Beispiel #1
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Fossfactory-src.  If not, see <>.
// This script is supposed to be invoked within account.php.
// Make sure it isn't being invoked directly.
if (!function_exists("my_projects")) {
list($rc, $memberinfo) = ff_getmemberinfo($username);
if ($rc) {
list($rc, $currencies) = ff_currencies();
if ($rc) {
$reserve = $memberinfo["reserve"];
<h1>My Reserve</h1>

if ($_REQUEST["err"] === 'syserr') {
<div class=error>Your withdrawal failed due to a temporary system error.
Please try again.</div>
} else {
    if ($_REQUEST["err"] === 'toomuch') {
function paypal_handle_info($info)
    list($rc, $currencies) = ff_currencies();
    if ($rc) {
        return array(1, $currencies);
    // Make sure the currency is supported.
    if (!isset($currencies[$info["mc_currency"]])) {
        return array(4, "Unsupported currency: {$info['mc_currency']}");
    $currency = $currencies[$info["mc_currency"]];
    $custom = explode("/", $info["custom"]);
    $username = scrub("{$custom['0']}");
    $subscr_distribution = "{$custom['3']}";
    if ($username !== '') {
        list($rc, $memberinfo) = ff_getmemberinfo($username);
        if ($rc) {
            return array($rc, $memberinfo);
    if ($info["txn_type"] === 'subscr_payment' || $info["txn_type"] === 'subscr_signup' || $info["txn_type"] === 'subscr_modify') {
        // The person is setting up a subscription.
        // Make sure that everything is as we expect.
        if ($info["txn_type"] !== 'subscr_payment' && ($info["recurring"] !== '1' || $info["period3"] !== '1 M' || $info["period1"] || $info["period2"])) {
            return array(4, "Invalid subscription settings.");
        $gross = $info["txn_type"] === 'subscr_payment' ? $info["mc_gross"] : $info["mc_amount3"];
        $amount = round($gross * $currency["multiplier"]) . $currency["code"];
        if ($amount !== $memberinfo["subscription_fee"]) {
            // This is the first we've heard of this.
            // Note that we might get two messages at the same time.  So
            // we have to be careful to make sure that nothing bad happens
            // in that case.
            // It's very important that we only do this part on the
            // *very first* time that this payment amount arrives.
            // Otherwise, if the user ever rearranges his sponsorships,
            // the values will be overridden the next time a payment arrives.
            $sponsorships = false;
            if ($subscr_distribution !== '') {
                $subscr_distribution = explode("&", $subscr_distribution);
                $sponsorships = array();
                foreach ($subscr_distribution as $key_value) {
                    if (!ereg("^([^=]*)=([^=]*)\$", $key_value, $parts)) {
                    $key = $parts[1];
                    if ($key === '') {
                        // Some other process took care of it for us.
                        $sponsorships = false;
                    $sponsorships[$key] = $parts[2] . $currency["code"];
            $rc = ff_setsubscription($username, $amount, "monthly", $sponsorships);
            if ($rc[0]) {
                return $rc;
        if ($info["txn_type"] !== 'subscr_payment') {
            return array(0, "Success");
    if ($info["txn_type"] === 'subscr_cancel') {
        if ($memberinfo["subscription_amount"]) {
            return ff_cancelsubscription($username);
        return array(0, "Subscription already cancelled.");
    if ($info["txn_type"] === 'subscr_failed' || $info["txn_type"] === 'subscr_eot') {
        // Ignore IPNs we don't know what to do with.
        return array(0, "Huh?");
    // We must reject pending payments because they don't necessarily
    // include the transaction fee.
    if ($info["payment_status"] === 'Pending') {
        return array(4, "Payment not complete");
    // The message is a verified transfer of funds.  Now let's make sure
    // it's a valid sponsorship.
    // Make sure the payment is directed to us
    if ($info["receiver_email"] !== conf("paypal_business")) {
        return array(4, "Wrong recipient: {$info['receiver_email']}");
    // Make sure it's not old.  This is because old sponsorship records may be
    // moved out of the database and archived, so they can't be compared
    // against to see if the current transaction is a repeat.
    if (strtotime($info["payment_date"]) < time() - 3 * 3600 * 24 * 7) {
        return array(7, "IPN too old, probably a repeat: {$info['payment_date']}");
    $multiplier = intval("1" . str_repeat("0", $currency["decimal_places"]));
    $amount = intval(round(floatval($info["mc_gross"]) * $multiplier));
    if ($amount >= 2000000000) {
        return array(4, "Amount too large to handle: {$info['mc_gross']}");
    $fee = intval(round(floatval($info["mc_fee"]) * $multiplier));
    if ($fee >= $amount) {
        return array(4, "Fee too big: {$info['mc_fee']} >= {$info['mc_gross']}");
    if ($amount < 0 || $fee < 0) {
        return array(4, "Negative money: {$info['mc_fee']} {$info['mc_gross']}");
    // Compute the net amount after deducting the transaction fee.
    $netamount = $amount - $fee;
    $projectid = "{$custom['1']}";
    if ($username !== '') {
        list($rc, $err) = ff_receivefunds($username, "{$netamount}{$currency['code']}", "paypal-{$info['txn_id']}", "{$fee}{$currency['code']}", $info["txn_type"] === 'subscr_payment', "{$info['first_name']} {$info['last_name']}", $info["payer_email"], $info["residence_country"], $info["address_zip"]);
        if ($rc == 7) {
            return array(0, "Repeated transaction");
        if ($rc) {
            return array(1, $err);
    $retval = "Success";
    if ($projectid !== '') {
        if (ereg("[1-9]", "{$netamount}")) {
            // Direct the sponsorship to the specified project.
            list($rc, $err) = ff_setsponsorship($projectid, $username, "{$netamount}{$currency['code']}", true);
            if ($rc) {
                return array(8, $err);
    return array(0, $retval);