<div class="page-header"> <h2>Honors and Skills</h2> </div> </div> <!-- end row --> <div class="row"> <div class="span8"> <?php extra('Awards', ' 1st place, <a href="http://news.wustl.edu/news/Pages/25373.aspx">2013 WUSTL Discovery Competition</a> (<a href="http://www.sparolabs.com">Sparo Labs</a>)<br /> Eagle Scout<br /> Honorable Mention at 2012 Startup Weekend Columbia (<a href="http://killthelandline.com">Kill the Landline</a>)<br /> Finalist in Spring 2011 Michigan Interactive Investments Competition'); extra('Language', 'Conversational Proficiency in Spanish'); extra('Organizations', 'The Engineers\' Club of St. Louis'); extra('Interests', 'Salsa Dancing<br /><a href="http://beer.philipithomas.com">Craft Beer</a><br />Coffee<br />Rock Climbing'); ?> </div> <div class="span4"> <div class="well"> <h4>Selected Press</h4> <hr /> <ul> <li>St. Louis Business Journal: <a href="http://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/blog/BizNext/2012/10/community-voices-philip-thomas-at.html?page=all">Philip Thomas at Startup Weekend </a></li> <li>Fox 2 Now: <a href="http://philipithomas.com/2012/07/food-truck-stl-on-fox-2-news-in-the-morning/">Live Interview with Food Truck Site Founder Philip I. Thomas </a></li> <li>Forbes: <a href="http://www.forbes.com/sites/kaipetainen/2011/11/11/washu-students-provide-teva-some-healthy-love/">WashU Students Provide Teva Some Healthy Love</a></li> <li>St. Louis Business Journal: <a href="http://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/blog/BizNext/2012/09/wutevc-starts-venture-capital-lecture.html">wute.vc starts venture capital lecture series</a></li> <li>Fox 2 Now: <a href="http://philipithomas.com/2012/10/me-on-fox-2-news-for-text-reject/">Text Reject Founders Demonstrate Website Live on TV</a></li> <li>St. Louis Business Journal: <a href="http://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/blog/BizNext/2013/05/washington-university-students-win.html">Washington University students win $25,000 for medical device</a></li> </ul> <a class="pull-right btn btn-small btn-inverse" href="http://www.philipithomas.com/press">View Full Press <i class="icon-arrow-right icon-white"></I></a><br />
<div id="side"> <div class="single"> <h3>Categories</h3> <ul> <?php categories(); ?> </ul> <h3>RSS Feeds</h3> <ul> <?php rss_links(); ?> </ul> <?php extra(); ?> </div> <div class="single"> <h3>New Posts</h3> <ul> <?php menu_articles(0, 10); ?> </ul> <h3>New Comments</h3> <ul> <?php new_comments(5, 30); ?>
} if (file_exists($pluginpath . "/header.mod")) { $out = str_replace("</head>", file_get_contents($pluginpath . "/header.mod") . "\n</head>", $out); } if (file_exists($pluginpath . "/onload.mod")) { $out = str_replace("<body", "<body onload=\"" . file_get_contents($pluginpath . "/onload.mod") . "\"", $out); } if (file_exists($pluginpath . "/include.mod")) { include "plugins/" . trim($aa[1]) . "/include.mod"; } if (file_exists($pluginpath . "/place.mod")) { $out .= file_get_contents("{$pluginpath}/place.mod"); } } elseif (substr($command, 0, 5) == "extra") { $aa = explode(" ", $command, 2); $out .= extra($aa[1]); } else { $found = false; $output = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "addons WHERE active=1"); $addonss = fetch_all($output); foreach ($addonss as $addon) { if ($command == $addon['name']) { $found = true; require_once "addons/" . $addon['name'] . "/main.php"; $out .= $addon['fname'](); break; } elseif (substr($command, 0, strlen($addon['name'])) == $addon['name']) { $found = true; require_once "addons/" . $addon['name'] . "/main.php"; $bb = trim(substr($command, strlen($addon['name']))); $aa = explode(" ", $bb);
function contact() { // // Custom fields definition array $arrFields = array(); // Add custom fields using following definition: // $arrFields[] = array("<input type>", "<name>", "<label>", '<required/optional>', '<minlength/0>'); // // Examples. // To add mandatory field with label Phone No without string length checking: $arrFields[] = array('text', 'domicilio', 'Domicilio', 'optional', 0); $arrFields[] = array('text', 'localidad', 'Localidad', 'optional', 0); $arrFields[] = array('text', 'phone', 'Teléfono – Celular', 'optional', 0); // To add optional field with label City with checking for minimal string length of 4 symbols: //$arrFields[] = array('text', 'city', 'City', 'optional', 4); // if (!isset($_POST['contactform'])) { // Display contact form echo '<div class="contact">'; //<h2>'.l('contact').'</h2>'; extra('contact'); echo '<p>' . l('required') . '</p>'; echo html_input('form', '', 'post', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'post', db('website'), ''); echo html_input('text', 'name', 'name', '', '* ' . l('name'), 'text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); echo html_input('text', 'email', 'email', '', '* ' . l('email'), 'text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); echo html_input('hidden', 'weblink', 'weblink', '', l('url'), 'text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); // // Get output for custom fields $strHTML = get_contact_fields($arrFields, $code, 'output'); echo $strHTML; // echo html_input('textarea', 'message', 'message', '', '* ' . l('message'), '', '', '', '', '', '5', '5', '', '', ''); // echo mathCaptcha(); // echo '<p>'; echo html_input('hidden', 'ip', 'ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); echo html_input('hidden', 'time', 'time', time(), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); echo html_input('submit', 'contactform', 'contactform', l('submit'), '', 'button', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); echo '</p></form></div>'; $_SESSION[db('website') . 'contact'] = 0; } else { // Fetch and clean input data from default contact form $to = s('website_email'); $subject = s('contact_subject'); $name = trim($_POST['name']); $name = strlen($name) > 1 ? clean(cleanXSS($name)) : null; $mail = trim($_POST['email']); $mail = trim($_POST['email']); $mail = strlen($mail) > 7 && preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9._-]+@[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9.-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9]\\.[A-Z.]{2,6}$/i', $mail) ? clean(cleanXSS($mail)) : null; $url = trim($_POST['weblink']); $url = strlen($url) > 8 && strpos($url, '?') === false ? clean(cleanXSS($url)) : null; $message = trim($_POST['message']); $message = strlen($message) > 9 ? stripslashes(cleanXSS($message)) : null; $message = strip_tags($message); $now = is_numeric($_POST['time']) ? $_POST['time'] : null; $ip = strlen($_POST['ip']) < 16 ? clean(cleanXSS($_POST['ip'])) : null; // // Fetch and clean data from added custom input fields $validExtraFields = true; $code = 0; $strExtraFields = get_contact_fields($arrFields, $code, 'submit'); if ($code == 1 || $code == 2) { // Required fields values missing/invalid $validExtraFields = false; } // if ($_SESSION[db('website') . 'contact'] == 0) { // Added $validExtraFields to if condition if ($ip == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && time() - $now > 4 && $name && $mail && $message && mathCaptcha($_POST['calc'], $_POST['sum']) && $validExtraFields) { $header = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $header .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=" . s('charset') . "\n"; $header .= "From: {$name} <{$mail}>\r\nReply-To: {$name} <{$mail}>\r\nReturn-Path: <{$mail}>\r\n"; $addUrl = isset($url) ? l('url') . ': ' . $url . "\n\n" : ''; $body = "Message from: " . $name . " <{$mail}>\n" . $addUrl . $strExtraFields . l('message') . ":\n" . $message; mail($to, $subject, $body, $header); # notify of success echo notification(0, l('contact_sent'), 'home'); $_SESSION[db('website') . 'contact'] = 1; } else { echo notification(1, l('contact_not_sent'), 'contact'); } } } }