Beispiel #1
        <td width="27%" align=right><b>Standard output:</b></td>
        <td width="83%"> 
if ($a["autostdout"] != "") {
    echo "<a href=\"../filedownload.php?" . filedownload($a["autostdout"], "stdout") . "\">stdout</a>\n";
    echo "<a href=\"#\" class=menu style=\"font-weight:bold\" onClick=\"'../filewindow.php?" . filedownload($a["autostdout"], "stdout") . "', 'View - STDOUT','width=680,height=600,scrollbars=yes," . "resizable=yes')\">view</a>\n";
} else {
    echo "unavailable";
<td width="27%" align=right><b>Standard error:</b></td>
	<td width="83%"> 
if ($a["autostderr"] != "") {
    echo "<a href=\"../filedownload.php?" . filedownload($a["autostderr"], "stderr") . "\">stderr</a>\n";
    echo "<a href=\"#\" class=menu style=\"font-weight:bold\" onClick=\"'../filewindow.php?" . filedownload($a["autostderr"], "stderr") . "', 'View - STDERR','width=680,height=600,scrollbars=yes," . "resizable=yes')\">view</a>\n";
} else {
    echo "unavailable";

Beispiel #2
     $strtmp .= "  <td nowrap>" . dateconvminutes($run[$i]["timestamp"]) . "</td>\n";
     $strtmp .= "  <td nowrap>" . $run[$i]["problem"] . "</td>\n";
     $strtmp .= "  <td nowrap>" . $run[$i]["language"] . "</td>\n";
     //  $strtmp .= "  <td nowrap>" . $run[$i]["status"] . "</td>\n";
     if (trim($run[$i]["answer"]) == "") {
         $run[$i]["answer"] = "Not answered yet";
         $strtmp .= "  <td>Not answered yet";
     } else {
         $strtmp .= "  <td>" . $run[$i]["answer"];
         if ($run[$i]['yes'] == 't') {
             $strtmp .= " <img alt=\"" . $run[$i]["colorname"] . "\" width=\"15\" " . "src=\"" . balloonurl($run[$i]["color"]) . "\" />";
             $strcolors .= "\t" . $run[$i]["colorname"] . "\t" . $run[$i]["color"];
     $strtmp .= "</td>\n";
     $strtmp .= "<td nowrap><a href=\"../filedownload.php?" . filedownload($run[$i]["oid"], $run[$i]["filename"]) . "\">";
     $strtmp .= $run[$i]["filename"] . "</a>";
     $strtmp .= "</td>\n";
     $strtmp .= " </tr>\n";
 $strtmp .= "</table>";
 if (count($run) == 0) {
     $strtmp .= "<br><center><b><font color=\"#ff0000\">NO RUNS AVAILABLE</font></b></center>";
 $linesubmission = @file_get_contents($_SESSION["locr"] . $ds . "private" . $ds . 'run-using-command.config');
 if (trim($linesubmission) == '1') {
     $strtmp .= "<br><br><center><b>To submit a program, use the command-line tool:</b>\n<br>" . "<pre>boca-submit-run USER PASSWORD PROBLEM LANGUAGE FILE</pre><br>" . "where USER is your username, PASSWORD is your password, <br>" . "PROBLEM is one of { ";
     $prob = DBGetProblems($_SESSION["usertable"]["contestnumber"], $_SESSION["usertable"]["usertype"] == 'judge');
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($prob); $i++) {
         $strtmp .= $prob[$i]["problem"] . " ";
Beispiel #3
 } else {
     $mine = 0;
 echo " <tr>\n";
 echo "  <td nowrap>" . $task[$i]["number"] . "</td>\n";
 echo "  <td nowrap>" . dateconvminutes($task[$i]["timestamp"]) . "</td>\n";
 echo "  <td nowrap>" . $task[$i]["username"] . "(" . $task[$i]["user"] . ") / " . $task[$i]["site"] . "</td>\n";
 echo "  <td>" . $task[$i]["description"];
 if ($task[$i]["color"] != "") {
     echo " <img alt=\"" . $task[$i]["colorname"] . "\" width=\"25\" " . "src=\"" . balloonurl($task[$i]["color"]) . "\" />";
 echo "</td>\n";
 if ($task[$i]["oid"] != null) {
     $msg = "///// " . $task[$i]["username"] . " " . $task[$i]["username"] . " " . $task[$i]["username"] . " " . $task[$i]["username"] . " " . $task[$i]["username"] . " " . $task[$i]["username"];
     echo "  <td nowrap><a href=\"../filedownload.php?" . filedownload($task[$i]["oid"], $task[$i]["filename"]) . "\">" . $task[$i]["filename"] . "</a>";
     echo " <a href=\"#\" class=menu style=\"font-weight:bold\" onClick=\"'../filewindow.php?" . filedownload($task[$i]["oid"], $task[$i]["filename"], $msg) . "', 'Viewx{$i}','width=680,height=600,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes," . "resizable=yes')\">view</a>";
     echo "</td>\n";
 } else {
     echo "  <td nowrap>&nbsp;</td>\n";
 if ($mine) {
     $color = "ff7777";
 } else {
     if ($st == "done") {
         $color = "bbbbff";
     } else {
         if ($st == "processing") {
             $color = "77ff77";
         } else {
             if ($st == "opentask") {
                 $color = "ffff88";
Beispiel #4
     echo "</a></td>\n";
 } else {
     echo "  <td nowrap>" . $prob[$i]["number"] . " (fake)</td>\n";
 echo "  <td nowrap>" . $prob[$i]["name"] . "</td>\n";
 echo "  <td nowrap>" . $prob[$i]["fullname"] . "&nbsp;</td>\n";
 echo "  <td nowrap>" . $prob[$i]["basefilename"] . "&nbsp;</td>\n";
 if (isset($prob[$i]["descoid"]) && $prob[$i]["descoid"] != null && isset($prob[$i]["descfilename"])) {
     echo "  <td nowrap><a href=\"../filedownload.php?" . filedownload($prob[$i]["descoid"], $prob[$i]["descfilename"]) . "\">" . basename($prob[$i]["descfilename"]) . "</td>\n";
 } else {
     echo "  <td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
 if ($prob[$i]["inputoid"] != null) {
     $tx = $prob[$i]["inputhash"];
     echo "  <td nowrap><a href=\"../filedownload.php?" . filedownload($prob[$i]["inputoid"], $prob[$i]["inputfilename"]) . "\">" . $prob[$i]["inputfilename"] . "</a> " . "<img title=\"hash: {$tx}\" alt=\"{$tx}\" width=\"25\" src=\"../images/bigballoontransp-hash.png\" />" . "</td>\n";
 } else {
     echo "  <td nowrap>&nbsp;</td>\n";
   if ($prob[$i]["soloid"] != null) {
     $tx = $prob[$i]["solhash"];
     echo "  <td nowrap><a href=\"../filedownload.php?" . filedownload($prob[$i]["soloid"],$prob[$i]["solfilename"]) ."\">" . 
 	$prob[$i]["solfilename"] . "</a> ".
 	"<img title=\"hash: $tx\" alt=\"$tx\" width=\"25\" src=\"../images/bigballoontransp-hash.png\" />" . 
     echo "  <td nowrap>&nbsp;</td>\n";
   if ($prob[$i]["timelimit"]!="")
     echo "  <td nowrap>" . $prob[$i]["timelimit"] . "</td>\n";
Beispiel #5
if (is_writable($webcastdir)) {
    file_put_contents($webcastdir . $ds . 'runs', $runfile);
    file_put_contents($webcastdir . $ds . 'contest', $contestfile);
    file_put_contents($webcastdir . $ds . 'version', $versionfile);
    file_put_contents($webcastdir . $ds . 'time', $timefile);
    if (@create_zip($webcastparentdir, array('webcast'), $webcastdir . ".tmp") != 1) {
        LOGError("Cannot create score webcast.tmp file");
        MSGError("Cannot create score webcast.tmp file");
    } else {
        $cf = globalconf();
        file_put_contents($webcastdir . ".tmp", encryptData(file_get_contents($webcastdir . ".tmp"), $cf["key"], false));
        @rename($webcastdir . ".tmp", $webcastdir . '.zip');
    echo "<br><br><br><center>";
    echo "<a href=\"{$locr}/filedownload.php?" . filedownload(-1, $webcastdir . '.zip') . "\">CLICK TO DOWNLOAD</a>";
    echo "</center>";
} else {
    LOGError('Error creating the folder for the ZIP file: ' . $webcastdir);
    MSGError('Error creating the folder for the ZIP file: ' . $webcastdir);
echo "<br><br><br>\n";
echo "<br><br><br>\n";
echo "<br><br><br>\n";
echo "<br><br><br>\n";
echo "<br><br><br>\n";
echo "<br><br><br>\n";
include "{$locr}/footnote.php";
Beispiel #6
$prob = DBGetProblems($_SESSION["usertable"]["contestnumber"]);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($prob); $i++) {
    echo " <tr>\n";
    //  echo "  <td nowrap>" . $prob[$i]["number"] . "</td>\n";
    echo "  <td nowrap>" . $prob[$i]["problem"];
    if ($prob[$i]["color"] != "") {
        echo " <img alt=\"" . $prob[$i]["colorname"] . "\" width=\"20\" " . "src=\"" . balloonurl($prob[$i]["color"]) . "\" />\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "  <td nowrap>" . $prob[$i]["basefilename"] . "&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "  <td nowrap>" . $prob[$i]["fullname"] . "&nbsp;</td>\n";
    if (isset($prob[$i]["descoid"]) && $prob[$i]["descoid"] != null && isset($prob[$i]["descfilename"])) {
        echo "  <td nowrap><a href=\"../filedownload.php?" . filedownload($prob[$i]["descoid"], $prob[$i]["descfilename"]) . "\">" . basename($prob[$i]["descfilename"]) . "</td>\n";
    } else {
        echo "  <td nowrap>no description file available</td>\n";
    echo " </tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
if (count($prob) == 0) {
    echo "<br><center><b><font color=\"#ff0000\">NO PROBLEMS AVAILABLE YET</font></b></center>";