public function indexAction() { // check maintenance $maintenance_enabled = false; $manager = Schedule_Manager_Factory::getManager(""); $lastExecution = $manager->getLastExecution(); if ($lastExecution) { if (time() - $lastExecution < 610) { // maintenance script should run at least every 10 minutes + a little tolerance $maintenance_enabled = true; } } $this->view->maintenance_enabled = Zend_Json::encode($maintenance_enabled); // configuration $this->view->config = Pimcore_Config::getSystemConfig(); //mail settings $mailIncomplete = false; if ($this->view->config->email) { $emailSettings = $this->view->config->email->toArray(); if ($emailSettings['method'] == "sendmail" and !empty($emailSettings['sender']['email'])) { $mailIncomplete = true; } if ($emailSettings['method'] == "smtp" and !empty($emailSettings['sender']['email']) and !empty($emailSettings['smtp']['host'])) { $mailIncomplete = true; } } $this->view->mail_settings_incomplete = Zend_Json::encode($mailIncomplete); // report configuration $this->view->report_config = Pimcore_Config::getReportConfig(); // customviews config $cvConfig = Pimcore_Tool::getCustomViewConfig(); $cvData = array(); if ($cvConfig) { foreach ($cvConfig as $node) { $tmpData = $node; $rootNode = Object_Abstract::getByPath($tmpData["rootfolder"]); if ($rootNode) { $tmpData["rootId"] = $rootNode->getId(); $tmpData["allowedClasses"] = explode(",", $tmpData["classes"]); $tmpData["showroot"] = (bool) $tmpData["showroot"]; $cvData[] = $tmpData; } } } $this->view->customview_config = $cvData; // upload limit $max_upload = filesize2bytes(ini_get("upload_max_filesize") . "B"); $max_post = filesize2bytes(ini_get("post_max_size") . "B"); $memory_limit = filesize2bytes(ini_get("memory_limit") . "B"); $upload_mb = min($max_upload, $max_post, $memory_limit); $this->view->upload_max_filesize = $upload_mb; // live connect $liveconnectToken = Pimcore_Liveconnect::getToken(); $this->view->liveconnectToken = $liveconnectToken; // adding css minify filter because of IE issues with CkEditor and more than 31 stylesheets if (!PIMCORE_DEVMODE) { $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $front->registerPlugin(new Pimcore_Controller_Plugin_CssMinify(), 800); } }
public function indexAction() { $checksPHP = array(); $checksMySQL = array(); $checksFS = array(); $checksApps = array(); // check for memory limit $memoryLimit = ini_get("memory_limit"); $memoryLimit = filesize2bytes($memoryLimit . "B"); $state = "ok"; if ($memoryLimit < 67108000) { $state = "error"; } elseif ($memoryLimit < 134217000) { $state = "warning"; } $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "memory_limit (in php.ini)", "link" => "", "state" => $state); // mcrypt $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "mcrypt", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("mcrypt_encrypt") ? "ok" : "error"); // pdo_mysql $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "PDO_Mysql", "link" => "", "state" => @constant("PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS") ? "ok" : "error"); // pdo_mysql $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Mysqli", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("mysqli") ? "ok" : "error"); // iconv $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "iconv", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("iconv") ? "ok" : "error"); // dom $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "dom", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("DOMDocument") ? "ok" : "error"); // simplexml $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "SimpleXML", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("SimpleXMLElement") ? "ok" : "error"); // gd $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "GD", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("gd_info") ? "ok" : "error"); // exif $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "EXIF", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("exif_read_data") ? "ok" : "error"); // multibyte support $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Multibyte String (mbstring)", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("mb_get_info") ? "ok" : "error"); // file_info support $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "File Information (file_info)", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("finfo_open") ? "ok" : "error"); // zip $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "zip", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("ZipArchive") ? "ok" : "error"); // gzip $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "zlib / gzip", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("gzcompress") ? "ok" : "error"); // bzip $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Bzip2", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("bzcompress") ? "ok" : "error"); // openssl $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "OpenSSL", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("openssl_open") ? "ok" : "error"); // Imagick $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Imagick", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("Imagick") ? "ok" : "warning"); // OPcache $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "OPcache", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("opcache_reset") ? "ok" : "warning"); // memcache $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Memcache", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("Memcache") ? "ok" : "warning"); // Redis $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Redis", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("Redis") ? "ok" : "warning"); // curl for google api sdk $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "curl", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("curl_init") ? "ok" : "warning"); $db = null; if ($this->getParam("mysql_adapter")) { // this is before installing try { $dbConfig = ['username' => $this->getParam("mysql_username"), 'password' => $this->getParam("mysql_password"), 'dbname' => $this->getParam("mysql_database")]; $hostSocketValue = $this->getParam("mysql_host_socket"); if (file_exists($hostSocketValue)) { $dbConfig["unix_socket"] = $hostSocketValue; } else { $dbConfig["host"] = $hostSocketValue; $dbConfig["port"] = $this->getParam("mysql_port"); } $db = \Zend_Db::factory($this->getParam("mysql_adapter"), $dbConfig); $db->getConnection(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $db = null; } } else { // this is after installing, eg. after a migration, ... $db = \Pimcore\Db::get(); } if ($db) { // storage engines $engines = array(); $enginesRaw = $db->fetchAll("SHOW ENGINES;"); foreach ($enginesRaw as $engineRaw) { $engines[] = strtolower($engineRaw["Engine"]); } // innodb $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "InnoDB Support", "state" => in_array("innodb", $engines) ? "ok" : "error"); // myisam $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "MyISAM Support", "state" => in_array("myisam", $engines) ? "ok" : "error"); // memory $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "MEMORY Support", "state" => in_array("memory", $engines) ? "ok" : "error"); // check database charset => utf-8 encoding $result = $db->fetchRow('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character\\_set\\_database"'); $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "Database Charset UTF8", "state" => $result['Value'] == "utf8" ? "ok" : "error"); // create table $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("CREATE TABLE __pimcore_req_check (\n id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n field varchar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (id)\n ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "CREATE TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // alter table $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("ALTER TABLE __pimcore_req_check ADD COLUMN alter_field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "ALTER TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // Manage indexes $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("ALTER TABLE __pimcore_req_check\n CHANGE COLUMN id id int(11) NOT NULL,\n CHANGE COLUMN field field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n CHANGE COLUMN alter_field alter_field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n ADD KEY field (field),\n DROP PRIMARY KEY ,\n DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); $db->query("ALTER TABLE __pimcore_req_check\n CHANGE COLUMN id id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n CHANGE COLUMN field field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n CHANGE COLUMN alter_field alter_field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n ADD PRIMARY KEY (id) ,\n DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "Manage Indexes", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // insert data $queryCheck = true; try { $db->insert("__pimcore_req_check", array("field" => uniqid(), "alter_field" => uniqid())); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "INSERT", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // update $queryCheck = true; try { $db->update("__pimcore_req_check", array("field" => uniqid(), "alter_field" => uniqid())); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "UPDATE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // select $queryCheck = true; try { $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM __pimcore_req_check"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SELECT", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // create view $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW __pimcore_req_check_view AS SELECT * FROM __pimcore_req_check"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "CREATE VIEW", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // select from view $queryCheck = true; try { $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM __pimcore_req_check_view"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SELECT (from view)", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // delete $queryCheck = true; try { $db->delete("__pimcore_req_check"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "DELETE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // show create view $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("SHOW CREATE VIEW __pimcore_req_check_view"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SHOW CREATE VIEW", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // show create table $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE __pimcore_req_check"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SHOW CREATE TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // drop view $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("DROP VIEW __pimcore_req_check_view"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "DROP VIEW", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // drop table $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("DROP TABLE __pimcore_req_check"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "DROP TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); } else { die("Not possible... no or wrong database settings given.<br />Please fill out the MySQL Settings in the install form an click again on `Check Requirements´"); } // filesystem checks // website/var writable $websiteVarWritable = true; try { $files = $this->rscandir(PIMCORE_WEBSITE_VAR); foreach ($files as $file) { if (!is_writable($file)) { $websiteVarWritable = false; } } $checksFS[] = array("name" => "/website/var/ writeable", "state" => $websiteVarWritable ? "ok" : "error"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $checksFS[] = array("name" => "/website/var/ (not checked - too many files)", "state" => "warning"); } // pimcore writeable $checksFS[] = array("name" => "/pimcore/ writeable", "state" => \Pimcore\Update::isWriteable() ? "ok" : "warning"); // system & application checks // PHP CLI BIN try { $phpCliBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Tool\Console::getPhpCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $phpCliBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "PHP CLI Binary", "state" => $phpCliBin ? "ok" : "error"); // FFMPEG BIN try { $ffmpegBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Video\Adapter\Ffmpeg::getFfmpegCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $ffmpegBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "FFMPEG (CLI)", "state" => $ffmpegBin ? "ok" : "warning"); // WKHTMLTOIMAGE BIN try { $wkhtmltopdfBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Image\HtmlToImage::getWkhtmltoimageBinary(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $wkhtmltopdfBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "wkhtmltoimage (CLI)", "state" => $wkhtmltopdfBin ? "ok" : "warning"); // HTML2TEXT BIN try { $html2textBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Mail::determineHtml2TextIsInstalled(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $html2textBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "mbayer html2text (CLI)", "state" => $html2textBin ? "ok" : "warning"); // ghostscript BIN try { $ghostscriptBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Document\Adapter\Ghostscript::getGhostscriptCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $ghostscriptBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "Ghostscript (CLI)", "state" => $ghostscriptBin ? "ok" : "warning"); // LibreOffice BIN try { $libreofficeBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Document\Adapter\LibreOffice::getLibreOfficeCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $libreofficeBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "LibreOffice (CLI)", "state" => $libreofficeBin ? "ok" : "warning"); // PNG optimizer try { $pngOptimizer = (bool) \Pimcore\Image\Optimizer::getPngOptimizerCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $pngOptimizer = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "PNG Optimizer (pngcrush)", "state" => $pngOptimizer ? "ok" : "warning"); // JPEG optimizer try { $jpgOptimizer = (bool) \Pimcore\Image\Optimizer::getJpegOptimizerCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $jpgOptimizer = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "JPEG Optimizer (imgmin, jpegoptim)", "state" => $jpgOptimizer ? "ok" : "warning"); // timeout binary try { $timeoutBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Tool\Console::getTimeoutBinary(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $timeoutBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "timeout - (GNU coreutils)", "state" => $timeoutBin ? "ok" : "warning"); // pdftotext binary try { $pdftotextBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Document\Adapter\Ghostscript::getPdftotextCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $pdftotextBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "pdftotext - (part of poppler-utils)", "state" => $pdftotextBin ? "ok" : "warning"); $this->view->checksApps = $checksApps; $this->view->checksPHP = $checksPHP; $this->view->checksMySQL = $checksMySQL; $this->view->checksFS = $checksFS; }
public function indexAction() { // IE compatibility //$this->getResponse()->setHeader("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=8; IE=9", true); // clear open edit locks for this session (in the case of a reload, ...) \Pimcore\Model\Element\Editlock::clearSession(session_id()); // check maintenance $maintenance_enabled = false; $manager = Model\Schedule\Manager\Factory::getManager(""); $lastExecution = $manager->getLastExecution(); if ($lastExecution) { if (time() - $lastExecution < 610) { // maintenance script should run at least every 10 minutes + a little tolerance $maintenance_enabled = true; } } $this->view->maintenance_enabled = \Zend_Json::encode($maintenance_enabled); // configuration $sysConfig = Config::getSystemConfig(); $this->view->config = $sysConfig; //mail settings $mailIncomplete = false; if ($sysConfig->email) { if (!$sysConfig->email->debug->emailaddresses) { $mailIncomplete = true; } if (!$sysConfig->email->sender->email) { $mailIncomplete = true; } if ($sysConfig->email->method == "smtp" && !$sysConfig->email->smtp->host) { $mailIncomplete = true; } } $this->view->mail_settings_complete = \Zend_Json::encode(!$mailIncomplete); // report configuration $this->view->report_config = Config::getReportConfig(); // customviews config $cvConfig = Tool::getCustomViewConfig(); $cvData = array(); if ($cvConfig) { foreach ($cvConfig as $node) { $tmpData = $node; $rootNode = Model\Object::getByPath($tmpData["rootfolder"]); if ($rootNode) { $tmpData["rootId"] = $rootNode->getId(); $tmpData["allowedClasses"] = explode(",", $tmpData["classes"]); $tmpData["showroot"] = (bool) $tmpData["showroot"]; $cvData[] = $tmpData; } } } $this->view->customview_config = $cvData; // upload limit $max_upload = filesize2bytes(ini_get("upload_max_filesize") . "B"); $max_post = filesize2bytes(ini_get("post_max_size") . "B"); $upload_mb = min($max_upload, $max_post); $this->view->upload_max_filesize = $upload_mb; // csrf token $user = $this->getUser(); $this->view->csrfToken = Tool\Session::useSession(function ($adminSession) use($user) { if (!isset($adminSession->csrfToken) && !$adminSession->csrfToken) { $adminSession->csrfToken = sha1(microtime() . $user->getName() . uniqid()); } return $adminSession->csrfToken; }); if (\Pimcore\Tool\Admin::isExtJS6()) { $this->forward("index6"); } }
public function indexAction() { // clear open edit locks for this session (in the case of a reload, ...) \Pimcore\Model\Element\Editlock::clearSession(session_id()); // check maintenance $maintenance_enabled = false; $manager = Model\Schedule\Manager\Factory::getManager(""); $lastExecution = $manager->getLastExecution(); if ($lastExecution) { if (time() - $lastExecution < 610) { // maintenance script should run at least every 10 minutes + a little tolerance $maintenance_enabled = true; } } $this->view->maintenance_enabled = \Zend_Json::encode($maintenance_enabled); // configuration $sysConfig = Config::getSystemConfig(); $this->view->config = $sysConfig; //mail settings $mailIncomplete = false; if ($sysConfig->email) { if (!$sysConfig->email->debug->emailaddresses) { $mailIncomplete = true; } if (!$sysConfig->email->sender->email) { $mailIncomplete = true; } if ($sysConfig->email->method == "smtp" && !$sysConfig->email->smtp->host) { $mailIncomplete = true; } } $this->view->mail_settings_complete = \Zend_Json::encode(!$mailIncomplete); // report configuration $this->view->report_config = Config::getReportConfig(); $cvData = []; // still needed when publishing objects $cvConfig = Tool::getCustomViewConfig(); if ($cvConfig) { foreach ($cvConfig as $node) { $tmpData = $node; // backwards compatibility $treeType = $tmpData["treetype"] ? $tmpData["treetype"] : "object"; $rootNode = Model\Element\Service::getElementByPath($treeType, $tmpData["rootfolder"]); if ($rootNode) { $tmpData["rootId"] = $rootNode->getId(); $tmpData["allowedClasses"] = $tmpData["classes"] ? explode(",", $tmpData["classes"]) : null; $tmpData["showroot"] = (bool) $tmpData["showroot"]; // Check if a user has privileges to that node if ($rootNode->isAllowed("list")) { $cvData[] = $tmpData; } } } } $this->view->customview_config = $cvData; // upload limit $max_upload = filesize2bytes(ini_get("upload_max_filesize") . "B"); $max_post = filesize2bytes(ini_get("post_max_size") . "B"); $upload_mb = min($max_upload, $max_post); $this->view->upload_max_filesize = $upload_mb; // session lifetime (gc) $session_gc_maxlifetime = ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime"); if (empty($session_gc_maxlifetime)) { $session_gc_maxlifetime = 120; } $this->view->session_gc_maxlifetime = $session_gc_maxlifetime; // csrf token $user = $this->getUser(); $this->view->csrfToken = Tool\Session::useSession(function ($adminSession) use($user) { if (!isset($adminSession->csrfToken) && !$adminSession->csrfToken) { $adminSession->csrfToken = sha1(microtime() . $user->getName() . uniqid()); } return $adminSession->csrfToken; }); if (\Pimcore\Tool\Admin::isExtJS6()) { $this->forward("index6"); } }
?> </h1> <h2><?php echo $titleh2; ?> </h2> <div id="plupload_instructions"><p><?php echo $intro; ?> </p></div> <?php if (isset($plupload_max_file_size)) { if (is_numeric($plupload_max_file_size)) { $sizeText = formatfilesize($plupload_max_file_size); } else { $sizeText = formatfilesize(filesize2bytes($plupload_max_file_size)); } echo ' ' . sprintf($lang['plupload-maxfilesize'], $sizeText); } hook("additionaluploadtext"); if ($allowed_extensions != "") { $allowed_extensions = str_replace(", ", ",", $allowed_extensions); $list = explode(",", trim($allowed_extensions)); sort($list); $allowed_extensions = implode(",", $list); ?> <p><?php echo str_replace_formatted_placeholder("%extensions", str_replace(",", ", ", $allowed_extensions), $lang['allowedextensions-extensions']); ?> </p><?php }
public function indexAction() { $checksPHP = array(); $checksMySQL = array(); $checksFS = array(); // check for memory limit $memoryLimit = ini_get("memory_limit"); $memoryLimit = filesize2bytes($memoryLimit . "B"); $state = "ok"; if ($memoryLimit < 134217728) { $state = "error"; } else { if ($memoryLimit < 268435456) { $state = "warning"; } } $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "memory_limit (in php.ini)", "link" => "", "state" => $state); // check for safe_mode $safemode = strtolower(ini_get("safe_mode")); $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "safe_mode (in php.ini)", "link" => "", "state" => $safemode == "on" ? "error" : "ok"); // mcrypt $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "mcrypt", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("mcrypt_encrypt") ? "ok" : "error"); // pdo_mysql $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "PDO_Mysql", "link" => "", "state" => @constant("PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS") ? "ok" : "error"); // pdo_mysql $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Mysqli", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("mysqli") ? "ok" : "error"); // iconv $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "iconv", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("iconv") ? "ok" : "error"); // dom $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "dom", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("DOMDocument") ? "ok" : "error"); // simplexml $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "SimpleXML", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("SimpleXMLElement") ? "ok" : "error"); // gd $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "GD", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("gd_info") ? "ok" : "error"); // multibyte support $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Multibyte String (mbstring)", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("mb_get_info") ? "ok" : "error"); // zip $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "zip", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("ZipArchive") ? "ok" : "error"); // gzip $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "zlib / gzip", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("gzcompress") ? "ok" : "error"); // bzip $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Bzip2", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("bzcompress") ? "ok" : "error"); // openssl $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "OpenSSL", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("openssl_open") ? "ok" : "error"); // Imagick $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Imagick", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("Imagick") ? "ok" : "warning"); // APC $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "APC", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("apc_add") ? "ok" : "warning"); // memcache $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Memcache", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("Memcache") ? "ok" : "warning"); // PCNTL $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "PCNTL", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("pcntl_exec") ? "ok" : "warning"); // soap $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Soap", "link" => "", "state" => class_exists("SoapClient") ? "ok" : "warning"); // curl for google api sdk $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "curl", "link" => "", "state" => function_exists("curl_init") ? "ok" : "warning"); $db = null; if ($this->_getParam("mysql_adapter")) { // this is before installing try { $db = Zend_Db::factory($this->_getParam("mysql_adapter"), array('host' => $this->_getParam("mysql_host"), 'username' => $this->_getParam("mysql_username"), 'password' => $this->_getParam("mysql_password"), 'dbname' => $this->_getParam("mysql_database"), "port" => $this->_getParam("mysql_port"))); $db->getConnection(); } catch (Exception $e) { $db = null; } } else { // this is after installing, eg. after a migration, ... $db = Pimcore_Resource::get(); } if ($db) { // storage engines $engines = array(); $enginesRaw = $db->fetchAll("SHOW ENGINES;"); foreach ($enginesRaw as $engineRaw) { $engines[] = strtolower($engineRaw["Engine"]); } // innodb $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "InnoDB Support", "state" => in_array("innodb", $engines) ? "ok" : "error"); // myisam $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "MyISAM Support", "state" => in_array("myisam", $engines) ? "ok" : "error"); // memory $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "MEMORY Support", "state" => in_array("memory", $engines) ? "ok" : "error"); // check database charset => utf-8 encoding $result = $db->fetchRow('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character\\_set\\_database"'); $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "Database Charset UTF8", "state" => $result['Value'] == "utf8" ? "ok" : "error"); // create table $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("CREATE TABLE __pimcore_req_check (\r\n id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\r\n field varchar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 NULL DEFAULT NULL,\r\n PRIMARY KEY (id)\r\n ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "CREATE TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // alter table $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("ALTER TABLE __pimcore_req_check ADD COLUMN alter_field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL"); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "ALTER TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // Manage indexes $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("ALTER TABLE __pimcore_req_check\r\n CHANGE COLUMN id id int(11) NOT NULL,\r\n CHANGE COLUMN field field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\r\n CHANGE COLUMN alter_field alter_field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\r\n ADD INDEX field (field(255)),\r\n DROP PRIMARY KEY ,\r\n DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); $db->query("ALTER TABLE __pimcore_req_check\r\n CHANGE COLUMN id id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\r\n CHANGE COLUMN field field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\r\n CHANGE COLUMN alter_field alter_field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\r\n ADD PRIMARY KEY (id) ,\r\n DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "Manage Indexes", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // insert data $queryCheck = true; try { $db->insert("__pimcore_req_check", array("field" => uniqid(), "alter_field" => uniqid())); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "INSERT", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // update $queryCheck = true; try { $db->update("__pimcore_req_check", array("field" => uniqid(), "alter_field" => uniqid())); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "UPDATE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // select $queryCheck = true; try { $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM __pimcore_req_check"); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SELECT", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // create view $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW __pimcore_req_check_view AS SELECT * FROM __pimcore_req_check"); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "CREATE VIEW", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // select from view $queryCheck = true; try { $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM __pimcore_req_check_view"); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SELECT (from view)", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // delete $queryCheck = true; try { $db->delete("__pimcore_req_check"); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "DELETE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // show create view $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("SHOW CREATE VIEW __pimcore_req_check_view"); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SHOW CREATE VIEW", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // show create table $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE __pimcore_req_check"); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SHOW CREATE TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // drop view $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("DROP VIEW __pimcore_req_check_view"); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "DROP VIEW", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // drop table $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("DROP TABLE __pimcore_req_check"); } catch (Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "DROP TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); } else { die("Not possible... no or wrong database settings given.<br />Please fill out the MySQL Settings in the install form an click again on `Check Requirements´"); } // filesystem checks // website/var writable $websiteVarWritable = true; $files = rscandir(PIMCORE_WEBSITE_PATH . "/var"); foreach ($files as $file) { if (!is_writable($file)) { $websiteVarWritable = false; } } $checksFS[] = array("name" => "/website/var/ writeable", "state" => $websiteVarWritable ? "ok" : "error"); // pimcore writeable $checksFS[] = array("name" => "/pimcore/ writeable", "state" => Pimcore_Update::isWriteable() ? "ok" : "warning"); $this->view->checksPHP = $checksPHP; $this->view->checksMySQL = $checksMySQL; $this->view->checksFS = $checksFS; }