Beispiel #1
function trade_price($btc, $fiat, $verbose = false)
    if (gmp_cmp($btc, 0) == 0) {
        return '';
    if ($verbose) {
        return "(" . _("price") . " " . fiat_and_btc_to_price(gmp_strval($fiat), gmp_strval($btc)) . ")";
    } else {
        return fiat_and_btc_to_price(gmp_strval($fiat), gmp_strval($btc));
Beispiel #2
function get_ticker_data()
    $query = "\n    SELECT\n        ROUND(MAX(a_amount/b_amount), " . PRICE_PRECISION . ") AS high,\n        ROUND(MIN(a_amount/b_amount), " . PRICE_PRECISION . ") AS low,\n        SUM(a_amount/b_amount) AS sum_of_prices,\n        COUNT(*)               AS number_of_prices,\n        SUM(a_amount)          AS sum_of_a_amounts,\n        SUM(b_amount)          AS sum_of_b_amounts,\n        SUM(b_amount)          AS vol\n    FROM\n        transactions\n    WHERE\n        b_amount > 0\n        AND timest > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY;\n    ";
    $result = do_query($query);
    $row = get_row($result);
    if (isset($row['vol'])) {
        $sum_of_prices = $row['sum_of_prices'];
        $number_of_prices = $row['number_of_prices'];
        $sum_of_a_amounts = $row['sum_of_a_amounts'];
        $sum_of_b_amounts = $row['sum_of_b_amounts'];
        $high = $row['high'];
        $low = $row['low'];
        $avg = fiat_and_btc_to_price($sum_of_prices, $number_of_prices);
        $vwap = fiat_and_btc_to_price($sum_of_a_amounts, $sum_of_b_amounts);
        $vol = internal_to_numstr($row['vol'], BTC_PRECISION);
    } else {
        $high = $low = $avg = $vwap = $vol = 0;
    $exchange_fields = calc_exchange_rate(CURRENCY, 'BTC', BASE_CURRENCY::B);
    if (!$exchange_fields) {
        $buy = 0;
    } else {
        list($total_amount, $total_want_amount, $buy) = $exchange_fields;
    $exchange_fields = calc_exchange_rate('BTC', CURRENCY, BASE_CURRENCY::A);
    if (!$exchange_fields) {
        $sell = 0;
    } else {
        list($total_amount, $total_want_amount, $sell) = $exchange_fields;
    $last = get_last_price();
    // for testing layout when all stats have 4 decimal places
    // return array('21.1234', '20.1234', '21.6789', '21.4567', '1234567.3456', '21.5543', '21.2345', '22.1257');
    return array($high, $low, $avg, $vwap, $vol, $last, $buy, $sell);
Beispiel #3
function test_price($fiat, $btc)
    echo "full: " . bcdiv($fiat, $btc, 8) . " rounded: " . fiat_and_btc_to_price($fiat, $btc, 'round') . "; up: " . fiat_and_btc_to_price($fiat, $btc, 'up') . "; down: " . fiat_and_btc_to_price($fiat, $btc, 'down') . "<br>\n";
Beispiel #4
echo "<h3>Recent Trades</h3>\n";
$query = "\n    SELECT txid,\n           a_amount,\n           a_orderid,\n           b_amount,\n           b_orderid,\n           " . sql_format_date("t.timest") . " AS timest,\n           a.uid AS a_uid,\n           b.uid AS b_uid\n    FROM transactions AS t\n    JOIN orderbook AS a\n    ON a.orderid = a_orderid\n    JOIN orderbook AS b\n    ON b.orderid = b_orderid\n    WHERE b_amount > 0\n          AND t.timest > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY\n    ORDER BY txid DESC;\n";
$result = do_query($query);
$first = true;
$amount_fiat_total = $amount_btc_total = '0';
$mine = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $txid = $row['txid'];
    $a_amount = $row['a_amount'];
    $a_orderid = $row['a_orderid'];
    $b_amount = $row['b_amount'];
    $b_orderid = $row['b_orderid'];
    $timest = $row['timest'];
    $a_uid = $row['a_uid'];
    $b_uid = $row['b_uid'];
    $price = fiat_and_btc_to_price($a_amount, $b_amount);
    $amount_fiat_total = gmp_add($amount_fiat_total, $a_amount);
    $amount_btc_total = gmp_add($amount_btc_total, $b_amount);
    $a_amount_str = internal_to_numstr($a_amount, FIAT_PRECISION);
    $b_amount_str = internal_to_numstr($b_amount, BTC_PRECISION);
    if (string_is_zero($a_amount_str) || string_is_zero($b_amount_str)) {
    if ($first) {
        $first = false;
        echo "<table class='display_data'>\n";
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<th class='right'>" . _("TID") . "</th>";
        if ($is_admin) {
            echo "<th>User</th>";
Beispiel #5
    echo _("Trades");
    do {
        $orderid = $row['orderid'];
        $amount = $row['amount'];
        $initial_amount = $row['initial_amount'];
        $type = $row['type'];
        $initial_want_amount = $row['initial_want_amount'];
        $want_type = $row['want_type'];
        $timest = $row['timest'];
        // $timest = str_replace(" ", "<br/>", $timest);
        $status_code = $row['status'];
        $status = translate_order_code($status_code);
        $price = $type == 'BTC' ? fiat_and_btc_to_price($initial_want_amount, $initial_amount) : fiat_and_btc_to_price($initial_amount, $initial_want_amount);
        $percent_complete = sprintf("%.0f", bcdiv(gmp_strval(gmp_mul(gmp_sub($initial_amount, $amount), 100)), $initial_amount, 1));
        $trade_count = count_transactions($orderid);
        $give_precision = $type == 'BTC' ? BTC_PRECISION : FIAT_PRECISION;
        $want_precision = $type == 'BTC' ? FIAT_PRECISION : BTC_PRECISION;
        echo "    ", active_table_row("active", "?page=view_order&orderid={$orderid}"), "\n";
        echo "        <td class='right'>" . internal_to_numstr($initial_amount, $give_precision) . "&nbsp;{$type}</td>\n";
        echo "        <td class='right'>" . internal_to_numstr($initial_want_amount, $want_precision) . "&nbsp;{$want_type}</td>\n";
        echo "        <td class='right'>{$price}</td>\n";
        echo "        <td>{$timest}</td>\n";
        echo "        <td>{$status} ({$percent_complete}%)</td>\n";
        echo "        <td>{$trade_count}</td>\n";
        echo "    </tr>\n";
    } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result));
    echo "</table></div>";
Beispiel #6
function show_mini_orderbook_table($bids)
    global $buy, $sell, $is_logged_in;
    echo "<table class='display_data'>";
    echo "<tr><th colspan=5 class='center'>" . ($bids ? sprintf(_("People Buying BTC for %s"), CURRENCY) : sprintf(_("People Selling BTC for %s"), CURRENCY)) . "</th></tr>" . "<tr><th valign='bottom' class='right'>" . sprintf(_("Price"), CURRENCY) . "</th>" . "<th colspan=2 valign='bottom' class='center'>" . _("Depth") . "</th>" . "<th colspan=2 valign='bottom' class='center'>" . _("Cumulative Depth") . "</th>" . "</tr>";
    echo "<tr><th></th><th class='center'>BTC</th><th class='center'>" . CURRENCY . "</th><th class='center'>BTC</th><th class='center'>" . CURRENCY . "</th></tr>\n";
    $limit = '';
    if ($bids) {
        $price = "amount/want_amount";
        $amount = "want_amount";
        $want_type = "BTC";
        $order = "DESC";
        if ($buy) {
            $limit = "AND {$price} > " . $buy * (1 - ORDERBOOK_PRICE_RANGE_PERCENTAGE / 100);
    } else {
        $price = "want_amount/amount";
        $amount = "amount";
        $want_type = CURRENCY;
        $order = "ASC";
        if ($sell) {
            $limit = "AND {$price} < " . $sell * (1 + ORDERBOOK_PRICE_RANGE_PERCENTAGE / 100);
    $result = do_query("\n        SELECT\n            uid = {$is_logged_in} as me,\n            orderid,\n            amount,\n            want_amount\n        FROM\n            orderbook\n        WHERE\n            want_type = '{$want_type}' AND\n            status='OPEN'\n            {$limit}\n        ORDER BY\n            {$price} {$order}, timest ASC\n    ");
    $last_price = $fiat_amount_at_price = $btc_amount_at_price = $total_fiat_amount = $total_btc_amount = "0";
    $mine = $mine_count = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $have_amount = $row['amount'];
        $want_amount = $row['want_amount'];
        $orderid = $row['orderid'];
        if ($bids) {
            $btc_amount = $want_amount;
            $fiat_amount = $have_amount;
        } else {
            $btc_amount = $have_amount;
            $fiat_amount = $want_amount;
        $price = fiat_and_btc_to_price($fiat_amount, $btc_amount, $bids ? 'down' : 'up');
        if ($price == $last_price) {
            $fiat_amount_at_price = gmp_add($fiat_amount_at_price, $fiat_amount);
            $btc_amount_at_price = gmp_add($btc_amount_at_price, $btc_amount);
        } else {
            if ($last_price) {
                show_mini_orderbook_table_row($last_orderid, $want_type, $last_price, $last_have, $last_want, $fiat_amount_at_price, $btc_amount_at_price, $total_fiat_amount, $total_btc_amount, $mine);
                $mine = 0;
            $last_price = $price;
            $fiat_amount_at_price = $fiat_amount;
            $btc_amount_at_price = $btc_amount;
        $last_have = $have_amount;
        $last_want = $want_amount;
        $last_orderid = $orderid;
        $total_fiat_amount = gmp_add($total_fiat_amount, $fiat_amount);
        $total_btc_amount = gmp_add($total_btc_amount, $btc_amount);
        if ($row['me']) {
            $mine = $orderid;
    if ($last_price) {
        show_mini_orderbook_table_row($last_orderid, $want_type, $last_price, $last_have, $last_want, $fiat_amount_at_price, $btc_amount_at_price, $total_fiat_amount, $total_btc_amount, $mine);
    echo "</table>\n";
    return $mine_count;
Beispiel #7
function display_transactions($uid, $orderid)
    global $is_logged_in, $is_admin;
    $ordselq = '';
    if (!$orderid) {
        $sort = "DESC";
    } else {
        $sort = "ASC";
        $ordselq = " AND orderbook.orderid='{$orderid}' ";
    $query = "\n        SELECT\n            orderbook.orderid AS orderid,\n            IF(transactions.a_orderid=orderbook.orderid, 'A', 'B') AS who,\n            transactions.a_amount AS a_amount,\n            transactions.b_amount AS b_amount,\n            transactions.a_commission AS a_commission,\n            transactions.b_commission AS b_commission,\n            orderbook.type AS type,\n            orderbook.want_type AS want_type,\n            " . sql_format_date("transactions.timest") . " AS timest\n        FROM transactions\n        JOIN orderbook\n        ON\n            transactions.a_orderid=orderbook.orderid\n            OR transactions.b_orderid=orderbook.orderid\n        WHERE orderbook.uid='{$uid}' {$ordselq}\n        ORDER BY transactions.txid {$sort};\n    ";
    $result = do_query($query);
    $first = true;
    $a_total = 0;
    $b_total = 0;
    $commission_total = 0;
    $count = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $who = $row['who'];
        $a_amount = $row['a_amount'];
        $b_amount = $row['b_amount'];
        $a_commission = $row['a_commission'];
        $b_commission = $row['b_commission'];
        if ($who == 'B') {
            list($a_amount, $b_amount) = array($b_amount, $a_amount);
            $b_commission = $a_commission;
        // skip cancelled orders since we already show those
        if ((int) $b_amount == -1) {
        if ($first) {
            $first = false;
 <div class='content_box'>
            if ($is_logged_in == $uid) {
                echo _("Your trades") . " ";
            } else {
                echo _("Trades") . " ";
            if ($orderid) {
                echo _('for this order');
            <table class='display_data'>
            if (!$orderid) {
                    <th class='right'><?php 
                echo _("Order");
                    <th class='right'><?php 
            echo _("You gave");
                    <th class='right'><?php 
            echo _("You got");
                    <th class='right'><?php 
            echo _("Commission");
                    <th class='right'><?php 
            echo _("Price");
                    <th class='center'><?php 
            echo _("Time");
        $a_total = gmp_add($a_total, $a_amount);
        $b_total = gmp_add($b_total, $b_amount);
        $commission_total = gmp_add($commission_total, $b_commission);
        if ($b_amount) {
            $commission_percent = bcdiv(bcmul($b_commission, 100), $b_amount, 3);
        } else {
            $commission_percent = 0;
        $b_amount = gmp_sub($b_amount, $b_commission);
        $type = $row['type'];
        $want_type = $row['want_type'];
        $price = 0;
        if ($type == 'BTC') {
            if ($a_amount) {
                $price = fiat_and_btc_to_price($b_amount, $a_amount);
        } else {
            if ($b_amount) {
                $price = fiat_and_btc_to_price($a_amount, $b_amount);
        $this_orderid = $row['orderid'];
        $timest = $row['timest'];
        $give_precision = $type == 'BTC' ? BTC_PRECISION : FIAT_PRECISION;
        $want_precision = $type == 'BTC' ? FIAT_PRECISION : BTC_PRECISION;
        if (!$orderid) {
            echo "    ", active_table_row("active", "?page=view_order&orderid={$this_orderid}"), "\n";
        } else {
            echo "    <tr>\n";
        echo "        ";
        if (!$orderid) {
            echo "<td class='right'>{$this_orderid}</td>";
        echo "<td class='right'>" . internal_to_numstr($a_amount, $give_precision) . " {$type}</td>";
        echo "<td class='right'>" . internal_to_numstr($b_amount, $want_precision) . " {$want_type}</td>";
        echo "<td class='right'>" . internal_to_numstr($b_commission, $want_precision) . " {$want_type} (", sprintf("%.2f", $commission_percent), "%)</td>";
        echo "<td class='right'>{$price}</td>";
        echo "<td class='right'>{$timest}</td>\n";
        echo "    </tr>\n";
    // if we showed any table at all
    if (!$first) {
        // if we need to show a summary line
        if ($orderid && $count > 1) {
            $commission_percent = bcdiv(bcmul(gmp_strval($commission_total), 100), gmp_strval($b_total), 3);
            $b_total = gmp_sub($b_total, $commission_total);
            $price = 0;
            if ($type == 'BTC') {
                if ($a_total) {
                    $price = fiat_and_btc_to_price($b_total, $a_total);
            } else {
                if ($b_total) {
                    $price = fiat_and_btc_to_price($a_total, $b_total);
            $a_total = internal_to_numstr($a_total, $give_precision);
            $b_total = internal_to_numstr($b_total, $want_precision);
            $commission_total = internal_to_numstr($commission_total, $want_precision);
            echo "    <tr>\n";
            echo "        <td class='right'>--------</td><td class='right'>--------</td><td class='right'>--------</td><td class='right'>--------</td>\n";
            echo "        <td></td>\n";
            echo "    </tr>\n";
            echo "    <tr>\n";
            echo "        <td class='right'>{$a_total} {$type}</td><td class='right'>{$b_total} {$want_type}</td><td class='right'>{$commission_total} {$want_type} (", sprintf("%.2f", $commission_percent), "%)</td><td class='right'>{$price}</td>\n";
            echo "        <td></td>\n";
            echo "    </tr>\n";
        echo "</table>\n";
        echo "<p>" . _("The 'you got' column is the amount you received after commission was taken off.") . "</p>";
        echo "<p>" . _("The 'price' column shows the effective price of the trade, after commission.") . "</p>";
        echo "</div>\n";