Beispiel #1

/*load client data*/
$group = $_POST['group'];
$owner = $_POST['owner'];
$new = $_POST['flag'];
$json = stripcslashes($_POST['json']);
$hash_string = hash('md5', $group . $owner, FALSE);
$fileName = '../data/' . $hash_string . '.json';
if (find_record_by_name($group, $owner) == "") {
    /*save xml*/
    $xml = simplexml_load_file('../data/user.xml');
    $record = $xml->addChild('record');
    $record->addChild('group', $group);
    $record->addChild('owner', $owner);
    $record->addChild('file', $hash_string);
    //only keep the md5 hash string in xml
    $record->addChild('ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    $record->addChild('timeStamp', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
    $record->addChild('count', 0);
    file_put_contents('../data/user.xml', $xml->asXML());
} else {
    if ($new == 1) {
        exit("Group & owner already existed!");
// keep unique
/*save data*/
$myfile = fopen($fileName, "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
//depande on the user info
fwrite($myfile, $json);
Beispiel #2

$group_name = (string) $_POST['group'];
$owner_name = (string) $_POST['owner'];
$result = find_record_by_name($group_name, $owner_name);
if ($result != "") {
    echo $result;
function find_record_by_name($group, $owner)
    $xml = simplexml_load_file('../data/user.xml');
    $xpath = $xml->xpath("//record");
    while (list(, $node) = each($xpath)) {
        if ($node->group == $group && $node->owner == $owner) {
            return $node->file;
    return "";