Beispiel #1
 print '<div class="spec">';
 //check if post has attachments
 if ($projinfo['numattachments'] > 0) {
     list($rc, $body) = ff_attachtoproject($projinfo['id'], formatText($projinfo["reqmts"]));
 } else {
     $body = formatText($projinfo["reqmts"]);
 print $body;
 print '</div>';
 if ($projinfo['numattachments'] > 0) {
     print "<br>\n";
     print "<b>attachments:</b><br>\n";
     list($rc, $err) = ff_listprojectattachments($projinfo['id']);
 //display the list of history changes
 list($rc, $history) = ff_getreqmtshistory($id);
 if (!$rc && sizeof($history) > 0) {
     print "<br><b>Change History:</b><br>\n";
     print "<ul>\n";
     $historysize = sizeof($history);
     for ($i = $historysize - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         list($rc, $historyarray) = ff_getpostinfo($history[$i]['postid']);
         $historyarray['ancestors'][] = $history[$i]['postid'];
         $ancestry = implode("/", $historyarray['ancestors']);
         if (!$history[$i]['subject']) {
             $history[$i]['subject'] = 'No subject';
         print "<li>";
         print "<span class=postdate>";
         print date("Y-m-d H:i T", $history[$i]["time"]);
         print "</span> ";
Beispiel #2
    <br><a href="<?php 
        echo projurl($projectinfo["id"], "tab=submissions&s={$submission['submissionid']}#tabs");
        echo date("M j, Y g:ia", $submission["date"]);
 by <?php 
        echo htmlentities($submission["username"]);
} else {
    if ($disputeinfo["type"] === 'badchange') {
        list($rc, $reqmtshistory) = ff_getreqmtshistory($projectinfo["id"]);
        if (!$rc) {
            include_once "diff.php";
            foreach ($reqmtshistory as $reqmtschange) {
                if ($reqmtschange["postid"] == intval($disputeinfo["object"])) {
                    $post = scrub(ereg_replace(":.\$", "", $disputeinfo["object"]));
                    $patch = ereg_replace("^[^:]*:", "", $disputeinfo["object"]);
    <br><a href="<?php 
                    echo projurl($projectinfo["id"], "post={$post}");
                    echo date("M j, Y g:ia", $reqmtschange["time"]);
 - <?php 
                    echo htmlentities($reqmtschange["subject"]);