Beispiel #1
 public function cornealCylAndAxis($plus = 0)
     $pwr = $this->cornealCyl(1, 1);
     if ($plus) {
         return "+" . $pwr . " x " . numToAxisString(fixAxis($this->cornealCylAxis() + 90));
     return "-" . $pwr . " x " . numToAxisString($this->cornealCylAxis());
Beispiel #2
function prettyRxString($sph = 0, $cyl = 0, $axis = 0, $round = 0.25)
    $axis = fixAxis($axis);
    $sphString = numToDiopterString($sph, 1, $round);
    $cylString = numToDiopterString($cyl, 1, $round);
    $axisString = "x " . numToAxisString($axis);
    if (abs($sph) < $round / 2) {
        $sphString = @"plano";
    if (abs($sph) < $round / 2 && abs($cyl) < $round / 2) {
        return @"plano";
    if (abs($cyl) < $round / 2) {
        $cylString = "sph";
        $axisString = "";
    return $sphString . " " . $cylString . " " . $axisString;
Beispiel #3
function kStringBreaker($str)
    //echo ($str);
    $str = str_replace(" ", "", $str);
    //remove whitespace
    $returnK = new KeratoObject();
    //if just a single number is provided
    if (is_numeric($str)) {
        $returnK->num1 = $str;
        $returnK->num2 = $str;
        $returnK->meridian1 = 90;
        return $returnK;
    $kParts = explode("/", $str);
    if (count($kParts) < 2) {
        $k1 = $str;
        $k2 = $str;
    } else {
        $k1 = $kParts[0];
        //should be 42@90 ..or 42
        $k2 = $kParts[1];
        //should be 42@90 ..or 42
    if (is_numeric($k1)) {
        //if the first half is just a number eg)43
        $num1 = $k1;
    } else {
        $k1parts = explode("@", $k1);
        if (count($k1parts) > 1) {
            $num1 = $k1parts[0];
            $meridian1 = $k1parts[1];
        } else {
            //didn't contain "@"
            $num1 = intval($k1);
    if (is_numeric($k2)) {
        //if the second half is just a number eg)43
        $num2 = $k2;
    } else {
        $k2parts = explode("@", $k2);
        if (count($k2parts) > 1) {
            $num2 = $k2parts[0];
            $meridian2 = $k2parts[1];
        } else {
            //didn't contain "@"
            $num2 = intval($k2);
    if (!isset($meridian2)) {
        if (isset($meridian1)) {
            $meridian2 = fixAxis($meridian1 + 90);
        } else {
            $meridian2 = 90;
    if (!isset($meridian1)) {
        if (isset($meridian2)) {
            $meridian1 = fixAxis($meridian2 + 90);
        } else {
            $meridian1 = 180;
    if (!$num2) {
        $num2 = $num1;
    $returnK->num1 = $num1;
    $returnK->num2 = $num2;
    $returnK->meridian1 = $meridian1;
    $returnK->meridian2 = $meridian2;
    return $returnK;
Beispiel #4
 public function subtractRx($rx2)
     //this & rx2 are Rx objects. "This" is usually the MR, rx2 is the spectacles
     $newAxis = 0;
     $newSph = 0;
     $gamma = 0;
     $F2 = 0;
     $xSph = $this->sphP();
     $xCyl = $this->cylP();
     $xAxis = $this->axisP();
     //echo $this->prettyString();
     //echo "<br/>";
     //echo $rx2->prettyString();
     //echo "<br/>";
     if ($rx2->cylP() > 0.375) {
         //if the cyl is significant
         $theta = $xAxis - $rx2->axisP();
         //find the smallest diff btwn the axes
         if ($theta > 90) {
             $theta = 180 - $theta;
         if ($theta < -90) {
             $theta = -180 - $theta;
         //echo "<p>theta: " . $theta . "</p>";
         $a = $xCyl * sin(deg2rad(2 * $theta));
         //trace ("a:"+a);
         $b = $xCyl * cos(deg2rad(2 * $theta)) - $rx2->cylP();
         //trace ("b:"+b);
         $F2 = sqrt($a * $a + $b * $b);
         if ($b < 0) {
             $F2 = -$F2;
         //this line added 4/7/04
         if ($F2 != 0) {
             $gamma = rad2deg(asin($a / $F2) / 2);
         //echo "<p>gamma: " . $gamma . "</p>";
         $newAxis = $rx2->axisP() + $gamma;
         //echo "<p>newAxis : " . $newAxis  . "</p>";
         $newSph = $xSph - $rx2->sphP() - ($rx2->cylP() + $F2 - $xCyl) / 2;
     } else {
         // rx2 is essentially spherical
         $newSph = $xSph - $rx2->sphP();
         $F2 = $xCyl;
         $newAxis = $xAxis;
     //trace("newAxis ",newAxis);
     //trace("a = "+a);trace("b = "+b);trace ("$F2 = "+$F2);trace("gamma:"+gamma);trace("new axis:"+newAxis);trace("new sph:"+newSph);
     $tempObj = new RxObject();
     $tempObj->sph = $newSph;
     $tempObj->cyl = $F2;
     $tempObj->axis = fixAxis($newAxis);
     //trace(eye+" residual Rx:"+tempObj.prettyString("+", false));
     return $tempObj;
Beispiel #5
function getCrossFromParams($params)
    //if (!isset($round) ) $round = .12;
    if (!isset($totalSize)) {
        $totalSize = 140;
    if (!isset($crossSize)) {
        $crossSize = $totalSize * 0.8;
    $halfCross = $crossSize / 2;
    $gutter = ($totalSize - $crossSize) / 2;
    // label: 0= no label, 1=label in given cyl type; 2= both +/- cyl;
    //3= if minus show minus, if plus show minus and plus
    if (!isset($label)) {
        $label = 0;
    if (!isset($doVertex)) {
        $doVertex = null;
    if (!isset($doSphEquiv)) {
        $doSphEquiv = null;
    if (!isset($rxString) && !isset($kString)) {
        return null;
    //get the numbers and meridians if an Rx string is passed
    if (isset($rxString)) {
        $rxObject = rxStringBreaker($rxString);
        if ($doVertex == 1) {
            $rxObject = $rxObject->diffVertex(0);
        if ($doSphEquiv == 1) {
            $rxObject = rxStringBreaker($rxObject->sphericalEquivalent());
        $num1 = numToDiopterString($rxObject->sphP(), 1);
        $num2 = numToDiopterString($rxObject->sphP() + $rxObject->cylP(), 1);
        $meridian1 = $rxObject->axisP();
    if (isset($kString)) {
        //	echo "string: " . $kString;
        $kObject = kStringBreaker($kString);
        $num1 = numToDiopterString($kObject->pwr1D(), 0) . "<br>(" . numToMMString($kObject->pwr1mm()) . ")";
        $num2 = numToDiopterString($kObject->pwr2D(), 0) . "<br>(" . numToMMString($kObject->pwr2mm()) . ")";
        $meridian1 = $kObject->meridian1;
        $meridian2 = $kObject->meridian2;
        if ($label > 0) {
            $niceString1 = $kObject->prettyStringD();
        if ($label == 2) {
            $niceString2 = $kObject->prettyStringMM();
    if ($label > 0 && isset($rxString)) {
        if ($label == 1) {
            $niceString1 = $doVertex == 1 ? $rxObject->prettyStringMinus() : $rxObject->prettyString();
        if ($label == 2) {
            $niceString1 = $rxObject->prettyStringPlus();
            $niceString2 = $rxObject->prettyStringMinus();
        if ($label == 3) {
            $plusCyl = $rxObject->isPlusCyl();
            //the cyl type the original Rx was given in
            $niceString1 = $rxObject->prettyStringMinus();
            if ($plusCyl == 1) {
                $niceString2 = "(" . $rxObject->prettyStringPlus() . ")";
    if (isset($bgImage)) {
        switch ($bgImage) {
            case "lens":
                if (isset($rxObject) && $rxObject->isToric() == 1) {
                    $image = "/images/crosses/toric_lens.png";
                } else {
                    $image = "/images/crosses/sphere_lens.png";
            case "spherelens":
                $image = "/images/crosses/sphere_lens.png";
            case "toriclens":
                $image = "/images/crosses/toric_lens.png";
                $image = $bgImage;
    //start the html and CSS we'll be returning
    $html = "";
    if (isset($header)) {
        $html .= "<div class='opticalCrossLabel' style='font-weight:bold; text-align: center; margin: .5em;'>{$header}</div>";
    $canvasCSS = "position: relative; height:" . $totalSize . "px; width: " . $totalSize . "px;";
    if (isset($image)) {
        $canvasCSS .= "background-image: url(" . $image . "); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center; ";
    $html .= "<div style='{$canvasCSS}'>";
    $labelCSS = "width: 40px; height: 25px; position: absolute; text-align: center;";
    //echo("toric " . $rxObject ->isToric()  );
    //don't need to worry about optical crosses if the lens is spherical
    if (isset($rxObject) && $rxObject->isToric() == 0) {
        // a spacer div
        $html .= "<div style='margin: 0 " . $gutter . "px " . $gutter * 2 . "px; width: " . $crossSize . "px; height: " . $crossSize . "px'>&nbsp;</div>";
        $html .= "<div style=' " . $labelCSS . " ; top: " . ($halfCross + 4) . "px; left: " . ($halfCross - 8) . "px; '>";
        $html .= numToDiopterString($num1, 1);
        $html .= "</div>";
    } else {
        //toric lenses
        //an url to the optical cross images (it will be completed below - we need to calculate the angle to get the correct image)
        if (!isset($crossImage)) {
            $crossImage = "";
        if (!isset($meridian2)) {
            $meridian2 = fixAxis($meridian1 + 90);
        //find the closest 10 deg increment (for the image)
        $imageAngle = fixAxis($meridian1);
        $imageAngle = round($imageAngle / 10) * 10;
        if ($imageAngle > 90) {
            $imageAngle -= 90;
        //echo $imageAngle;
        $radAngle1 = $meridian1 * (M_PI / 180);
        $radAngle2 = $meridian2 * (M_PI / 180);
        $x1 = intval(cos($radAngle1) * ($halfCross + $gutter) + $halfCross) - 6;
        $y1 = intval(-(sin($radAngle1) * ($halfCross + $gutter)) + $halfCross + $gutter / 2);
        $x2 = intval(cos($radAngle2) * ($halfCross + $gutter) + $halfCross) - 6;
        $y2 = intval(-(sin($radAngle2) * ($halfCross + $gutter)) + $halfCross + $gutter / 2);
        $crossCSS = "width: " . $crossSize . "px; height: " . $crossSize . "px; margin:" . $gutter . "px";
        $num1CSS = $labelCSS . "top: " . $y1 . "px; left: " . $x1 . "px; ";
        $num2CSS = $labelCSS . "top: " . $y2 . "px; left: " . $x2 . "px; ";
        $num1aCSS = $labelCSS . "bottom: " . ($y1 - $gutter / 2) . "px; right: " . $x1 . "px; ";
        $num2aCSS = $labelCSS . "bottom: " . ($y2 - $gutter / 2) . "px; right: " . $x2 . "px; ";
        $html .= "<img style='{$crossCSS}' src='" . $crossImage . $imageAngle . ".png" . "' />";
        $html .= "<div class='cross_num1' style='{$num1CSS}' >" . $num1 . "</div>";
        $html .= "<div class='cross_num2' style='{$num2CSS}' >" . $num2 . "</div>";
        $html .= "<div class='cross_meridian1' style='{$num1aCSS}' >" . numToAxisString($meridian1) . "</div>";
        $html .= "<div class='cross_meridian2' style='{$num2aCSS}' >" . numToAxisString($meridian2) . "</div>";
    //  end toric lenses / crosses
    //add the labels, if wanted
    if (isset($niceString1)) {
        $css = "width: {$totalSize} px; text-align: center";
        $html .= "<div class='opticalCrossLabel' style='{$css}'>" . $niceString1 . "</div>";
        if (isset($niceString2)) {
            $html .= "<div class='opticalCrossLabel' style='{$css}'>" . $niceString2 . "</div>";
    if ($doVertex == 1) {
        $html .= "<div class='opticalCrossLabel' style='{$css} ;font-size:smaller;opticalCrossLabel margin: .5em;'>(vertexed) </div>";
    $html .= "</div>";
    return $html;