function onSubmit($vals) { $vals['name'] = strtolower($vals['name']); //make sure that file doesnt exit if (file_exists('inc/html/' . $vals['set_name'] . '/' . $vals['name'] . '.css')) { echo '<p>' . intl_get('A file with that name already exists. Choose a different file name.') . '</p>'; echo '<p>' . intl_get('Go <a href=javascript:history.back()>back</a> to choose a different file name.') . '</p>'; } if (preg_match('/\\.css$/i', $vals['name'])) { $ext = ''; } else { $ext = '.css'; } if (!file_overwrite('inc/html/' . $vals['set_name'] . '/' . $vals['name'] . $ext, $vals['body'])) { page_title(intl_get('An Error Occurred')); echo '<p>' . intl_get('The file was unable to be saved. Please verify your server settings before trying again.') . '</p>'; return; } umask(00); chmod('inc/html/' . $vals['set_name'] . '/' . $vals['name'] . $ext, 0777); list($set, $tpl) = explode('/', $vals['path']); echo $set . ' ' . $tpl; page_title('File Saved'); echo '<p><a href="' . site_prefix() . '/index/sitetemplate-templateselect-action?set_name=' . $vals['set_name'] . '">' . intl_get('Return to template set') . '</a></p>'; }
function onSubmit($vals) { unset($vals['submit_button']); loader_import('saf.File'); file_overwrite('inc/app/sitewiki/conf/settings.php', ini_write($vals)); echo '<p>Settings saved. <a href="' . site_prefix() . '/index/sitewiki-app">Continue</a></p>'; }
function onSubmit($vals) { loader_import('saf.File'); if (!preg_match('/\\.html$/', $vals['filename'])) { $vals['filename'] .= '.html'; } if (!preg_match('/\\.html$/', $vals['helpfile'])) { $vals['helpfile'] .= '.html'; } $vals['body'] = '<h1>' . $vals['title'] . '</h1>' . NEWLINEx2 . $vals['body']; if (!file_overwrite(site_docroot() . '/inc/app/' . $vals['appname'] . '/docs/' . $vals['lang'] . '/' . $vals['filename'], $vals['body'])) { echo '<p>Error: Unable to write to the file. Please verify your file and folder permissions.</p>'; return; } if ($vals['helpfile'] != $vals['filename']) { // erase old file, this is a rename $res = @unlink(site_docroot() . '/inc/app/' . $vals['appname'] . '/docs/' . $vals['lang'] . '/' . $vals['helpfile']); if (!$res) { echo '<p>Error: Unable to remove the old file. Please verify your file and folder permissions.</p>'; return; } } header('Location: ' . site_prefix() . '/index/appdoc-helpdoc-action?appname=' . $vals['appname'] . '&lang=' . $vals['lang']); exit; }
function onSubmit($vals) { loader_import('saf.File'); loader_import('saf.File.Directory'); loader_import('saf.Misc.Ini'); $info = help_get_langs($vals['appname']); $info[$vals['lang_code']] = $vals['lang_name']; if (!@mkdir(site_docroot() . '/inc/app/' . $vals['appname'] . '/docs/' . $vals['lang_code'], 0777)) { echo '<p>Error: Unable to create language folder. Please verify your folder permissions.</p>'; return; } if (!file_overwrite(site_docroot() . '/inc/app/' . $vals['appname'] . '/docs/languages.php', ini_write($info))) { echo '<p>Error: Unable to write to the file. Please verify your folder permissions.</p>'; return; } if (!empty($vals['copy_from'])) { // copy help files from specified lang to new dir $pages = help_get_pages($vals['appname'], $vals['lang']); foreach ($pages as $page) { $id = help_get_id($page); $res = copy(site_docroot() . '/inc/app/' . $vals['appname'] . '/docs/' . $vals['lang'] . '/' . $id . '.html', site_docroot() . '/inc/app/' . $vals['appname'] . '/docs/' . $vals['lang_code'] . '/' . $id . '.html'); if (!$res) { echo '<p>Error: Unable to duplicate help files. Please verify your folder permissions.</p>'; return; } } } // go to new language header('Location: ' . site_prefix() . '/index/appdoc-helpdoc-action?appname=' . $vals['appname'] . '&lang=' . $vals['lang_code']); exit; }
function onSubmit($vals) { if (!file_overwrite('inc/html/' . $vals['path'], $vals['body'])) { page_title(intl_get('An Error Occurred')); echo '<p>' . intl_get('The file was unable to be saved. Please verify your server settings before trying again.') . '</p>'; return; } list($set, $tpl) = explode('/', $vals['path']); page_title('Template Saved'); echo '<p><a href="' . site_prefix() . '/index/sitetemplate-templateselect-action?set_name=' . $set . '">' . intl_get('Return to template set') . '</a></p>'; }
function onSubmit($vals) { $set = $vals['set']; unset($vals['set']); file_overwrite('inc/html/' . $set . '/modes.php', $vals['modes']); unset($vals['submit_button']); unset($vals['modes']); $r = ini_write($vals); file_overwrite('inc/html/' . $set . '/config.ini.php', $r); header('Location: ' . site_prefix() . '/index/sitetemplate-templateselect-action?set_name=' . $set); exit; }
function onSubmit($vals) { // overwrite file $cache = array('Cache' => array(), 'Cacheable' => array()); $cacheable = $vals['cacheable']; unset($vals['cacheable']); unset($vals['submit_button']); foreach ($vals as $k => $v) { $cache['Cache'][$k] = $v; } $cacheable = ini_parse($cacheable, false); foreach ($this->ignore as $i) { $cacheable[$i] = false; } $cache['Cacheable'] = $cacheable; loader_import('saf.File'); if (!file_overwrite('inc/conf/cache.php', ini_write($cache))) { die('Error writing to file: inc/conf/cache.php'); } echo '<p>' . intl_get('Cache settings saved.') . ' <a href="' . site_prefix() . '/index/cms-cpanel-action">' . intl_get('Continue') . '</a></p>'; }
function onSubmit($vals) { unset($vals['Database']); unset($vals['Site']); unset($vals['Server']); unset($vals['I18n']); unset($vals['Messaging']); unset($vals['submit_button']); $config = array(); foreach ($vals as $k => $v) { list($cname, $key) = explode('_', $k, 2); if (!isset($config[$cname])) { $config[$cname] = array($key => $v); } else { $config[$cname][$key] = $v; } } loader_import('saf.File'); if (!file_overwrite('inc/conf/config.ini.php', ini_write($config))) { die('Error writing to file: inc/conf/config.ini.php'); } echo '<p>' . intl_get('Site settings saved.') . ' <a href="' . site_prefix() . '/index/cms-cpanel-action">' . intl_get('Continue') . '</a></p>'; }
<?php $info = parse_ini_file('inc/conf/auth/applications/index.php'); if (!empty($parameters['appname']) && isset($info[$parameters['appname']]) && $info[$parameters['appname']] != 'core') { $info[$parameters['appname']] = true; loader_import('saf.File'); loader_import('saf.Misc.Ini'); file_overwrite('inc/conf/auth/applications/index.php', ini_write($info)); } header('Location: ' . site_prefix() . '/index/usradm-applications-action'); exit;
<?php if (!isset($parameters['orig'])) { list($filename, $remote) = explode('?snipshot_output=', $parameters['file']); list($tmp, $parameters['orig']) = explode('/pix/', $filename); $parameters['orig'] = 'pix/' . $parameters['orig']; $parameters['remote'] = 'cache/_' . str_replace('/', '_', $parameters['orig']); loader_import('saf.File'); $filedata = @join('', @file($remote)); file_overwrite($parameters['remote'], $filedata); page_title(intl_get('Saving File') . ': ' . $filename); $max_width = 350; $max_height = 400; list($w, $h) = getimagesize($parameters['orig']); if ($max_height < $h || $max_width < $w) { if ($h > $w) { $w = $w * ($max_height / $h); $h = $max_height; } else { $h = $h * ($max_width / $w); $w = $max_width; } } $parameters['orig_w'] = $w; $parameters['orig_h'] = $h; $parameters['dir'] = dirname($parameters['orig']); list($w, $h) = getimagesize($parameters['remote']); if ($max_height < $h || $max_width < $w) { if ($h > $w) { $w = $w * ($max_height / $h); $h = $max_height;
/** * Deletes an item from $data and rewrites the INI file. * * @param string * @return boolean */ function delete($name) { unset($this->data[$name]); $r = file_overwrite($this->file, ini_write($this->data)); if (!$r) { $this->error = 'Failed to write INI file!'; } return $r; }
$val = false; } $w =& $form->createWidget($k, $v); if ($val) { $w->setValue($val); } } $sub =& $form->addWidget('msubmit', 'submit_button'); $b1 =& $sub->getButton(); $b1->setValues(intl_get('Save')); $b2 =& $sub->addbutton('submit_button', intl_get('Cancel')); $b2->extra = 'onclick="window.location.href = \'' . site_prefix() . '/index/usradm-applications-action\'; return false"'; if ($form->invalid($cgi)) { $form->setValues($cgi); echo $form->show(); } else { $vals = $form->getValues(); foreach ($vals as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'appname' || $k == 'submit_button') { continue; } if (isset($v)) { $settings[$k]['value'] = $v; } } loader_import('saf.File'); if (!file_overwrite(getcwd() . '/inc/app/' . $parameters['appname'] . '/conf/settings.ini.php', ini_write($settings))) { die('Error writing to file: inc/app/' . $parameters['appname'] . '/conf/settings.ini.php'); } echo '<p>' . intl_get('Application settings saved.') . ' <a href="' . site_prefix() . '/index/usradm-applications-action">' . intl_get('Continue') . '</a></p>'; }
$data['body'] = '<p class="notice">SQL Error: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>'; break; } } if (!$data['error']) { // save info to config.ini.php $conf = @join('', @file('../inc/conf/config.ini.php')); if ($cgi->dbhost != 'localhost' || $cgi->dbport != 3306) { $conf = preg_replace('/hostname[ \\t]*= localhost/', "hostname\t\t= \"" . $cgi->dbhost . ':' . $cgi->dbport . '"', $conf); } $conf = preg_replace('/database[ \\t]*= DBNAME/', "database\t\t= \"" . $cgi->database . '"', $conf); $conf = preg_replace('/username[ \\t]*= USER/', "username\t\t= \"" . $cgi->dbuser . '"', $conf); $conf = preg_replace('/password[ \\t]*= PASS/', "password\t\t= \"" . $cgi->dbpass . '"', $conf); $conf = preg_replace('/domain[ \\t]*= DOMAIN/', "domain\t\t\t= \"" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '"', $conf); loader_import('saf.File'); if (!file_overwrite('../inc/conf/config.ini.php', $conf)) { $data['error'] = true; $data['body'] = '<p class="notice">Error: Unable to save configuration settings</p>'; } } $data['step'] = 5; $data['next_step'] = 6; $data['title'] = 'Password'; $data['next'] = 'Finish Up'; if (empty($data['body'])) { $data['onclick'] = 'return validate (this.form)'; $data['body'] = template_simple('password.spt', $data); } break; case 6: $conn = @mysql_connect($cgi->dbhost . ':' . $cgi->dbport, $cgi->dbuser, $cgi->dbpass);
$apps[$apps[$k]] = Workflow::getServices($k); unset($apps[$k]); } if (empty($cgi->submit_button)) { echo template_simple('workflow.spt', $apps); } else { $services = array(); foreach ($apps as $app) { foreach ($app as $service) { if ($parameters[$service['name']]) { foreach ($service['actions'] as $action) { if (!is_array($services[$action])) { $services[$action] = array(); } $services[$action]['service:' . $service['name']] = array('name' => $service['title'], 'handler' => $service['handler']); } } } } loader_import('saf.File'); loader_import('saf.File.Directory'); foreach ($services as $action => $servs) { file_overwrite('inc/app/cms/conf/services/' . $action . '.php', ini_write($servs)); } foreach (Dir::find('*.php', 'inc/app/cms/conf/services') as $file) { if (!isset($services[str_replace('.php', '', basename($file))])) { file_overwrite($file, ini_write(array())); } } echo '<p>' . intl_get('Workflow settings saved.') . ' <a href="' . site_prefix() . '/index/cms-cpanel-action">' . intl_get('Continue') . '</a></p>'; }
/** * Loads a series of objects that are dynamically generated from an INI file. * The INI file lives in the 'lib' folder of an app, and is named $pkg.ini.php. * If the 'lib' folder is writeable, a static copy of the generated code will * be saved to lib/_$pkg.php and be loaded next time. The static copy is * automatically regenerated upon any change to the INI file or to this file * (Generic.php). * * The INI file defines which objects to make available, and the relations * between them. For example, for a shopping cart you might define objects for * Product, Category, Option, and Order. The relations might be that a Product * belongs to one or more Categories and Orders, and one or more Options belong * to a Product. * * The benefit of using this technique is that it provides convenience methods * for controlling the relationships between objects. Specifically, for each * relation, the following three methods are defined (in both directions): * * - set{Object} (&$Object) * - unset{Object} (&$object) * - get{Object}s () * * Where {Object} is the name of the related object. So for a Product, you * would have setCategory, unsetCategory, getCategories, and so on. For a * Category you would have setProduct, unsetProduct, and getProducts. However, * for Options, since they belong to only one Product, the getProducts method * is actually named getProduct and returns just the one Product. * * Loading packages in this way is also seamlessly integrated into the Loader * class as well, simply call: * * loader_import ('myapp.Objects'); * * And you will have generated and imported the objects defined in * inc/app/myapp/lib/Objects.ini.php just like that. * * The INI format is as follows: * * <code> * ; <?php /* * * [Product] * * table = myapp_product * pkey = id * ;permissions = on ; uncomment this if your table has the sitellte_* fields * * [Category] * * table = myapp_category * pkey = id * * [Option] * * table = myapp_option * pkey = id * * [rel:Product:Category] * * type = xx ; many-to-many * join_table = myapp_product_category * Product field = product_id * Category field = category_id * * [rel:Product:Option] * * type = 1x ; one-to-many * Option field = product_id * cascade = on ; delete options when product is deleted * * ; * / ? > * </code> * * Additional relationship types '11' (one-to-one) and 'tree' (via self- * referencing columns) are planned to be added in a future release. * * @access public * @param string * @param string * @return boolean */ function load($app, $pkg) { $inifile = 'inc/app/' . $app . '/lib/' . $pkg . '.ini.php'; $codefile = 'inc/app/' . $app . '/lib/_' . $pkg . '.php'; if (@file_exists($codefile) && filemtime($codefile) >= filemtime($inifile) && filemtime($codefile) >= filemtime(__FILE__)) { include_once $codefile; return true; } $spt_header = '{filter none}{import}{end filter}class {class_name} extends {extends} { function {class_name} ($id = false) { parent::{extends} (\'{table}\', \'{pkey}\'); {if obj[permissions]}$this->usePermissions = true;{end if} {if obj[multilingual]}$this->multilingual = true;{end if} if (is_array ($id)) { $newkey = $this->add ($id); if (is_numeric ($newkey)) { $this->setCurrent ($this->get ($newkey)); } else { $this->setCurrent ($this->get ($id[\'{pkey}\'])); } } elseif (is_object ($id)) { $this->setCurrent ($id); } elseif ($id) { $this->setCurrent ($this->get ($id)); } // {class_name} cascade } '; $spt_xx = ' function &set{class_two} (&$o) { if (is_subclass_of ($o, \'Generic\')) { $k = $o->pkey (); } else { $k = $o->{pkey_two}; } if (! db_execute ( \'insert into {join_table} ({field_one}, {field_two}) values (?, ?)\', $this->pkey (), $k )) { $this->error = db_error (); return false; } return $o; } function unset{class_two} (&$o) { if (is_subclass_of ($o, \'Generic\')) { $k = $o->pkey (); } else { $k = $o->{pkey_two}; } if (! db_execute ( \'delete from {join_table} where {field_one} = ? and {field_two} = ?\', $this->val (\'{pkey}\'), $k )) { $this->error = db_error (); return false; } return true; } function get{class_two_pleural} ($id = false) { if (! $id) { $id = $this->val (\'{pkey}\'); } elseif (is_object ($id)) { $id = $id->{pkey}; } return db_fetch_array ( \'select b.*, j.* from {table} a, {join_table} j, {table_two} b where a.{pkey} = ? and a.{pkey} = j.{field_one} and b.{pkey_two} = j.{field_two}\', $id ); } '; $spt_1x = ' function &set{class_two} (&$o) { if (is_subclass_of ($o, \'Generic\')) { $k = $o->pkey (); $o->_current->{join_field} = $this->pkey (); } else { $k = $o->{pkey_two}; } if (! db_execute ( \'update {table_two} set {join_field} = ? where {pkey_two} = ?\', $this->pkey (), $k )) { $this->error = db_error (); return false; } return $o; } function unset{class_two} (&$o) { if (is_subclass_of ($o, \'Generic\')) { $k = $o->pkey (); $o->_current->{join_field} = 0; } else { $k = $o->{pkey_two}; } if (! db_execute ( \'update {table_two} set {join_field} = ? where {pkey_two} = ?\', 0, $k )) { $this->error = db_error (); return false; } return true; } function get{class_two_pleural} ($id = false) { if (! $id) { $id = $this->val (\'{pkey}\'); } elseif (is_object ($id)) { $id = $id->{pkey}; } return db_fetch_array ( \'select * from {table_two} where {join_field} = ?\', $id ); } '; $spt_x1 = ' function &set{class_two} (&$o) { if (is_subclass_of ($o, \'Generic\')) { $k = $o->pkey (); } else { $k = $o->{pkey_two}; } if (! db_execute ( \'update {table} set {join_field} = ? where {pkey} = ?\', $k, $this->pkey () )) { $this->error = db_error (); return false; } $this->_current->{join_field} = $k; return $o; } function unset{class_two} (&$o) { if (is_subclass_of ($o, \'Generic\')) { $k = $o->pkey (); } else { $k = $o->{pkey_two}; } if (! db_execute ( \'update {table} set {join_field} = ? where {pkey} = ?\', 0, $this->pkey () )) { $this->error = db_error (); return false; } $this->_current->{join_field} = 0; return true; } function get{class_two} () { return db_single ( \'select * from {table_two} where {pkey_two} = ?\', $this->val (\'{join_field}\') ); } '; $spt_11 = ' function &set{class_two} (&$o) { } function unset{class_two} (&$o) { } function get{class_two} ($id = false) { } '; // parse ini file, generate code file, save code file, load code file $block = ini_parse($inifile); if (!is_array($block)) { return false; } $rels = array(); $objs = array(); $code = OPEN_TAG . NEWLINEx2; foreach ($block as $name => $info) { if (strpos($name, 'rel:') === 0) { $rels[$name] = $info; } else { $objs[$name] = $info; } } foreach ($objs as $name => $info) { $info['class_name'] = $name; if (!isset($info['extends'])) { $info['extends'] = 'Generic'; } if (isset($info['import'])) { $info['import'] = 'loader_import (\'' . $info['import'] . "');\n\n"; } else { $info['import'] = ''; } $info['cascade'] = ''; $code .= template_simple($spt_header, $info); foreach ($rels as $k => $v) { list($tmp, $class_one, $class_two) = explode(':', $k); if ($name == $class_one) { // add relationships to the current object declaration if ($v['cascade']) { $info['cascade'] .= ' $this->_cascade[\'' . $class_two . '\'] = \'' . $v[$class_two . ' field'] . '\';'; } elseif ($v['type'] == 'xx') { $info['cascade'] .= ' $this->_cascade[] = array (\'' . $v['join_table'] . '\', \'' . $v[$class_one . ' field'] . '\');'; } $v['class_one'] = $class_one; $v['class_two'] = $class_two; switch ($v['type']) { case 'xx': $v['class_one_pleural'] = str_replace('ys', 'ies', $class_one . 's'); $v['class_two_pleural'] = str_replace('ys', 'ies', $class_two . 's'); $v['class_one_pleural'] = preg_replace('/ss$/', 's', $v['class_one_pleural']); $v['class_two_pleural'] = preg_replace('/ss$/', 's', $v['class_two_pleural']); $v['class_one_pleural'] = preg_replace('/xs$/', 'xes', $v['class_one_pleural']); $v['class_two_pleural'] = preg_replace('/xs$/', 'xes', $v['class_two_pleural']); $v['table'] = $objs[$class_one]['table']; $v['pkey'] = $objs[$class_one]['pkey']; $v['table_two'] = $objs[$class_two]['table']; $v['pkey_two'] = $objs[$class_two]['pkey']; $v['field_one'] = $v[$class_one . ' field']; $v['field_two'] = $v[$class_two . ' field']; $code .= template_simple($spt_xx, $v); break; case '1x': $v['class_two_pleural'] = str_replace('ys', 'ies', $class_two . 's'); $v['class_two_pleural'] = preg_replace('/ss$/', 's', $v['class_two_pleural']); $v['class_two_pleural'] = preg_replace('/xs$/', 'xes', $v['class_two_pleural']); $v['table'] = $objs[$class_one]['table']; $v['pkey'] = $objs[$class_one]['pkey']; $v['table_two'] = $objs[$class_two]['table']; $v['pkey_two'] = $objs[$class_two]['pkey']; $v['join_field'] = $v[$class_two . ' field']; $code .= template_simple($spt_1x, $v); break; case '11': /*$v['table'] = $objs[$class_one]['table']; $v['pkey'] = $objs[$class_one]['pkey']; $v['table_two'] = $objs[$class_two]['table']; $v['pkey_two'] = $objs[$class_two]['pkey']; $v['join_field'] = $v[$class_two . ' field']; $code .= template_simple ($spt_11, $v);*/ break; case 'tree': break; default: die('Invalid relationship type in ' . $inifile); } } elseif ($name == $class_two) { // add relationships to the current object declaration $tmp = $class_one; $class_one = $class_two; $class_two = $tmp; $v['class_one'] = $class_one; $v['class_two'] = $class_two; switch ($v['type']) { case 'xx': $v['class_one_pleural'] = str_replace('ys', 'ies', $class_one . 's'); $v['class_two_pleural'] = str_replace('ys', 'ies', $class_two . 's'); $v['class_one_pleural'] = preg_replace('/ss$/', 's', $v['class_one_pleural']); $v['class_two_pleural'] = preg_replace('/ss$/', 's', $v['class_two_pleural']); $v['class_one_pleural'] = preg_replace('/xs$/', 'xes', $v['class_one_pleural']); $v['class_two_pleural'] = preg_replace('/xs$/', 'xes', $v['class_two_pleural']); $v['table'] = $objs[$class_one]['table']; $v['pkey'] = $objs[$class_one]['pkey']; $v['table_two'] = $objs[$class_two]['table']; $v['pkey_two'] = $objs[$class_two]['pkey']; $v['field_one'] = $v[$class_one . ' field']; $v['field_two'] = $v[$class_two . ' field']; $code .= template_simple($spt_xx, $v); break; case '1x': $v['table'] = $objs[$class_one]['table']; $v['pkey'] = $objs[$class_one]['pkey']; $v['table_two'] = $objs[$class_two]['table']; $v['pkey_two'] = $objs[$class_two]['pkey']; $v['join_field'] = $v[$class_one . ' field']; $code .= template_simple($spt_x1, $v); break; case '11': /*$v['table'] = $objs[$class_one]['table']; $v['pkey'] = $objs[$class_one]['pkey']; $v['table_two'] = $objs[$class_two]['table']; $v['pkey_two'] = $objs[$class_two]['pkey']; $v['join_field'] = $v[$class_two . ' field']; $code .= template_simple ($spt_11, $v);*/ break; case 'tree': break; default: die('Invalid relationship type in ' . $inifile); } } } if (!empty($info['cascade'])) { $code = str_replace("\t\t// " . $info['class_name'] . ' cascade', $info['cascade'], $code); } $code .= '}' . NEWLINEx2; } $code .= CLOSE_TAG; if (!@file_exists($codefile) && is_writeable(dirname($codefile)) || @is_writeable($codefile)) { loader_import('saf.File'); file_overwrite($codefile, $code); umask(00); @chmod($codefile, 0777); include_once $codefile; return true; } else { eval(CLOSE_TAG . $code); return true; } }
} if (!@is_dir($read)) { die('No app folder found.'); } if (!@is_dir($langs)) { $r = mkdir($langs, 0777); if (!$r) { die('No lang folder found. Attempt to create failed.'); } } if (!@is_writeable($langs)) { die('Cannot write to langs folder. Please change your filesystem permissions.'); } if (!@file_exists($list)) { loader_import('saf.File'); $r = file_overwrite($list, ini_write(array())); if (!$r) { die('No lang/languages.php file found. Attempt to create failed.'); } } if (!@file_exists($write)) { $info = pathinfo($write); if (!@is_writeable($info['dirname'])) { die('Cannot write to lang folder. Please change your filesystem permissions.'); } } else { if (!@is_writeable($write)) { die('Cannot write to lang/en.php file. Please change your filesystem permissions.'); } } $fullname = $info['app_name'];
function make_set($set_name) { if (!@is_writable('inc/html')) { $data['err'] = 'The template folder is not writable, please contact the site admin.'; } else { umask(00); mkdir('inc/html/' . $set_name, 0777); mkdir('inc/html/' . $set_name . '/pix', 0777); //variables for all files written to $html_default_tpl; $site_css; $config_ini_php; $modes_php; //populate the variables $html_default_tpl = <<<END <xt:tpl version="1.0"><xt:doctype \troot="html" \taccess="public" \tname="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" \turi="" /> <html xmlns=""> <head> \t<title xt:content="string: Site Name - \${head_title}">Site Name</title> \t<!-- note the space-slash (' /') at the end of the following tag. this \t tells the XML parser that this tag doesn't have a matching closing \t tag. this syntax is required to make your templates XHTML and XT \t compatible --> \t<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="\${site/prefix}/inc/html/{$set_name}/site.css" /> </head> <body><a name="top"> </a> <!-- wrapper --> <div id="wrapper"> <!-- header --> <div id="header"> \t<h1>Site Name</h1> </div> <!-- the default navigation boxes are in the inc/app/sitellite/boxes/nav folder --> <div id="breadcrumb"> \t<xt:box name="sitellite/nav/breadcrumb"> \t\t<p><a href="#">Home</a> / <a href="#">About Us</a> / Fake Page</p> \t</xt:box> </div> <table id="columns"> <tr> <!-- left column --> <td id="left"> \t<!-- the sidebar box places a column of sidebars at this location. \t note that you can put sample data between the xt:box tags to \t make your templates previewable directly in the web browser, \t or even in editors like Dreamweaver and Golive --> \t<xt:box name="sitellite/sidebar" position="left"> \t\t<h1>Fake Menu</h1> \t\t<ul> \t\t\t<li><a href="#">About Us</a></li> \t\t\t<li><a href="#">Services</a></li> \t\t\t<li><a href="#">Support</a></li> \t\t\t<li><a href="#">Contact Us</a></li> \t\t</ul> \t</xt:box> </td> <!-- centre column --> <td id="centre"> \t<!-- this box inclusion embeds the page editing buttons into your pages --> \t<xt:box name="cms/buttons" /> \t<!-- display the page title, if there is one --> \t<h1 \t\txt:content="title" \t\txt:condition="php: not empty (object.title)">Fake Page</h1> \t<!-- replace this span tag with the page body contents --> \t<span xt:replace="body"> \t\t<p></p> \t</span> \t<!-- the xt:intl tag marks its contents as translateable text --> \t<p align="right"> \t\t<a href="#top"><xt:intl>Return to Top</xt:intl></a> \t</p> </td> <!-- right column --> <td id="right"> \t<xt:box name="sitellite/sidebar" position="right"> \t\t<h1>Right Column</h1> \t\t<p> \t\t\tThis is a sample sidebar element. It will be replaced with \t\t\tactual content when the template is rendered by Sitellite. \t\t</p> \t</xt:box> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- footer --> <div id="footer"> \t<p> \t\t<xt:intl>Copyright</xt:intl> \t\t<!-- the ch: tags replace HTML entities such as 'nbsp' and 'copy', \t\t since XT templates are XML documents which don't know about \t\t HTML's special entities --> \t\t<ch:copy /> \t\t<!-- you can include basic PHP statements in your templates via the \t\t following syntax --> \t\t<span xt:replace="php: date ('Y')">2004</span> \t\tSite Name.<br /> \t\t<xt:intl>All rights reserved.</xt:intl><br /> \t\t<a href="" target="_blank"><xt:intl>Powered by Sitellite CMS</xt:intl></a> \t</p> </div> </div> </body> </html> </xt:tpl> END; $site_css = <<<END xt\\:comment, xt\\:note { \tdisplay: none; } ch\\:nbsp { \tpadding: .5em; } body { \tbackground-color: #fff; \tcolor: #444; \tfont: 12px Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; \tmargin: 0px; \tpadding: 0px; } td { \tcolor: #444; \tfont: 12px Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } #wrapper { \tmargin: 10px; \tpadding: 10px; \twidth: 800px; } #header { \theight: 47px; \tpadding: 10px; \tpadding-bottom: 0px; \tmargin: 0px; \tbackground-color: #a00; } #header h1 { \tfont-variant: small-caps; \tfont-size: 28px; \tcolor: #fff; } #breadcrumb { \theight: 20px; } #columns { \tborder: 0px none; } #left { \twidth: 160px; \tpadding-right: 5px; \tvertical-align: top; } #centre { \tpadding-left: 5px; \tpadding-right: 5px; \tborder-left: 1px solid #aaa; \tborder-right: 1px solid #aaa; \tvertical-align: top; } #right { \twidth: 170px; \tpadding-left: 5px; \tvertical-align: top; } #footer { \tclear: both; \tmargin-top: 5px; \tborder-top: 1px solid #aaa; } a { \tcolor: #a00; \ttext-decoration: none; } a:hover { \ttext-decoration: underline; } h1 { \tfont-size: 18px; } h2 { \tfont-size: 14px; } h3 { \tfont-weight: normal; } span.highlighted { \tbackground-color: #ff0; \tpadding: 2px; \tpadding-bottom: 0px; } END; $config_ini_php = <<<END ; <?php /* DO NOT ALTER THIS LINE, IT IS HERE FOR SECURITY REASONS ; This is your template set config file. Most fields are optional, and those ; that are not so self explanatory have a comment above them. ; Only set_name among all these is actually required, but all are recommended. set_name\t\t= {$set_name} description\t\t= About {$set_name} ... author\t\t\t= Me copyright\t\t= "Copyright (C) 2004, Me Inc." license\t\t\t= " ONE!!!" version\t\t\t= "0.1 alpha" ; DO NOT ALTER THIS LINE, IT IS HERE FOR SECURITY REASONS */ ?> END; $modes_php = <<<END ; <?php /* [html] content_type\t= text/html filter 1\t\t= "body: saf.Misc.Search" ;filter 2\t\t= "body: siteglossary.Terms" ; */ ?> END; //write the files file_overwrite('inc/html/' . $set_name . '/html.default.tpl', $html_default_tpl); file_overwrite('inc/html/' . $set_name . '/site.css', $site_css); file_overwrite('inc/html/' . $set_name . '/config.ini.php', $config_ini_php); file_overwrite('inc/html/' . $set_name . '/modes.php', $modes_php); } }
function onSubmit($vals) { loader_import('saf.File'); foreach ($vals['taxes'] as $k => $v) { $vals['taxes'][$k] = $v / 100; } $vals['currencies'] = preg_split('/, ?/', $vals['currencies']); file_overwrite('inc/app/siteinvoice/conf/properties.old.php', join('', file('inc/app/siteinvoice/conf/properties.php'))); file_overwrite('inc/app/siteinvoice/conf/properties.php', template_simple($this->_template, $vals)); umask(00); @chmod('inc/app/siteinvoice/conf/properties.old.php', 0777); @chmod('inc/app/siteinvoice/conf/properties.php', 0777); page_title('SiteInvoice - Settings Saved'); echo '<p><a href="' . site_prefix() . '/index/siteinvoice-app">Continue</a></p>'; }