public function testFilesizeFormat() { $this->assertEquals('1KB', filesize_format(1024)); $this->assertEquals('1MB', filesize_format(1024 * 1024)); $this->assertEquals('1GB', filesize_format(1024 * 1024 * 1024)); $this->assertEquals('1TB', filesize_format(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)); }
} } # form treatment # step 1 : we upload the data from the .csv team if (isset($_POST['step']) and $_POST['step'] == "upload" and $right_user['import_match']) { # we check submitted data if (!isset($_FILES['file']['name']) or empty($_FILES['file']['name'])) { $page['erreur'][$nb_error]['message'] = $lang['match']['E_empty_file']; $nb_error++; } elseif (!in_array($_FILES['file']['type'], $type_mime_allowed)) { $var['type'] = implode(", ", $type_allowed); $page['erreur'][$nb_error]['message'] = text_replace($lang['match']['E_invalid_file_type'], $var); $nb_error++; } if ($_FILES['file']['size'] > MAX_FILE_SIZE) { $var['max_file_size'] = filesize_format(MAX_FILE_SIZE); $page['erreur'][$nb_error]['message'] = text_replace($lang['match']['E_invalid_file_size'], $var); $nb_error++; } if (!isset($_POST['separator']) or empty($_POST['separator'])) { $page['erreur'][$nb_error]['message'] = $lang['match']['E_empty_separator']; $nb_error++; } # there is no error : we upload the file and get its content if ($nb_error == 0) { if (isset($_POST['first_line'])) { $page['value_first_line'] = $_POST['first_line']; } $path_file = ROOT . "/" . FILE_FOLDER . "/import_match.csv"; $copy_file = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $path_file); if (!$copy_file) {
function getFolderMeta($path) { //============================================= jsonStart(); $path = mysql_escape_string($path); $size = filesize_format(get_size($path)); $name = basename($path); jsonAdd("\"name\": \"{$name}\", \"size\": \"{$size}\""); echo jsonReturn('getFolderMeta'); }
echo $v['name']; ?> "> <?php if ($this->_cache['show_mode'] == 2 && in_array(fileext($v['path']), array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'))) { ?> <img src="<?php echo ATTACHMENT_URL . $v['path']; ?> " height="60" /> <?php } echo $v['name']; ?> </a></td> <td><?php echo filesize_format($v['filesize']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo time_format($v['addtime']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $v['userid']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $v['usertimes']; ?> </td> <td><input name="tagsinput" data-id="<?php
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $names = []; $dir = opendir('../media'); while ($name = readdir($dir)) { if ($name !== '.' && $name !== '..') { array_push($names, $name); } } closedir($dir); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ sort($names); foreach ($names as $name) { $size = filesize("../media/{$name}"); $date = filemtime("../media/{$name}"); $NAME = $cms->escapeHTML($name); $SIZE = filesize_format($size); $DATE = filemtime_format($date); print "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n"; print "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><a href=\"/media/{$name}\" target=\"_blank\">{$NAME}</a></td>\n"; print "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$SIZE}</td>\n"; print "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$DATE}</td>\n"; print "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><a href=\"javascript:renFile('{$NAME}')\"><i class=\"fa fa-pencil text-primary\"></i></a></td>\n"; print "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><a href=\"javascript:delFile('{$NAME}')\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash text-danger\"></i></a></td>\n"; print "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n"; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } else {
if (!empty($tab_file)) { sort($tab_file); } foreach ($tab_file as $f) { $type = strtolower(substr($f, strrpos($f, ".") + 1)); if (in_array($type, $type_allowed)) { $page['file'][$j]['i'] = $j; $page['file'][$j]['name'] = $f; $page['file'][$j]['url'] = $page['root_url'] . $page['current_folder'] . $f; $page['file'][$j]['L_select'] = $lang['file']['select_file']; $page['file'][$j]['L_delete'] = $lang['file']['delete']; $page['file'][$j]['link_delete'] = ''; if ($right_user['delete_file']) { $page['file'][$j]['link_delete'] = convert_url("index.php?r=" . $lang['general']['idurl_file'] . "&v1=file_manager&mode=delete&file=" . $page['current_folder'] . $f . $fin_url, 0); } $page['file'][$j]['size'] = filesize_format(@filesize($rep . $f)); $page['file'][$j]['width'] = ""; $page['file'][$j]['height'] = ""; if (in_array($type, $type_allowed)) { $page['file'][$j]['type'] = $type; } else { $page['file'][$j]['type'] = "unknown"; } $page['file'][$j]['L_view'] = $lang['file']['view_image']; $page['file'][$j]['category'] = ""; if (in_array($type, $type_allowed_image)) { $page['file'][$j]['category'] = "image"; } if (in_array($type, $type_allowed_video)) { $page['file'][$j]['category'] = "video"; }
/** * filemanager page * * @return string */ function action_filemanager() { if (isset($_REQUEST['filepath']) && is_readable($_REQUEST['filepath']) && !demo) { header('Content-Type: ' . getmimetype($_REQUEST['filepath'])); header('Content-Disposition: filename=' . basename($_REQUEST['filepath'])); readfile($_REQUEST['filepath']); exit; } $output = '<h1>filemanager</h1>'; #$default_dir = dirname(__FILE__); $default_dir = '.'; $current_dir = isset($_REQUEST['dir']) ? $_REQUEST['dir'] : $default_dir; #if(demo && is_forbidden($current_dir)) if (demo && strlen(realpath($current_dir)) < strlen(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)))) { $current_dir = $default_dir; } if (!is_dir($current_dir)) { $current_dir = $default_dir; } $current_dir = realpath($current_dir); if (is_writeable($current_dir) && !demo) { if (isset($_FILES['uploadfile'])) { if ($_FILES['uploadfile']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK && move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'], add_slash_if_needed($current_dir) . $_FILES['uploadfile']['name'])) { $output .= '<p class="notice">File has been uploaded.</p>'; } else { $err = $_FILES['uploadfile']['error']; $upload_errors = array(UPLOAD_ERR_OK => 'upload ok.', UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'file was bigger than allowed in php.ini', UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => 'file was bigger that allowed with MAX_FILE_SIZE on form', UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => 'upload was partial', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => 'no file', 6 => 'temp dir not found'); $output .= '<p class="error">Upload failed, err #' . $err . ': "' . $upload_errors[$err] . '"</p>'; } } if (isset($_POST['newfilename']) && in_array($_POST['newfiletype'], range(1, 2))) { $newpath = add_slash_if_needed($_REQUEST['dir']) . $_POST['newfilename']; if ($_POST['newfiletype'] == 1) { if (touch($newpath)) { $output .= '<p class="notice">File has been created.</p>'; } else { $output .= '<p class="error">File creating failed.</p>'; } } else { if (mkdir($newpath)) { $output .= '<p class="notice">Folder has been created.</p>'; } else { $output .= '<p class="error">Error: folder creating failed.</p>'; } } } } $files = $folders = array(); $d = dir($current_dir); if (is_object($d)) { while (false !== ($file = $d->read())) { $path = add_slash_if_needed($current_dir) . $file; if (is_file($path)) { $files[$path] = $file; } else { $folders[$path] = $file; } } $d->close(); } if (demo) { $output .= '<p class="error">You can browse only current folder and its subfolders in demo mode</p>'; } $output .= '<form action="' . self . '" method="post"> <input type="text" name="dir" value="' . $current_dir . '" size="50"> <input type="hidden" name="filem" value="1"> <input type="submit" value=" cd "> </form>'; if (is_writeable($current_dir)) { // upload form $output .= '<form action="' . self . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; $output .= '<input type="file" name="uploadfile">'; $output .= '<input type="submit" value="upload">'; $output .= html_hidden(array('dir' => $current_dir, 'filem' => 1)); $output .= '</form>'; // new file/folder form $output .= '<form action="' . self . '" method="post">'; $output .= html_selectbox('newfiletype', array(1 => 'file', 2 => 'folder'), 1); $output .= '<input type="text" name="newfilename">'; $output .= html_hidden(array('dir' => $current_dir, 'filem' => 1)); $output .= '<input type="submit" value="create">'; $output .= '</form>'; } $i = 1; // flag for css style $output .= '<table>'; $output .= '<tr class="table_header"> <th>filename</th> <th>size</th> <th>perms</th> <th>how old</th> <th>actions</th> </tr>'; if (count($folders)) { natcasesort($folders); foreach ($folders as $fop => $fo) { $i = !$i; $row_css = $i ? 'class="table_even_row"' : 'class="table_odd_row"'; $output .= '<tr ' . $row_css . '> <td>[ ' . html_encode_link($fo, self, array('filem' => 1, 'dir' => add_slash_if_needed($current_dir) . $fo)) . ' ]</td> <td> </td> <td>' . getperms($fop) . '</td> <td align="right" title="' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($fop)) . '">' . how_old(filemtime($fop)) . '</td> <td></td> </tr>'; } } if (count($files)) { natcasesort($files); foreach ($files as $fip => $fi) { $i = !$i; $row_css = $i ? 'class="table_even_row"' : 'class="table_odd_row"'; $output .= '<tr ' . $row_css . '> <td>' . html_encode_link($fi, self, array('filem' => 1, 'filepath' => $fip, 'cmd' => 'view')) . '</td> <td align="right">' . filesize_format(filesize($fip)) . '</td> <td>' . getperms($fip) . '</td> <td align="right" title="' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($fip)) . '">' . how_old(filemtime($fip)) . '</td> <td>' . (is_writeable($fip) ? html_encode_link('edit', self, array('editfile' => 1, 'path' => $fip)) : '') . (is_readable($fip) && eregi('php$', $fip) ? ' ' . html_encode_link('analyze', self, array('analyzefile' => 1, 'filepath' => $fip)) : '') . '</td> </tr>'; } } return $output .= '</table>'; }
} $Tables = substr($Tables, 0, -1); if ($_POST['ActionType'] == 1) { $ActionSql = "OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $Tables; } if ($_POST['ActionType'] == 2) { $ActionSql = "REPAIR TABLE " . $Tables; } $DB->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname, ''); $DB->query($ActionSql); $DB->close(); die("<script>alert('操作成功');</script>"); } $DB->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname, ''); $dbTable = $DB->fetch_all("SHOW TABLE STATUS"); $DB->close(); $mysqlTable = array(); foreach ($dbTable as $table) { if (substr($table['Name'], 0, strlen($mysql_prefix)) == $mysql_prefix) { $mysqlTable[] = array("Name" => $table['Name'], "Comment" => $table['Comment'], "Rows" => $table['Rows'], "Index_length" => filesize_format($table['Index_length']), "Data_length" => filesize_format($table['Data_length'])); } } $tmp =& myTpl("db_manage.html"); $tmp->assign('codeName', $code_name); $tmp->assign('codeVersion', $code_version); $tmp->assign('siteName', $site_name); $tmp->assign('siteDomain', $site_domain); $tmp->assign('siteCatalog', $site_catalog); $tmp->assign('dbBakPath', $dbBakPath); $tmp->assign('dbTable', $mysqlTable); $tmp->output();
?> "> <td class="label">File Type:</td> <td class="data"><?php echo $logResult["filetype"]; ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="<?php $i++; echo $dss_rowStyles[$i % 2]; ?> "> <td class="label">File Size:</td> <td class="data"><?php echo filesize_format($logResult["filesize"]); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="<?php $i++; echo $dss_rowStyles[$i % 2]; ?> "> <td class="label">File Name:</td> <td class="data"><?php echo $logResult["filename"]; ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="<?php
} } foreach ($results as $file) { $info = stat("{$file}"); $comment = ""; $pathinfo = pathinfo($file); if (is_file("{$pathinfo['dirname']}/.{$pathinfo['basename']}")) { $comment = file_get_contents("{$pathinfo['dirname']}/.{$pathinfo['basename']}"); } $name = ""; if ($search_pattern) { $name = preg_replace("/^files\\/(" . str_replace('/', '\\/', $dir) . ")?\\/?/", '', $file); } else { $name = array_shift(array_reverse(explode('/', $file))); } $file = array('name' => $name, 'size' => $info[7], 'mdate' => $info[9], 'cdate' => $info[10], 'nicesize' => filesize_format($info[7]), 'nicemdate' => date($time_format, $info[9]), 'nicecdate' => date($time_format, $info[10]), 'comment' => $comment, 'type' => filetype("{$file}")); if ($file[type] == "dir" || $file[type] == 'link') { $dirs[] = $file; } else { $files[] = $file; } } if ($dirs[0]) { array_key_multi_sort($dirs, strtolower($sort)); if ($desc) { $dirs = array_reverse($dirs); } } if ($files[0]) { array_key_multi_sort($files, strtolower($sort)); if ($desc) {
function uploadSmart() { global $uploadDir; if (!file_exists($uploadDir . "stats_" . session_id() . ".txt")) { jsonStart(); jsonAdd("\"percent\": 0, \"percentSec\": 0, \"speed\": \"0\", \"secondsLeft\": \"0\", \"done\": \"false\""); echo jsonReturn("bindings"); exit; } $lines = file($uploadDir . "stats_" . session_id() . ".txt"); jsonStart(); $percent = round($lines[0] / 100, 3); $percentSec = round($lines[1] / 100, 4); $speed = filesize_format($lines[2]) . 's'; $secondsLeft = secs_to_string(round($lines[3])); $size = filesize_format($lines[4]) . 's'; if ($percent == 1) { // cleanup time if (isset($_SESSION['uploadPath'])) { $path = $_SESSION['uploadPath']; $userpath = getUserPath($path) . $path; $sessionid = session_id(); $dh = opendir($uploadDir); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $sessionlen = strlen(session_id()); if (substr($file, 0, $sessionlen) == session_id()) { $filename = substr($file, $sessionlen + 1); $uploadfile = $filename; $i = 1; while (file_exists($userpath . '/' . $uploadfile)) { $uploadfile = $i . '_' . $filename; $i++; } if (file_exists("{$uploadDir}{$file}") && !rename("{$uploadDir}{$file}", "{$userpath}/{$uploadfile}")) { echo "Error"; } } } closedir($dh); if (file_exists($uploadDir . "stats_" . session_id() . ".txt")) { unlink($uploadDir . "stats_" . session_id() . ".txt"); } if (file_exists($uploadDir . "temp_" . session_id())) { unlink($uploadDir . "temp_" . session_id()); } } $done = "true"; } else { $done = "false"; } jsonAdd("\"percent\": {$percent}, \"size\": \"{$size}\",\"percentSec\": {$percentSec}, \"speed\": \"{$speed}\", \"secondsLeft\": \"{$secondsLeft}\", \"done\": \"{$done}\""); echo jsonReturn("bindings"); }
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . "/global.php"; if (isset($_GET['do']) && $_GET['do'] == "logout") { setcookie("adminSecure", "", time() - 36000, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain); header("location:../"); exit; } $DB->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname, ''); $mysql_version = $DB->version(); $dbsize = 0; $tables = $DB->fetch_all("SHOW TABLE STATUS"); foreach ($tables as $table) { if (substr($table['Name'], 0, strlen($mysql_prefix)) == $mysql_prefix) { $dbsize += $table['Data_length'] + $table['Index_length']; } } $DB->close(); $systemInfo = array("root" => isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) ? $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] : '', "os" => PHP_OS, "web" => explode("/", $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']), "php" => PHP_VERSION, "mysql" => $mysql_version, "dbsize" => filesize_format($dbsize)); $tmp =& myTpl("index.html"); $tmp->assign('codeName', $code_name); $tmp->assign('codeVersion', $code_version); $tmp->assign('siteName', $site_name); $tmp->assign('siteDomain', $site_domain); $tmp->assign('siteCatalog', $site_catalog); $tmp->assign('systemInfo', $systemInfo); $tmp->output();
?> "> <td class="label">File Type:</td> <td class="data"><?php echo $itemResult["filetype"]; ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="<?php $i++; echo $dss_rowStyles[$i % 2]; ?> "> <td class="label">File Size:</td> <td class="data"><?php echo filesize_format($itemResult["filesize"]); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="<?php $i++; echo $dss_rowStyles[$i % 2]; ?> "> <td class="label">File Name:</td> <td class="data"><?php echo $itemResult["filename"]; ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="<?php
$DB->query($sql); $sql = ""; } else { if (!ereg("^(//|--)", $line)) { $sql .= $line; } } } $DB->close(); fclose($fp); die("<script>alert('还原成功');</script>"); } } $sqlFileArr = array(); if ($handle = @opendir($dbBakPath)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { $fileType = strtolower(strrchr($dbBakPath . $file, ".")); if ($fileType == ".sql") { $sqlFileArr[] = array("file" => $file, "size" => filesize_format(filesize($dbBakPath . $file)), "time" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filectime($dbBakPath . $file))); } } closedir($handle); } $tmp =& myTpl("db_import.html"); $tmp->assign('codeName', $code_name); $tmp->assign('codeVersion', $code_version); $tmp->assign('siteName', $site_name); $tmp->assign('siteDomain', $site_domain); $tmp->assign('siteCatalog', $site_catalog); $tmp->assign('sqlFile', $sqlFileArr); $tmp->output();
{ echo $s . '<br />'; ob_flush(); flush(); } $filename = $_GET['f']; $filepath = GEDCOM_DIR . $filename; # initialize gedcom parser outputnow('Initializing gedcom parser...'); require_once CORE_PATH . 'gedcom.class.php'; $gedcom = new GedcomParser(); # analyze gedcom outputnow('Analyzing ' . $filename . '...'); $gedcom->Open($filepath); $gedcom->GetStatistics(); #display results of analysis outputnow(''); outputnow('Size: ' . filesize_format($gedcom->fsize)); outputnow('Lines: ' . number_format($gedcom->lines)); outputnow('Individuals: ' . number_format($gedcom->individual_count)); outputnow('Families: ' . number_format($gedcom->family_count)); outputnow('Sources: ' . number_format($gedcom->source_count)); outputnow('Notes: ' . number_format($gedcom->note_count)); outputnow(''); $yes = '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?m=gedcom_process&f=' . $filename . '">Yes</a>'; $no = '<a href="' . BASE_SCRIPT . '?m=gedcom" target="_parent">No</a>'; outputnow('Are you sure you want to import this file?'); outputnow($yes); outputnow($no); ?> </span>