Beispiel #1
function EmitEmailAddresses($journo_id)
<h3>Email Addresses</h3>
    $rows = db_getAll("SELECT * FROM journo_email WHERE journo_id=?", $journo_id);
    if ($rows) {
        foreach ($rows as $r) {
            $id = $r['id'];
            $email = $r['email'];
            $srcurl = $r['srcurl'];
            $srctype = $r['srctype'];
            $approved = $r['approved'] == 't';
            $removelink = "<a href=\"?action=remove_email&journo_id={$journo_id}&email_id={$id}\">remove</a>";
            if ($approved) {
                $divclass = 'approved';
                $approvelink = sprintf("<a href=\"?action=disapprove_email&journo_id=%s&email_id=%s\">disapprove</a>", $journo_id, $id);
            } else {
                $divclass = 'unapproved';
                $approvelink = sprintf("<a href=\"?action=approve_email&journo_id=%s&email_id=%s\">approve</a>", $journo_id, $id);
            $desc = '';
            if ($srcurl || $srctype) {
                $desc = "(srctype: '{$srctype}' srcurl: '{$srcurl}') ";
            if (!$email) {
                $email = "<em>- Blank Address -</em>\n";
            print " <li>\n";
            print " <div class=\"{$divclass}\">[{$id}] {$email} {$desc}" . "<small>[{$removelink}] [{$approvelink}]</small></div>";
            print " </li>\n";
    } else {
        print "<p>-- no email addresses --</p>\n";
<form method="post">
email: <input type="text" name="email" size="80" />
    print form_element_hidden('action', 'add_email');
    print form_element_hidden('journo_id', $journo_id);
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Email Address" />
Note: add a blank address to suppress all email display on the journos page.
This will also suppress any guessing of addresses based on previously-published
function EmitList($filter)
    $actions = array('' => 'None', 'skip' => 'Skip (stop trying to scrape)', 'undecided' => 'Undecided (Continue trying to scrape)');
    $whereclause = '';
    if ($filter == 'undecided') {
        $whereclause = "WHERE action=' '";
    } elseif ($filter == 'skip') {
        $whereclause = "WHERE action='s'";
    $sql = <<<EOT
\tSELECT * FROM error_articlescrape
        ORDER BY firstattempt DESC
    $r = db_query($sql);
    $cnt = db_num_rows($r);
    printf("<p>Found %d</p>\n", $cnt);
    if ($cnt == 0) {
<form method="post" action="/adm/scrape-errors">
    echo form_element_hidden('filter', $filter);

Action (with selected articles):
    echo form_element_select('action', $actions, $selected = '');
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Do it" />

  <th>First attempt</th>
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($r)) {
        $firstattempt = strftime('%d-%b-%y %H:%M', strtotime($row['firstattempt']));
        $srcid = $row['srcid'];
        $attempts = $row['attempts'];
        $action = 'undecided';
        $trclass = 'status_red';
        if ($row['action'] == 's') {
            $action = 'Skip.';
            $trclass = 'status_green';
        $title = $row['title'];
        /* title could be blank */
        $srcurl = $row['srcurl'];
        $link = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", $srcurl, $title ? $title : $srcurl);
        $link = "{$srcid}<br/><small>{$link}</small>";
        $detailsurl = "/adm/scrape-errors?srcid={$srcid}&action=detail";
        $detailslink = sprintf("<small>[<a href=\"%s\">details</a>]</small>\n", $detailsurl);
        /* checkbox element to select this item... */
        $checkbox = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"srcid[]\" value=\"{$srcid}\" />";
        print " <tr class=\"{$trclass}\">\n" . "  <td>{$firstattempt}</td>" . "<td>{$attempts} {$detailslink}</td>" . "<td>{$link}</td>" . "<td>{$action}</td>" . "<td>{$checkbox}</td>\n" . " </tr>\n";

Action (with selected articles):
    echo form_element_select('action2', $actions, $selected = '');
<input type="submit" name="submit2" value="Do it" />

function EmitAddressList($filter)
    $whereclause = '';
    if ($filter == 'approved') {
        $whereclause = "WHERE approved='t'";
    } elseif ($filter == 'unapproved') {
        $whereclause = "WHERE approved='f'";
    $sql = <<<EOT
\tSELECT AS email_id, journo_id, j.ref AS journo_ref, j.prettyname, email, srcurl, approved
\t  FROM journo_email e
\t  JOIN journo j ON
\tORDER BY j.lastname, j.firstname, j.prettyname
    $r = db_query($sql);
    printf("<p>%d addresses:</p>\n", db_num_rows($r));
<form method="post" action="/adm/journo-email">
    echo form_element_hidden('filter', $filter);

<!-- repeated below -->
    Action (with selected bios):
    <select name="action">
     <option value="">None</option>
     <option value="approve">Approve</option>
     <option value="unapprove">Unapprove</option>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Do it" />

    while ($row = db_fetch_array($r)) {
        $journo_id = $row['journo_id'];
        $journo_ref = $row['journo_ref'];
        $email_id = $row['email_id'];
        $approved = $row['approved'];
        $prettyname = $row['prettyname'];
        $srcurl = $row['srcurl'];
        $email = $row['email'];
        /* links to journo page and journo admin page */
        $journo_link = "<a href=\"/{$journo_ref}\">{$prettyname}</a>";
        $journo_adm_link = "<small>[<a href=\"/adm/journo?journo_id={$journo_id}\">admin</a>]</small>";
        $links = $journo_link . " " . $journo_adm_link;
        /* checkbox element to select this bio... */
        $checkbox = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"email_id[]\" value=\"{$email_id}\" />";
        $tr_class = $approved == 't' ? "bio_approved" : "bio_unapproved";
        $col1 = $links;
        $col2 = "<large>{$email}</large> <small>(<a href=\"{$srcurl}\">source</a>)</small>";
        $col3 = $approved == 't' ? 'yes' : 'no';
        $col4 = $checkbox;
        print " <tr class=\"{$tr_class}\">\n" . "  <td>{$col1}</td><td>{$col2}</td><td>{$col3}</td><td>{$col4}</td>\n" . " </tr>\n";

<!-- repeated above -->
    Action (with selected bios):
    <select name="action2">
     <option value="">None</option>
     <option value="approve">Approve</option>
     <option value="unapprove">Unapprove</option>
    <input type="submit" name="submit2" value="Do it" />

Beispiel #4
function EmitBioList($filter)
    $whereclause = '';
    if ($filter == 'approved') {
        $whereclause = "WHERE b.approved";
    } elseif ($filter == 'unapproved') {
        $whereclause = "WHERE NOT b.approved";
    $sql = <<<EOT
\tSELECT j.prettyname, j.ref, b.journo_id,, b.approved,
\t as bio_id, b.srcurl as url, b.type as bio_type
\t\tFROM (journo_bio b INNER JOIN journo j ON
\tORDER BY j.lastname, j.firstname, j.prettyname
    $r = db_query($sql);
    printf("<p>%d bios:</p>\n", db_num_rows($r));
<form method="post" action="/adm/journo-bios">
    echo form_element_hidden('filter', $filter);

<!-- repeated below -->
    Action (with selected bios):
    <select name="action">
     <option value="">None</option>
     <option value="approve">Approve</option>
     <option value="unapprove">Unapprove</option>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Do it" />

    while ($row = db_fetch_array($r)) {
        $journo_id = $row['journo_id'];
        $bio_id = $row['bio_id'];
        $bio = $row['bio'];
        $bio_type = $row['bio_type'];
        $ref = $row['ref'];
        $url = $row['url'];
        $prettyname = $row['prettyname'];
        $trclass = $row['approved'] == 't' ? 'bio_approved' : 'bio_unapproved';
        $approved = $row['approved'] == 't' ? 'yes' : 'no';
        /* links to journo page and journo admin page */
        $journo_link = "<a href=\"/{$ref}\">{$prettyname}</a>";
        $journo_adm_link = "<small>[<a href=\"/adm/journo?journo_id={$journo_id}\">admin</a>]</small>";
        if ($bio_type == 'wikipedia:journo') {
            $source = 'Wikipedia';
            $rescrape = ", <a href=\"?scrape={$ref}&filter={$filter}\">re-scrape</a>";
        } else {
            if ($bio_type == 'cif:contributors-az') {
                $source = 'commentisfree';
                $rescrape = '';
            } else {
                $source = 'source';
                $rescrape = '';
        $bio_bit = "<small>{$bio} (<a href=\"{$url}\">{$source}</a>{$rescrape})</small>";
        /* checkbox element to select this bio... */
        $checkbox = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"bio_id[]\" value=\"{$bio_id}\" />";
        print " <tr class=\"{$trclass}\">\n" . "  <td>{$journo_link} {$journo_adm_link}</td>" . "<td>{$bio_bit}</td>" . "<td>{$approved}</td>" . "<td>{$checkbox}</td>\n" . " </tr>\n";

<!-- repeated above -->
    Action (with selected bios):
    <select name="action2">
     <option value="">None</option>
     <option value="approve">Approve</option>
     <option value="unapprove">Unapprove</option>
    <input type="submit" name="submit2" value="Do it" />
