Beispiel #1
function daylyCalcMeasure($date, $rkw_id, &$rcd_measure_yen_pc, $kView, $arrTodayCap, $measure, $strKwInfo)
    $yenAll = 0;
    $rcd_measure_yen_pc = 0;
    switch ($measure) {
        case "kotei80":
            $plusSql = " AND (rkw_R201311_flag = 1) ";
            $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_random_flag != 9)  ";
            #    $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_naver_flag != 1)  ";#ネイバーなし
        case "random":
            $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_R201311_flag != 1) ";
            $plusSql = " AND (rkw_random_flag   = 9) ";
            #    $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_naver_flag != 1)  ";#ネイバーなし
            $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_id NOT IN ({$strKwInfo})) ";
        case "random2":
            $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_R201311_flag != 1) ";
            $plusSql = " AND (rkw_random_flag   = 8) ";
            #    $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_naver_flag != 1)  ";#ネイバーなし
            $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_id NOT IN ({$strKwInfo})) ";
        case "random3":
            $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_R201311_flag != 1) ";
            $plusSql = " AND (rkw_random_flag   = 7) ";
            #    $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_naver_flag != 1)  ";#ネイバーなし
            $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_id NOT IN ({$strKwInfo})) ";
        case "naverlink":
            $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_R201311_flag != 1) ";
            $plusSql = " AND (rkw_random_flag  != 9) ";
            $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_naver_flag = 1)  ";
            $plusSql .= " AND (rkw_id NOT IN ({$strKwInfo})) ";
    //End switch
    require 'SQLConnect_jas.php';
    $sql = "SELECT rank_crawl.rcr_id, rank_crawl.rcr_rkwid, rank_crawl.rcr_yahooranking, rank_crawl.rcr_googleranking, rank_crawl.rcr_gooranking, rank_keyword.rkw_account_type, rank_keyword.rkw_is_fee, rank_keyword.rkw_word, rank_client.rcl_status, rank_crawl.rcr_datetime ";
    $sql .= "FROM (rank_crawl LEFT JOIN rank_keyword ON rank_crawl.rcr_rkwid = rank_keyword.rkw_id) ";
    $sql .= "LEFT JOIN rank_client ON rank_crawl.rcr_rclid = rank_client.rcl_id ";
    $sql .= "WHERE ( TRUE ";
    $sql .= $plusSql;
    $sql .= "AND (rkw_gra_flag != 1)  ";
    $sql .= "AND (rkw_seo_flag != 1)  ";
    $sql .= "AND (rank_crawl.rcr_datetime Like '" . $date . "%') ";
    $sql .= "AND (rank_keyword.rkw_contract_startdate <= '" . $date . "') ";
    $sql .= "AND (rank_keyword.rkw_contract_enddate >= '" . $date . "')  ) ";
    $sql .= "Order By rcr_rkwid;";
    switch ($measure) {
        case "klink":
            $sql = "SELECT rank_crawl.rcr_id, rank_crawl.rcr_rkwid, rank_crawl.rcr_yahooranking, rank_crawl.rcr_googleranking, rank_crawl.rcr_gooranking, rank_keyword.rkw_account_type, rank_keyword.rkw_is_fee, rank_keyword.rkw_word, rank_client.rcl_status, rank_crawl.rcr_datetime  ";
            $sql .= "FROM (rank_crawl LEFT JOIN rank_keyword ON rank_crawl.rcr_rkwid = rank_keyword.rkw_id)";
            $sql .= "LEFT JOIN rank_client ON rank_crawl.rcr_rclid = rank_client.rcl_id ";
            $sql .= "LEFT JOIN satellite_branch ON rkw_id = sab_rkwid ";
            $sql .= "LEFT JOIN satellite_list ON sab_salid = stl_id ";
            $sql .= "WHERE (TRUE ";
            $sql .= " AND (rank_crawl.rcr_datetime Like '" . $date . "%') ";
            $sql .= " AND (rank_keyword.rkw_contract_startdate <= '" . $date . "') ";
            $sql .= " AND (rank_keyword.rkw_contract_enddate >= '" . $date . "') ";
            $sql .= " AND (stl_purchase = 'PR4(金井リンク)') ";
            $sql .= " AND (sab_flag = 0) ";
            $sql .= " AND (rkw_random_flag != 9) ";
            $sql .= " AND (rkw_R201311_flag != 1) ";
            $sql .= " AND (rkw_gra_flag != 1) ";
            $sql .= " AND (rkw_seo_flag != 1) ) ";
            #    $sql  .= " AND (rkw_naver_flag != 1)  ";#ネイバーなし
            $sql .= " GROUP BY rkw_id";
            #    $externalSql  .= "";
            #    $externalSql  .= "";
        case "slink":
            $sql = "SELECT rank_crawl.rcr_id, rank_crawl.rcr_rkwid, rank_crawl.rcr_yahooranking, rank_crawl.rcr_googleranking, rank_crawl.rcr_gooranking, rank_keyword.rkw_account_type, rank_keyword.rkw_is_fee, rank_keyword.rkw_word, rank_client.rcl_status, rank_crawl.rcr_datetime  ";
            $sql .= "FROM (rank_crawl LEFT JOIN rank_keyword ON rank_crawl.rcr_rkwid = rank_keyword.rkw_id)";
            $sql .= "LEFT JOIN rank_client ON rank_crawl.rcr_rclid = rank_client.rcl_id ";
            $sql .= "LEFT JOIN satellite_branch ON rkw_id = sab_rkwid ";
            $sql .= "LEFT JOIN satellite_list ON sab_salid = stl_id ";
            $sql .= "WHERE (TRUE ";
            $sql .= " AND (rank_crawl.rcr_datetime Like '" . $date . "%') ";
            $sql .= " AND (rank_keyword.rkw_contract_startdate <= '" . $date . "') ";
            $sql .= " AND (rank_keyword.rkw_contract_enddate >= '" . $date . "') ";
            $sql .= " AND (stl_purchase = 'PR3(SEO株式会社)') ";
            $sql .= " AND (sab_flag = 0) ";
            $sql .= " AND (rkw_random_flag != 9) ";
            $sql .= " AND (rkw_R201311_flag != 1) ";
            $sql .= " AND (rkw_gra_flag != 1) ";
            $sql .= " AND (rkw_seo_flag != 1) ) ";
            #    $sql  .= " AND (rkw_naver_flag != 1)  ";#ネイバーなし
            $sql .= " GROUP BY rkw_id";
    //End switch
    print "{$sql}<br /><br />";
    $arrTendays = array();
    $sql2 = makeSqlExternalTendays($date, $measure, $strKwInfo);
    print "10日課金 : {$sql2}<br />";
    //print "10日: <br>" . $sql2 . "<br><br>";
    $rs2 = mysql_db_query($dbName, $sql2);
    $rsCount2 = mysql_num_rows($rs2);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $rsCount2 - 1; $i++) {
        $tempRow = @mysql_fetch_array($rs2);
        #  if($tempRow[rfe_provider_kind]==1) $chgFieldName = "rcr_yahoo_yen";
        #  if($tempRow[rfe_provider_kind]==2) $chgFieldName = "rcr_google_yen";
        #  if($tempRow[rfe_provider_kind]==3) $chgFieldName = "rcr_goo_yen";
        #  $tempSql = "UPDATE `rank_crawl` SET `" . $chgFieldName . "` = '" . $tempRow[rfe_yen] . "' WHERE (`rcr_id` = " . $tempRow[rcr_id] . ");";
        //  print $tempSql . "<BR><BR>";
        #  $c_hit = mysql_db_query($dbName,$tempSql) or die('UPDATE error: '.mysql_errno().', '.mysql_error());
        if (array_key_exists($tempRow["rcr_rkwid"], $arrTendays)) {
            $arrTendays[$tempRow["rcr_rkwid"]]["rfe_yen"] += $tempRow["rfe_yen"];
        } else {
            $arrTendays[$tempRow["rcr_rkwid"]] = $tempRow;
    $sql2 = makeSqlExternalTendaysWhich($date, $measure, $strKwInfo);
    print "10日課金どちらか : {$sql2}<br />";
    #$yahooTenyen  = 0;
    #$googleTenyen = 0;
    #$gooTenyen = 0;
    //print "10日: <br>" . $sql2 . "<br><br>";
    $rs2 = mysql_db_query($dbName, $sql2);
    $rsCount2 = mysql_num_rows($rs2);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $rsCount2 - 1; $i++) {
        $tempRow = @mysql_fetch_array($rs2);
        $yahooTenyen = 0;
        $googleTenyen = 0;
        $gooTenyen = 0;
        #  if($tempRow[rfe_provider_kind]==1) $chgFieldName = "rcr_yahoo_yen";
        #  if($tempRow[rfe_provider_kind]==2) $chgFieldName = "rcr_google_yen";
        #  if($tempRow[rfe_provider_kind]==3) $chgFieldName = "rcr_goo_yen";
        #  $tempSql = "UPDATE `rank_crawl` SET `" . $chgFieldName . "` = '" . $tempRow[rfe_yen] . "' WHERE (`rcr_id` = " . $tempRow[rcr_id] . ");";
        //  print $tempSql . "<BR><BR>";
        #  $c_hit = mysql_db_query($dbName,$tempSql) or die('UPDATE error: '.mysql_errno().', '.mysql_error());
        if ((int) $tempRow['rfe_provider_kind'] === 1) {
            $yahooTenyen = (int) $tempRow[rfe_yen];
        if ((int) $tempRow['rfe_provider_kind'] === 2) {
            $googleTenyen = (int) $tempRow[rfe_yen];
        if ((int) $tempRow['rfe_provider_kind'] === 3) {
            $gooTenyen = (int) $tempRow[rfe_yen];
        if (array_key_exists($tempRow["rcr_rkwid"], $arrTendays)) {
            if ($yahooYen >= $googleYen) {
                $tempYen = $yahooYen;
            } else {
                $tempYen = $googleYen;
            //End if
            #$arrTendays[$tempRow["rcr_rkwid"]]["rfe_yen"] += $tempRow["rfe_yen"];
            $arrTendays[$tempRow["rcr_rkwid"]]["rfe_yen"] += $tempYen;
        } else {
            $arrTendays[$tempRow["rcr_rkwid"]] = $tempRow;
    if (!$kView) {
<table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1>
  <td><font color=red>キャップ</font></td>
    $isMobile = false;
    $rs = mysql_db_query($dbName, $sql);
    $rsCount = mysql_num_rows($rs);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $rsCount - 1; $i++) {
        $row = @mysql_fetch_array($rs);
        $yahooYen = 0;
        $googleYen = 0;
        $gooYen = 0;
        $tendaysYen = 0;
        $tempYen = 0;
        if (!$isMobile && $row[rkw_mobile_flag]) {
            $isMobile = true;
            if (!$kView) {
      <table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1>
        <td><font color=red>キャップ</font></td>
        $tendaysYen = 0;
        if ($row["rkw_account_type"] == 1) {
            //print "---" . $row[rcr_gooranking] . "---<br>";
            $tempYen = feeCalc($row[rcr_rkwid], $row[rcr_yahooranking], $row[rcr_googleranking], $row[rcr_gooranking], $yahooYen, $googleYen, $gooYen);
        if ($row["rkw_account_type"] == 5) {
            feeCalc($row[rcr_rkwid], $row[rcr_yahooranking], $row[rcr_googleranking], $row[rcr_gooranking], $yahooYen, $googleYen, $gooYen);
            if ($yahooYen >= $googleYen) {
                $tempYen = $yahooYen;
            } else {
                $tempYen = $googleYen;
            require 'SQLConnect_jas.php';
        //End if
        //account_type=2 : n日課金
        if ($row["rkw_account_type"] == 2) {
            if (array_key_exists($row["rcr_rkwid"], $arrTendays)) {
                $tendaysYen = (int) $arrTendays[$row["rcr_rkwid"]]["rfe_yen"];
                $tempYen = (int) $arrTendays[$row["rcr_rkwid"]]["rfe_yen"];
            } else {
                $tempYen = 0;
        #account_type=3 : n日どちらか課金
        if ($row["rkw_account_type"] == 3) {
            if (array_key_exists($row["rcr_rkwid"], $arrTendays)) {
                $tendaysYen = (int) $arrTendays[$row["rcr_rkwid"]]["rfe_yen"];
                $tempYen = (int) $arrTendays[$row["rcr_rkwid"]]["rfe_yen"];
            } else {
                $tempYen = 0;
        $key = $row[rcr_rkwid];
        if (!$kView) {

            echo $row[rcr_id];
            echo $row[rcr_rkwid];
            echo $row[rkw_word];
            echo $row[rcr_yahooranking];
            echo $row[rcr_googleranking];
            echo $row[rcr_gooranking];
            echo $yahooYen;
            echo $googleYen;
            echo $gooYen;
            echo $tendaysYen;
            $key = $row[rcr_rkwid];
            if ($arrTodayCap[$key] != "") {
                print "<font color=red>" . $arrTodayCap[$key] . "</font>";
            $arrTodayCap[$key] = "OK";
            echo $tempYen;
        $yenAll += $tempYen;
        if ($row["rkw_account_type"] == 1 || $row["rkw_account_type"] == 5) {
            if (!$isMobile) {
                $rcd_measure_yen_pc += $tempYen;
        //End if
    require 'SQLClose.php';
    if (!$kView) {

    //print "トータルは" . $yenAll . "円です<br>";
    return $yenAll;

Beispiel #2
/** ▼ キャップ金額計算 ****************************/
function capCalc(&$arrTodayCap = array())
    $arrClientName = array();
    $arrRcmName = array();
    #print $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']."<br />";
    require_once "feeCalc.php";
    $arrMinusPc = array();
    $arrMinusMobile = array();
    $arrKeywordMinus = array();
    $arrEachWords = array();
    //$startDate = date('Y-m-01');
    $startDate = $_POST[month] . "-01";
    $nowMonth = date('Y-m');
    if ($nowMonth == $_POST[month]) {
        $endDate = date('Y-m-d');
    } else {
        $endDate = date('Y-m-t', strtotime($startDate));
    //End if
    $arrClientMinusYenPc = array();
    $arrClientMinusYenMobile = array();
    print $startDate . "~" . $endDate . "<br><br>";
    $intDays = (strtotime($endDate) - strtotime($startDate)) / (60 * 60 * 24);
    /** ▼ DELETE処理 *****************/
    #$sql = "DELETE FROM `rank_cap_dayly` WHERE (`cad_date` Between '" . $startDate . "' and '" . $endDate . "');";
    //print $sql . "<BR><BR>";
    #  $c_hit = mysql_db_query($dbName,$sql) or die('UPDATE error: '.mysql_errno().', '.mysql_error());
    #$sql = "DELETE FROM `rank_charge` WHERE (`rch_proviso` = '上限差引金額' and rch_month = '" . $_POST[month] . "');";
    //print $sql . "<BR><BR>";
    #  $c_hit = mysql_db_query($dbName,$sql) or die('UPDATE error: '.mysql_errno().', '.mysql_error());
    #for ($l = 0; $l<= $intDays; $l++){
    #  $tempDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+" . $l. " day " . $startDate)) ;
    #  $arrMinusPc[$tempDate] = 0;
    #  $arrMinusMobile[$tempDate] = 0;
    #}//End for
    /** ▲ DELETE処理 *****************/
    require 'SQLConnect_jas.php';
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `rank_cap_mas` ";
    $sql .= " WHERE TRUE  ";
    $sql .= "  AND ((cap_enddate > '{$startDate}') OR (cap_enddate = '0000-00-00')) ";
    if ($_POST[month] !== '2014-09') {
        $sql .= "   AND cap_id != 479 ";
    //End if
    print "Cap : " . $sql . "<br><br>";
    $rs = mysql_db_query($dbName, $sql);
    $rsCount = mysql_num_rows($rs);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $rsCount - 1; $i++) {
        $row = @mysql_fetch_array($rs);
        //print "最高:" . $row[cap_max_yen] . "円<br>";
        $restYen = $row[cap_max_yen];
        $clientId = $row[cap_clientid];
        for ($l = 0; $l <= $intDays; $l++) {
            $tempDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+" . $l . " day " . $startDate));
            //print $tempDate . "<br>";
            $sql2 = " SELECT cac_id, cac_capid, cac_rkwid, rkw_id, rkw_mobile_flag, rkw_account_type, rkw_rclid, rkw_client, rcm_id, rcm_name ";
            $sql2 .= " FROM `rank_cap_child` inner join rank_keyword on rkw_id = cac_rkwid ";
            $sql2 .= " inner join rank_charger_mas on rcm_id = rkw_rcmid ";
            $sql2 .= " Where(cac_capid = " . $row[cap_id] . " ";
            $sql2 .= " and rkw_contract_startdate <= '" . $tempDate . "' ";
            $sql2 .= " and rkw_contract_enddate >= '" . $tempDate . "'";
            $sql2 .= " and cac_status = 0 ";
            $sql2 .= " );";
            #print $sql2 . "<br><br>";
            $rs2 = mysql_db_query($dbName, $sql2);
            $rsCount2 = mysql_num_rows($rs2);
            //print $rsCount2 . "<br>";
            $intDaylyPcAll = 0;
            $intDaylyMobileAll = 0;
            $intPcCount = 0;
            $intMobileCount = 0;
            for ($j = 0; $j <= $rsCount2 - 1; $j++) {
                $row2 = @mysql_fetch_array($rs2);
                $key = $row2[rkw_rclid];
                $arrClientName[$key] = $row2[rkw_client];
                $arrRcmId[$key] = $row2[rcm_id];
                $arrRcmName[$key] = $row2[rcm_name];
                if ($row2[rkw_account_type] != 1 && $row2[rkw_account_type] != 5) {
                    die($row2[rkw_id] . "処理できない:" . $row2[rkw_id] . " : " . $row2[rkw_account_type]);
                if ($row2[rkw_mobile_flag] == "0") {
                } else {
                //End if
                $sql3 = "SELECT rcr_id, rcr_yahooranking, rcr_googleranking, rcr_gooranking FROM ";
                $sql3 .= " `rank_crawl` ";
                $sql3 .= " Where TRUE ";
                $sql3 .= " and (rcr_datetime Like '" . $tempDate . "%' ";
                $sql3 .= " and rcr_rkwid = " . $row2[cac_rkwid] . ");";
                #      print $sql3 . "<br><br>";
                $rs3 = mysql_db_query($dbName, $sql3);
                $rsCount3 = mysql_num_rows($rs3);
                if ($rsCount3 == 0) {
                $rcd_yen_pc = 0;
                $rcd_yen_mobile = 0;
                $row3 = @mysql_fetch_array($rs3);
                //print "id : " . $row2[cac_rkwid] . "<br>";
                //print "Y : " . $row3[rcr_yahooranking] . "<br>";
                //print "G : " . $row3[rcr_googleranking] . "<br>";
                $intFee = feeCalc($row2[cac_rkwid], $row3[rcr_yahooranking], $row3[rcr_googleranking], $row3[rcr_gooranking], $yahooYen, $googleYen, $gooYen);
                if ($row2[rkw_account_type] == 5) {
                    if ($yahooYen > $googleYen) {
                        $intFee = $yahooYen;
                    } else {
                        $intFee = $googleYen;
                    //End if
                //End if
                //if($row[cap_id]==4)print $intFee . "<br>";
                //if ($row2[cac_rkwid] ==400||$row2[cac_rkwid] ==401) print $intFee . "<br>";
                if ($row2[rkw_mobile_flag] == 1) {
                    $intDaylyMobileAll += $intFee;
                    $rcd_yen_mobile = $intFee;
                    if ($restYen < 0) {
                        $arrMinusMobile[$tempDate] += $intFee;
                        $arrKeywordMinus[$row2[cac_rkwid]] += $intFee;
                        $arrEachWords[$tempDate][$row2[cac_rkwid]] = $intFee;
                        $arrClientMinusYenMobile[$clientId] += $intFee;
                    } else {
                        if ($restYen < $intFee) {
                            $arrMinusMobile[$tempDate] += $intFee - $restYen;
                            $arrKeywordMinus[$row2[cac_rkwid]] += $intFee - $restYen;
                            $arrEachWords[$tempDate][$row2[cac_rkwid]] = $intFee - $restYen;
                            $arrClientMinusYenMobile[$clientId] += $intFee - $restYen;
                        //End if
                    //End if
                    $restYen -= $intFee;
                } else {
                    $intDaylyPcAll += $intFee;
                    $rcd_yen_pc = $intFee;
                    if ($restYen < 0) {
                        $arrMinusPc[$tempDate] += $intFee;
                        $arrKeywordMinus[$row2[cac_rkwid]] += $intFee;
                        $arrEachWords[$tempDate][$row2[cac_rkwid]] = $intFee;
                        $arrClientMinusYenPc[$clientId] += $intFee;
                    } else {
                        if ($restYen < $intFee) {
                            $arrMinusPc[$tempDate] += $intFee - $restYen;
                            $arrKeywordMinus[$row2[cac_rkwid]] += $intFee - $restYen;
                            $arrEachWords[$tempDate][$row2[cac_rkwid]] = $intFee - $restYen;
                            $arrClientMinusYenPc[$clientId] += $intFee - $restYen;
                        //End if
                    //End if
                    $restYen -= $intFee;
                //End if
                //print $intFee.  "円<br>";
                //print "PC : " . $rcd_yen_pc . "<br>";
                //print "Mobile : " . $rcd_yen_mobile . "<br>";
                if (false) {
                    echo $tempDate;
                    echo $intDaylyPcAll;
                    echo $intDaylyMobileAll;
                    echo $restYen;
                //End If
        //End for DayLoop
    //End for キャップ金額 rank_cap_mas
    require 'SQLClose.php';
    return $arrKeywordMinus;