$expire_authorize}" . "</li>";
Beispiel #7
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td ><a href='person.php?id={$id_person}'>{$name_person}</a></td>";
        echo "<td class='text-left'><a href='list.php?award={$id_award}'>{$name_award}</a></td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table><p>";
} else {
    echo "<p>Currently no recipients known for this event.<p>";
echo "</div><!-- ./col-md-8 --></div><!-- ./row -->";
//close out list and open divs
if (permissions("Herald") >= 3) {
    /* Now let's list potential recipients for the herald's eyes only */
    echo "<div class='row'><div class='col-md-8 col-md-offset-2'>";
    echo form_subtitle("People Who May Have Received This Award At This Event");
    echo form_subtitle("(due to the date of the Award)");
    $query = "SELECT Persons.id_person, name_person, name_award, Awards.id_award " . "FROM Persons, Awards, Persons_Awards " . "WHERE id_event=-1 " . "AND date_award >= '{$date_event_start}' " . "AND date_award <= '{$date_event_stop}' " . "AND Persons.id_person = Persons_Awards.id_person " . "AND Awards.id_award = Persons_Awards.id_award";
    if (DEBUG) {
        echo "Potential Recipients query is:<p>{$query}";
    $result = mysqli_query($cxn, $query) or die("Couldn't execute potential recipients query");
    echo "<table class='table table-condensed table-bordered'>\n<thead>\n<td ><strong>Recipient</strong></td>\n<td class='text-left'><strong>Award</strong></td>\n</thead>";
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td ><a href='edit_person.php?id={$id_person}'>{$name_person}</a></td>";
        echo "<td class='text-left'><a href='list.php?award={$id_award}'>{$name_award}</a></td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table><p>";
    echo "</div><!-- ./col-md-8 --></div><!-- ./row -->";