Beispiel #1
                $datauser = new stdClass();
                if ($querydata = $DB->get_records_sql($sqlfilteruser, array($USER->id))) {
                    foreach ($querydata as $data) {
                        $datauser->facebookid = $data->facebookid;
                        $datauser->link = "" . $data->facebookid . "/";
                        $datauser->firstname = $data->firstname;
                        $datauser->middlename = "";
                        $datauser->lastname = $data->lastname;
            } else {
                $datauser = $DB->get_record("facebook_user", array("moodleid" => $USER->id));
            //Tesis Roberto Jaunez
            if ($USER->id == 10644 || $USER->id == 2 || $USER->id == 40214 || $USER->id == 381 || $USER->id == 60246 || $USER->id == 32806 || $USER->id == 28988) {
                $toprow = array();
                $toprow[] = new tabobject("Tu cuenta", new moodle_url('/local/facebook/connect.php'), "Tu cuenta");
                $toprow[] = new tabobject("Facebook Analysis", new moodle_url('/local/facebook/facebookalgorithm.php'), "Facebook Analysis");
                echo $OUTPUT->tabtree($toprow, "Tu cuenta");
            $table = facebook_connect_table_generator($datauser->facebookid, $datauser->link, $datauser->firstname, $datauser->middlename, $datauser->lastname);
            // Look if the account was already linked
            $duplicate = $DB->get_record("facebook_user", array("facebookid" => $facebook_id, "status" => FACEBOOK_STATUS_LINKED));
            // if it isn't linked it will return false, if the status is 0 someone already linked it but it is not active.
            $button = new connect(null, array("duplicate" => $duplicate));
// if the user has the account linkd it will show his information and some other actions the user can perform.
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
Beispiel #2
                        // Now you can redirect to another page and use the
                        // access token from $_SESSION['facebook_access_token']
                    } elseif ($helper->getError()) {
                        // The user denied the request
                } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
                    // If the user is logged out, you can have a
                    // user ID even though the access token is invalid.
                    // In this case, we'll get an exception, so we'll
                    // just ask the user to login again here.
                    $params = ["email", "publish_actions", "user_birthday", "user_tagged_places", "user_work_history", "user_about_me", "user_hometown", "user_actions.books", "user_education_history", "user_likes", "user_friends", "user_religion_politics"];
                    ${$loginUrl} = $helper->getLoginUrl($CFG->wwwroot . "/local/facebook/connect.php", $params);
                    echo "Please <a href='" . $login_Url . "'>Log in with Facebook..</a>";
        } else {
            echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("acountconnect", "local_facebook"));
            echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("connectwith", "local_facebook"), 5);
            //TODO: traer data
            $table = facebook_connect_table_generator($facebook_id, $link, $first_name, $middle_name, $last_name, null);
            // Look if the account was already linked
            $duplicate = $DB->get_record("facebook_user", array("facebookid" => $facebook_id, "status" => FACEBOOK_STATUS_LINKED));
            // if it isn't linked it will return false, if the status is 0 someone already linked it but it is not active.
            $button = new connect(null, array("duplicate" => $duplicate));
// if the user has the account linkd it will show his information and some other actions the user can perform.
echo $OUTPUT->footer();